Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    So, I had to go in to work on Thursday (I usually work from home) and ran around the offices at lunch time. I thought I was displaying good form. I wasn't. I actually pulled up through my body and dropped a minute per mile. Will there ever be a day when my body accurately signals that I'm slouching???

    Last night when doing hill sprints my wife & I recorded video of each other on our iPhones. It wasn't pretty! Good form went totally out the window!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    So, I had to go in to work on Thursday (I usually work from home) and ran around the offices at lunch time. I thought I was displaying good form. I wasn't. I actually pulled up through my body and dropped a minute per mile. Will there ever be a day when my body accurately signals that I'm slouching???

    Last night when doing hill sprints my wife & I recorded video of each other on our iPhones. It wasn't pretty! Good form went totally out the window!

    Thank you for that! I was totally feeling it in my lower calf...until I pulled myself up. LOL.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Long run today. Did a stop and go run today for the first time. So far all I've ever done is run-walk or run the distance for the day. Today I:
    -- Went to the local computer store; wearing my empty laptop case; RUN-stop for the light-RUN-stop for the light-RUN-stop for the light- RUN-enter the shop (1.25 miles)
    -- Paid for the new battery for my laptop; Got the laptop and put it in the case and slung the case over my shoulder; RUN-stop for the light-RUN-stop for the light-RUN-stop for the light- RUN-and back home (1.25 miles)
    -- Let the dogs outside; visited the bathroom; let the dogs inside; leashed up Fells and out again
    -- RUN-stop for the light-RUN for 3.25 miles on the flat then up the hill, turn around, and down the hill and flat again--stop for the light-RUN and done! (3.5 miles)
    -- Walk the 2.5 minutes home

    So I only ran 6 miles, but it was mentally hard. The first part was easy. Then when home the first time, I felt fine and thought that all I had to do was run 3.5 miles and that this was so much easier then running 6 miles straight. However once I started the run with Fells, the basically a farklek 2.5 mile workout DID matter, My legs were a lot more tired than I had thought they were when I was just standing or walking slowly in the house. Did it though! And with the other stuff I did today I burned some calories!

    Loved the bathroom break! Not too thrilled with the farklek run followed by an easy run.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Had a great run today. I ran along the river, at a nice easy trot, and still finished 5K in 38:44!!! That's a great time for me and, boy, was I surprised at it, since I was just loping along enjoying the breeze, sun and river scenes. For the rest of the 9.5Km outing, I ran three additional 1/2K runs, with 2 minute walks in between, and walked the last bit home.
    On Wednesday, my run wasn't as good. I did okay on time but only ran 4K before stopping to walk for a bit. I've come to just accept the differences in runs but it still surprises me (at times) that what is "easy" one day is not possible on another day. Makes me really appreciate days like today.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Never tried that before Donna, its a good way to fit running around other chores.

    Petra, great time! I love when a run feels like that.

    Managed another run today, 5k in 34:02. My splits were 7:06, 7:03, 7:03, 6:34 and 6:16, 7 minutes is at the top of my comfort zone so the last 2km were tough. Thigh still sore but not taking as long to recover, and still waiting on physio appointment!
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Very pleased with my 10K time today: By the chip timer (and I am not sure if it started with the gun or with crossing the start line--I couldn't tell) my time was 57:53:07, which is 10 minutes faster than I ran in February :-)

    However my 10 year old slowed by a couple of minutes, because he hasn't run as frequently or as far as I have. But if he ever gets in in his mind to run regularly, he is going to be amazing (his dad used to run cross country).

    Hopefully we will be on track for the 10 miler in October :-)
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Awesome time fleetzz!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Very pleased with my 10K time today: By the chip timer (and I am not sure if it started with the gun or with crossing the start line--I couldn't tell) my time was 57:53:07, which is 10 minutes faster than I ran in February :-)

    However my 10 year old slowed by a couple of minutes, because he hasn't run as frequently or as far as I have. But if he ever gets in in his mind to run regularly, he is going to be amazing (his dad used to run cross country).

    Hopefully we will be on track for the 10 miler in October :-)

    Woo hoo! Great time!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Never tried that before Donna, its a good way to fit running around other chores.

    Petra, great time! I love when a run feels like that.

    Managed another run today, 5k in 34:02. My splits were 7:06, 7:03, 7:03, 6:34 and 6:16, 7 minutes is at the top of my comfort zone so the last 2km were tough. Thigh still sore but not taking as long to recover, and still waiting on physio appointment!

