Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I just caught up on a few pages of updates since I was here last. Lots of great running, and some new faces! Love it.

    Donna...it makes me smile that you asked your trainer for homework.

    I hope to start running again tomorrow!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    is your wife wearing vibrams Tim?

    those photos are great :)

    I am, of course, SICK again. I have another sinus something or other going on. Exercise induced rhinitis is what I think I keep getting. Sucks, just get healthy then something else! I guess I'm lucky its not muscle or joint though, just a damn sinus infection every few weeks. Argh. So ran T,W,S last week then nothing since :( Everyone have a good run for me cause I can't :(

    Are you on a nasal spray?

    Just flushing out my nose with saline morning and evening worked wonders.

    Then my pulmonologist gave me a nasal spray and I'm actually functioning like an adult again.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I had to LOL at this photo from Saturday's trail race. I look like I'm about to die!! I didn't even see the photographer there at all. I was too busy huffing my way up a hill.


    You look like you have that Bill Rodgers thing going on with your arms ;)

    Great job kicking that guy's butt!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Started this morning with the RunSmart class. Warmed up then ran a mile as fast as I could then cooled down for two minutes. Then we did 20 minutes of core work. Tonight is my weekly workout with my trainer. I asked for homework last week (Laura always gets homework and I wanted some too) and he said that he didn't have it with him, but would email it to me. He never did, so I thought that maybe it's not something he did. Yesterday, he emailed me an apology and said that I would get homework this week. So my plan is to run to the training session and back when it's over. Starting Wednesday, it's going to be a lot more difficult to get exercise in until next Monday, so it'll have to be a grab a chance when I can.

    I need to work out "homework" exercises with Stacey too. I try to be mindful of the stuff that we worked on that week, but it's getting overwhelming.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    You look like you have that Bill Rodgers thing going on with your arms ;)

    Great job kicking that guy's butt!

    Thanks, it felt great beating him two races in a row. Now we get to do it again at another trail race this Saturday. I'm glad that guy missed one race of the series so he is not a big threat to me in points. I've got a pretty good lead right now. I probably will back off slightly this weekend and save some strength for the 19th - a very flat half marathon.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    is your wife wearing vibrams Tim?

    those photos are great :)

    I am, of course, SICK again. I have another sinus something or other going on. Exercise induced rhinitis is what I think I keep getting. Sucks, just get healthy then something else! I guess I'm lucky its not muscle or joint though, just a damn sinus infection every few weeks. Argh. So ran T,W,S last week then nothing since :( Everyone have a good run for me cause I can't :(

    Are you on a nasal spray?

    Just flushing out my nose with saline morning and evening worked wonders.

    Then my pulmonologist gave me a nasal spray and I'm actually functioning like an adult again.

    I started using a saline nasal mist from Walgreens a couple times a day when I couldn't get over my sinus crud last month and it helped immensely. I'm also on Flonase (Rx nasal spray) for my allergies. Thanks to Flonase I can breathe through my nose almost all the time.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    @Tim.... I am so glad no one is snapping pics while i run..lol

    5 days til my second race...

    tonight was an easyish 5 miles @ 9:40...(these was 2 quick intervals of 2 minutes @ 7:30 inside this 5 mile run)

    I have 1 more run between now and then it is an interval of 6 sets of 50 seconds max pace... I'm considering a slow 15 min run saturday evening since the race isn't til sunday afternoon.

    I felt tired tonight, I may be coming down with a cold...oh, well.

    **edit to change my (p)s to (L)s since apparently I can not type very well.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    @Tim.... I am so glad no one is snapping pics while i run..lol

    5 days til my second race...

    tonight was an easyish 5 miles @ 9:40...(these was 2 quick intervals of 2 minutes @ 7:30 inside this 5 mile run)

    I have 1 more run between now and then it is an interval of 6 sets of 50 seconds max pace... I'm considering a slow 15 min run saturday evening since the race isn't til sunday afternoon.

    I felt tired tonight, I may be coming down with a cold...oh, well.

