2 week challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,394 Member
    Star Challenge results - just one more week in the month! Hoping to see lots of Platinum for everyone this week!
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    I'm moving in the wrong direction on the star chart. ;)

    Amy, if you're looking for a yummy meatless dinner, here's a link to a tofu taco recipe...my husband isn't a tofu fan but he LOVED this. We make it regularly now. Very good!!


    And Shana, congrats on another platinum!!!!
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    PS, why is it that I start each day ready to lean out and get my body fat % down...then 4:00 comes around and suddenly I'm perfectly happy with the way my body is????? I'm never going to progress if I eat the house after work!!!!!

    I'm thinking I may need to only eat meals?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    PS, why is it that I start each day ready to lean out and get my body fat % down...then 4:00 comes around and suddenly I'm perfectly happy with the way my body is????? I'm never going to progress if I eat the house after work!!!!!

    I'm thinking I may need to only eat meals?

    This is me, only it's the trying on bathing suits (I need to lose body fat), then with my clothes on (meh, I like beer and pizza and chocolate).

    Oh, and last nights dinner, I have to say, "yum" not low-cal but not horrible (if you are ok with a 500 calories sandwich) I did grilled cheese with ham and put a layer of pesto inside. So good!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Well looks like I won't be making my spin class....we got water in our basement and my dad is going to come over to see if he can remove that moldy wall or if we need to pay a professional too much money to do it :cry: I swear its always something! My goal right now is to stay on track with the diet. I tend to stress eat, so just keeping that focus.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Wow, these recipes all sound delish, thanks for sharing. Beeps, yes please post some pics. Shanaber, I am playing a "Londoner" in Dracula. There is a street scene which basically consists of walking back & forth across the stage, stopping to buy flowers, etc. But then there is a pretty long party scene which is all couple & group dances, waltzy type things, a madrigal, etc. I get to wear a Victorian style dress with a bussel & a fancy hat so that should be interesting. I will try to post pics after the show. It's very similar to what I do in the Nutcracker party scene every year, except longer & more complicated. :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I love all the recipes! I love tofu too; may have to try it on tacos! I do a pan fried, similar to the cook on the tacos, and make a soy ginger lemon sauce to go on top. Eric likes it pretty well, but my daughter loves it.

    SO yeah, my husband isn't lazy or anything. He works really hard on home projects, etc. all the time. He is a perfectionist like that. He just doesn't like working out. But I think as he nears 40 (and his cholesterol and blood pressure increase as well) he could really benefit from a regular program. We walk in our neighborhood tons, but we're not really breaking a sweat. Hmmmm....maybe I'll try to get him to lift with me this weekend.

    Amy, I like 100 days of real food on Facebook and don't really see a ton of helpful stuff. I like the pictures of her kids lunches, but that's about it. And eating "clean" (I hate the word too) really does take a lot of effort! I eat minimal process stuff, but to escape it completely is difficult and expensive!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    My husband is probably more obsessed with working out than me. He really just lifts, he has a ridiculous metabolism so has never felt the need for cardio, but he enjoys running and does that too when its nice out.

    Day 2 was a success. I even got in another little run/walk outside with the stroller and the pup after work. I ran a mile and I could've kept going, but the pup was done.

    Last night was really rough with the baby, he's all stuffed up and was up ALL NIGHT LONG...so when the alarm went off at 5:15 for me to work out I turned it off and slept another hour because of course he was actually sleeping then. SO I will see how the day goes maybe I can get in a run after work.
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    Oh, Chloe, those days after you've been up all night with a baby are so hard!!!! Thinking of you and hoping you make it through the day okay.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    yeah, Chloe, try and stay sane. No sleep is the worst!

    Those tacos look so yum! I am going to try them out! My husband was cool with a meatless Monday thing, and I think he is feeling like we could benefit from some more healthful eating so it helps that he is on board, and no children-picky or otherwise! He is out of town til Sunday, though, and I am looking forward to having some time to myself. Hoping to get some meal planning done and incorporate a couple of low-cal days each week.

