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  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited December 2014

    L- So sorry for all your troubles, I lost my BF in November to cancer and cried and cried.
    Now my second cousin just had surgery and they found a tumor on his spine. He just
    turned 60 this week. I am so glad you are okay and nicking the bladder is very common.
    Sorry to hear about your Mom falling, I hope she is okay. Try to enjoy the holidays with your family and relax. You are one busy Mamma.

    Jenny - Still baking cookies and hope all the wrapping is done. That cookie you mentioned sounds Ginormous!

    Marla and Ang - Hello

    We brought up our extra table for Christmas dinner, its 8 foot plus our diningroom
    table for dinner. So my tablecloth will not fit so Dave is now at the store trying to get two
    tablecloths for me the same. I wish him luck! You think you are done and then something else comes up.

    Didn't do much today just some cleaning out of papers from last year that I don't need anymore and paid my Visa bill. So now I can buy again. :D

    I am going to Yoga class at 5pm tonight and then done until January when I sign up again.

    Going to do some ironing and still have to put away my laundry. That's one thing that doesn't quit. :p

    Enjoy your day and hope everyone is kind to themselves.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Good Morning,

    Just a quick hi to everyone. Merry Christmas Eve to all my Water Cooler friends :D

    Dave has already left to pick up Kristina and Izzy, a two hour drive for him. I stayed back home to set up the dinner table for tomorrow. I am having 12 for dinner and my daughters and son in law are doing the cooking. Yay me!

    I have all the things set up Izzy, food bowls, water bowls, litter, and scratching boards.
    All this just for a kitty. :p

    I am washing some towels this morning and still have to have breakfast.

    Merry Christmas to Marla, Jenny, Ang, Amy, and L. May you have a wonderful day with your families and friends.

    52F and raining
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Merry Christmas ladies!!! I trust you all had a wonderful day with your families and friends.

    Having a cold for Christmas isn't the best gift. I tried to tell Santa to take it back but he didn't. Right now it's only 8pm, but I am tired, feel drained from the day and the cold and just want to go to bed. I went to my parents this morning and we had breakfast and did our sock and gifts to each other before my brother and his family came. We then had the rest of our gifts and had a big huge dinner. We also celebrated my dad's birthday, as he is a Christmas baby. So we get lots of extra goodies on Christmas day because of that! I got some gift cards this year, that I can't wait to go out and spend. I also got a large 8x10 picture of my nephews. I just need to get a frame for it. :) (and find wall space to hang it!)

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Ang - I hear you about not loving your gift of ill - I am on week three of this UTI and my Christmas Eve present was getting a renal CT to see if it is kidney stones - good news it's not stones - bad news - still not over it. Boo. Santa? How do I get back on the nice list?

    L - so glad to see you back in the thread - but so sorry to see things have been rough, rough, rough. You have an amazing attitude and know that will be a big help, but we also keep in our good thoughts - HUGGLES!

    J - mmmm big choc chip cookie - winning. I did way a lot of baking the rest of Eve day and ended up with cinnamon rolls, cheddar bread, sour cream cookies and black/white crackle cookies. Yep. Just call me pillsbury dough girl. I am not only way over on eating goodies, but with feeling so yucky I haven't worked out in weeks. this all needs to go away so I can climb back on and get back to better. I hate the way my pants fit - but the thought of doing flys and lunges and squats brings tears to my eyes. Whhhaaaahhhhh.

    Shirley - sounds like a lot of fun.

    Hows baby Zephyr Amy?

    Have a great weekend lovlies
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi All,

    Our Christmas dinner was great and so yummy. I hope everyone who is sick is feeling better or at least on the mend. :)
    Here is a picture of me and my daughters at the Christmas Market in Toronto. Kathy has the hat on (due in April) and Kristina has the long hair and bangs and me, Mom, in the middle.

