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  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    I will rent something tomorrow - I should do it today - but stupid me will give him yet another chance
    I'm sure he will enjoy picking me up from work, taking Zach for his contact training session (which I scheduled for the time when I'm off early on Monday's and the last available before break is over) and waiting the hour until that is done and then hauling him home - he'll lost at least two hours
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Marla- Men can be such a pain! Next time just tell him you're having it done by a trained mechanic, end of story! Russ said he could put our new front and garage door hardware (knobs, locks, etc.) on himself. He did so but the front door handle is coming off and cold air is seeping through. Same for the back door. In addition he put a hole in the door where it shouldn't be because he screwed up. I wasn't as mad about the hole because we do need a new front door. However, now the cold air is blowing in and I have taped the openings to cut down on the heat loss and air coming in. Looks tacky and I have no idea when we will get a new door and when he will "fix" the hardware. Would have been easier to hire a locksmith and have it done right. If we have to invest in new hardware I will be ticked because it is not cheap. Venting over...feel your pain!

    Shirley- Did you go skiing again? Love your picture. Good for you getting on track immediately :)

    School was not called off. Wind chills not severe enough. I had 4 appointments spread throughout the day so never went to the office. I worked out of Caribou Coffee and my car in between visits. Lighter day tomorrow...

    Have a nice evening!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    This morning it was -26C with the wind chill. That's -14.5F. It was COLD!!!! I wore several layers into work. About the only part of my skin that was exposed to the air was my forehead as my hat didn't come down that far!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    hello mega negative wind chill -here too - tad bit brrrrr

    I don't know what I threatened that finally worked (it has seriously been four years) although the undriveable thing is new - but he took it to an actual shop this morning. Who knows how long it will be out - I personally would have chosen one of the dealers who may have charged a bit more - but they have shuttles/rides but whatever he at least seems to done trying to do it 'cheap.' I'm still furious/angry/hurt (it's always my stuff that suddenly makes him worry about how much things cost) - but am trying to let it go - I must remember that I am getting what I want and not focus on the errrrrggggghhhh it took to get there. I'm not there yet.

    Jenny - MEN! (throws hands in air)

    Seems like we are all in for some bitter weather for awhile - stay warm sassy ones

    My doc office just recently added some eletronic portal and I emailed yesterday about still not feeling well - he sent an email that maybe some estrogen cream because the symptoms sometimes mimic post menopause issues. I'm like - well that's fine and I'm willing to try about anything - but I haven't been through menopause dude remember? Of course I never heard back if he was calling that in or what - so still squirming

    today was my teams Christmas food day (we waited till now due to schedule conflicts over the holidays) and I forgot because I was so upset last night - plenty of food though - I tried to stay somewhat ok - ate taco soup (although I did NOT skip the fritos) and one piece of tortilla roll up and one piece of peanut cluster. Not great - not horrible.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi All,

    A busy day for me, what I had planned kept getting pushed to later in the day. A nice long talk with my friend from London, ON. Still trying to get caught up from the holidays slowly.
    I need to do more cleaning tomorrow and I should be done.

    Izzy is back with his mom and all cat stuff is put away. :D I must admit he was pretty good this time. No problems.

    My back has been acting up again, I did some leg raises and it pulled on my back.
    My bad, my chiropractor said I should not do them. I thought I was helping my core,
    not so much. :s

    Went to see my cousin who just got out of the hospital and the diagnosis isn't good.
    He starts radiation tomorrow. I can't believe another family member, this is on my Dad's side of the family.

    Day 2 of South Beach and it is going okay until my cousin's wife gave us some doughnuts
    and coffee tonight. :p Tomorrow back at it.

    Have a good evening,


    Its 10F and man its cold.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday. Busy at work trying to organize. I had a killer head ache and had a hard time focusing. My headache continued all night and woke me up. Probably a combination of weather change (extreme wind chills coming in), not enough fluids, and sinus. I forgot to call in to a teleconference last night for a committee I'm on because I was so focused on hearing if school was cancelled today due to windchill. We are cancelled! Yay! I had leg cramps and head ache in the night. I've had water, ate a Clementine and will drink more fluids with breakfast. I'm using peppermint oil to make the headache go away and help my sinus stuff. It's working. I've had too much ibuprofen lately so trying essential oils first.

