2 week challenge



  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Happy Monday!

    I had a pretty productive weekend, but wasn't super active - unless you could painting and walking around babysrus as being active ha ha. I have a short week this week as I'm off to California for our last vaca before baby this weekend.

    My goals are:

    2 gym workouts
    1 yoga session
    Walk when I can fit it in

    Shanaber - Hope you enjoyed our hot weather over the weekend. How was the zoo and the new house?

    Beeps - Killer goals!

    Chloe - Great goals too! Chicken salad sounds really good.

    Abi - I've heard a lot of people say that Mudderalla is definitely easier than Tough Mudder. Sounds like a fun race though!

    That's all I can see/remember. Have a great Monday ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey all. Sounds like we all had busy weekends! I stayed in Friday as usual. Eric usually meets a friend for happy hour, so it's just the kiddo and me. I ate too much Friday night. Snacked after work and then ate a veggie hoagie and some pizza. Saturday we did our usual coffee shop and farmers market and a little relaxing. Then I had a baby shower. Then some friends came over and we watched the KY game and had a bonfire. So between the shower food (including 2 desserts) and takeout that night, it wasn't great. Yesterday we got coffee, breakfast, walked, went to the park and an art fair all before noon. Then I lounged most of the rest of the day. I put off grovery shopping till 830pm, which was actually kind of nice. I went alone and it wasn't crowded. Anyways.....I ate pretty bad all weekend. Nothing over the top, but had very few veggies and just ate more than I should. Top that off with a half a bag of candycorns and pumpkins last night and I felt pretty icky this morning. I didn't even eat breakfast..... I did get a good amount of walking in, so I was a little active.

    Some of the new people also asked about goals. I think we typically post every other Monday, but a lot people pop in randomly, post their goals, and sometimes (but not usually) check back in. I haven't posted this week, but mine are boring....I feel like a broken record.....

    1. 4 workouts (Was going to lift today, but worked through half of lunch so I think I may just go walk now)
    2. Eat something green everyday.
    3. Be in bed around 10 and lights out by 10:30 I've been staying up reading Orange in the New Black and/or doing puzzles on my iPad and not sleeping till 11 or later
    4. Keep up my water. I'm having around 112 oz most days.

    Hope you all hav a great week!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    Ashley - I love your new picture! You look so cute all prego in your workout clothes in the gym!

    Thank you! :smile:
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Happy Monday! I got PLATINUM this week! And the scale is back down(from last week, still a LONG way to go) even though my TOM is here. I was so happy that I got up to workout out this am and everything was CRAZY. They took the Jillian workout that i was planning on doing off of youtube so I think I may go buy it. I started 6 week 6 pack but Addison came into my room twice and the dog wanted out so I only got 13 minutes done. Tonight, I won't be home until 7 so I doubt I will get much more done today. my food is prepped and ready to go this week.

    Ashley- congrats on the baby boy! You look adorable.
    Beeps- sounds like a great plan
    Shan- Wow, crazy weekend! My macros would be off, too!
    Ram- have fun in California!
    Abigail- FUN race!

    Gotta run!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    No logging for me this week but I ready to get back on track with everything. We had a great time in the Poconos at my cousins' wedding, it was really nice. I will have to get a picture up since I did take some!
    I brought my stuff to work out. My plan is to alternate strength (5x5) and cardio days (running) but I can have two days off if needed, so might double up sometimes, strength, then cardio.
    I will also stick with the star challenge-1600/day for me.
    To the newbies, it's a weekly average so you can decide if you log exercise and use net or if you want to just pick a reasonable goal including exercise. I was just going to do that but then I really missed the motivation of a calorie burn so I log cardio but not strength.
    It's all easier if I don't eat out! luckily this week I don't have any plans:)
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Wow...where did last week go? I swear I posted more than once!....or not LOL.

    So to get last week out of the way:

    3x morning smoothie - 1 :(
    3x salads - 1 :(
    3x speed-work - 0 :(
    3x push up/sit ups - 0 :(
    1x strength - 1 :)
    2x long runs - 2 :)

    Calories under 12,000 ...actual 11,750!

    Scale came up exactly the same as last week. But that 12000 comes in right at maintenance for me...my exercise calories are what causes the weight loss...and this week I burned only 1400 so not even half a pound. But should do better this week :)

    So this weeks goals:

    3x morning smoothie
    2x salads
    3x speed-work
    3x push up/sit ups
    1x strength
    3x long runs

    Calories under 12,000

    Already have 1 smoothie under my belt...almost literally LOL. Hoping this week goes by quickly at work...been so cranky lately and I am trying to shake it off, but I am not sure what to shake off.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,984 Member
    I pulled my back, today, at the gym.


