Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Took off work today and tomorrow, spending some time with my husband who is off for Spring Break. We went "junk" shopping. Hoping for motorcycle weather tomorrow!
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    I've been neglecting you all!! Soooo busy! Hope everyone is a.) happy b.) healthy c.) injury free and d.) killing their workouts!!!

    Put in 20 miles Tuesday, last four miles were the fastest. I had the support of some dear friends that work at 3WRaces with me run the last four by my side! They run ~2:40 full marathons so I thought I could keep an 11:00 pace vs. my typical 12:30 long run training pace. Least I could do ????

    Good thing we make the elite runners look so fast ????
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I've been neglecting you all!! Soooo busy! Hope everyone is a.) happy b.) healthy c.) injury free and d.) killing their workouts!!!

    Put in 20 miles Tuesday, last four miles were the fastest. I had the support of some dear friends that work at 3WRaces with me run the last four by my side! They run ~2:40 full marathons so I thought I could keep an 11:00 pace vs. my typical 12:30 long run training pace. Least I could do ????

    Good thing we make the elite runners look so fast ????

    I hate to think what time you posted this at, must have been a very late night!

    My thigh has been really sore since my run on Wednesday, going to have to chase up my doctor about the physio appt.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I did two sucky miles at a 12:30 average pace that included walking up hills and my legs and butt hurt. I was also wearing too many clothes and screwed around procrastinating until I no longer had time to do the 90 minute run that I should have done. It'll be nice when it warms up enough for me to get the running in first thing. I think I'm going to quit running today. I will throw a tantrum and maybe break something.

    Then I have a 5k with a friend on Saturday. I tried to weasel out of doing it WITH her so that I could meet my Jantastic 5k goal, but that was the wrong thing to do and I redacted. So, we're going to walk a minute every 10. She just finished W6D1 yesterday (and made it to week 8 before getting pregnant a year and a half ago.)

    Next week, I'll be able to do that trail after work on Tuesday, so I should be able to get everything in.

    I read about the "Greasing the Groove" technique yesterday and started to apply it to my Australian pull ups. I'm also thinking about how it applies to running...is that what LSD does?

  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Just got home from the doctor and everything looks good. My hip soreness has been gone since Tuesday, only to be replaced by some soreness in my upper hamstring / lower glute area. She found a small knot at the upper hamstring attachment and worked it out as best she could. I need to keep working on it with a tennis ball and icing it.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    There's a whole lot of soreness going on and I want everybody to stop it. I command you all to be healthy.

    Having said that, my legs hurt so much today I was limping. Part of the problem is I've been a slacker with my foam roller and my hips hurt from neglecting my IT bands. The other half of the problem is the leg workout with my trainer last night, which didn't seem all that hard at the time but holy crap I hurt today so obviously it was effective. I'm currently blaming the deep squats holding two 25# kettlebells, but who knows. Maybe it was a cumulative effort.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Guess I need to check out these links sometimes..."greasing the groove" :

    Great news Tim.

    Vard..sorry about the sucky part of the 2 miles and..

    Laura...I read your posts and get the impression you could kick my *kitten* all over MFP and all the way across my dashboard on fitbit!

    Busy night with activities. Kids and stuff. Also, my favorite headphones died today, so I bought another pair.

    Tomorrow is supposed to be a small tempo run...but we will see. I have to get in a X-factor workout and I also just received P90X and P90X3 workout vids, but i'm gonna wait til I finish this X-factor program.

    oh, my name is John, btw. Someone (not gonna name any names) busted me on another thread.lol
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    John! LOL! Where did "joedfro" come from? LOL!

    I have been crazy busy with work and family, so I am trying to read cacth up with all of yall.

    I was feeling lowly earlier this week. I had a terribly sucky long run, then on Tuesday's coaching night I fell. Hard. Ugh.

    Last night I made a last minute decision to take my bruises and do a 5K today. So glad I did! My faith in myself is restored! New PR! 30:10! YAY!!!! Do you realize that the last time I ran an official race, the ambulance followed behind me? I am a whopping 6 minutes and 29 seconds faster than my 5K race last July! Long distance running pays. So do hills. I passed so many people on the hills! 3 total in the race. Hooray!!!! I do admit that I thought more than once "Don't fall!"