    Shirley- sorry about your cousin and your back stuff. When it rains it pours. You've had a lot of loss this past year. It has to let up soon I hope.

    Ang- good for you for bundling up. I should be more careful covering exposed skin. I usually have a hat, mittens and my coat. I can't find my cuddle duds. If I'm out for activity I will wear a face mask but don't typically go outside in this weather if not necessary.

    Marla- glad you are getting your car fixed. It shouldn't have to be so hard. Good job on your choices at the party. You didn't over do it so that's a success!

    Hi Amy and L!

    Breakfast is calling...

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - Hope your headache goes away. I LOVE Clementines! I'm eating my second one of the day right now.

    Shirley - Hope things go well for your cousin.

    It's a few degrees warmer today, but not much! It's still frigid out. I"m ready to pack my bags and move to some place warmer! I've decided that since my sinuses are acting up, and the Clariton clears it up better then Benadryl, it must be my allergies acting up. Since I can't figure out what the allergies are reacting to I figured it was the cold. The means I need to move some place warmer! (Either that or since the people I rent from had a real tree, it's possible the smell got through to the basement where I am, and I am reacting to that. Though the tree has been gone for a week now)

    It's supposed to snow a little today, about 5cm. (2in) Hasn't started yet. It will be the first snow the actually really stays. It snowed on Sunday but that turned to rain and it's basically gone.

    Well my sanity/lunch break is almost over so I need to get back at it.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    buhbuhbuhbrrrrrr - school cancellations are very rare here in town - the town doesn't bus at all - so the only ones that close are the 'country' schools. In the 18 years I've been here I think there have two closings. It's always funny listening to people gripe about the not closing - like they haven't lived here all their lives and already know it - and like they would n't have to come to work anyway b/c the plants are always open.
    How is your rash doing L? Jenny - hope your headache is better. I have never tried peppermint oil - I may have to give it a whirl - me and headaches (and others) have me crunching down way to many ibu I know.

    Shirley - so sorry to hear about the poor news in your family. Sometimes it feels like it's nothing but bad - but I think you have a wonderful family network and awesome friends to lean on and love. Huggles!

    First Varsity ball game tomorrow night. Woot! Zach should be first five - anxious, excited, nervous to see how they do. The team definitely won't be as strong as last year (only lost one - plus the invite to Nationals) - so I hope they will find their strengths quickly and like I tried to want Zach to do with soccer - be a leader since they are pulling up kids from 6th since they are short 8th graders and show them how to play like you want them to - don't let Shane spiral down into his default of pushing and yelling - there will definitely be losses this year - I just hope they have fun, show good sportsmanship (SHANE) and grow. And win a few. Because well - winning :>)
  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    Laissez les Bon Temps Rouler!! (Let the Good Times Roll!!) We are officially in Mardi Gras Season. WooHoo! 40 days of parades, King Cake, balls, royalty, and over the top fun.

    The Artic Blast has reached Louisiana! I know I have absolutely no room to talk about how cold it is with the wind chill after reading y'alls temps, but this southern girl does not like it!! The kids have a "warm winter free dress day" tomorrow because of the cold. Our girls have only skirts in the normal dress code so I'm glad they are using some sense. Ang, you may find it very comfortable here.

    Pearl and I have been going on two mile walks this week. My pace is MUCH slower than my norm and Pearl isn't too happy about it. I've had to do a little more tugging than I'd like. Hopefully in a few weeks we'll start running again. Feels good to be outside though (well up until tonight).

    Yay on the mechanic, Marla! So are you renting in the meantime? Good luck to Zach. We had our second loss tonight. The first was last night and deserved it. Tonight we stayed ahead until the last quarter and lost by 1. It was a heartbreaker. I just recently got fitted for contacts for the first time. I don't know that I'll get the hang of putting them in/taking them out. I can't tell if I'm putting them in inside out or not. How do kids manage???

