Starting Nov 1



  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I rarely look at other people's diaries so your secret is safe with me :smile: I had a cheeseburger (with bacon!) and fries two days in a row - who am I to judge? LOL I hope you had a most enjoyable, calorie filled birthday dinner! I know you'll enjoy the pizza! Wes is in Calgary today but should be home about 6:30 - we usually eat out on those nights so I'll enjoy something for you too - I'm such a good friend :wink:

    I will check Amazon for the Feliway - at least they ship here. I guess in the grand scheme of things $42/mo is nothing if it means no pee and Wes doesn't have to dig out his ultraviolet light every morning LOL I think I suffered from sticker shock when I first saw it! I wasn't expecting it to be so much. I may take you up on your offer Jen. Are you sure you won't be using it? Maybe it's defective? And no, he didn't find anything with his light. I think I've mentioned before how anal he is? Just more proof LOL

    I had something else to tell you guys but it's completely slipped my mind :grumble: Oh well - I'll come back later when I remember LOL IF I remember! These days one never can tell :laugh:

    Enjoy the day!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Jen, I hope you had a lovely birthday yesterday and like Blue, I rarely look at other people's diaries unless I'm curious about how they only ate a certain amount of calories ha ha. Enjoy your pizza! I looooove pizza these days, well let's be real, I love any type of food.

    I will also be enjoying something likely not good for me tonight - the hubbs and I are stuck in baby class for 6 hours and of course I didn't look at the football schedule and the Seahawks are opening NFL season tonight :grumble: I'm SO mad.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I'm sick and a big baby. Boo. Cough. Sniffle.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Noooooooooooo. I'm sorry Jen! I hope you feel better soon.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    thanks. it's all post nasal drip and throat congestion. ew!
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Not fun :ohwell: at all! And just in time for the weekend! Feel better soon!

    While I'll often get runny noses etc, I don't often get colds. Maybe once every three years! I'm healthy as a horse! I haven't logged a sick day at work in almost 6 years. It drives me crazy when someone gets the sniffles and they're off work for 3 days! I jest but you know how some people take advantage all too often?

    Did you try taping the game Meg? I've done that before but someone always inevitably spills the beans before I can watch!

    I remember what I was going to tell you guys now :smile: My neighbor 5 or six houses down has a pot bellied pig named Eli - he's adorable. He's registered as a therapy pig. He goes into schools and nursing homes for visits. It seems another neighbor has complained about him and so it was discovered that there's a by-law against allowing "livestock" to live in homes in our county. This family has had Eli for about 4 years - obviously no one complained before. Eli was supposed to go to court today (well his family anyway) to try to get a judge to decide the matter. The county has issued a removal order :grumble: and the family is trying to fight it. I guess the case has been postponed but I just wonder why people can't just mind their own business?? They complain he's attracting mice and flies with his smell! I've never seen anything but then again I'm a little farther away. They also believe pigs don't belong in the city - while I don't necessarily disagree with that, it's not like they picked up some wild pig and brought him home. Eli's been all over the news - he even has his own facebook page :smile: I hope the county decides to give them a special permit.

    After re-reading this, I sound awfully grumpy today LOL
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Our class actually ended up getting cancelled... the instructor was "sick" aka forgot there was a HUGE game on ha ha. Anyway, we ended up getting to watch the game (GO HAWKS!) at home so that was nice. Ordered pizza in - I had good intentions of eating healthy buuuuuuuut :)

    That story makes me really sad - probably bc I'm so hormonal. I think pot belly pigs are the cutest things in the world... and yes I agree people need to mind their own business. If the had a problem with it, they should have talked to the neighbors first instead of going to the city. Sounds like these people are super passive agressive. Poor Eli (and his family!). It would make me grumpy too!
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    I have to jump into this conversation - you all sound like you're having too much fun! I'm from Vancouver (and am a huge Seahawks fan), then you start talking about cat troubles and it all!

    PS - the Feliway does have a bit of a smell to it but it works, believe me it works and is so worth it. I end up buying the refills on Amazon because it's cheaper.

    PPS - the pot belly pig story, I heard about that! That poor family...they should let the pig be, he's no harm to anyone and sounds like a great pet to that family.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Welcome J-L! :flowerforyou:

    As you can see we don't actually talk much about lifting LOL It sometimes works its way in there :smile: We're a small, but friendly!! group open to talk about anything and everything.

    Have you been lifting long? Are you doing NR?
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Woot another Hawks fan! And yes, we definitely used to talk about lifting, but not so much anymore. I think Jen is the only one actively doing NROL but she is taking the month off... :laugh:
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Love it! thanks for the warm welcome :flowerforyou: I had started out doing circuit training, then a bit of NROL after I picked up the book, then switched to another program, now thinking about Insanity for a push to get back into fall. I was hoping to get back into NROL but I packed it up and now its in storage because our place isn't ready for us to move in yet :cry: I love lifting heavy, it makes me feel strong and when I mean heavy, it means heavier...would like to lift really heavy...although I've had some problems with my squats and deadlifts causing me grief for days...perhaps my form??

    Anyway, I'm always up for advice, I've sent a few of you friend requests so you can see my profile/diary, I find it interesting to look at how other people "spend" their calories, so to speak.

  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    I love Vancouver! We went there a few years ago. We had perfect weather and such a good time. Welcome!

    That story is sad, Blue. I don't know why some people just insist on getting in everyone's business. And all it takes is one person to ruin a perfectly good thing. I hope it works out for that family.

