Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Put in a 13.8km run/walk session on Friday in 1hr40, it went a lot better than the long session the previous week. Saturday also felt a lot better than last weekend, less stiffness in my legs. What was also better, from a mindset perspective, was doing nothing yesterday and not worrying about it. My mindset has changed significantly from a desire to do something everyday to a mindset of the rest days are the crucial days, the repairing of the damage done by the progressive overload stimulus. Got rugby coaching this morning but have looked at the week ahead and I think I will end up doing tomorrows run later today as I think I am going to run out of time tomorrow. Just too much work and not enough day. After Friday, I am lot more relaxed about a HM in 5 months time, I thought I could go for at least another 30 mins on Friday. However due to doing run walk intervals the pace on the run intervals was greater than doing continuous pieces, I also noted that doing smaller run intervals compared to the pure B210k, the walk intervals were also faster. Undecided as to whether to go for a continuous run strategy or a Galloway run/walk strategy for the half. I know it's a personal choice, I might be better placed to make a choice once I have done a continuous 10k piece. Hope your weekends are going well.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I was supposed to do a 60 mile bike ride yesterday, but it got rained out, so I went for a long run instead. By the time I got to the park, the rain had pretty much stopped and it had cooled down. I ran a full loop around the park plus a little extra to man it 7 miles in 1:12:43, 10:15 pace. Miles 4, 5, and 6 (partly downhill) were under 10 minute miles! No walking breaks, just running!

    We did a 30 mile ride today. The weather was absolutely perfect!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Yesterday I did my longest run yet: 16.3 miles at a 9:15 average pace. I started closer to 10:00 pace and by the last mile I was down to 8:30 pace. That was the end of my biggest week yet: 44 miles. Just some minor soreness in my achilles but nothing I am too concerned about. This week drops down a little to 40 miles as I get ready for a half marathon on the 20th. I probably will not be "racing" that half, just enjoying it and taking it easy on myself. In fact I think I will be taking it easy on all my races between now and the marathon in November. No point ruining my marathon for a smaller race.

    On Saturday my wife ran the Divas Half Marathon in Peachtree City and finished 15th overall out of 2,253. It wasn't a PR but she was happy with a 1:45 time in the heat & humidity.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    It's great hearing about how well you guys are going, it is very inspiring for someone new to this activity.

    Put in a 1 hour session yesterday which went well, I am genuinely amazed about where I am having to run to get an hours run in. I would never have thought it 12 weeks ago. And for that I have zenlabs and you guys to thank.

    Thank you
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Well I finished the half marathon! It wasn't fast. My official time was 3 hours 11 minutes and some seconds. It was hot! Really hot and humid and sunny! Sunday was not hot. Sunday was really nice, but Saturday was hot. The Amish community, who ran this half marathon, was really nice. They were well organized, had plenty of everything, and supported all the runners, even the last ones in. There were a number of children on ladders with hoses with sprinkler heads spraying any runners who wanted to be sprayed with water. All the watering areas had plenty of kids and adults with water and gatorade.

    I did a lot more walking than I have been and think that I averaged a slower time than I did my 11 and 12 mile runs at. It was hard to run when everyone you saw in front of you was walking and it was just so hot. After about 5 miles, I walked every uphill and ran the downhills and few flat areas. Again, after about 5 miles, I changed my goals to finishing within the maximum time of 4 hours, not getting sun sick like I did on my 10 mile practice run, and not coming in last. The sun sick was a bit close as I did get disoriented some, but not dizzy. I was well within the maximum time. Plus not even close to last as there were many people after me. Much more before, but plenty after too. Since I did my virtual half on June 1st in a time of 3 hours 15 minutes, this was even a PR for me. I really want to do another half marathon in the Spring though with heat indexes below the three digit territory!

    I was still sore this morning, but wanted to get moving again, so Fells and I got out and did three miles before work.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    That is fantastic news, well done on the PR. It is a shame about the heat but really great that you recognised the issues and changed your goals accordingly. I think you should enter another HM now, while you bathe in the positive thoughts of this one.

    As mentioned earlier you guys are just so inspiring. I look forward to reading you break the 3 hour mark.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Well done on your half Donna!! Congrats! Yeah, this heat can't go away fast enough.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Great work Donna!!
    I'm not looking forward to the heat hitting here :(

    Nice work on your runs Tim & Robbie :)

    Yesterday arvo after work - 12k as the winds built up for the impending storm that's caused a Severe Weather Warning to be issued for Perth. Somehow I missed 99% of the rain, and the wind for a large part although strong wasn't too much of a hindrance. It tended to blow me up the hills and I think I only had 3k of running against it on the flat. Legs are still heavy from the HM last weekend, and quads are definitely still shot but it was a good run and my second fastest over this loop :)
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    The group/social run tonight, solo 5k 'warmup' 3-4k of social laps as I'm not doing intervals at the moment and then a final group 5k to finish. About 30 people there tonight, so the group is growing. Great weather great people, great night!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Donna, nice medal and shirt in your profile pic.

    taeliesyn - great to see you getting out after reporting you were still recovering from the half marathon. Did you follow any particular post race running strategy or just left it to nature and feeling?

    Did another 1 hour session, a nice easy one. It felt good and I thought I was moving well. Post event analysis shows that it was an easy session but nowhere near as fast as I thought I was going. Not sure whether the cool of running at 5am in the morning tricked me or the fact it was pre dawn on lit streets tricked me into thinking I was going faster. Anyway happy just to get 10k into the legs.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Yesterday, I repeated 5 to 10k, w1d1 with a coworker who has decided to start it over again. Running at her pace, almost 4 miles.

    I am finally ready to admit that I like running. This is a big step for me. I have always hated running.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Yesterday, I repeated 5 to 10k, w1d1 with a coworker who has decided to start it over again. Running at her pace, almost 4 miles.

    You are so kind, here and elsewhere.
    I am finally ready to admit that I like running. This is a big step for me. I have always hated running.

    This had me laughing, I recognise the same trait.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I am finally ready to admit that I like running. This is a big step for me. I have always hated running.

    Yay!!!!!:smile::smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Yesterday, I repeated 5 to 10k, w1d1 with a coworker who has decided to start it over again. Running at her pace, almost 4 miles.

    I am finally ready to admit that I like running. This is a big step for me. I have always hated running.

    This makes me soooo happy!!!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Yesterday, I repeated 5 to 10k, w1d1 with a coworker who has decided to start it over again. Running at her pace, almost 4 miles.

    I am finally ready to admit that I like running. This is a big step for me. I have always hated running.

  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Tomorrow I am going out with JogScotland. Because they are just starting back after the summer it is 6 minute run/walk intervals. It is an intermediate group, mainly people who have just moved up from c25k. I just want to run with other people for a change! My son said he might come along too. Looking forward to it. It will be dark by the time we finish so I might just have to wear my new jacket ????
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Donna, nice medal and shirt in your profile pic.

    taeliesyn - great to see you getting out after reporting you were still recovering from the half marathon. Did you follow any particular post race running strategy or just left it to nature and feeling?

    Did another 1 hour session, a nice easy one. It felt good and I thought I was moving well. Post event analysis shows that it was an easy session but nowhere near as fast as I thought I was going. Not sure whether the cool of running at 5am in the morning tricked me or the fact it was pre dawn on lit streets tricked me into thinking I was going faster. Anyway happy just to get 10k into the legs.

    Pretty well just left it to nature and feeling, although I did ignore the 'I dont wanna run!' feeling my legs had on Monday and less so on Tuesday after the Half. Glad I got out and turned things over. Since then it's more or less been as per normal, although still a little easier (Except Saturday and parkrun). Heading into my second week of recovery I can tell I'm still not 100% but this is closer to accumulated fatigue than anything else and I'm not minding it too much.

    Nice work on your 10k Robbie, you get runs where your perception plays all sorts of tricks on you.

    Great work with your coworker Ceci and WHOO HOO! Glad to hear you're actually liking running now :)

    Romy, sounds like a perfect excuse to wear your new jacket!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Put in a 13.8km run/walk session on Friday in 1hr40, it went a lot better than the long session the previous week. Saturday also felt a lot better than last weekend, less stiffness in my legs. What was also better, from a mindset perspective, was doing nothing yesterday and not worrying about it. My mindset has changed significantly from a desire to do something everyday to a mindset of the rest days are the crucial days, the repairing of the damage done by the progressive overload stimulus. Got rugby coaching this morning but have looked at the week ahead and I think I will end up doing tomorrows run later today as I think I am going to run out of time tomorrow. Just too much work and not enough day. After Friday, I am lot more relaxed about a HM in 5 months time, I thought I could go for at least another 30 mins on Friday. However due to doing run walk intervals the pace on the run intervals was greater than doing continuous pieces, I also noted that doing smaller run intervals compared to the pure B210k, the walk intervals were also faster. Undecided as to whether to go for a continuous run strategy or a Galloway run/walk strategy for the half. I know it's a personal choice, I might be better placed to make a choice once I have done a continuous 10k piece. Hope your weekends are going well.

    That is a big shift, and an important one.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    For those not on my feed, I did my long run on Sunday pushing a single jog stroller on the rail trail (flat and paved). It was a good run but my legs were a little tired going into it, so I'm not going to extend my run time until Sept 20th at the earliest.

    Last night, I had to finish a project so I ended working late and running on the road. Instead of doing the full 45 minutes, I did a 2.5 mile loop and finished in 32 minutes. So, checking the box with what I had to give. I feel VERY fresh this morning though, so if I have good runs the next two Sundays, I should still be on track to ramp up on the 20th.

    I also question whether ramping up to a half marathon in my first year was a good idea for me or whether it forced an unready body to make adaptations that hurt me in the long run.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Tomorrow I am going out with JogScotland. Because they are just starting back after the summer it is 6 minute run/walk intervals. It is an intermediate group, mainly people who have just moved up from c25k. I just want to run with other people for a change! My son said he might come along too. Looking forward to it. It will be dark by the time we finish so I might just have to wear my new jacket ????

    That sounds like fun!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Tomorrow I am going out with JogScotland. Because they are just starting back after the summer it is 6 minute run/walk intervals. It is an intermediate group, mainly people who have just moved up from c25k. I just want to run with other people for a change! My son said he might come along too. Looking forward to it. It will be dark by the time we finish so I might just have to wear my new jacket ????

    I like running with people too. For me it's usually with a couple of people from work who don't really run much, so I slow down to their pace, but it's still fun!

    I was supposed to ride yesterday, but little sleep and an 11 hour workday convinced me to rest. I did get up this morning and ran 5k at my national park, in the dark, and rain. It was good! If I run to the top of the hill and back, it's almost 5k plus room for warm up and cool down. Of course, that means the first half is up hill! But, that also makes for some pretty fast pace downhill miles too!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Friend from work wanted to run yesterday after work, so we did 5 to 10k, w1d2. I like doing this with her, because I don't have to work too hard. It's a slower pace than I would normally run and there are walking intervals. I don't think my heart rate gets over 140 the entire run. I have to make myself slow down, so she's not struggling to keep up. We are planning to run a 10k in November. Then I will have about 5 months to concentrate on half training.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    It is great to see the work you guys do with others. And I am even more impressed by people so committed to getting their running done, that they take their children out in a stroller to do it. Amazing. Romy you need to wear it out, I would not need any other excuse. I am glad that everyone seems to be having a good time with their programmes, even if they are not always what they had planned.

    Update from the cardiologist. Long story short, my neurology has not kept up with my physiology. I have shed 76 lbs this year, am still overweight, but my neurology is not reacting to the new weight as well as it should. Treatment, wait it out and let it rebuild/ reprogramme itself to cope with the new me. So good news really, just been given some coping techniques to preempt the symptoms.

    Another 10km this morning, last week of C210k next week. Looking forward to completing C210k and then starting some prep for the HM training that will start after returning from holiday
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    It can be hard to slow down at times Ceci. Sometimes the slower pace is more effort than the faster one as it's not the natural pace.

    Bit of a mixed bag with your news there Robbie, at least you know what's going on and have some strategies in place. Hopefully your neurology catches up soon!
    Congrats on getting towards the end of C210K I don't think I ever actually finished the program as such to be honest.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Glad it is positive news from your cardiologist Robbie.

    I ran 5k on Monday and was supposed to do an 8k tempo run on Wednesday but because I was going out with JogScotland I changed it to Tuesday. Unfortunately I was really busy and had to go out straight after dinner with a belly full of macaroni cheese! Not a good idea, I hated every minute of it but I hit my target times for every km. I think I'm just too stubborn to give in! JogScotland was fun and I wore my new jacket. We did five 6 minute running intervals. They ran faster than I normally do so it turned out to be a good workout. Tomorrow is a 10 mile run which is probably a good thing as it's date night and we're going out for dinner to a restaurant that has the most amazing desserts!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Thanks for the thoughts

    Romy, so glad that you had an opportunity to wear out your new jacket, sounds like you have had a busy week both on and off the road. Hope you enjoy your run today and more so those desserts.

    I went out this morning to push the long run out to 18km, using 5min run, 1 min walk intervals, however it felt so good at 16km, I went on a deviation and finished up with half marathon distance. Endomondo clocked it at 2hr 33. Feeling sore but have been out supermarket shopping doing some gentle walking so hoping not to stiffen up too much.

    I will finish C210k this week but not sure what to do between next week and the start of 12 week half marathon training at Christmas. The intention is to use the following HM plan


    to complete a HM in March. So I have 3 months between now and starting that plan with very little idea what to do. I know I need structure, unstructured do what you like means that I will either overdo it or do nothing. All suggestions greatly received.

    Hope you enjoy whatever running you do.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    No running for me today, just a 40 mile bike ride! Hills. Cold. Windy.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I am finally ready to admit that I like running. This is a big step for me. I have always hated running.

    This is great!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Tomorrow I am going out with JogScotland. Because they are just starting back after the summer it is 6 minute run/walk intervals. It is an intermediate group, mainly people who have just moved up from c25k. I just want to run with other people for a change! My son said he might come along too. Looking forward to it. It will be dark by the time we finish so I might just have to wear my new jacket ????

    Have fun, Romy! I think its wonderful that your son is interested enough to go along, too!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Update from the cardiologist. Long story short, my neurology has not kept up with my physiology. I have shed 76 lbs this year, am still overweight, but my neurology is not reacting to the new weight as well as it should. Treatment, wait it out and let it rebuild/ reprogramme itself to cope with the new me. So good news really, just been given some coping techniques to preempt the symptoms.

    Another 10km this morning, last week of C210k next week. Looking forward to completing C210k and then starting some prep for the HM training that will start after returning from holiday

    Good news, Robbie. It'll take time but the New You will catch up with the neurology.

    Way to go on the C210K training! I put it aside over the summer but will pick it up again soon.