    Shirley, I hope your back gets to feeling better. This reminds me, what did your husband learn from his tests weeks back? (I'm sure you posted it while I was out of pocket)

    How does it look for tomorrow, Jenny. Will there be school or no school? I always have enjoyed the unscheduled days off -- as long as I continued to get paid. The rash is lingering. I guess it will take a while to clear because of the location. It is constantly covered so I'm sure the body heat isn't helping. I'm not going as crazy because of it so it's improved.

    Ang, those temperatures would keep in hibernation, I do believe! I've always been curious, how do you protect your eyes in such extreme cold?

    Besides walking, cleaning out the fridge, a quick trip to the pharmacy, and a basketball game, I've laid around all day and ready for bed! It is going to be so hard to go back to work full time. I went in for a few hours yesterday and decided, nope! Not ready for it. I had planned to work 2 half days this week, 3 next, and then return full force the following. I just may take my full 6 weeks.

    At any rate, I'm going to find me some flannel pj's and catch some zzz's.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    L - I don't protect my eyes. Not normally. The last few days I've had to wear my glasses. Grrrrrr :( But I tore my last contact and haven't had the funds to order new ones yet. Next week I can, but that's not soon enough!!! Not really a way to protect them unless you wear ski glasses.

    I saw a girl on the coldest day this week, wearing boots (NOT the winter kind), leggings (with NOTHING over them) a short jacket that was NOT done up all the way and gloves. She was sitting huddled on the bench like she was freezing. No wonder! Crazy teenagers these days just don't dress for the weather! (This was at my bus stop where I do a bus transfer to get to work. As we were pulling out I saw another girl with her coat UNZIPPERED! Another crazy person!)

    It's a couple degrees warmer today, but not much! It's supposed to get above freezing by tomorrow, but it won't stay that way for long. We are definitely in the grips of winter. How I hate it!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I can relate Ang it was 7F today and windy and blowing snow. I had a dentist apt today
    and was hoping it would calm down before I went and it did.

    After my apt I went to the Sears Catalogue store to pick up a order and I could hardly get in the door. I think their knob is frozen. Some guy from the inside let me in. The roads were really slippery so glad to be home again.

    L - As far my husband's back goes he has been to a physiotherapist specialist and a physiotherapist in our area and they have him on exercises now. He is still going to the chiropractor regularly and just has to know when to stop when he feels pain. He is pain free now and doing quite well. Some of the exercises he was given started to aggravate so now he has to find out which ones. Day by day and he will be retired end of March so I hope to get him to do more exercising.

    Have a good evening.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Shirley - how exciting how close your hubs retirement is - I know you all have been looking forward to it - woohoo!

    Still brutal cold - still no car - we are making due driving together and switching around at lunch, but it is a pain, I am basically not saying anything about it - since I know I wouldn't say anything constructive and it wouldn't help anything

    Grade for 2nd quarter came home Wednesday and wow am I upset and trying hard not to over react - Zach failed spanish for the quarter. WTHeck. I knew he came home with a C at midquarters which was bad enough and we spent plenty time of arguing and fussing about that - but as upset as I am at Zach (and yes, I fully agree and am aware that it is his responsibility ) but I can't believe the teacher didn't give me a heads up. Why should the first I know that he is failing his class be with the report card. At what point after midquarters did that happen? What happened? I should probably go talk to the teacher, but I also fear that would be counter productive and end up making things worse. I have no illusions that Zach did not screw up and do poor work - but I am quite upset that I was not brought into the loop. Yes, at that they need to be responsible - but I am sending him to ILS because I expect a certain level of oversight. Grrrrrr - home is not a happy place right now.

    So, it's the weekend - and who cares - do.not.reach.for.the.banana.bread. STEP AWAY MK!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I missed a few days, wow! We did end up having school called of on Wednesday due to wind chill being at 25-30 below zero. It was suppose to be colder but didn't happen. I bet the school district was bummed they called it off. We enjoyed a day off. My friend/coworker called and we went and saw the movie The Imitation Game. It was good.
    I relaxed the rest of the day.

    David texted today and they are already done crabbing and the boat is put away until spring fishing season. He will be home the end of next week. Hopefully he stays a little longer before heading to Maine to be with Chantrelle, his girl friend.

