Intermediate Team Chat Board



  • luckygohappy
    luckygohappy Posts: 80 Member
    Sorry I didn't check in, it's been a super busy week and I didn't do so well :(
    But I'm still here and unbitten... although it does feel like the baby is trying to claw his way out of my belly lol!
  • nicca_jb
    nicca_jb Posts: 1,278 Member
    Sorry team, entirely too busy to keep up with this. I'll be dropping, but good luck!!
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    I was a late check in this week, but I'm still here. Trying to find a routine now that I'm back to work full time. Plus I have a craazzy family life that caused me to not be able to log on yesterday. Forgive me :) - Today is a new day and I'm going to kill it this week.

    Any tips on working in cardio and strength with a very full schedule and no gym membership or treadmill would be much appreciated. I'm not a morning person so I usually work out in the evening. I prefer to walk/run, but daylight savings time has ruined the outdoors for me.

    PS, I did Cross fit for the first time yesterday. Definitely going to be a love hate relationship.


    try doing the fitness blender videos on youtube - you can get both cardio and strength done from those - at least till you figure something out. oh and by the way - my fat rolls hurt today! I def got a work out from the CrossFit and I will def be going back!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Hello team. I'm so very sorry to not be on here but I have had the worst internet issues at home and I wont be able to get it fixed till tomorrow.

    We are now down to 21 members. Missed a check in from cyclejenn, luckygohappy and gambrell04. So, you know that drill, you will walkers if I don't hear from you this week.
  • ToughHippieChick
    ToughHippieChick Posts: 698 Member
    Hi team.
    I am back now from my wedding and honeymoon and I will be getting back in the grind this week. It will probably take me a few days to get caught up on everything, but my numbers this week will be much better. I am trying to avoid reading too much in the forums because I am 2 episodes behind and don't want to accidentally read any spoilers. Thank you to Cindyinpg and redwoodkestrel for helping me post when I couldn't get to the group. I look forward to getting back in the groove. :)
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Hey team! Hope everyone is having a great Monday! I probably won't be on the boards much this week. I have lots of things to get done before I leave for NYC. I have access to a gym for the first half of the week so I will still make sure to get all my stuff done :)
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    Hello team. I'm so very sorry to not be on here but I have had the worst internet issues at home and I wont be able to get it fixed till tomorrow.

    We are now down to 21 members. Missed a check in from cyclejenn, luckygohappy and gambrell04. So, you know that drill, you will walkers if I don't hear from you this week.

    I sent a message about taking the week off due to death in the family.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Oops, yes you did. Sorry, you're fine Gambrel
  • luckygohappy
    luckygohappy Posts: 80 Member
    I posted on here a couple days ago, so please don't send me to the Horde ;)
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Hump day check in!!! I'm on track to meet my totals this week, with 96 minutes of cardio and 55 minutes of strength so far. Looking forward to Saturday when I can do the punishment circuit!! That looks really tough.

    I haven't been on the board a lot because I haven't watched the episode yet and don't want to be accidentally spoiled. I'll probably be able to sit down tonight, if I can get the kids to leave the room, lol. They are 15 and 13 so not really too young for the show but the 15yo isn't interested and the 13yo might get freaked out by the gore.

    How's everyone's week so far?
  • Jennwa
    Jennwa Posts: 107 Member
    My week started very slow. I ended up pulling doubles both Monday and Tuesday, so that put me at 14 hour shifts. Granted I know people do them, but I wasn't used to it. Monday I still had enough energy to get the punishment done though. Tuesday I didn't do anything. :s I was tired.
    Anyway, I'm at 65 strength and 45 cardio for the week, I will definitely have everything finished by the week. I started C25K last night, and loved it so that will be exciting to finish off!
    Hope everyone is having a great week!!
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    So far this week I'm at 375 cardio and 55 strength. Got to get my last bit of strength in before the end of the week. Tough because I'm going to a concert tonight after work, and then to my parents' house on Friday because my sister is getting married on Saturday (and I'm officiating)... all great things but when I'm out of my routine I definitely struggle a bit. But maybe I'll cut down a bit on my usual morning cardio tomorrow and substitute some strength time in, just to make sure I have everything done before heading off to my parents'. :)
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Today's workout put me over the weekly goals so tomorrow is icing, yay!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    All checked in for the week! This challenge has really helped me stay on track, especially on Saturdays when I'm often tempted to call it an optional workout day.
  • habit365
    habit365 Posts: 174
    I had a LOT left to get done today for exercise, but I powered through and hopefully I will have it together better next week.
  • Mrscheyfleming
    Mrscheyfleming Posts: 149 Member
    What time do we have to check in by? I have 5k tonight and wanted to know
  • ToughHippieChick
    ToughHippieChick Posts: 698 Member
    Getting ready to post stats now.