    **edit to change my (p)s to (L)s since apparently I can not type very well.

    I hope you're not getting sick!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    is your wife wearing vibrams Tim?

    those photos are great :)

    I am, of course, SICK again. I have another sinus something or other going on. Exercise induced rhinitis is what I think I keep getting. Sucks, just get healthy then something else! I guess I'm lucky its not muscle or joint though, just a damn sinus infection every few weeks. Argh. So ran T,W,S last week then nothing since :( Everyone have a good run for me cause I can't :(

    Are you on a nasal spray?

    Just flushing out my nose with saline morning and evening worked wonders.

    Then my pulmonologist gave me a nasal spray and I'm actually functioning like an adult again.

    I started using a saline nasal mist from Walgreens a couple times a day when I couldn't get over my sinus crud last month and it helped immensely. I'm also on Flonase (Rx nasal spray) for my allergies. Thanks to Flonase I can breathe through my nose almost all the time.

    I absolutely cannot spray anything in my nose!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I ran this morning for the first time in 9 days. In the 11+ months that I have been running, this is the longest running break I've taken. There have been a handful of weeks where I've only run twice, but for the most part I've consistently been getting 3 runs in a week (even if some of them were short). It felt like I hadn't run in 9 days, but I was actually pretty happy with my pace (avg 11:58). I went out deliberately not looking at my pace (my splits were exactly opposite of what I would have liked them to be - first 2 miles were a lot faster than the second 2) and set out with the goal to run somewhere between 2-4 miles, depending on how I felt. The first 2.6 miles felt great, until I turned around into a strong headwind. Finished up 4 miles then walked the rest of the way home.

    I also walked to the gym, rowed for 15 minutes to warm up my upper body, did a 30 minute strength session with my trainer (shoulders, chest & core), then walked home. Walked a total of 4.25 miles on top of the 4 I ran today. I'm exhausted, and expect to sleep great tonight.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Great to see everybody running!

    I ran W12D3 today and continued running until I completed 10K. Because I knew I could run the 10K, today I decided to push myself a little harder and try to run it faster. I have been averaging around 10 minutes a mile so far, and today I managed to run a couple miles around 9 minutes! And, I ran the entire 10K in less than an hour! If you had told me a year ago, that I would A) be able to run 10K and B) run it in less than an hour, I would have laughed in your face. And yet, here I am - doing it!
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    Laura, I also take Flonase on a daily basis year round. I also need an oral decongestant in addition to that or I can't breath through my nose. And Ceci, it's something you get used to. It took me a long time to get used to but it's better than not being able to breath through your nose. When you can't breath through your nose, you can't smell, and when you can't smell your food tastes blah.

    I ran 5 miles in the new shoes (same model as my first pair of shoes) and no pain in my knees, my IT band wasn't bothering me and my feet felt great. It's amazing the difference the right pair of shoes makes. I never had an issue with my IT band until after I got the previous pair of shoes, but I was so inconsistent with my running all winter, I assumed it was because of that.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Great to see everybody running!

    I ran W12D3 today and continued running until I completed 10K. Because I knew I could run the 10K, today I decided to push myself a little harder and try to run it faster. I have been averaging around 10 minutes a mile so far, and today I managed to run a couple miles around 9 minutes! And, I ran the entire 10K in less than an hour! If you had told me a year ago, that I would A) be able to run 10K and B) run it in less than an hour, I would have laughed in your face. And yet, here I am - doing it!

    OMG. That's awesome!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Laura, I also take Flonase on a daily basis year round. I also need an oral decongestant in addition to that or I can't breath through my nose. And Ceci, it's something you get used to. It took me a long time to get used to but it's better than not being able to breath through your nose. When you can't breath through your nose, you can't smell, and when you can't smell your food tastes blah.

    I ran 5 miles in the new shoes (same model as my first pair of shoes) and no pain in my knees, my IT band wasn't bothering me and my feet felt great. It's amazing the difference the right pair of shoes makes. I never had an issue with my IT band until after I got the previous pair of shoes, but I was so inconsistent with my running all winter, I assumed it was because of that.

