Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Easy run done this morning and it felt easy. I looked back at similar runs from 2 months ago, for similar paces, the HR is now lower, 143-145 now down to 134-136. Something is definitely working. Looking forward to the long run tomorrow, 1st time for a 7 mile continuous piece, will see whether I am so enthused after finishing that!! Have fun over your weekend.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    You will do fine Robbie, just have fun with it!

    I did a killer spin class this morning, too wet and nasty outside to do anything else. I am taking my running gear with me on vacation, hoping to get at least one run around the National Mall in DC while I'm there!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Ceci, have a great vacation. I hope you get that run in and tell us about it.
    Robbie, good news on the HR going down. I don't have a HR monitor and can only go by "feel" but an easy run does feel like the HR is much lower than it used to be for me, too. I've wondered/thought of this before that running is a fun, great way to increase cardiovascular function.

    I held off going for a run this morning. It's raining and is supposed to ease off by this afternoon. I'm hoping they do so that I can get outside. If the rains don't stop, I may be using the treadmill for the first time this fall.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    The sun came out this afternoon! I backed the right horse. LOL! I had a nice run along the river; 5K in 37:45
    Went to the Running Room today to ask about my shoes. I'd bought a pair 1/2 size larger than normal for the width. They feel comfortable but since getting them, my legs have felt heavy and my toes sometimes feel weird. I noticed that when I put the shoes on, the toe box feels large around my toes but when I run, my toes are at the end of the toe box...so my feet are sliding forward, it seems. I laced them up tighter and my right foot started to numb (that went away when I loosened the shoes).
    The lady in the store showed me a way of tying the shoes (cinch knot?) that supposedly keeps the foot more stable and secure around the ankle. I tried it today and my legs felt better. I'm not sure if it was luck or if the knotting really helped. Time will tell.
    I did notice that my foot didn't slip forward as much (good) but that my right heel slightly lifts (bad). Ugh. This will teach me not to size up. No more of that. If the width isn't right, the shoe isn't right.
    I'll keep trying them out for another few weeks to see if the new knotting works. If not, I may just bite the bullet for a new pair of shoes and use these on the treadmill over the winter.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    I am incredibly lucky, I read about shoe issues and never had any, I have some Reebok sublite duo's and I love them, I have 3 pairs, 2 on rotation, one pair with 100 more km than the other and a pair in a box for the HM next year. Got last years model via a discounter.

    7 miler done this morning, HR up at 140 average rather than the 135 I had targeted, it was long and somewhat hard work. It did not flow, but it didn't feel bad. Very cold morning with a fair amount of fog, so went out wrapped up including a snood. I compared this to a run/walk session I did 6 weeks ago on the same route, 4 mins faster today but average HR 2bpm higher, so not much in it. Followed it up with 90 mins reffing this morning, so legs feel pretty shot at the moment.

    Hope you are enjoying your weekends and for those with footwear issues, I hope they get sorted soon. Have fun
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Finally signed up for an organised 10k event in support of prostate cancer (Morunner Nottingham). I was advised to attend a mass participation event ahead of the HM in the new year, so given that it is 10 mins walk away I could hardly miss it. See how this goes, the advantage is that I know the course as I have run various bits of it. There is one section I avoid as it it is uneven underfoot, but otherwise it should be a fun hour.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Its great you can see an improvement in your running through your HR Robbie, I don't wear my HRM when running but it might be something I try over the winter. And I hope you enjoy your 10k race! I hated my first one but loved my second, I guess I knew what was in store for me second time round and trained better.

    I hope you get your shoe issue sorted out Petra. I have problems with running shoes, they are always too narrow, but I don't have wide feet, I have high arches so buying wide shoes doesn't work. I have to lace them up in a certain way to get them to fit. I would advise against tying them tighter, I have a habit of doing that even though I try not to, and have tendonitis on top of my foot.

    I am still trying to get back on track with my eating and exercising. I promised myself I would concentrate more on strength training over the winter and do a maintenance running program. I am hoping to start on Monday.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Been a while since I updated and I can't remember my last update, so I'll just do my last 2 runs.
    Saturday was parkrun day, which due to life interferences was also make up distance for the week day. It didn't start well with my Land Cruiser throwing the alternator belt less than 1km from home as I headed off. Turn around and swap vehicles.
    Get to parkrun still early, though not quite as early as planned and head off on some exploration to begin the making up of weekly km's. A nice easy 6.2km jog along trails by the river. Saw the side to society that I hate to admit exists, with 1 bed for a homeless person or people, and someone probably asleep in the bushes. I did manage to sprain/jar/twist BOTH ankles whilst I was out due entirely to inattention. Fortunately both were ok'ish after a few minutes. Finished the exploration by catching up with a fellow parkrunner doing the start of a freedom run lap of the course, which was interrupted by the RD arriving to set up. Helped with the setup and chatted for a bit before parkrun started.
    Headed out with everyone as you do, and rather quickly tagged onto a pair of people running together. One is much faster than I, the other about 15 seconds faster. The lady realised I was drafting them about 1km in, the guy didn't realise until we were a good 3k in. Apparently I am something of a ninja runner!.
    We stuck together until about the last 750m-1km at which point I pushed on. The guy caught me quickly and I played chasey for the last few hundred metres as he tried to pull away. He beat me, but dragged me in to a new PB!!. 22:25 whoooo HOOOO!!!!!. Last 500m was done at silly pace, so with better pacing I believe I can do faster, especially as most of the run was just beyond comfortably hard.