    However, reading your posts makes me realize how wimpy I am. You guys are kicking serious a**!

    Laura, squats with 50 pounds of weight? Geesh!

    I really need to get back to weight training and more diversified cardio, but I'm having a hard time even fitting in enough runs to met the minimum of my HM plan.

    Varda, you are the most awesome and encouraging person! I love that you are helping others complete 5K. I'm being kind of selfish with my running time until I get through my half. Then my goal through the Summer is to take time to encourage my kids, husband, and friends to run. I am already bugging my husband to trail run with me. Also, I think I may try a team adventure race in August. Not sure yet. Gotta get through my 1/2 first!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    oh, my name is John, btw. Someone (not gonna name any names) busted me on another thread.lol

    LOL, and all this time I've been calling you Joe!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Gotta brag about my wife who set a 5K PR today of 22:54 at the Atlanta Women's 5K. Her previous PR was 25:24, so a huge improvement.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Tim, congrats to your wife! That's amazing.

    Beth, you rock. No DFL for you!!!

    John, thanks to fitbit I knew your secret but I wasn't going to tell. :)

    My run today was amazing. I followed a course that my trainer suggested. I knew it was going to be challenging because he had a gleam in his eye that he usually only gets when he's asking me to do something I find ridiculous. But he also knows I can never back down from a challenge so even when I think it's too much, I'm going to at least try. He told me to start at the Wells Fargo bank the next town over, run down to the entrance to the Jay Cooke State Park, then run through the park to a spot where the road is closed (there was some major flooding a couple of years ago and they're still making repairs where the highway washed out). The bank to the start of the park was 1.25 miles all downhill, so I knew that was going to be long coming back, especially at the end of the run when I'm already tired. Jason (my trainer) made it sound like there was one pretty big hill I would run down about 3/4 to 1 mile long right when I get to the state park, then I was going to run up another hill before I got to the turn-around spot. That one long hill was followed by another and another and another - in the end it was another 2+ miles before I started heading uphill again. The turnaround was at 4.3 miles (and a quarter mile from my niece's house so yes I contemplated running there and seeing if she'd drive me back to my car). As I was just starting to run back, anticipating running 3.4 miles uphill (with some short flat sections between long hills) I was actually angry at Jason because he knows this is a long distance for me and he must have been out of his mind thinking I could run this course with all these hills.

    Those hills felt amazing. The final one out of the park (the 3/4 to 1 mile long one) was steep at the end so I was breathing harder, but I never had a moment where I felt like it was too much. I still had it in my head that I wanted to get in 10 miles so when I got up out of the park I took a really flat side road down & back before tackling the 1.25 miles back uphill to the bank. Once I got there I was at 9.75 so I kept going until I got to 10.

    I do need to figure out fueling - I took in way too many calories during/after my run, but also felt like I needed it. I ate a bagel & peanut butter this morning, then a banana around 12:30 before I left for my run. During my run I had a gel at 3 miles, 4 Gu chews at 6 miles, the other 4 Gu chews in the package at 8.5 miles, and a bottle of Powerade. Next time I could try using water instead of Powerade since I'm also taking in gels/chews. The Powerade is the same brand/flavor they'll be handing out at the half I'm running so they suggested getting used to it. I wasn't going to do the final 4 chews but I was tiring out at that point and was about to start up the 1.25 miles uphill to get back to the bank. After my run I had a beverage in the car (a mix of Advocare Rehydrate & Spark) and then when I jumped in the shower at home I realized I was really hungry, so I drank a higher calorie protein drink I had gotten free at the gym one day. I never did eat lunch, but still I'd like to get through a run without consuming as many calories as I'm burning. It took me 2:05:46 for the run, with an average pace of 12:35 (which is my fastest long run average pace to date). According to my Garmin I burned 1169 calories. Suggestions/advice?
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Laura - awesome run!!! Regarding fueling - if it's a race don't worry about it. Eat what you want when you want. For training I try not to use anything but when I was first going over 10K distance I would fuel at 10K then every 5K after. I've run training runs now up to half marathon distance without anything. In a race I fuel about the same distances - 3 miles, 6-7 miles, and 8-9 miles (for a half marathon). I don't mix gel/chews with any sports drink. That turns to molasses in your digestive tract. Gels/chews should only be combined with water.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Laura - awesome run!!! Regarding fueling - if it's a race don't worry about it. Eat what you want when you want. For training I try not to use anything but when I was first going over 10K distance I would fuel at 10K then every 5K after. I've run training runs now up to half marathon distance without anything. In a race I fuel about the same distances - 3 miles, 6-7 miles, and 8-9 miles (for a half marathon). I don't mix gel/chews with any sports drink. That turns to molasses in your digestive tract. Gels/chews should only be combined with water.