    Lovely negative splits!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Long run today. Did a stop and go run today for the first time. So far all I've ever done is run-walk or run the distance for the day. Today I:
    -- Went to the local computer store; wearing my empty laptop case; RUN-stop for the light-RUN-stop for the light-RUN-stop for the light- RUN-enter the shop (1.25 miles)
    -- Paid for the new battery for my laptop; Got the laptop and put it in the case and slung the case over my shoulder; RUN-stop for the light-RUN-stop for the light-RUN-stop for the light- RUN-and back home (1.25 miles)
    -- Let the dogs outside; visited the bathroom; let the dogs inside; leashed up Fells and out again
    -- RUN-stop for the light-RUN for 3.25 miles on the flat then up the hill, turn around, and down the hill and flat again--stop for the light-RUN and done! (3.5 miles)
    -- Walk the 2.5 minutes home

    So I only ran 6 miles, but it was mentally hard. The first part was easy. Then when home the first time, I felt fine and thought that all I had to do was run 3.5 miles and that this was so much easier then running 6 miles straight. However once I started the run with Fells, the basically a farklek 2.5 mile workout DID matter, My legs were a lot more tired than I had thought they were when I was just standing or walking slowly in the house. Did it though! And with the other stuff I did today I burned some calories!

    Loved the bathroom break! Not too thrilled with the farklek run followed by an easy run.

    I'm sure that the run did all kinds of wonderful physiological things though. :)

    Love your good run, Petra! Too bad they aren't all like that :(
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Everyone is getting in some fantastic run!! Love it! Great progress y'all!

    Yesterday was my 4th in a series of 8 trail races. I was doing the 5K option while a little over half the runners did the longer 6.5 mile option. Weather was perfect and I did my 2-mile pre-race warmup run per my coach. As I came back I saw at least 50 people waiting for the 3 porta-potties (not nearly enough!) so I made a discreet short hike into the forest. Race start was confusing with the 6.5-milers starting in a different location. Usually everyone starts together. We got the signal and took off on a short section of gravel road before turning into the trail system (a mountain bike trail). The first part was extremely narrow and riding the edge of a steep dropoff next to a river. I got slowed down here as I could not pass. Then we turned away and ahead of me I saw lots of switchbacks climbing a huge slope. I used the hairpin turns on the switchbacks to pass people. But man, that was a brutal effort! About that point I was behind a guy I know who is my age. My plan was to stay behind him until we got near the end, then pass him. As we came back down to the parking lot at 2 miles I noticed my wife was behind me (she said she was going to take it easy!). That gave me the motivation to pass the guy I was following. We crossed the lot and headed into another trail system, and yet another huge hill with lots of switchbacks. I almost ran out of steam here, felt like I was running very slow but actually my splits showed I was speeding up. I kept wondering when we would have some downhill to balance out all the uphill. The other guy my age was still close behind me. My wife was right behind him. As we came back down towards the river I knew the finish was close. We turned into a flat dirt road that eventually became a concrete path. I gave it all I had and passed another guy. I was running under 7-min pace here and crossed the finish with the "same-age" guy right on my heels once again (just like our last trail race). My wife came in 6 seconds behind me and was the first overall female.

    When I saw the results I was shocked - 6 out of the overall top 10 finishers were in my age group!! And I was 11th. But the "same-age" guy was listed ahead of me in 10th. I didn't say anything at the time, too tired I guess. But later I emailed the race director and they checked their manual records. I was indeed 10th, and 5th in my AG.

    No award this time but hey - that's my fastest 5K trail race ever at 26:08. I think on a road course I can easily be sub-24.
    My splits:
    Mile 1: 9:31
    Mile 2: 8:37
    Mile 3: 7:56
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Nice trail run! I'm jealous you live somewhere you're already mid-season. There's still melting snowbanks here.

    I just completed W12D2, with a minor modification. As I have a 10K to run next Saturday, I charted out an 11 km route, with 500 metres for warmup and 500 metres for cooldown. Then I ran the program, except I used the "5 minutes" cooldown as my next running segment until I had completed the 10K running portion and was in the last 500 metres for cooldown. I did the whole thing in 1:12:10. So, if I knock off the first and last 5 minutes, that gives me a 10K time of 62:10!

    I'm feeling WAY more confident about running a 10K now, considering I haven't technically finished the trainer.

    Oh, and I signed up with & downloaded the Endomondo app. LOVE IT. Every kilometer it tells me my pace, and projected finish time. And it calculates all the stats for me. My fastest km was 5:50. My fastest mile was 9:36. And, since I've started using it (for tracking all my exercise), I've burned 8 burgers! (That's my fave stat lol). Bonus: it syncs to MFP automatically.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Nice trail run, Tim, and your wife did great! I'm happy for both of you.