    Dave and I went for walk today and went to Timmy's for coffee and tea. Ang, knows what I am talking about. :)5kiexgpg0igv.jpg

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    what a wonderful picture Shirley - beautiful!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I have been too lazy to charge my lap top so have not checked in since before Christmas. We had a quiet, relaxing day with the three of us. We started off with egg bake and coffee cake, went to see Unbroken, and came home and Russ made a kielbasa soup. All in all a nice day. I talked to both David and Jeff on the phone to say Merry Christmas. It turns out that David flew to Maine for Christmas since his boss closed the boat for 2 weeks. His girlfriend was flying in from Jamaica and he wanted to spend Christmas with her. I wish he would give us some of the time he has off but not to be. A little hurt by that but it is his life and decisions to make. They will be separated winter and spring since she's going back to college. He said he will be home to see us late February or so. We'll see. He flies through Minneapolis this Friday and wants to go out to eat during his layover. He has only 2-3 hours so I don't see how that would work with getting through security and back to his gate in time. I wish he had planned at least a 2-3 day layover but I'm not sure when he reports back to the boat.

    Marla-sorry to hear you still have the UTI. I loved your picture on FB of you and the boys. You looked very pretty with your handsome sons next to you.

    Shirley- I love your new picture too. Your daughters are as pretty as you are. How did your dinner for 12 go? Nice you were able to relax and be waited on.

    Ang- I'm also sorry you weren't feeling well on Christmas either. My husband has the nasty cold crud too and he's been under the weather. It sounds like you had a nice day despite feeling a little cruddy.

    Hi Amy and L!

    I'm off to Walgreens to print a New Year's photo to send out to family and friends with a letter that updates them on our year. Need to get the card made first. Then I need to bake two more coffee cakes, wrap Iva's gift (we picked names), and stuff stockings for our Christmas dinner and celebration tomorrow evening with Jeff and Iva. We are having prime rib and Yorkshire pudding, yum!

    Off to accomplish these things...

  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    Ahh. Another Christmas in the books. The kids enjoyed all of the get togethers with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I did too, but just told my mother when she asked what "fun and games" we were going to get into today that I just want to stay in my pjs and nap all day.

    Ang and Marla - so sorry you both aren't 100%. It's never fun to be under the weather, even less fun when there is so much going on.

    Marla - what did Santa bring the boys? All of the goodies you made sound delicious. I've never attempted to make homemade cinnamon rolls. Sour cream cookies, yum!

    Shirley - you and your girls are simply beautiful. I think Kristina looks just like you. So sorry to hear about your cousin. 60 is just too young.

    Jenny - lol about the chocolate chip cookies. Sounds just like what my kids would do. The bigger the better, right? Yes, my mother is okay. She couldn't do much initially, but is moving around better (which in my opinion is still shaky at best).

    Amy- how was you Christmas?

    I've been feeling decent considering all of the over doing it that I've been doing. I've never experienced any drug related allergies, but my entire abdomen is covered in an inflamed rash that is about to drive me insane from itching. The only thing I can think of is either a reaction to the glue used on the incision sites or from me not moisturizing as directed (but my skin isn't dry to the touch). Either way I'm going bonkers with it.

    I have a two week follow up appointment Monday. I'm looking forward to some relief for the rash and hopefully an all clear to drive and begin at least some walking.

    The weather has been cool, damp and rainy. It's predicted to last through early next week.

    My cousins and I made our way to see Night at the Museum 3 last night . I really enjoyed it. I didn't want it to end, particularly because of Robin Williams. His lines were on point.

    The sofa is calling my name. I hope everyone has a relaxing weekend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Good to hear from you L! Did you ever have a c-section with either of your kids? I had one when I delivered my first son 27 years ago and my incision site still goes through periods of itching and sometimes a rash. I moisturize twice a day but I still get the itchiness at times. Lately I've had it and I often wonder what sets it off. Hope you get some answers and if you do let me know what they say. Maybe it will help me. Glad to hear your mom's doing better. I'm glad you had a nice celebration with all your family. Enjoy your R & R and nap :)

    Stockings are stuffed, house is relatively clean and prime rib is waiting to go in the oven. Jeff and Iva will be over about 4:30 for the festivities. I've decided it's time to buy new "everyday" dishes. Mine are very white and don't match my table linens very well. I tend to gravitate towards off white, gold, tans, and ivory so the white plates look silly on my table today. I could pull out my good china that we never use (more egg shell white) but they have to be hand washed and I don't want to do that tonight. The same goes for using my mom's silver place settings. I don't want to hand wash those either so everyday flatware it is! Mine is pretty worn but haven't bothered to buy new over the years. I look but never purchase. The stuff I have is good quality, it's just seen better times. Over 25 years old...