    The scale had bad news for me, and I know it is all the drinking and eating out lately, but I guess I was sort of hopeful because my jeans are fitting alright, I don't know...

    I am going to run outside today, it so nice! Glad it is Fall!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Wow, I have missed a lot! I have not been sitting in front of my computer much lately. Busy, busy.

    Chloe- I hope the baby feels better soon and you get some sleep. I have been really into youtube workouts. They are short and you can mix it up. I like fitness blender, befit, and blogilates

    Ashley- You are making me hungry! Thanks for sharing the yummy recipes.

    Amy - Sorry about the tight pants! You are so good at buckling down, i am sure it will go away when you have time to cook at home.

    As for me, I HAVE been working out - almost everyday. I have just been doing random youtube videos. I feel good. My clothes are fitting better. :smile: My eating has been good, too, but I haven't been logging so no star last week, no star next week. Each week, the scale moves a little down. I am happy.

    Happy Hump Day!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,394 Member
    Crazy day today - on a conference call for 10 hours (yes seriously, 10 hours) no breaks - just put the phone on mute to go to the bathroom... My eyes hurt, my ear hurt and my butt hurt... so what's a girl to do?? Go to the gym and take it all out on the treadmill and bicycle! I am hoping for a better day tomorrow but see more meetings stacking up. Hoping to get a quick run in early, early in the morning and training in the afternoon. I am off on Friday (thank goodness I need it!) and going to a music festival in the afternoon. A spinoff of the Newport Folk Festival and it is out on the pier in Santa Monica! I am really looking forward to it and the weather should be wonderful! DH is away this weekend and I am looking forward to some time to myself and lots of projects to get done (including a massage at my favorite spa :love: ). Have a rescheduled hair cut appt on Sunday (didn't even know they were open on Sundays!)

    Chloe - I hope the baby is doing better and you have a restful night!
    Amy - maybe it is more water retention? I know I tend to ignore the scale if my jeans aren't tight... maybe not the best criteria but it makes sense to me :)
    Kate - I find eating more during the day keeps me from being so hungry at night where I want to eat everything in the house and the things I shouldn't especially.
    Abigail - The play sounds great and so much fun dressing in period costumes and dancing! I look forward to seeing the pictures!
    Kelly - If things are going well, you are working out and feeling better that is what counts even if you aren't logging! Congrats on seeing the scale moving in the right direction!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Thanks everybody! Jack is doing ok, still pretty stuffy, but we got more sleep last night than the night before. But, now I am starting to feel like crap :sad: SO I decided to choose sleep over exercise again this morning. No workout yesterday at all, but maybe tonight I can get out for at least a walk. Diet has still been spot on though so thats good!
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    Shanber, I cannot even IMAGINE a 10 hour conference call. I have trouble sitting through 1 hour!! Hopefully it's just phone (not video) so you can get up and move around while listening.

    Chloe, glad you picked sleep over workout today. You'll need the rest if you're getting sick next. ;) My kids haven't been sick yet this school year...wait...I shouldn't say that, I'll jinx it.

    I couldn't fit into my pants this morning (first time it was cold enough for pants at work) so that's incentive to actually lose these 5 pounds that I keep saying I"ll lose. I also can't find my belts (I put them in a "great place" last spring) so I can't even wear my bigger pants. So I have no choice...must get smaller!! And, no I do not TOUCH pants when it's warm enough to wear skirts and dresses...so much more comfortable!!!!!!!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Amy - For me I used to solely rely on how my pants fit and didn't even look at the scale, especially when I was lifting. It was a better indicator of how things were going for me anyway.

    KC - Way to go lady! Keep on keepin on! :drinker:

    Shanaber - Wow, I would have killed anyone that kept me on a conference call for ten hours. NOT COOL. A massage and haircut sound lovely, as does the music fest!