    I find your trail runs inspiring (even your training runs) because they sound so lovely and beautiful. There are trails that I can drive to but none even close to my home.

    I had a good run this morning (5.5Kin 44:50). Went my hilly route (wish I had more than one around me.......who thought I'd ever say that?!! :smile: ). The view of the river from the top was worth the effort of getting there. Then it was down the hill, through a park, down to the river, along the river to home. I met lots of runners and walkers. It was great to see so many people out enjoying the day. Spring really is coming.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Nice run Tim!

    Zan--- Nice training run and good luck on the upcoming 10K

    Plex...Sounds like it was a gray day to run... I hardly see anyone while i'm running

    Today...29 minutes @ 8:56---easy pace - :30--- covered 3.25 miles

    I am one week away from my second race...a 5K that was originally supposed to happen last December. I have 2 speed workouts and 2 easy runs planned before next Sunday...

    I am hoping to do well since this 5K is in my town and we don't have many.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Finally finding my way back in here.
    Nice trail run Tim, glad the organisers sorted out your placings
    Zanne - Good luck with the 10k, with race day adrenalin you might even go sub 60
    Plex - Hills/trails are the best! :)
    I'm sure you're gonna rock at your 5k Joe!

    I did 7.4km of brutal trails/hills this arvo more walking than I really wanted, but once I saw the elevation graph I didn't feel so bad about it (70m vert gain for 300m distance in one section) Still averaged about 7:30min/Km.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Great race, Tim! and your wife!

    Zanne54, you will do great in your 10k race! You're set!

    Petra, your hill run sounds fun. If you have to have just one, it's nice that it's a good one! When I run up my hill I get to see a highway on one side and a mall on the other.

    Good luck with the 5k, John!

    Sounds like a challenging trail run, taeliesyn!

    Fells and I ran 3 miles yesterday after work. I just had too much to do that I had to fit in what I could do the quickest and easiest. If I had had more time I would have gone to the pool and gotten some swimming in. I was fairly pleasant run, in the 50'sF and drizzling rain with little wind.

    Started this morning with the RunSmart class. Warmed up then ran a mile as fast as I could then cooled down for two minutes. Then we did 20 minutes of core work. Tonight is my weekly workout with my trainer. I asked for homework last week (Laura always gets homework and I wanted some too) and he said that he didn't have it with him, but would email it to me. He never did, so I thought that maybe it's not something he did. Yesterday, he emailed me an apology and said that I would get homework this week. So my plan is to run to the training session and back when it's over. Starting Wednesday, it's going to be a lot more difficult to get exercise in until next Monday, so it'll have to be a grab a chance when I can.
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    I got 4 miles in on Saturday, was supposed to be 5, but I cut it short when my left hamstring started cramping real bad. as well as pain in my left knee. The foam roller was rather painful, but it did the trick. Ran 4 miles yesterday and did a combination of running/walking and was actually a faster overall pace. It felt good to run faster, but it wasn't something I could have kept up the whole time.

    I've been having issues with my shoes being too tight toward the top of the laces especially the left one. Saturday I had to take a walking break at 3 miles because my left foot was numb. I've tried lacing them in several different combinations, none of which seem to work right. I only have 37 miles on these shoes. Last night I went back to the running store where I got them and told them I think I need to back to the model I had previously. These are ASICS Gel Exault and my old shoes are ASICS GT-1000. Those were great until they wore out. I still had my receipt (a result of me not cleaning out my purse in a while) and the manager actually offered to do an exchange. He said he wanted me to be happy with my shoes. I can't wait to run in my new shoes tomorrow night. Wonder how much of my issues have been shoes that just weren't working for me.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I had to LOL at this photo from Saturday's trail race. I look like I'm about to die!! I didn't even see the photographer there at all. I was too busy huffing my way up a hill.


    And here's the guy who is my age right behind me, and my wife coming up behind him.

  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    is your wife wearing vibrams Tim?

    those photos are great :)

    I am, of course, SICK again. I have another sinus something or other going on. Exercise induced rhinitis is what I think I keep getting. Sucks, just get healthy then something else! I guess I'm lucky its not muscle or joint though, just a damn sinus infection every few weeks. Argh. So ran T,W,S last week then nothing since :( Everyone have a good run for me cause I can't :(
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    is your wife wearing vibrams Tim?

    Yep. I don't know if she'll do it again though. She needs more arch support and she was sore for a couple of days after that.

    Sorry to hear you are sick! Get better so you can get out and enjoy the nicer weather.