    Also when you can't breathe through your nose you have a sore throat & dry mouth all the time because you have to breathe through your mouth. I also take Allegra every day, and I went through 5 years of allergy shots. Still get some seasonal allergy symptoms but they're so much better than they used to be.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Thanks all - yes, I sniff Walgreens spray up my nose, take allergy meds (usually only when i'm feeling ick) and then vicks vaporub too. TONS better, all the symptoms are gone except the grossness in my lungs that is threatening to drown me! I didn't have to take anything yesterday so hopefully that means I'll be running again by the weekend. This sucks. I'm pretty much going to be starting the whole 10K program again I think as I've spent so much time this year sick and recovering. argh. At least I got a 3 mile walk in lastnight - made me feel better :)
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Congratulations, Zanne, on your run! I can't imagine being able to do a 10k in an hour at the moment, but someday!

    Had my last RunSmart class this morning. I'm going to miss doing them! I asked about the future and was told that the classes were so popular that they will come up with some sort of version again in the future.

    I've been playing around with my shoes, different ones every run, and haven't used my "real" running shoes since last Friday for my long run. I used my old running shoes (stability shoes) for one short run because I just want to fit it in and that's what I was wearing that day. I used my vibrams (minimalist) for my 3.5 mile run on Monday, because it was really raining. I normally use my Apollos for rain, but I want to use them during RunSmart class the next morning and wanted to make sure that they were dry for that. They probably would have been, but I was also interested in seeing how I did with the vibrams. Then I used the Apollos (neutral) for RunSmart, Tuesday and Thursday, and for Tuesday's run and workout with the trainer.

    No problems with any of the shoes I wore! This means, to me, that my legs in general are getting sounder, and need less support. Just for fun, maybe I'll get out my new trail shoes on Saturday and try trail running for a little bit. An easy trail, near my house .... or maybe a beach ... That would be a test!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    BTS - I only started running last May, with the C25K. Got part-way through and stopped over the summer. Restarted it in September, and ran my first 5K at the end of October. Continued on to the Bridge to 10K, stopped in December, restarted in January, missed Feb with an injury, restarted in March, and here I am now - completed week 12 and already running a 10K (with a couple of walk breaks still). What everybody has said about running for time first, and speed will come on its own is TRUE! Stick with it, and it'll happen for you when you're least expecting it. :)
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Congratulations Zanne on running 10k in such a great time!

    I've been away on hols for a few days, no running but I walked about 7 miles every day so not too bad.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Yesterday was our 5th trail race of an 8-race series. This was a 4-mile race at the Mt. Tabor mountain bike park near Marietta, GA. A long drive for us but at least it's the last long drive since the last 3 races are all close to home. Weather was perfect - clear and low 50's. We got warmed up with the lunge matrix and did our warmup runs - 3 miles for my wife and 2 miles for me. Gave me a chance to get a peek at a bit of the trail system. Everything looked smooth and sandy but that would not be the case further back. At race start we zoomed down a hill before turning into the trail. The trail was very twisty and narrow, making it hard to pass. My wife was right behind me and stayed there until the end. The middle part of the race was a very rocky section - sharp and painful on the feet. Can't imagine how bikers ride on that stuff! After the halfway point I started passing a few guys that had passed me earlier. That felt good! As we approached the finish we had to climb back up the hill we started on. My wife came alongside me and said "let's do this" and we sprinted as hard as we could to the finish. I couldn't have done that without her. Once again my age group was very competitive. I came in 3rd in my AG and my wife was 1st overall female. Among all finishers we were 9th & 10th. My time was 33:25 and my wife was 33:27. I'm pretty happy with that pace for 4 miles (8:21/mi).

  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Well done to you and your wife Tim, you are rocking this trail series!

    Today I did the Prairie Dog Spring Fling virtual 5k. It wasn't a good run, I've only run twice this month so not really prepared for it, but I was determined to do it even if I had to walk it! There was a cold wind so had on a T-shirt over a long sleeved top, but the road where I was running was sheltered and I got too hot too quick. Had to stop at the half way point and take off both tops and just put my T-shirt back on, thankfully there was no traffic! Runtastic was playing up too, froze at the start, just short of the 3k point it said I'd only run 2.45k, and it crashed at some point after 3k, so I'm not sure exactly how far I ran but I did run at least 5k, probably further, in 34:20.