    Slightly blue sky and a peek of the sun's rays shining through today. We can't take that for granted this winter based on how it's gone so far.

    Enjoy your Sunday. I'm glad I have another week off.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I can't believe its all over. So much prep in the months to come and then over in one day.

    Yesterday we went to my BIL's for lunch and saw the other nephew and his wife and kids who didn't make it to our dinner. We had ham, sweet potatoes and mashed potoates mixed, and salad. My MIL brought some cookies for dessert.

    We were supposed to have company for overnight, our friends from London, ON their daughter and fiancé and her two kids and two dogs. On our way to the lunch they called and said they would not be coming because they were up until 4:30 am with their family celebrating. Kind of a relief I wasn't looking forward to the two dogs and Izzy (the cat) all together. Dave and I just relaxed and watched Harry Potter's marathon on TV. The last two parts are tonight.

    Today I am trying to get back on track and eating normal. All the sweet treats are gone and I did manage 30 min on my bike today. Tonight will be leftovers for dinner.

    Dave is still off all week so taking it day by day.

    MARLA - I hope you are feeling better. <3
    ANG - The same goes for you.
    JENNY - Sometimes you have to be patient when the kids don't come home. Remember its their lives now. I know how you feel. I will be sharing the baby with the other grandparents too and I have to be calm about it.

    Hello to Amy and nice to hear from you L. I hope your rash goes away soon.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited December 2014
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Here is a picture of my MIL and my daughter Kathy who is expecting.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    This is a picture of my sister I have talked about, she joined us for Christmas this year.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Been feeling much better the last two days. The cough is persistent, but I feel better then what I was. I ended up sleeping 12 hours Thursday night and another 12 hours Friday night. (That's after falling asleep for an hour in my armchair)

    I had a nice day at church today. It feel like forever since I sat through a church service, with all the special Christmas performances and my nursery duties. I wasn't the only one coughing through the church service. There was a lot of people home sick tonight, including our pastor.

    It's back to work tomorrow. Seems like Christmas break just went way to fast! I guess that's the way it always is with vacation time though. Oh well. Only 2.5 days and I get 1.5 days off! (Or 2.5 I'm trying to convince my boss to keep the office closed on Friday! Why go back for one day and then have the weekend? What's the point in that?)

    Sounds like everyone had a good Christmas. I can't believe 2015 is almost here. It seems like this year just started!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Dave is home all week yet. I know we have to return the long table and chairs we borrowed from the sailing club. Dave has to return his sweatshirt for a larger size.

    I need to get my exercise in and laundry started. We have Izzy until next Monday when Dave can take him back.

    Have a great day!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    the after fun slump has started - I am trying to get rid of the goodies - but I know some will have to stay for the kids, but will be egging me on just being in the house - I feel icky not just from the infection, but from the eating and from the not working out - snifff - wwhhahhhh my pants are too tight - sniiifffff

    L - glad you are recovering so fast - maybe you having a reaction to the gloves or bandages - I find myself somewhat sensitive to latex - I don't really think I am 'allergic' but sometimes I find irritated skin after coming into contact with it - have you tried rubbing benedryl on it? Santa brought some yugioh cards and goodies - they didn't specifically ask for Santa this year -but have adopted the if I don't say I don't believe she won't stop - which is true! The big gifts from us this year were bigger lego sets - they got xbox games from Gma and Aunt so I left it at that for electronic games. The boys did a really nice job of getting each other something. Caleb gave Zach the final season of Leverage and I was worried about Zach even doing anything for Caleb. But Bernie took Zach out to Walmart and they dug through the $5 dvd box and found all 8 Harry Potter movies. Zach was pleased with himself and Caleb was pleased. Winning.