    I am on a plane in 14 hours....so, will walk as much as I can tomorrow and try the weight room at my hotel on wed and thurs.

    I am glad the back pull isn't too bad - was all my fault. I put too much "back" into my weighted hip thrusts....just bad form.

  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Ashley - very exciting about baby boy, also your pic is adorable
    kc - congrats on Platinum & that's awesome about the scale going down
    amy - glad you had fun in the Poconos & yes, pics please
    chelneal - good luck with this week's goals, you can do it
    Beeps - bummer about your back, take it easy

    So I am considering signing up for an 11 mile mountain race in November which sounds pretty awesome. I have hiked in the same area as the race and it ends on a trail that passed by seven waterfalls which is beautiful, we did it over the summer. Also, the weather will be nice & cool. The only thing that concerns me is the distance & the fact that I am struggling to find someone to train with. It's not really safe to trail run on your own, plus there aren't that many great places close by so this could be tricky.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    abi, an 11-mail trail race sounds cool, and the waterfalls! but if you could just do it anytime with someone, even better:) Hope you can find a partner!

    Beeps, remind me where are you going? Bummer about your back ,that's a drag.

    I was proud of myself, yesterday I went to the gym but had forgotten a sports bra so I did lift, then went home and ran around the lake. It was just starting to sprinkle and I was pretty slow but I am glad I did it! Also, I was under cals and didn't drink.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Tuesday...OMG some people make my job so hard!

    But here it is all about me! And taking care of ME! Yesterday was a good day, went over a ~60 cal but meh, that ice cream was delish! Was busy at work all day and only had 1 mild snack attack which I thwarted with busy-ness. Yesterdays run was good...I was yawning all the way there and was dreading it. Asst Coach misread the plan of the day and saw 8-10 hill repeats at 4 minutes up/down...so when I was on #7 he reread it and oops...it was 4 repeats and 8 mins per repeat ...oof! I was proud of myself b/c I felt strong. I burned some miles (an extra 2.50 I think) just running level ground...for a total of 85 min and 6 miles. I am running into a problem of when to eat. I don't get home till nearly 8 pm...I can't eat a lot before and eat only a bit after. While I am hitting calories they are not distributed wise...I know "they" say to eat most your cals in the morning but after a run, I should eat more. I have been waking up in the morning famished!...like I get out of bed get coffee and food before I even go to the bathroom famished LOL. Hubby has drawn the line about food in bed or I would just have cookies on the night stand LOL. I actually got up for my run this morning but my legs were still tired and so fartleks were not happening...than means after body sculpt I am going to have to go home and do them...not sure what is harder for me...morning or after work and home!

    So today has been a nut house again. Calories should be good...got steak plate for lunch and while there is a bit more rice than I should have...there is MEAT! Feeling sleepy again though. Got another bite last night and it itches horrible. I bought some mattress and box spring covers so that is the next step. The bites just don't follow any logical pattern. I have sprayed for fleas, my pets are treated, I have washed everything, I have fogged...everyone says bedbugs but I cant find any trace of them according to Google inspired methods. But whatever is biting me is horrible, the bites last nearly a month and burn and itch miserably.

    So here is to another successful day!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,984 Member
    I am in San Diego - so beautiful and warm, here.

    My back is pretty bad. Walked as much as it could stand, today.

    The hotel gym is veryyyy good, so will give it a go tomorrow. Will lower the weight. And up the reps.

    I am stretching. I should use ice on my back.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Star Challenge results - Sorry so late... back from Seattle and had to get the house in order and get to the gym to train :)

    Beeps - Welcome to the heat! Do you think maybe a day at the spa and/or a massage might help your back? Pretty sure it wouldn't hurt :flowerforyou:

    I enjoyed the one cool day in Seattle but I didn't have the right clothes to run in it! The rain was wonderful though! I will have to run early tomorrow - it is supposed to be over 90 all week long!!

    Ram - It is supposed to be hot in Seattle this week too but I hope you enjoy the really hot weather here! The zoo was so fun (went to a class on bats!) and the house there is lovely. We really enjoyed being there even though it was a move-in mess - it will be better next time! We ate at some wonderful places :happy:

    Amy - so glad you had a good time at the wedding! Great working our without the sports bra - pretty sure I would have used it as an excuse to go home!

