Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I've been on 3 good runs this week. After a couple of weeks of sore thighs and achy knees, it feels good to just run and enjoy it. I never did figure out the reason for the aches and pains. Just one of those things, I guess.

    The air is still very cool and if there's a wind it's a cold one but the sun is shining and it's just gorgeous to be outdoors.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    birthday threshold run...wu/cooldown @ 10:00 for 5 minutes each; 15 min t run @ 8:20 for 15 min and 3 min recovery jog @ 10;00ish

    aveage pace @ 9:03...covered about 3.2 miles in 29 minutes
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Happy birthday
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Varda how's the body feeling?

    Joe I'm a data geek, so I like technology. We've discussed this a little but I have a Garmin GPS watch and the HRM chest strap. I also have a Fitbit. I wear the Fitbit 24/7 just to keep a general idea of my normal daily activity (I aim for 10,000 steps a day) and I also use the sleep tracker function. When I run outside I use my Garmin GPS & HRM. When I run on the treadmill or do strength or other cardio at the gym I can set my watch for indoor use, where the watch just has the timer & HR and doesn't try to use GPS. I'm not sure how the apps you referenced work and whether you can monitor real-time. If I'm running or working out with my trainer I don't usually watch my HR as I'm doing it, but if I'm doing intervals on the bike or rowing sometimes I like to see my HR so I know whether I need to increase or decrease intensity.

    I just went for my run. The wind chill is -4F, and the roads were intermittently wet, slushy, icy or snowy from the 6 inches of snow we got yesterday. I almost turned around 2 blocks out, but convinced myself to at least go a half mile and see how I felt. Next I looked at my watch I had gone just over 3/4 of a mile and decided I could keep going. I stepped on a chunk of ice at 4.5 miles and just about turned my ankle. I was crossing over from one almost clear spot to another almost clear spot in the road at 5 miles and nearly wiped out rather spectacularly. At 5 miles, as I kept getting sprayed with slush by passing cars who didn't feel compelled to slow down, I kept repeating to myself "You are strong. You can do this. You are strong. You can do this." It was a brutal run, and I loved it.

    6 miles in 1:16:19 (12:44 pace) which I'm super happy with considering the road conditions. Fastest mile was my 6th at 12:19.98. Slowest mile was my 4th at 13:00.26. I've been averaging 13:30-14:00 minute miles outdoors over the winter so it's nice to see even my slowest mile faster than what I have been doing.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    thanks for the birthday wishes var and laura...

    i love the tech too...i have a tom-tom runner and my new hrm strap should be here tuesday.

    i run with the watch..

    just last week i started the weider factor:st 8 week dvd program, trying to do some cross training.
    i just have no real ideal about calorie burn during those sessions, so i thought i would get a polar loop or the garmin vivofit, since you can record activities with an hrm... but i think i can still connect my hrm to the iPad and use apps like digit to record the sessions.
    so i don't know, i think i can get by without the tracker, but kinda want one....but i also like wearing my watch all the time.

    i pain over small purchases like this more than the average person, and will agonize long after a decision is made. i don't want to duplicate data either. so i would have to take the tracker off while running, unless garmin connect would allow me to upload the file from tom-tom and that would supersede the tracker for that period of time...lots of unknowns

  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I wear my watch & Fitbit all the time - with my watch on the left wrist & Fitbit on the right wrist (well I take the watch off overnight but wear it during the day). I do download my data to Garmin Connect but since that's completely separate from my Fitbit account I wear both even when I work out since I'm looking at the data for different purposes. Also if I'm rowing or biking at the gym that doesn't count as "steps" on my Fitbit so it's not tracking that activity (which is why the HRM is nice).