    Fast forward to tonight's 15k. It was meant to be my long/easy run. It was my long run but definitely not easy even though I was averaging somewhere in the 6:15-6:30 pace, I think I'm still carrying some fatigue in my legs from Saturday
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Today's run was great. I ran a total of 8K (2x 2.5K; 1x 2K and 1x 1K) with 1 minute walks in between. My total run time was 60:45, almost 1 minute faster than last week's 8K run (4x 2K).
    My feet and legs feel good. This is the second run since learning to tie the new knot and both runs have been great on the legs and feet. Seems like this "cinch" knot is keeping my feet from slipping in my shoes and that seems to have been the cause for the sore, heavy, overworked feeling I've been having in my legs.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I'm gone for a couple of days and nobody is posting?! :wink:

    5k from my brother's house down a country road this afternoon, probably my fastest so far- 30:20, 9:46 pace. The route was flat.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci, I feel suitably chastised.

    Not much to report, winter has set in, morning runs are done in the dark and drizzle, at least when it drizzles it's warmer than the clear mornings, no fog the last 2 days.

    Tuesday usual hill session, I felt as though I did not push as hard, HR and pace slightly down but I tried to focus on maintaining a faster cadence up the entire hill, previously I have started strong and flagged on the last quarter of each repeat. Yesterday it was more of a constant effort although slightly down. This morning was a 3 mile easy run with my average HR getting to 124, most of the run was in an easy band, some was in a fat burning zone and a tiny bit from doing some strides at the end was in the endure band. Pace was down a bit but I felt I could have gone for hours.

    Hope you are all enjoying your running.

  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Not much new here. Just trying to get through the last two weeks of heavy mileage until I can start tapering. Had another visit with the chiro yesterday after dealing with some lower back pain that was throwing off my form. She cracked my back pretty good in a few spots and worked out the tightness on one side. She said my spine is not very mobile so I need a lot of work there. Last night I did 6 miles after the storms cleared out and besides my legs feeling heavy, everything else felt pretty good. And I swear my feet have gotten bigger, or just some temporary swelling. My work shoes feel tight now.

    The storms brought in some cooler weather which is very welcome here after running in the upper 80's last week. Finally I think fall is here to stay! :)
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I've not been around much, I am usually on my phone so I don't have access to the forums. I am back on track this week. 5k on Monday, strength training Tuesday, JogScotland last night (3 x 10 minutes), 5k and strength training today. Tomorrow is rest day and on Saturday me and my son are going to our first ParkRun! Looking forward to it but the weather doesn't look too great. There are 2 now in Aberdeen, the one at the beach esplanade is very busy, 200-300 runners every week, it is going to be very windy there this weekend so we are planning going to the new one at Hazelhead Park, it only has about 60 runners.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Everyone is doing so well. It's always nice to read about your runs and experiences.

    My run today was up the hilly route. It was fun. 3K uphill, then a plateau before the downhill, then level ground until reaching home. It's a great feeling to crest that hill.

    I'm slowly increasing my mileage. I'm trying for 6K minimum and 8-9K once a week, on the weekend. I may have to postpone this weekend as I'm on-call but we'll see what happens. On-call means running around the block over and over. It's a good workout, with a hill and a downhill, but not very interesting after the first couple of loops.

    Romy, JogScotland sounds like a lot of fun.

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Ran another 5k today. Three minutes slower than Tuesday's run. I guess there were more hills on this route and maybe I didn't hydrate enough and probably hadn't eaten enough. Could have something to do with the soda I drank earlier in the day.

    Tomorrow I'm going in to DC, but won't get a chance to run there :disappointed: The weather hasn't cooperated this vacation week.

    Will head home on Saturday.

    Have a good one!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Me and my son got up early to travel into Aberdeen for our first Parkrun. It was cancelled!! We went for a 5k run round the park anyway, jumping streams and running through rivers (yes, it was the rain that flooded parts of the course and made it unsafe). Next time we are going to try the one at the beach, it is much windier but at least the rain doesn't stop it.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Romy, it's so nice to hear of your runs with your son. That is wonderful. Do you run on the sand at the beach or along a trail/pathway?
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Sitting in Heathrow about to jet to San Francisco. Got 4 miles done on Thursday and a 8 miler last night. Last run for a while. Didn't feel like going last night but went out anyway and after 2 miles settled into a slow run (HR 70% of max). Time passed quite slowly but sorted out a few problems in my mind. The only disconcerting thing was when a runner shot past me, going twice as fast, so not sure whether he was intending to go that fast. I then thought boy I am slow. However it will be. Legs still tired this morning.