    Chloe - Sorry you and the babe aren't feeling well, such a bad combo.

    Fluffy - I HATE pants.

    Today is my Friday which I'm really excited about. I have a ton of errands to run tomorrow, and on Saturday we are hosting a football tailgate for the University of WA football game. Get this, it's supposed to be sunny too after raining all week! YAY! Sunday I have my baby shower and then Monday I am declaring a day of rest :laugh: I've been taking off every other Monday to use up my vacation/personal time, and it's been super nice.

    What's everyone else up to this weekend?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I ran around the lake last night, it was hot! The first mile went ok but then I slowed down and was walking quite a bit. Not sure why, I was well rested, hadn't run since last week!

    This weekend should be pretty quiet for me. Meeting up with a friend for dinner tomorrow. Workout, shopping, maybe a haircut Saturday and brunch with my cousin Sunday.

    I am going to the grocery store tonight and have my meals planned out pretty well for the next week or so...
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey all. Man! I'm away for a day and so much happens! I'll try to recap from memory..... 10 hour conference call?! What does one talk about for 10 hours?! Chloe hope your family feels better. I hate tight pants. Ram, enjoy your shower and time off! Amy, how is your husband doing with his comedy?

    I had a great workout Tuesday and ran for 25 minutes (split into intervals) yesterday. I was really sore end of day yesterday, so I skipped working out at lunch and got my nails done instead. I'm going to try to lift, and get Eric to lift with me, this weekend. My birthday is Saturday so no promises. I've got book club Friday night and we'll probably do a festival during the day Saturday and dinner out with no kiddo Saturday. I have a coupon I need to use at Kohl's so I'm shopping Saturday too. I may go by myself. Not that shopping is any fun. I really just need a pair of skinny block maternity pants. I ordered 4 pair of boots from Zulilly yesterday. I'm ready for fall!

    I was out in the field most of the morning so I better get to it! Have a great day all!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Shan- 10 hours??? WHAT!?! That is crazy! Good for you for going to the gym. I think I would have made a different choice.

    Chloe- Hope you feel better!

    Fluffy- I hate my pants, too. I have 2-3 dress pants and 2 pairs of jeans right now. I mostly do dresses and maxi skirts. Helps with denial! LOL

    Ram- Have fun at your baby shower!

    Amy- If I could run around a lake, I might start running. Is it Wash park? I told my oldest we could start running during her sisters soccer practice on tues.

    Ashley- great job on your workouts. Have a happy birthday! I just let a Kohls coupon and a Jcpenney coupon expire. I wanted to get clothes for the girls. Oops!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Amy- If I could run around a lake, I might start running. Is it Wash park? I told my oldest we could start running during her sisters soccer practice on tues.

    It's Sloans Lake! I live a block and half from it so I always run there!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,394 Member
    Shan- 10 hours??? WHAT!?! That is crazy! Good for you for going to the gym. I think I would have made a different choice.

    It was a tough choice - wine or gym?... wine or gym?... Why not gym then wine :)

    The conference call was for a deal we are working for all areas of outsourcing and I am doing the transition solution so I need to hear what everyone else is planning in their solution and I get to throw stones at their approach to ensure it will really work :) but it was WAY too long!

    I am wrapping up what I can tonight, baking cookies and putting together gifts for my DH to take to our niece - she is a freshman in college and VERY homesick for her mom and dad who live in Dubai...

    Tomorrow I am off so going to have a nice run in the morning and head to the festival in the afternoon - I am going to forget work completely!

    Amy - I hate it when I feel like that when I run! I hope it was nice at the lake though!

    Ashley - wow 4 pairs of boots! I wish I had an excuse to wear boots - I would probably buy 4 pairs too :) I do have some just not many opportunities to really justify wearing them but I pretend we need them sometimes just so I can.

    Ramalem - Hope you have so much fun at your shower!