    Good to know. My fuel belt only has room for 1 bottle so I've been bringing the Powerade, but will switch to water going forward. During the race they have both water & Powerade at the stations so I can opt for water at the stops where I do a gel.

    Edit to say that I'm intentionally fueling during my longer runs (7 miles or longer) because my trainer wants me to practice now & see what works best for me, so the day of the half (which will be my first) I'll already know what to do.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    congrats on the races vard and bttr!!!

    Awesome run Laura

    and congrats for your wife's PR!

    Finally took measurements today, wish i would have when I first started losing weight.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Too late to edit above post so here goes

    I wanted to run my Threshold run at my planned pace for my next 5K and I did the 15 minutes and really felt I could have gutted it out another mile, as a matter of fact I felt really good. I loved my new headphones, i concentrated on breathing and just ran. It was glorious.

    5 minute warmup
    15 minutes @ about 7:50
    3 minute recovery
    and 5 minute cool down


    isn't that pace line terrific? I can't believe I could hold it steady!!!

    oh my stride is 176 per minute.. i remember a discussion about strides and i'm just now receiving that metric and wonder if anyone knows if that is good or bad...thanks
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Too late to edit above post so here goes

    I wanted to run my Threshold run at my planned pace for my next 5K and I did the 15 minutes and really felt I could have gutted it out another mile, as a matter of fact I felt really good. I loved my new headphones, i concentrated on breathing and just ran. It was glorious.

    5 minute warmup
    15 minutes @ about 7:50
    3 minute recovery
    and 5 minute cool down


    isn't that pace line terrific? I can't believe I could hold it steady!!!

    oh my stride is 176 per minute.. i remember a discussion about strides and i'm just now receiving that metric and wonder if anyone knows if that is good or bad...thanks

    I want to say ideal cadence is 180, so you're right there. That pace line is a thing of beauty.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    oh my stride is 176 per minute.. i remember a discussion about strides and i'm just now receiving that metric and wonder if anyone knows if that is good or bad...thanks

    That's great! 180 is typically the ideal number to shoot for but it's not necessarily the perfect number for everyone. You're pretty close! Last year I was usually around the low-mid 160's but I get close to 180 now on slow runs (thanks to a Good Form Running class). On faster runs I can easily be 200 or more.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Here's a shot I took at at the Atlanta Women's 5K. Pretty much all those you see in this photo were running sub-20 5K's.

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Too late to edit above post so here goes

    I wanted to run my Threshold run at my planned pace for my next 5K and I did the 15 minutes and really felt I could have gutted it out another mile, as a matter of fact I felt really good. I loved my new headphones, i concentrated on breathing and just ran. It was glorious.

    5 minute warmup
    15 minutes @ about 7:50
    3 minute recovery
    and 5 minute cool down


    isn't that pace line terrific? I can't believe I could hold it steady!!!

    oh my stride is 176 per minute.. i remember a discussion about strides and i'm just now receiving that metric and wonder if anyone knows if that is good or bad...thanks

    That's like a metronome. You might be a pacer at a race someday.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Here's a shot I took at at the Atlanta Women's 5K. Pretty much all those you see in this photo were running sub-20 5K's.


    Darn it. I looked for you and everything.

    This is the race I did with my friend. I told her to slow down a million times during the first mile. The second mile was good for her. She got a little tired during the third but I told her that was normal and you just have to kind of push against it. I made her sprint the last 0.1 miles while she complained about feeling sick and dizzy.

    It took her about 6 hours to forgive me but then she felt great about pushing through that perceived limitation.