    Shirley - you must be everyone favored B&B it sounds like you always are getting ready for guests or cleaning up after them!

    Jenny - I didn't even go the route of getting 'good' silver when we got married. I decided to register for a nicer everyday set and have been using them for twenty years now for everyday and for 'good.' The only thing I wish I would have done different is the style. I went with what my mom wanted instead of what I really wanted. Live and learn. They are still a nice set and get used and abused and still keep ticking. I bought a set on super clearance from Younkers a few years ago to stretch my pieces for when we have the big groups - I got a big old 12-pc box with serving/hostess pieces for like $20 bucks I think it was. Love me some clearance shopping.

    Ang - if you convince you bosses to take Friday off - work on mine next. We have to come back Friday. Boo.

    Hi Amy!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mizpaden - Sadly I wasn't wasn't able to. :( We have to much work to do. While I agree with him on that, having 1.5 day off and then going back for ONE DAY before the weekend is going to stink big time.

    So I weighed myself this morning. Sigh. Wish I hadn't. I knew I needed to and I figured what the scales would say. It's to evident with my pants starting to get tight. Really need to get back better on track and working out and eating right. Hard to eat right with the massive tin of cookies I got for Christmas and all the leftovers of the baking I did and gave away in my fridge. I guess I should have given away more!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    No luck on exchanging the sweatshirt at The Bay. So I will be taking it back to Kathy's and hope we can exchange it at her store where she lives.

    We did go to visit a winery after taking the table and chairs back. We shared a cheese plate and I had wine and Dave had a beer, he's not much of a wine drinker. I picked up a gift for a friend who we will be seeing on New Year's Day. I picked up a t shirt which says,
    SAVE WATER, DRINK WINE. I will be getting use of that at the sailing club this summer. :D

    Now we are back home and relaxing. Just have to make some dinner and finishing the ever ending laundry.

    Marla - Are you still suffering from that UTI? It seems a long time.

    Enjoy your evening.

  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    I went for my 2 week post op this afternoon and all is well with the recovery. Both the nurse and doctor were stumped with this aweful rash. He's chalked it up to a reaction to the glue and offered a steroid shot. Still itching like crazy. The best relief is when I shower and the water soothes it a bit. Jenny, yes, I had two c-sections but never an irritation like this. I didn't have glue then either.

    I've never been to a winery, but it's on my list of things to do. The T-shirt sounds great. Have you tried chocolate wine, Shirley? I gave a bottle to each of my girl cousins. Can't wait to hear what they think. I bought a bottle for myself and may try it for New Year's.

    Ang, sorry you have to work Friday. BUT you'll have the weekend and not as much to catch up on the following week. Our offices are open Wednesday and closed Thursday and Friday. That was true last week as well. It was a first that I can recall having offices open on the Eve's. The Governor sets the calendar so I guess he enjoys long weekends too.

    Marla, what a sweet thing for your boys to do . I chuckled to myself this year. Collin has always bought his sister a gift on his own ever since she was born (usually from the school store then progressed to Wal-Mart then the mall). This year he bought for a girlfriend instead. I don't know that Margo realized it, but Mama iisn't ready for the change. Hope you aren't still fighting a UTI. I have a friend who said all of her pants are now leggings. As much as I love holiday foods, I am so glad my apetite has left me. Now to get rid of all the sweets before it returns with a vengance.

    I'm still feeling such grief. I heard a snippet of the old song , "How to Mend a Broken Heart." It never gives an answer but was reminded how difficult it do you make the sun stop shining or keep the rain from falling? I'm on a personal quest for lessons learned and happiness. I know they are both within me, just gotta dig deep.

    Gonna rest now. I plan to have my kids help me tackle closets tomorrow. Wish us luck!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    ahhh L - HUGS!!! and prayers! <3