    Week 5 Intermediate/Michonne

    Cardio: 165/120 (If anyone needs extra minutes they are unclaimed at this point.)

    Strength: 25/70 (Sorry team. If anyone has extras, I need.)

    Calories within goal for the week: 4/7 days (Spent 2 days in maintenance.)

    Character challenge (Michonne): Made up ourselves this week, I asked my son to teach me some martial arts.

    All member challenge: 1. Encouraged my sister so much she did my punishment workout with me!, 2. Went to haunted house (They really do scare me!), 3. Shared mission with team.

    Punishment: “Survive a Zombie Apocalypse Workout” 5 times: Yes!

    I know it’s still not up to par, but I did get back in the swing of things by the end of this week, so next week I should be able to make the team proud. B)
  • Jennwa
    Jennwa Posts: 107 Member
    Just checked in for the week. I skidded thru barely,but I did it.
    Cardio: 120/120
    Strength: 70/70
    Punishment: yes
    calories: yes
    1) I tried to encourage, but everyone was too scared to try working out with me lol.
    2) I started C25K this week. It's something that I have started and stopped once, and still wanted to do, so I just started and so far doing great with it.
    3) My mission is to get fit, healthy, and lose weight (50lbs) to be back to where I was 2 years ago.
  • Mrscheyfleming
    Mrscheyfleming Posts: 149 Member
    Just submitted my time and I completed my first 5k tonight!!
  • ToughHippieChick
    ToughHippieChick Posts: 698 Member
    Just submitted my time and I completed my first 5k tonight!!

    Way to go! :smiley:
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    You guys are doing awesome!!! We are down to 17 members now, so we are getting more streamline. I didn't get a check in from KatyAverill and Fraser2600. We did a lot better this week. We should consider a punishment just in case we win a round this time. I think this week we need to work on staying with in our calorie goals. Me included. I'm sorry I haven't been able to log onto the boards much. My job is keeping me from it. I will try to be on more this week to keep you guys motivated. Proud of this team.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    New challenge is posted.Have a great week everyone!
  • Mrscheyfleming
    Mrscheyfleming Posts: 149 Member
    Just found i'm pregnant this morning, i'm still going to be doing the challenges and everything!
  • Bmercy21
    Bmercy21 Posts: 88 Member
    Just found i'm pregnant this morning, i'm still going to be doing the challenges and everything!

  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    You can do double checkins now!! :) Congratulations!
  • habit365
    habit365 Posts: 174
    1. Be retrospective like Carol : talk to your team about a fire in your life or smoke you saw that "consumed" you and made you rise like a phoenix from the ashes in a new direction, especially if this story relates to health and fitness like a sport's injury or regaining weight you had lost.

    I had some serious complications after the birth of my daughter, and it was a hard time for probably a year+. I lost the old me, the invincible me, the go go go person. I had to relearn various physical things and learn how to deal with the things that could not be fixed. I learned that I can endure a lot, but in the process I temporarily stopped trying to be better, I was just trying to survive. Gradually I started realizing that while I will never be the old person, I can still start where I am and make progress. The progress may be slower than I would like, and it will never get me to the places I could have gone before, but there is a solid core of something unbreakable that I discovered along the way. I have done fitness related things in the past year that I had never previously been able to do.

    And, I totally hear you SaraAlexandre about the calories. I have been a big offender on this front and I have at times contemplated dropping out of the challenge so I can work on it without dragging the whole team down.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Just found i'm pregnant this morning, i'm still going to be doing the challenges and everything!

    Congrats!!!! You are a rock star!