    I'm actively doing nothing right now :) I loafed most of the day and then had a 2 hour late day meeting. Fun. Came home, made dinner (mm, pasta for two meals today! The only macro I'm concerned with is vitamin C! :bigsmile: ). Now I"m going to loaf and go to bed early. I'm not feeling too badly so I'm hoping all the zinc I'm spraying (I've been taking Zicam since I got home from work feeling shoddy yesterday afternoon) is doing some good.

    Have a good weekend! Enjoy that pizza, Meg! The little one's hungry!
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    Happy Belated Birthday, Jen! Hope you had a great day!!! We took our trailer out and had rotten phone service, so I wasn't able to get into the forums. I've had to delay stage 3 because I twisted my ankle several weeks ago. I tried some of the movements required and boy did it twinge. I plan on getting back into it next week.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Thanks! I hope your ankle heals soon. My arm's feeling much better--I can turn the steering wheel w/o pain--but it's not gone yet. I think it's kinda tight, too. No matter since I feel sickly :)
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    We all seem to be nursing injuries of some sort!

    SO ... I decided to do the 30 day shred for the rest of September! I think I've even convinced Wes to do it with me! Last time we tried it Jillian kicked his *kitten* lol. He had never done a squat or a lunge before so he was a hurtin' puppy! At least now he's familiar with those moves after working with the PT. It will be interesting lol. I find her DVDs to be quite effective.

    Runaway diet today. Had a bacon cheeseburger for lunch again :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: And can't forget the fries - they were awesome! Fresh fried potatoes! With gravy (it's a canadian thing) Went for sushi for dinner. The one thing about eating like this? I'm waaaaay under on my sugars! In fact, if I hadn't had a drink at lunch, they'd be at 12 grams for the day! Sugar is good but got no other nutrients lol

    Hope your cold is lifting Jen!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    i'm hoping today's the bottom of the cold. I was hoping yesterday was but today's worse, so now that's my hope! the runny nose of yesterday has turned into congestion. I didn't sleep well last night which is likely not helping. Charlie the cat woke me up twice shortly after I went to bed with his shenanigans, and then a tickle n my throat woke me as well. I fell soundly asleep after midnight. Bah!

    My plan today is to watch football and nap.

    I love fries and gravy! Mmmmmmmm.
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    I'm paying for those fries and gravy today lol. Scale was up three pounds! I also didn't drink that much water so that was a huge contributor too! Oh well today is another day! Although I'm not sick, my plan is similar to Jen's - watch tv and nap! :drinker:
  • Blueberry09
    Blueberry09 Posts: 821 Member
    Happy Monday - it's friggen snowing here! It's going to turn into rain but geeesh! It's still early September! Go away already and come back in December!

    I definitely stuck to my plan yesterday but TOM was knocking on my door so I managed to devour an entire bag of jalapeno kettle chips and a large mars bar! Not one of my better days that's for sure! I'd been pretty good about staying away from that kind of stuff but TOM sure makes us do weird things. I blame it all on him :bigsmile:

    Today is another day and hubby and I started the 30 Day Shred together this morning. Man, she's tough! NR really helped as I had no trouble at all using 5lb weights (left the 8lbers for Wes). I shouldn't laugh but he's so un-coordinated LOL I give him kudos for even attempting it! That's what he gets for telling me he wants to do weights again LOL Maybe after this we can do NROL4Life together although he's never really one to stick with a plan for long. We'll see how it works out. He's out of town for the next two days but we'll do it again on Thursday morning. Once winter settles in and we're no longer heading out to the trailer on weekends we can get a workout in then too.

    Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Are you feeling better Jen?
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Blue - I saw another friend post that it was snowing in Calgary this morning... sigh. We hit 90 freaking degrees over the weekend, not that I want snow, but low to mid 70's would be nice. I've always thought of gravy and fries as the Canadians version of ranch dressing and fries. I say, give me both with my fries please! I loved Shred, and definitely plan to do it after the baby is born since I don't have to leave home to do it. Also, Mars bars are totally underrated.

    Jen - I hope you're feeling better.

    Hi SK!

    I've been eating way too much pizza, and finally on Saturday night I told the hubbs it was time to make some healthier choices. So Saturday night through yesterday I made mostly healthy choices, and should have no problem keeping up with that until Thursday... then I leave for CA for our "babymoon" if you want to call it that. I don't plan on holding back, and already have a list of restaurants I want to try and few reservations ha ha. You can see where my priorities are :laugh: I pretty much plan on sitting on the beach, eating and then we are going to the Seahawks v. Chargers game in San Diego on Sunday. I'm pretttty stoked! This week can't go by quickly enough.

    My workout goal this week is to get a gym workout in today and Wednesday and a yoga session in tomorrow. I'm also hoping to get a swim in while I'm down there since our hotel has a pool. I know Sunday will involve a lot of walking too, so I think I should sort of balance out what I expect to be a glutinous weekend.

    Hope you ladies all have a great week!
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Morning Everyone!

    I managed to have a decent weekend even though I worked on Saturday and ended up having pizza since it was brought in by the company for lunch. Ate pretty well yesterday even though we went down to Washington to do some shopping for a few hours and ate out for lunch. Saw a gain on the scale yesterday and this morning but I'm thinking that might have something to do with not getting in enough water so back to it today with healthy eating, drinking lots of water and getting to the gym after work every day this week. That's my goal this week. 5 x 60 min. workouts, eat according to plan Mon-Fri and drink 2L of water/day minimum.

    Hope you all have a good start to your week :)