    Abigail - I hope you can find a partner to train with - if I were there I would! The race in November sounds great! My running partner for the half in October has backed out - want to come run with me? An easy 13.2 mostly downhill from San Luis Obispo to the ocean at Pismo beach! It is a beautiful run (no waterfalls though)...

    Chelneal - have you tried just having a bit pf protein at night after you run? Some meat or an egg? I have the same problem in the morning - I don't eat generally before I run and I don't want a lot after but then I am starving and it is too late for breakfast but not time for lunch...I never know what to eat then.

    Hope you are all having a great week!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    forgot to weigh this morning, my husband had moved the scale to see if our suitcase was overweight and I spaced it.
    Last night I made a bacon zucchini quiche, it was so lowcal and I had nothing to go with it, so I had an ice cream cone for dessert and even though I was still hungry I didn't eat anything else. I also didn't drink anything.
    I brought my bag to workout tonight.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Quick check in....crazy busy at work this week.

    I did Piyo Monday and Tuesday morning and spin last night. I was exhausted this morning, didn't get much sleep. I am having major anxiety about work, my boss is making me crazy. So I did drink a half bottle of wine last night, but no booze on Monday. I have been way under on cals bc I have been fasting is the morning.
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm Kate and I just found your group...and I've read some posts and I think I'm in love. Do you have room for one more in your challenges?? I tried to go back far enough to see what the stars are but I gave up. :) I love challenges and I will love having friends with similar interests/goals on here! I feel like this may be my place!!

    Edited to add...okay, the stars make sense now. ;) My weekly goal is 10500...if there is room for me. If I have to wait for the next month that's fine too. But I'm ready to start now.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Hi Kate - Welcome! I have you added to the Star Challenge. Let me know on Sunday night or Monday morning how you did for the week. Do you have any other goals for the next week or so for working out or how you are going to eat?

    Chloe - it will get better! Hang in there!

    Amy - So funny about your husband moving the scale! great job too bringing your bag to go workout, that is half the battle right there (the other half is actually getting inside the gym, at least for me. Once I am inside I am fine, no problem!)

    I ran 4 miles this morning!! The best run so far. I am going to lift tomorrow, run on Friday, lift on Saturday, run around with the pup on the beach on Sunday and next week add in another run day so I run 4 days and 20 miles total. If I can do that without pain I think I should be in shape in time to at least finish the Half(s) in October.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Amy - So funny about your husband moving the scale! great job too bringing your bag to go workout, that is half the battle right there (the other half is actually getting inside the gym, at least for me. Once I am inside I am fine, no problem!)

    And the sports bra IN the bag, is another portion of that battle, especially on cardio day:blushing:

    That is good news on the running, too! I couldn't do a half in November even is I didn't have your foot pain!

    Welcome, Fluffy! There's always room! and usually someone willing to keep track of stars, and even if there's not, you can always track yourself and rack up your own stars! It really helps me to log, and keeping goals in mind helps.

    I saw this schedule on another thread and thought it was useful, maybe we could incorporate?
    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any goals you want to share with us?)

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to ‘fess up to or get off your chest?)

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?)

    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    No rules, just some topics and ideas. I know I don't often check in on Saturday and Sunday...

    Wednesday wishes? I am just wishing for my garden to live a little longer. There is snow in the forecast...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,984 Member
    I totally love the gym at this hotel. It is well-equipped!

    I dropped the weight on all lower body moves, and upped the reps. Felt great after my weight-liftng. Then I tried to walk....my back just isn't liking that!

    So, I am now lounging by the pool, book in hand. Good enough!

  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    Thanks for letting me crash your party!

    For 2 weeks starting tomorrow (unless you do it weekly?)...I've got two major goals.

    1. no eating after dinner!!
    2. No eating my kids' snacks.

    The exercise part is easy for me. The eating part, not so much!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Kate - you can set your goals whenever you like. Most do it when they post how they did for the week. I post the results of the Star Challenge usually on Mondays depending on if most have checked-in with how they did for the week and how my schedule is going.

    Beeps - enjoy your time by the pool! It is definitely hot enough - not sure in San Diego but up here it is in the 90s and supposed to be over 100 for the weekend - hottest week of the year so far and I am not liking it!

    So Amy, for my Wednesday wish I wish it would cool down already! I am so tired of it being hot!