    Have fun, will be off the network for a while
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Back home from Virginia. Wasn't ready to come home, but am ready to get back into a routine!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    edited October 2014
    Yesterday I did my longest run ever: 19 miles at 9:16 avg pace. I felt pretty good until the last half mile (which was uphill). The cooler/drier weather helped a lot. I felt much better than a week ago when it was warm & humid. I'm a little sore today here & there and walking a bit slower than usual. This coming weekend I'll do my last really long run (20 miles) before the marathon. I'm looking forward to two weeks of tapering! My wife ran 23 miles yesterday and has started her 3-week taper. She's going for 3:40 and I'm hoping for 3:50 but would love to be in the 3:40's. Gotta average 8:45/mile or less to hit that goal. My plan is to start with the 4:00 pace group and stick with them for 6-8 miles and then slowly get a bit faster. Hopefully it works out!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Great job, Tim! Can't imagine being able to hold that pace for that long!

    I ran yesterday with my friend from work. We did 5 to 10k, w2d1 at her pace (13:35). It was a great 4 miles. When I run with her, I have to make myself slow down. Yesterday, I concentrated on shorter steps while keeping up with the beat of the music I was listening to. I think the shorter steps are better on my feet too. Today, I'm supposed to run with her daughter, who just started Couch to 5k.

    The weather is absolutely beautiful this week!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Yesterday, I ran with my friend and her daughter. We did Couch to 5k w2d1. Afterwards, I ran another couple of miles on my own. Felt great and kept a pretty steady pace. Ended up with 2.23 miles in 20:54 for a pace of 9:22. Pretty sure that was my fastest 2 miles so far! Wish the weather was like this all the time!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    PaytraB wrote: »
    Romy, it's so nice to hear of your runs with your son. That is wonderful. Do you run on the sand at the beach or along a trail/pathway?

    There is an upper and lower esplanade which you run along, its quite flat but can be very cold and windy.

    Its great that you are helping your friend and her daughter Ceci.

    I was out with JogScotland last night and today was an 8km tempo run. Unfortunately my body wasn't ready for it, I've had too many easy weeks! I tried really hard for the first 4km but I just couldn't find the pace, so it turned into an 8km easy run in 54 minutes. The last km and a half were actually the easiest!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Went for my last evening ride of the year with my girls' group yesterday. :'( We only managed 5 miles before it got too dark. (I rode 5 miles earlier by myself.) I love the fall colors, but hate that the days are getting shorter.

    This weekend promises some pretty awesome weather, so hoping to get out and enjoy it!

    Make it a great one!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I ran 10K today! It took me 1:20 to complete and I ran 5K+3K+2K. The first 8K were in the 7:45-8:00/Km rate range; the last 2K were about 8:15/Km. In between the running segments, I walked for 4 minutes.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I'm finally in taper mode for the marathon! Saturday I did my longest run ever: 21 miles at 9:10 avg pace. I felt great during the entire run. Not so great when I stopped running. Every muscle in my legs ached. I had to walk around for a while to get my legs to calm down. Now I feel very confident about hitting 3:50 or maybe a few minutes less for the marathon.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran 40 minutes on Friday afternoon, 3.69 miles. About half was on a dirt trail around Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art. Beautiful fall color and I set a course record (according to Strava) for that trail loop! Average overall pace- 10:52.

    Saturday, I rode 26 miles with a couple of girls. More beautiful fall color.

    Sunday was a beautiful day and I had every intention of getting out and running, but I felt a little under the weather, so just walked the dog and sat around the rest of the day. Got in some crocheting and watching football!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I felt like crap most of the day yesterday, but decided to run anyway. Managed 4.5 miles in 48 minutes through my National Park, 10:37 average pace. The weather was perfect, the fall color is beautiful, the deer were abundant. Hoping that whatever this crud is that I've got clears up soon. I guess it's allergies.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    No running or riding for me lately- my head cold developed into a chest cold and my sinuses are plugged. :disappointed: Hoping I'll be better by Saturday!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    edited October 2014
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    No running or riding for me lately- my head cold developed into a chest cold and my sinuses are plugged. :disappointed: Hoping I'll be better by Saturday!

    Sorry to hear that Ceci! Hope you get to feeling better soon! I started feeling a sore throat on Monday and immediately started taking Airborne twice a day. My throat is still sore today but no other symptoms have developed. Now my wife is getting it.