Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Saturday morning when I got up the temp was 11 and felt like 7. I wimped out and went to the gym (along with a TON of other people!) The track was crowded with mostly walkers, but I still managed to finish my 7 mile run in 1:12:36. There were 2 guys doing marathon training who did 12 miles that day! I ran part of the time with them, but they were maintaining a slower pace than I wanted. Met some interesting people. One lady hiked to the top of Mt. Whitney on her 63rd birthday and walked across England for her summer vacation. She has just now started trying to run. One of the guys is aiming for doing his 60th marathon by his 60th birthday.

    Yesterday it was a little warmer than predicted (no ice), although it rained most of the day. I finally got out late to finish a 3 mile run in 29:34 around my neighborhood in the cold rain. My dog was very disappointed that I didn't take him for a walk afterward, but it was too cold and wet!
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    AglaeaC wrote: »
    Ceci, I'm glad you have a good indoor track to keep running on. There isn't anything close to where I am, so it's a bit trickier. Congrats on the PB once again! Your place sounds nice what with conversations during cooldown and stuff. Is the Spring date determined by the sun cycle (as in middle between solstices)? Here March is the first Spring month of three.

    Yes, countdown to the first official day of spring.

    Here it is 1 March, is how I meant it. Last Spring day is 31 May. Your date seems arbitrary, until I thought of equinox.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    upsaluki, don't beat yourself up, there will be days where enjoying yourself and not watching calories is the right thing to do. This is a roadmap for the rest of your life, not a sentence for previous wrongdoing. How many times is your son going to get baptized? Precisely lighten up, you are doing great. Tomorrow is another day.

    Ceci, the two marathon trainers, 168 laps, wow o wow. Congrats on getting the 7 miles in and getting out in the neighbourhood. Your running at the moment seems to be a series of small laps. Have fun and don't go stir crazy.

    Romy, thanks, I was going to try and get out tonight but discretion suggests tomorrow morning will be better, legs and head feel tired. Nice going on your run.

    Paytra, well done on getting out on your two runs and exceeding your target.

    AglaeaC, nice run, sometimes runs go like that, feeling really tight at the start. Do you do any warming up before hand, brisk walking, gentle jogging intervals? I always find spend 5 minutes getting the HR up without breaking into a run really helps. Re the rugby, yes I used to play but 3 head injuries in 1 season put an end to my playing days, 28 years ago. I am now a qualified coach and live rugby vicariously through my 2 boys.

    Have fun and well done on your Jantastic team performance

  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    romyhorse, is it Higdon or another plan, sorry can't recall?

    I use Runners World Smart Coach, it is more flexible and can be adjusted at any time. I just plug in my figures and times and it works out my training plan for me.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    AglaeaC, nice run, sometimes runs go like that, feeling really tight at the start. Do you do any warming up before hand, brisk walking, gentle jogging intervals? I always find spend 5 minutes getting the HR up without breaking into a run really helps. Re the rugby, yes I used to play but 3 head injuries in 1 season put an end to my playing days, 28 years ago. I am now a qualified coach and live rugby vicariously through my 2 boys.

    Yes, 5 min warm-up walk like during C25K. Couldn't start running immediately and don't want to either.

    Oh, three head injuries in a year is a lot. Sorry you had to quit, sounds like it is a passion of yours. But glad you can still participate in other ways. How old are the kids?
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    7 and 10, I coach the U8's. The surgeon said he liked seeing me but thought if it continued that it might be a one way conversation. It happens, you move on. I enjoyed it and reminisce frequently and each year I was even better than last. :p

    Good to see you warm up, it 's funny to see how C25k sequencing becomes habitual. Some days legs are heavy and getting layering right is a bugbear for me. I can cope with temperature it's the wind chill I have never figured out properly.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Robbie, I can't seem to figure out the layering either, which is why I end up in the gym more than I should!

    Yesterday was a rest day for me, very busy at work for a few days- finding time to exercise will be an issue!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I really want to comment on everything, but my brain just isn't working for it.
    Got my group run in tonight, but with a massive sufferfest on my last run due to poor nutrition today. Still it's all part of the running experience.

    I'm still about 8k in the hole for the week, but I may go for a run tomorrow or Thursday to make it up.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    edited January 2015
    romyhorse wrote: »
    romyhorse, is it Higdon or another plan, sorry can't recall?

    I use Runners World Smart Coach, it is more flexible and can be adjusted at any time. I just plug in my figures and times and it works out my training plan for me.

    Thanks, missed this since we posted almost at the same time. Will check out.

    ftrobbie wrote: »
    7 and 10, I coach the U8's. The surgeon said he liked seeing me but thought if it continued that it might be a one way conversation. It happens, you move on. I enjoyed it and reminisce frequently and each year I was even better than last. :p

    Good to see you warm up, it 's funny to see how C25k sequencing becomes habitual. Some days legs are heavy and getting layering right is a bugbear for me. I can cope with temperature it's the wind chill I have never figured out properly.

    Lol glad the surgeon didn't get to see you anymore. Plus the constantly becoming better in your memory is quite awesome :wink: 7 and 10 means lots of energy then, rugby sounds like a good outlet for it.

    Layering has been all right now, but I'd love to have a different pair of running pants and another mid-layer for the upper body. Otherwise I'm quite "well-tempered" now. It might not be right for longer runs though.

    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    Yesterday was a rest day for me, very busy at work for a few days- finding time to exercise will be an issue!

    Hope you find the time!

    taeliesyn wrote: »
    I really want to comment on everything, but my brain just isn't working for it.
    Got my group run in tonight, but with a massive sufferfest on my last run due to poor nutrition today. Still it's all part of the running experience.

    I'm still about 8k in the hole for the week, but I may go for a run tomorrow or Thursday to make it up.

    Of course it isn't working when you haven't eaten properly, tut tut :) Glad you didn't miss the group run though.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited January 2015
    Ceci, rest is good, rest is as important as work, our bodies get stronger through the rest. Now see if ignore that sagely advice ;)

    taeliesyn, what a man, poor nutrition and still gets the group run in, way to go. You need to fuel that awesome machine.

    My kids aren't too bad, they do have lots of energy, but better that than sitting on their bottoms all day. Coaching can be fun, sometimes just chaotic, 2 coaches, 25 kids, go figure. Contact starts next year, then the real fun begins.

    Had another disappointing run this morning was supposed to be an easy run with very easy tagged on the sides. It turned into a very easy run. My breathing was all over the place and the legs were like lead (figuratively). Not pleasant, may get out again tomorrow morning and plan for a very easy run to see where it leads, or just stay in bed an extra hour!! Not feeling the love at the moment. :'(
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I am a Rainbow Leader so I can understand how your coaching sessions can get chaotic! We only have 18 girls 5-7 years old but they have the shortest attention span ever, but they are cute and don't talk back! I wouldn't worry about a bad run, it is all part of training and you will improve for it and you will learn to appreciate the good runs, because the further you get into your training the less good runs there seem to be.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Had another disappointing run this morning was supposed to be an easy run with very easy tagged on the sides. It turned into a very easy run. My breathing was all over the place and the legs were like lead (figuratively). Not pleasant, may get out again tomorrow morning and plan for a very easy run to see where it leads, or just stay in bed an extra hour!! Not feeling the love at the moment. :'(

    It it because of illness earlier or simply a bad run? Sorry to hear it wasn't enjoyable.
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Weird workout for me today. The RunDouble app had me run a 200 yard hill 5 times. I think I was done in about 7 minutes. Next time I might have to include a short run along with the workout. The next special training is intervals. I'm assuming I just go all out for the 440 then recover, then all out again. More or less a fartlek with a predetermined distance. Is that right?
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Aglaea suggested you guys might have some insight into a problem I'm having with my runs, hope you don't mind me jumping into the middle of your thread.

    Is it unusual need walk breaks during even the short runs in winter? I was running around 7-8 km 3 times a week without issue until mid-November. At first I assumed I needed to adjust to the conditions but now it's been going on for so long that I'm wondering if there isn't more to it. Has anyone had a similar issue?

    Thanks for reading and allowing me to hijack your thread for a moment. I wrote a blog post with more details here, if that helps. http://myfitnesspal.com/blog/Skye_NS/view/winter-running-problems-722074
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Skye_NS wrote: »

    The link was a bit broken, should work now. Indeed, I suggested you post here, where there is much experience. Hope someone has an idea.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited January 2015
    AglaeaC wrote: »

    It it because of illness earlier or simply a bad run? Sorry to hear it wasn't enjoyable.

    It's recovery from viral infection, but I'm impatient and rarely follow my own advice :\ . Thanks for the thoughts.

    Romy, love the comment.

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited January 2015
    upsaluki wrote: »
    Weird workout for me today. The RunDouble app had me run a 200 yard hill 5 times. I think I was done in about 7 minutes. Next time I might have to include a short run along with the workout. The next special training is intervals. I'm assuming I just go all out for the 440 then recover, then all out again. More or less a fartlek with a predetermined distance. Is that right?

    Not sure about the next special training session. When I did hill intervals the whole thing was about 4.75 miles, 2 miles easy run, 5 x200 run uphill with 5 x200 recovery downhill and a 2 mile easy run back. The key was specifying the hill interval but the guidance notes talked about the runs before and after. I expect the fartlek is as you described, just check the guidance notes with the programme.

    Nice work though, have fun

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    upsaluki wrote: »
    The RunDouble app had me run a 200 yard hill 5 times. I think I was done in about 7 minutes. Next time I might have to include a short run along with the workout.

    I use Endomondo training plans and for an interval session it would normally give me a 15 minute warm up and 15 minute cool down afterwards.

    Tonight was 15Km easy pace, along the Thames path for 7.5 then turn around and back again. The psychological aspect of that is the worst, rather than the run itself. I'm sure that bridge was more than 5Km on the way out type of thing. Nice run though.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited January 2015
    Skye_NS wrote: »
    Hi everyone,
    Aglaea suggested you guys might have some insight into a problem I'm having with my runs, hope you don't mind me jumping into the middle of your thread.

    Is it unusual need walk breaks during even the short runs in winter? I was running around 7-8 km 3 times a week without issue until mid-November. At first I assumed I needed to adjust to the conditions but now it's been going on for so long that I'm wondering if there isn't more to it. Has anyone had a similar issue?

    Thanks for reading and allowing me to hijack your thread for a moment. I wrote a blog post with more details here, if that helps. http://myfitnesspal.com/blog/Skye_NS/view/winter-running-problems-722074

    Only been running 7 months so cannot offer any real advice. Looking at C25k, most peoples issues come from running too fast. Have you been increasing pace/ mileage/ changed footwear/ time of day/ nutrition etc? I would look to those external factors first to see if there is any pattern. Keeping a running diary really helps when looking at training issues. I know I am recovering from illness because I can look back in my training log and see the differences between similar runs done previously and those over the last few days.

    Seeing your from Nova Scotia, have you changed your gait to cope with the ground conditions and are you still trying to come to terms with exercising different muscles. Something to think about, might be completely off beam though.

    Hope you find a solution soon, I expect some of the more experienced runners here to weigh in soon. Good luck

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member

    Tonight was 15Km easy pace, along the Thames path for 7.5 then turn around and back again. The psychological aspect of that is the worst, rather than the run itself. I'm sure that bridge was more than 5Km on the way out type of thing. Nice run though.

    Isn't that the same problem with driving, getting to a destination always seems longer than the journey back. Nice long run though. Congratulations