    I love the battery life of the Vivofit and that I could use it with my HRM but (1) I don't need something to connect with my HRM because I can do that with my watch, which I'm wearing anyway; and (2) there's absolutely nothing wrong with my Fitbit so I have a hard time justifying buying something else that doesn't have any features I actually need that I'm not already getting with my existing tech. I would be curious though how my Forerunner & Vivofit would work together since they're both Garmin products.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Today I ran 60 minutes straight! I feel great. I took it slow (an easy run) and just kept going.
    I went a new route today. Started with my hilly route and at a junction turned right instead of left. Turns out, that's quite a hilly stretch! At one point, I thought I'd have to stop and walk but then I crested the hill and saw a downhill, then a level stretch and these were great for a recovery period before the next hill, so I could keep on running.
    It's days like today that really make me feel like a runner.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Today was the Publix Georgia Half Marathon. My wife & I were treating this as a normal training run so no racing it. Our goal was to average 9:30 pace overall and we hit that exactly. We did a 1-mile warmup run then hit the course with about 17,000 other people. It was a total blast running at an easier pace. Saw some friends cheering us on and yelled at all the volunteers & supporters along the way. Total fun for 13.1 miles!! Here are our race splits (you can tell where the hills are):

    1 9:46
    2 9:41
    3 9:42
    4 9:59
    5 9:26
    6 9:38
    7 9:30
    8 9:13
    9 9:06
    10 9:26
    11 9:26
    12 9:45
    13 9:08
    0.1 8:19
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Today I ran 60 minutes straight! I feel great. I took it slow (an easy run) and just kept going.
    I went a new route today. Started with my hilly route and at a junction turned right instead of left. Turns out, that's quite a hilly stretch! At one point, I thought I'd have to stop and walk but then I crested the hill and saw a downhill, then a level stretch and these were great for a recovery period before the next hill, so I could keep on running.
    It's days like today that really make me feel like a runner.

    Sweet!!! Nice job!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Great run Plexgut! I live in a hilly area too so I feel for you.

    Tim, sounds like you had a great day, if only all races were that much fun!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Tim, sounds like you had a great day, if only all races were that much fun!

    Thanks! It was so touching with all the supporters, volunteers, and law enforcement cheering us on. I thanked every police officer I passed by.

    Another thing that made me happy was my heart rate. It stayed in my "comfortable" zone the whole time! I think my aerobic capacity is really increasing.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    great run Tim.

    i ran 43 minutes at 9:50 for about 4.4 miles...was a nice and easy sunday afternoon run
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    bought a fitbit flex, so if anyone wants to be friends just lemme know..thanks
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    3 miles today and yesterday also... Lady at work and I have started text messaging sweaty selfies to each other after every workout to Inspire the other person (or guilt them) either way, there's money on the line. (Hehe) $.50 c for every missed workout that we each committed to. She committed to 6 a week, I committed to 5. So far it's Thursday and I'm on workout #2 - guess that means I'm running all weekend ;) it's fun though a little friendly competition and motivation is always helpful!!!

    Accountability buddies are awesome!

    Yes! They are!!! ;-)
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Today was the Publix Georgia Half Marathon. My wife & I were treating this as a normal training run so no racing it. Our goal was to average 9:30 pace overall and we hit that exactly. We did a 1-mile warmup run then hit the course with about 17,000 other people. It was a total blast running at an easier pace. Saw some friends cheering us on and yelled at all the volunteers & supporters along the way. Total fun for 13.1 miles!! Here are our race splits (you can tell where the hills are):

    1 9:46
    2 9:41
    3 9:42
    4 9:59
    5 9:26
    6 9:38
    7 9:30
    8 9:13
    9 9:06
    10 9:26
    11 9:26
    12 9:45
    13 9:08
    0.1 8:19

    This is great, Tim!!! I'm glad that it went so well for you!

    I'm really nervous about my first 1/2. I'm not getting enough runs in...three a week, if I'm lucky. My run today was hard and felt pretty dang awful. My phone died, I was underdressed and ended up horribly chapped, I stubbed my bad toe twice losing part of toenail in the process (oh man that hurt!), and I walked some of it. I felt pretty defeated. My whole run added up to 8.6 miles which wasn't too shabby, but it's well shy of 13.1! The one good thing about it was I did it.

    I think my very active day yesterday (an all day scavenger hunt/ great race event) and my poor nutrition/hydration kicked me in the butt.

