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  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Marla- Zach's age confirms that I'm losing my mind. I would have bet $ he was in 8th grade last year based on conversations. Somethings wrong in Spanish class...maybe she isn't an effective teacher? Are you going to meet with her and request she keep you in the loop? Good luck! Lots of worries raising kids... Hang in there! Today I lost a working file of one of my students. Searched everywhere but can't find it. I hope my mind returns... Kudos to you getting a couple of workouts in this weekend and eating well. I'm keeping up with my physical therapy exercises but haven't driven myself to the gym yet. I should at least walk with Leslie Sansone. Kick me in the butt!

    Suppose to warm up here by Wednesday and temps in the 30's by Thursday and through weekend. January thaw? Our dinner yesterday was so-so. The show was good but hadn't changed since we saw it 15 or more years ago. We still laughed though.

    Shirley-nice of your friend to be so supportive with what she cooks. True friend!

    Hi L and Ang! Have we lost Amy?

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I am having the hardest time getting myself out of bed in the morning to do a workout. By the time I get home from work and have supper, and wait a sufficient time between eating and doing a workout, there isn't really time left to do the workout before I need to be getting to bed. Part of it I guess, on days I need to be going to the gym, is nerves of walking the 10 minutes to the gym at about 4:30 in the morning, as that's what time I would need to go! I need at least 2 hours to get ready in the morning (Have my morning Bible study which takes upwards of 30 minutes, shower, do my make-up and hair, make lunch, have breakfast, get dressed and so on. It also takes longer to get out the door now with needing jacket, boots, scarf, hat and mitts! I somehow need the motivation to get myself out of bed when my alarm goes off and do my workout! I started with the new year just fine, but it only lasted a week before I got into habits again of not getting up on time. I think I almost need a physical push to get up and get doing it! I thought seeing now change in the scales this week would be enough motivation but I guess it wasn't.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    very slight down on the scale - come on persistence! Book report due tomorrow, drama club starts tomorrow and just got an email from the high school about the 8th grade boys going over starting next week to begin football weight training. GAH!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I found my file. It was inside another! First time for everything... It feels like it should be Friday tomorrow but still 3 more days of the work week, blah!

    Ang- I hear you! The only time that would really work for me to get my exercise in would be morning before work. I can't get myself out of bed and out into the cold. By the time I get home, have after work events, dinner, and wind down for bed, it's not a great time to exercise. At the very least I should go to the family room and do a walking tape.

    Marla- Ready, set, go! And your off for winter season... Good for you on scale moving a little. You're making it happen!

    I came home starving and Russ had planned salad night for dinner. Luckily he bought a rotisserie chicken so I was able to add a chicken breast to my meal.

    Temps this morning were below zero and felt like I was breathing in ice particles going from my car to building. I had to cover my nose it hurt so much. By afternoon it was up to 15 degrees and sunny. We are going to have a mild weekend, 30's, supposedly. Bring it on!

    Have a nice night!
  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    So...I'm through pouting about my mother's comments. I've beared it all of my life (and Shirley, she is only getting stronger in her traits) so what's new?? Funny thing is, she knows how to do it just in my earshot. Very seldom does my husband, cousins, aunts, and friends pick up on it. She truly is one of the nicest people you could meet except for this major flaw.

    I've made my way up to 3 mile walks with 15 minute miles. I attempted a very slow jog last night, but will not do that again for a while. It was a Motrin kind of night :# . I'm horrible about weighing daily now that I've gotten back into the swing of things. Problem is that I've hit my unlucky number on the scale and it will not budge. This is where I've hit every single time I've buckled down to lose weight.

    I've got a release to return to work part-time with 4-6 hour work days starting tomorrow. After my eye appointment I'll go in for a couple of meetings and call it a day. That being said, I'll be in your position Ang. I'll need to get my walks in before going to work. It's so cold outside and warm in my bed. I feel the struggle coming on already.

    Cool thing going on around the corner from where I live. They are filming the remake to Roots. It's been fun watching the crews transform old buildings into a diner and "cut and curl." Today was the first day of filming. Old cars are lining the streets for the movie and the food truck is parked in my parking space. I haven't heard who is starring in it. This is at least the 4th movie being filmed here. Our balcony will appear in a film that hasn't been released yet (can't remember the name of it).

    You are kidding, Marla!! Zach went from an A to a F?? I completely understand how you must feel. My guess is that she did not grade regularly and didn't see the failing grades until it was too late. Surely speaking with the teacher would not make the situation difficult on Zach. On a happier note, congrats on the downward budge on the scale, good eating, and workouts over the weekend.

    Jenny, I have been so cold all day and we are in the upper 30's and low 40's. I just can't fathom your temps. I would NEVER make it. Saturday was such a pleasant day, but it has been grey, gloomy, and rainy ever since. I need some vitamin D in my life.

    What a nice thing your friend did for your dinner together, Shirley.

    Have a good night and a happy Wednesday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    got invited to chapel this morning and was so pleased when Mrs. Graff presented Zach with the first place check for the 2014 Patriots Pen essay. Dat's my boy.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla - One proud Mom! I see your schedule is getting busy again.

    ANG & JENNY - Yes I hear you about the cold and trying to exercise. I went to Yoga class and it was hard getting up and out in the cold this morning. It was -1F this morning but
    I did it and the sun was shining brightly. :D I am so looking forward to Jamaica in February.

    L- How exciting having Hollywood at your doorstep. I guess New Orleans is a popular site for filming. Have you started the Mardi Gras festivities yet?

    Last night was my first rehearsal for a ladies choir I joined. It is going to be fun and some work too. I am in the Soprano section right now but I may have to go down to Soprano 2.
    I will see, two of the songs were quite high for me. Mr. Sandman and Unchained Melody.
    We have some great songs, like Penny Lane and the Impossible Dream. We will get a CD to practice our parts at home.

    Today was my Yoga Practice this morning and then lunch with a friend and some shopping at Target. My DH was supposed to stay overnight for work but he left me a message and will be coming home instead.

    I don't know where Amy is these days. We lost Katie maybe we lost Amy. :( I hope not her stories were so interesting and her job.

    Have a great evening and if anyone is watching the series The Book of Negros its on tonight at nine.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Hump day is over. I left the house at 7:30 and got home at 8pm. Four visits with families today, a union meeting, and then out for a beer and pizza with a few friends. Tomorrow is a light day at work, just meetings and paperwork. We have book club tomorrow eve. Our book took place in Africa so the hostess this month is having us go to an African restaurant. Not sure what the menu will be like...

    Heat wave! Temps in the low 20's today and mid to upper 30's this weekend. Coat optional!

    L- How exciting to have a movie being filmed near you and have your balcony in a movie. Do they have to pay you to use your property in a movie? Wishful thinking! I read recently where LA is now the popular state to film movies since the gov't is giving tax breaks to film makers. Brings in jobs, consumers, etc. Good for you getting 3 mile walks in. I have no excuses to not be exercising. I just need to do it.

    Shirley- Sounds like you keep a schedule that keeps you on track with exercise, etc. What dates do you go to Jamaica? We will be gone 2/13 - 2/22. It sounds like you are enjoying your choir. Have fun!

    Marla- Yay Zach! Is it warmer in NE? I'll take this type of winter weather any day.

    David is on his way home from OR. He plans to stop and see Rory in Grand Forks next week and then he should arrive here hopefully. At least I think he's going there first. I better get the beds made in the guest room and Rory's room. David can pick where he wants to sleep.

    Well getting sleepy so off to read for awhile.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    A cloudy day and so far its 17F but it is getting to the 30's by the weekend.

    Our Kathy is 32 today so I still have to call her and wish her a happy birthday.
    Her and Fraser are moving Saturday to the new house. Mom and Dad are not helping
    anymore, we had our days of hauling boxes.

    Just waiting for my Avon lady to get here so I can pay her for my order. Then I can get on with things.

    I am back on South Beach Phase 1 going on Day 11. So far staying the same as the scale said today. I hope to change things up today since my weigh in is tomorrow. :s
    I have until Day 14 to complete the two weeks and then I think I will do it again.

    Jenny - Our trip starts February 21-28 and we are counting the days already.
    Dave has started training his replacement this week. I can't believe how fast this is
    going for his retirement. End of March will be here before we know it.

    Enjoy the day!


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny - I kept forgetting to tell you. I have been using that method of vinegar and Dawn
    - dish liquid in a spray bottle to clean my shower for months now. I use it every time we shower.
    - It works great and is less cleaning when I do the full cleaning of the shower. Less soap scrum. :D Just thought you would want to know. Another natural way of cleaning.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Will read later - day got away from me - ball games tonight - unfortunately in two different towns. I am staying and watching Caleb's first JV game and Bernie is off for the away Varsity game. Mmmmmmffffffftttt!!! I want both! Go Vikes!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Nice Shirley! I haven't done that cleaning procedure each time I shower but just when a heavy cleaning is needed. Maybe I should change my approach. You leave the weekend we get back from our trip. We are counting days too.

    Heat wave as I said yesterday. So nice!

    I'm off to book club in a few minutes so just wanted to say hi. Small group tonight so we'll see how much we discuss the book. It was A Long Way Home about boy soldiers in Africa/Congo during civil war back in 80's/90's.

    Have a nice evening.

  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    WooHoo! Way to go Zach.

    Shirley, I live just outside of Baton Rouge but yes, New Orleans is another hot spot for filming. We've been coined "Hollywood South" for a few years now. I took a couple of classes at LSU last year and enjoyed watching the filming of Pitch Perfect on campus. (It was funny listening to celebrity interviews complaining of the heat and humidity-- particularly Fat Amy.) Several young girls from my area were extras. And yes, Jenny, the tax breaks draw them in. Sadly, no, we haven't seen a dime. I keep waiting on them to ask to film Pearl while we are out on our walks.

    African food? That sound interesting. Can't wait to hear what you ordered.

    You ladies deserve some warm temps! Hope you enjoy them to the fullest this weekend. The sun should start peaking out tomorrow. I C A N N O T W A I T !!! Seems like it has been weeks.

    Amy posts on FB pretty regularly. She is so funny. I do miss reading her posts here too.

    I've got dinner on the stove, so going to run. Have a good evening.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    After work today I went to Michaels. Their custom framing is 55% off plus an additional 20% off for their Modern Day Design frames. I've been waiting for a sale like that! (Probably missed several but I finally caught this one!) I made each of my nephews cross-stitch birth announcements when they were born. The oldest has his as I was able to frame it myself. The other two were different sizes and needed to be customed framed. I couldn't afford it before. I'm getting both done for just under $215. Considering I have paid close to $300 before for ONE framing, I would have to say that's a good deal! However, now I will need to take my oldest nephews in to have it done to match the other two! Not sure how well it will go though. They leave at least a 1/2" of the aida cloth before the matting. Their needs to be enough cloth to pull and wrap and pin it around the backboard. Not sure his would have enough extra around the border of the pattern to do that.

    I have a couple cross-stitches to do now. I want to make one for someone in my church for June and I have a cousin getting married in June as well and I might make one for her. I just have to see if I will have time to do two in five months.

    Shirley - African food? Not sure if I would attempt something like that. I'm a self-proclaimed picky eater and don't really like trying new things!

    L - Maybe someday they will! You never know! The college my dad went to (Bon Jones University) produced a film one year he was there. He's in the crown scene at the end.

    Jenny - I love reading, but I've never done a book club before. I've actually reading three books at the same time right now! One if a romance on my e-reader, one is one of the free books I get from Bethany House Publishers that I read and review and the third one is a book for women on Proverbs 31. I am so loving that book!
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Hello Ladies ,

    I'm back . whew . I think I get into these patterns or something where I just can't cope with anything more than the every day crazy . I complain I am exhausted and then I work on my time off ! seriously ?

    Anyhow all is well in my world I am still busy as all getout, but I got a raise . A pretty significant one too . The best thing about it, is that it is about the same as the cost for college for my daughter so I'm excited about that . It'll be all normal money wise .

    I met a new friend that I will walk with when I am home . Even when it's cold I love walking outside .

    We went on a weekend at the local ski lodge and it was wonderful but not really enough snow to ski , in Alaska ,can you believe it?It was so nice and relaxing though.

    My weight is out of control hahaha , of course I'm still working on it .

    I haven't heard the latest news from my brother about his kidneys . He just had a biopsy this week so I'm patiently waiting for news.

    My Grandbabies were visiting me lots for my first two weeks home oh man did I enjoy them ! so cute . I love seeing their personalities develop .

    I'll catch up soon and write more coherently hahaha .I'm all over the place because I have some appointments scheduled and they will be here any minute so I'm rushing -which seems to be my life at work .

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    break out the shorts - it's 55 today. It was high and low day yesterday - Caleb's JV ball game won in OT against a very strong team - intense, there is some great talent on the squad and they could have a great next few years. Zach's Varsity got massacred at Madison. It's so frustrating - they are not a bad team but they don't have a good fast break which puts them at a big disadvantage when they get down in points - their zones don't help that. Plus they are not getting the post to the inside and feeding him for shots right under the basket. I know they could do it - Zach has it in him just needs to be taught it- sigh.... I just hope they can win a few games -

    Shirley - posted a loss - WTG!

    Jenny - how was book club? I wish I was more social and able to find these things for myself. The only outside thing I do for myself is choir and I love it - but in a few short years the boys will be off and I will be dumbstruck with what to do with my time.

    Amy - awesome to hear your hard work was recognized and rewarded. Sounds like it was well-deserved. Glad to hear you got some good g-baby time too. We will have to try to support each other as we try to find our way back to our wagons.

    Ang - sounds like some great deals at Michaels. Out town is getting a Hobby Lobby and many of the people here (well mainly ladies) are just squealing with excitement. Basically our only other shopping option is Walmart. So it is pretty outstanding to get something like that here. Hope it makes it. Wonder if they do classes or groups or stuff like that.

    Friday it is and Varsity ball tourney tomorrow. Send those good vibes - Fremont always has big boys that like to shove - come Vikes swish it - swish it real good. :D
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I missed checking in yesterday with all of you. Book club and our dinner at the African restaurant was Thursday eve. It was an interesting experience and quite fun. The member who planned it (hostess for the book) made a reservation for us. There were 9 of us because some couldn't attend. It was obvious they don't get too many caucasian people in the restaurant. Everyone who walked in looked like they were people who immigrated from Africa or were 2nd/3rd generation here in America. They stared at us when they walked in and continued to blatantly look at us from their tables. It was funny. Our server was a young man who was born here but his mother is Liberian and fled there during the civil war in the 80's/90's. He was very personable and said he had read the book too and loved it. His father made him watch videos of the war in Liberia when he was younger so he would understand what happened and what the war was about. The hostess paid for the entire dinner as she usually does. She ordered 3 appetizers, 7 entrees, and a dessert for all of us to share. It was a lot of food. I tried everything but some meat that came in a soup. Very spicy food so needless to say my intestines reacted when I got home. Our server explained each dish to us and said what was in it. Some of the food was eaten in our book that we read.

    As we were leaving two tables of women spoke to us. One table were two black women who appeared to have been born and raised here. They wanted to know if we liked the food and what we were reading, what kind of group we were, etc. The second group were three young African women (teens or 20' maybe came here as children?) in full traditional dress for Muslim women. They asked about our book because they were a book club of 3 and were discussing the same book! It would have been fun to know that and have them join us for a broader perspective. Very nice people and service. I would go back and take Russ. We love trying different ethnic restaurants.

    Work is crazy. Administration is nuts and the state is piling on more paperwork. Retirement can't come fast enough. Count down to Florida and this current 3 day weekend are a blessing. Did you see my picture on Facebook of the two fox that were outside my work window on Thursday? They were huge and beautiful. They've been wandering around my side of the city. My neighbor has seen them in our neighborhood. Weird!

    I'm getting long winded. I have another coat of paint to do on furniture and then walk the dogs. We have a concert tonight. I'll write more tomorrow.

    Welcome back Amy and congrats on your raise!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I just lost my post from my tablet, it is so frustrating when that happens. I am just typing away and poof its gone and cannot retrieve it.

    I will start again. We had a quiet day today. I did my new DVD with Leslie Sasone with HIIT exercises. So I did the full 3 miles today. I like the new group of people on the video and it has party songs on it so it gets you going.

    Dave went to pick up the cushions for the boat and new foam. So hoping our bed will be a little more comfortable for my back this summer. :) We also got our water tank repaired and Dave will pick that up this week some time. He is going to be very busy these next 10 weeks training his replacement. His retirement is the end of March and it is coming so fast.

    He just left for the Ice Dogs hockey game with his two nephews and BIL. So I have the night to myself and want to get going on the baby blanket I am doing for our new grandbaby. Kathy and Fraser are moving today to the new house. I know they will be beat after that. I also washed a bunch of dishes the girls had while growing up when they were babies so I will deliver them to Kathy when we go to see them in February and help her unpack.

    We did go see American Sniper last night and Tom joined us. I did have some popcorn and we stopped for a beer after. The movie was good and intense. That is all I will say
    so I don't spoil it.

    Jenny - African food I have never had. Good for you for being brave and trying it.
    -The book sounds interesting. We are watching the series now The Book of Negroes and there is also a book on it. It is quite good.

    Amy - Nice to see you are back obviously very busy. Kudos on the new pay raise. Makes life a little easier.

    Ang - You are quite talented with cross stitching. I heard it is hard to do.

    Marla - On Black Friday in Michigan we went to Hobby Lobby and I just loved it.
    It is kind of like our Home Sense but bigger.

    Well big news here in Canada. All Target Stores are closing and unfortunately lots of people out of work. My friend who lives in London, ON just started going back to her job there after some back issues. She says I will stick it out until they close and then I am done working.

    Well have to go and make dinner and get that blanket going.


  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Well Good day again ,

    I've had a few good days here at work , busy but really good . Maybe it's the raise and knowing they appreciate me because I sure have been busy .

    I did some blood work recently and my vit D is really low ( NO SURPRISE THERE, It's so dark all the time . ) so I have ordered some vitamins , my thyroid is low but my provider doesn't think I need medication yet . sigh , I'll just struggle through and keep trying to lose weight lol . I was almost hoping to have some excuse for the weight gain other than I have no self control .

    Jenny ,Nice fox picture . I love all the tracks in the yard ! Oh and I wanted to mention how in AWE of you I am , You actually sent out cards ! I have an aversion to the post office I swear it - I still haven't mailed my friends cup from China to her - nor the head band I made Shirley , sigh . I'm going to try to mail both when I get home in two weeks . Other wise it'll be too hot for Shirley to wear it :smile:
    - I used to be in a book club a long time ago I loved it but working up here it's hard to do it anymore, This story makes me want to try it again - and African food .
    - Marla , My goodness I hope you feel better soon any more news? Baby Zephyr was amazing to have in the house every day for two weeks ,I enjoyed it so very much and hope that he comes over more often . WOW . Jayse also came over on a couple of days also and I was one happy Grandma! SO what's the news on the car?

    Shirly - I love that you post about the weather haha it's -35 with the wind chill today . I had to shovel the 2 feet of snow piled up in front of the office just to open the door . It didn't snow that much but the wind piled it all in front so if I wanted in I had to work .

    L , first I want to say I am so sorry about your friend - I have a best friend in Louisiana that I don't see nearly enough and when I go back to Louisiana in March I'm taking off with her and just going someplace just her and I for about 5 days.( Monica has a hard time sharing me ) I'm hoping to get a last minute cruise out of N.O. but if not just a trip in the car or on a plane last minute deals here I come :smiley: as for your mom . OMG ! as I said my mom used to do that to me and I'm not sure what happened lately but I had gained weight before my last trip to Louisiana and she did not say a word - when I mentioned it she said " I'm sure you'll be able to get back on your diet and lose it, don't give up" I called Monica next door and told her our mother had been replaced by an alien hahaha! She has never ever been supportive about our weight . So maybe there is hope for your mom don't you just want to call her a meanie when she does that ? oh and btw , You look terrific !

    Anj , It's been so long since I logged in I just read about the lawyers going to your play . That was so sweet . I'm so glad they showed you that support . also about the chocolate berries haha I love those . How are your knees doing ? I hope much better . Sounds like you and I have similar weather huh?

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Nothing new to share, except I've been taking advil pm to get to sleep and it feels great to wake up refreshed ! I usually feel tired because I keep waking up every hour or two every night .

    Well, had to cut it shot today ,I have people scheduled at 0630 , sigh gotta get everything calibrated ...Have a great Sunday