    Finally went and looked at new mattresses that we need badly for our guest room and Rory's room. We will order tomorrow and have delivered next week.

    Shirley- nice that Dave is going to retire in March. You will have more flexibility for travel and save your energy for being grandparents :)

    Marla- Is Zach 9th grade now? In our public high school they focus on making students accountable and responsible for their grades and communicating when they need help with course work. The only time you hear if your child is missing assignments or failing is at conferences, report cards, or if your child tells you. We could go online to check and check grades though.

    L- glad you are able to get out walking and are feeling better in time for Mardi Gras. You've worked so hard these past months. Enjoy some time to rejuvenate and become stronger.

    Ang- You're a lot younger than me but already thinking about living somewhere warmer? LOL, I'm constantly thinking about being a snowbird and wintering in the south.

    Our new vacuum arrived (Shark Rotator) so I will have to clean tomorrow and see if I like it. If not, we can send back. It's a 45-60 day return if not satisfied. Can't remember exact number.

    Have a nice night!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Popping in to say hi, going to the boat show today. Leaving soon.
    Boat show, cocktail party at 5:30, and dinner out. I really have to watch those calories.

    Have fun this weekend.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Marla - I was a teacher for 3 years. I would always tell the parents between report cards if their child's grades were going down. Now grant it I taught 1st grade and test packets went home weekly, but even if I taught higher grades, would still let them know!

    Jenny - I lived in Florida for 7 years. (Four years in college in Pensacola and 3 years teaching in Miami). It's this time of year I miss it the most and want to go back! It's been over 9 1/2 years since I moved back and I don't think I've 100% re-adjusted to the cold again!

    I did it! I got to them gym this morning and ran on the treadmill! It felt so good! By the time I got home it was so late to eat the I decided to do a brunch. It was very yummy!

    Well it's Saturday so it's my typical day to do any cleaning, do my laundry and do some shopping. I probably should spread it out more over the week, but I just seem to be to lazy at night when I get home from work! Laundry though has to be on Saturday, as that's the day my landlords leave the washer and dryer available for me. For some reason I seem to have more laundry then normal this weekend! Maybe those workouts during the week caused it! I ended up needing to do 3 loads, when I can normally do it all in 2. Yes, I toss all my clothes together and count it was one load. (Towels are separate) I wash it all on cold and everything always comes out fine. I got into the habit when I had to pay to do laundry and just have never really separated colors!

    Well off to get that cleaning done!
  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    We've had our coldest weather of the winter this week. Today was beautiful, yet cold. Rain picks back up Monday.

    My mother is in town for the weekend. She and I went to look for Mardi Gras gowns. Big mistake! Nothing fit me, in her frank opinion, because of my pooch and rolls. Grrr. Why oh why did I do this with her??!! I came home empty handed and beat down. She's sacked out on the couch now. I guess criticizing is exhausting work. (I know. I know. I sound like a small child. It matches how I was treated.)

    Retirement in March sounds wonderful. Do you have any trips planned, Shirley?

    Speaking of trips, Jenny, is the count down on for Florida? What part of the state will you be visiting?

    Marla, can you monitor grades on line throughout the quarter? I check in from time to time, but not all teachers keep grades current. What did Zach's grades look like in the first quarter of Spanish? If there was a significant change, I agree, I'd expect a call or email to that affect.

    Ang, if I could get away with one or two loads of laundry, I'd do it too! Way to go on your run today.

    My son and his girlfriend are out to the movies. Cannot wait till he is home safe and sound. Does the worry ever fade?

    This beat down, worried mom is signing off.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Just paid bills, ugh! Hate that job. I need to get a couple more set up on auto pay.

    We are going to a mid day dinner and a show with friends from church today. We saw the show many years ago and it was so funny. It's back in Minneapolis so 9 of us are going. It's called Triple Expresso. Have you heard of it. I know they do this comedy/music show in other parts of the country.

    Ang- Did you like living in Florida? I couldn't live there year round but it's nice to visit in colder months. We've had to go in summer for Disney and for a basket ball tournament. It was miserable humidity. Good for you getting to the gym and getting your run in. I have a laundry room and have gotten lazy about separating lights and darks. They all come out fine most of the time :)

    L- Yes the countdown is now. We have rented a one bedroom condo in Panama City Beach, Florida. It's 60 miles east of Destin. It may be pretty cold by southern standards but we just need to get out of here, frigid temps. Even 30's would be a heat wave to us. I don't care if I swim. I just want to see the Gulf from my balcony, see the sunsets over the water, walk the beach and enjoy milder temps than here. Any time sitting in a chair on the sand outside would be a bonus. I would do that if it's in the 50's! I totally get it with your mom. My mom was the same way when she didn't have dementia. I grew up with a lot of criticism from her and little positive acknowledgment for my accomplishments or just for who I was. The comments were always about my weight, appearance, clothes, hair and who I dated or married. Never got approval. She did come to my college graduations for my bachelor and master degrees. People say she was proud but she never told me that. It's just who she was and she showed love in other ways. With kids the worry never ends. When they are self-sufficient adults you still worry but know that they make their own choices. You just pray for their safety...

    Shirley- You always have fun things planned. It's nice you and Dave have friends that are couples that like to do fun things.

    Well now that bills are paid, I need to shower and get ready to leave for the restaurant. We are going to a BBQ place near the theater. I'm planning to order BBQ chicken or brisket.

    Marla- I hope you get answers about Zach's grades and can set up some kind of system for better communication with the school if he's struggling. Stay warm!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just read everyone's posts. I will comment later.

    We got back from boat show and really enjoyed it. Now I have to get dinner going and back on track with my eating plan. We did get in over 12,000 steps yesterday so that was my exercise for the day.

    Talk more tomorrow.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    hey all - L - that really stinks that shopping with your mom degraded into a body image buster. I don't understand that. I spent so much time being upset with how I looked because of what kids at school said that I don't know how I would have done it if my mom did the same thing. You seem to have a healthy outlook and great relationship with your kids so be super proud of that. But I think our parents will just always push our buttons no matter what the age - for mine it is showing up at my house unannounced and acting crushed if we aren't there waiting and my mom always 'rubbing it in' when the kids don't work as hard as they could. I seriously don't know how people live with their family later in life without losing it. I fear the day will come - and I fear for my mental health.

    Jenny - have to say am pretty jelly about all your cold days - the temps here were pretty matchy on bitterness - but alas no days at home -

    and for points of clarification on Zach because I do enjoy and like your input - he is in 8th grade at a parochial school so I do expect better than average communication, his grade was an A first quarter (which frankly to me screams RED FLAG - what is happening that could be contributing - behaviour, social, etc) they do have online grade book but she did not update the Spanish grades from the point of midquarters until the grades came home - I checked every week until Christmas and it had remained the C it was since there were no new grades posted. Again, I totally put the culpability in Zach's court - it's his 'job' - but I guarantee you his other two teachers (there are three that teach the various courses the 6 through 8 graders take) would have given me a heads up - because it is severely out of the norm - deeeeeppp breatttttthhh - yep - still fussy about it -

    so did pretty well this weekend - ate decent and exercised twice. Weakly - but did it. Sad that I didn't have a loss this morning - usually after a good weekend with exercise I would at least have a tenth or two - must persist!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla - Take a deep breath, this too shall pass. I hope you can get Zach back on track with Spanish. I never took a language in school I was in the business section of school work most of my schooling. Shorthand, typing, business math and so on.
    Have you finally gotten rid of the UTI? Are you feeling better?

    L - I had a mom just like yours, unfortunately she no longer is alive. She always criticized me and I always felt never good enough. I hope for your sake with age she mellows out or it could go the other way and I hope not. Think of it this way, at least you have a mom you can talk too and discuss things. My mom was always one sided, her side. Anyway, that is my two cents. You are doing great with your kids and are always there for them and just keep doing what you are doing. o:)

    Dave had to snow blow the driveway again before I could get out and get to my yoga class. It was good to be there and get the kinks out from the weekend.

    Doing the never ending laundry right now. Going to dinner tonight to our friends across the border. She said she would make South Beach food for us so we don't have to go off our plan. She is really sweet to do that.

    Have a good evening,