    My group on Tuesday will be doing some speed work, so I will just focus forward to that and hope the next one is better!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I took full advantage of the clear weather over the weekend, even though it was a little colder than I would have liked.

    Friday, I ran:


    I had a few walking breaks throughout and stopped once to take a picture, but felt really good about the run.

    My legs were complaining on Saturday morning, but I rode anyway, got in 70 miles on Saturday and another 24 on Sunday!

    The Saturday ride included the worst hill I've ever faced on a bike and it won. I had to walk the bike up the last 50 feet or so. I'm sure we looked pathetic once we collapsed at the top! That was around mile 25 and we almost called it a day. A friend in a truck stopped to see if we needed to be rescued! It was very tempting, but we pushed through it.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I'm really nervous about my first 1/2. I'm not getting enough runs in...three a week, if I'm lucky. My run today was hard and felt pretty dang awful. My phone died, I was underdressed and ended up horribly chapped, I stubbed my bad toe twice losing part of toenail in the process (oh man that hurt!), and I walked some of it. I felt pretty defeated. My whole run added up to 8.6 miles which wasn't too shabby, but it's well shy of 13.1! The one good thing about it was I did it.

    I think my very active day yesterday (an all day scavenger hunt/ great race event) and my poor nutrition/hydration kicked me in the butt.

    My group on Tuesday will be doing some speed work, so I will just focus forward to that and hope the next one is better!

    You've had a tough weekend, I'm sure your next run will be so much better.
    I had a few walking breaks throughout and stopped once to take a picture, but felt really good about the run.

    My legs were complaining on Saturday morning, but I rode anyway, got in 70 miles on Saturday and another 24 on Sunday!

    The Saturday ride included the worst hill I've ever faced on a bike and it won. I had to walk the bike up the last 50 feet or so. I'm sure we looked pathetic once we collapsed at the top! That was around mile 25 and we almost called it a day. A friend in a truck stopped to see if we needed to be rescued! It was very tempting, but we pushed through it.

    What a great weekend you have had! Have you thought about entering a duathlon?
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Great runs everyone! Congrats on what sounds like an awesome HM, Tim!

    I'm on Fitbit too. If anyone wants to add me, my profile is https://www.fitbit.com/user/22TCTR
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I'm really nervous about my first 1/2. I'm not getting enough runs in...three a week, if I'm lucky. My run today was hard and felt pretty dang awful. My phone died, I was underdressed and ended up horribly chapped, I stubbed my bad toe twice losing part of toenail in the process (oh man that hurt!), and I walked some of it. I felt pretty defeated. My whole run added up to 8.6 miles which wasn't too shabby, but it's well shy of 13.1! The one good thing about it was I did it.

    I think my very active day yesterday (an all day scavenger hunt/ great race event) and my poor nutrition/hydration kicked me in the butt.

    My group on Tuesday will be doing some speed work, so I will just focus forward to that and hope the next one is better!

    You've had a tough weekend, I'm sure your next run will be so much better.
    I had a few walking breaks throughout and stopped once to take a picture, but felt really good about the run.

    My legs were complaining on Saturday morning, but I rode anyway, got in 70 miles on Saturday and another 24 on Sunday!

    The Saturday ride included the worst hill I've ever faced on a bike and it won. I had to walk the bike up the last 50 feet or so. I'm sure we looked pathetic once we collapsed at the top! That was around mile 25 and we almost called it a day. A friend in a truck stopped to see if we needed to be rescued! It was very tempting, but we pushed through it.

    What a great weekend you have had! Have you thought about entering a duathlon?

    I probably will at some point. After I get the MS 150 behind me next month, I'll decide what I'm going to train for next!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm really nervous about my first 1/2. I'm not getting enough runs in...three a week, if I'm lucky. My run today was hard and felt pretty dang awful. My phone died, I was underdressed and ended up horribly chapped, I stubbed my bad toe twice losing part of toenail in the process (oh man that hurt!), and I walked some of it. I felt pretty defeated. My whole run added up to 8.6 miles which wasn't too shabby, but it's well shy of 13.1! The one good thing about it was I did it.

    Heh. Sounds like my half marathon training. :bigsmile: