January Chat



  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Welcome sue. We're glad to have you join us. I know that I will use MFP and log my intake for years to come. I know if I didn't, I would slowly let the pounds sneak back on, as I have so many times in the past. I have actually been surprised how easy it is, in general to stay under 1200 calories. This is the first time I've counted calories, but I have only had to cut out a few of the foods that I used to eat. In fact, when I started this Life Journey, I was shocked to see how many calories are in some of the things I used to eat. Just knowing it now makes me not want to eat them any more.
    Tell us a little more about yourself and I hope you will visit and post often.

    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding
    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    strongersue--I've gained and lost 30 lbs several times over the years and it is never easy. Logging makes me pay attention to what I'm eating and I'll be logging for the rest of my life. MFP has helped me with lots of support and encouragement. I've been here 2 years and lost 15 lbs and then put 5 of them back on again in August, so I'm struggling again. Anyway, if you need a friend, just send a request.

    DamitJanit--I've been wondering the same thing about the profiles. I thought MFP changed something, but maybe people are just being more private than when I started here 2 years ago. I will be here logging for many years, too, because when I don't log, I put on weight.
  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    Thanks all for the encouragement. I have 15 day logging and am working hard to stay at 1200 calories. I agree with you Janit about food labels being very revealing. I have always read the calories but am now paying attention to sugars, sodium and calcium. I am trying to up my dairy but there is not a lot of room in 1200 calories. Hopefully I will be able to exercise soon and add a couple hundred calories to my daily intake. Here is to a healthy week for all of us.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    DamitJanit: Congratulations for crossing the border into "onderworld". It is a great accomplishment. Do something nice for yourself!

    Joan: My diary is open to friends only (I think). You can set it however you like. In the past year, I have only had one person "criticize" my diary almost daily. I "unfriended" her. I didn't come here to be beaten up, but for support. If I have a good day, I get some "yeas". If I have a bad day, I get some, "Wow that looked delicious!" If I have a really bad day, I get, "Don't worry, it's only one day!" I do limit my friends to those who show diaries, to those who are encouraging and responsive, and I keep the numbers low enough so that most days I can actually look at their diaries and support them. Never criticize!

    But, that is my decision. You should only do what you feel comfortable with. But, I do think you should log even if you keep it private. It helps you realize exactly what you are eating. Count calories. And plan ahead.

    DamitJanit and Gramanana: I think people are just cautious with so many things going on in the world. Me, I'm too naïve to be untrusting.

    Sue: Welcome, you will like it here! I love this group!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    edited January 2015
    Welcome Sue, I also have battled 30 lbs for years now. Sometimes I win, sometimes the lbs win. Giving up soda has helped me a lot. MFP and logging even more. Unlike Facebook, MFP does allow privacy, I get why some would want that, they just want to log and have a small group of support folks. Personally I prefer this group and my smallish circle of MFP friends. Otherwise it is too much to maintain.

    I joined mid year last year and did great, fell off the logging and checkin wagon, and regains about half of the lbs I had lost. So I am back, I know MFP works so here I am and here I plan on staying. Vacations may cause a break from time to time but I will still log and I will come back to my weight loss home.

    I <3 MFP.

    Feel free to friend me, I check in regularly.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding

    Greetings ladies. I'm so happy to see more discussions lately.
    Thanks for all the kind words about me finally reaching onederland. It's great and I didn't know if I would ever see it again. My DR was very happy with my weight loss and I told him the next visit I would be under 200.

    Sue, I was concerned about dairy since I eat very little of it. I asked my Dr and he said that I get all the calcium I need from the green veggies that I eat. I don't know if that holds true for you, but sure made me feel better.

    I understand about some people wanting to keep their food diaries private. My question was about the profile. That is their choice too, of course, but if I don't want to share something about myself, I just don't put it in. And Charlie, your profile is visible, just not your food diary. But I can't believe someone criticized what you ate. That's really supportive, huh?

    Have a happy and healthy day everyone.
    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks for the feedback re keeping my food diary private. I think I will do that until I feel a little more confident that i'm actually going to follow through. BUT - I WILL faithfully log whatever I eat!

    I read good tip yesterday for getting back on track, which was to pre-record your food diary for the next day -- then, even if you change your mind, you will, at least, have moved a lot closer to the mindset that you need in order to succeed. I'm going to start doing that today.

    Tjanks everyone -as ever.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Not been able to get back to exercise since Christmas for a variety of reasons ..... Not been well and then fell and jarred my knee ...but....,today was a good day! Booked Zumba and Aquafit for next week and walked for an hour with a friend...and planned to do it again next week .... So hopefully today is a turning point!

    Yey Yey Yey

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Joan: I do that a lot. I enter some or all of my food in the morning a lot of days and adjust if necessary. I already have my breakfast and lunch added in today along with an evening snack so that when I talk to my daughter before lunch, I will know how much I will have for dinner remaining so that we can choose where I'll meet her and where I know I can get a nice meal for the balance. I have 494 calories allotted for dinner! So I have several choices. Helps keep me at my 1200. I try never to put anything in my mouth unless I already know how many calories is in it.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    Jean, sorry about the jarred knee, ouch!

    Glad to see you posting again.
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    Jean - sorry about the knee, hope it heals quickly for you. I feel like I am finally getting back into the swing of things again. I had one day this week that if it wasn't nailed down I was going to eat it. I read a good tip that said when you are like that to drink some water (or unsweeet tea). I did that and it really seemed to help. I did splurge at the end of the day and had a small snack pack of M&M's, but I figure compared to what I wanted to eat that wasn't a big deal. I counted it in my dairy and moved on! Hope everyone has a great weekend, today is my Friday - whoot whoot.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Good news, Jean! I was eyeing a Zumba class myself ... have never tried it but maybe now I can give it a go. ~ Kathy
  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    Joan- I like logging my day's food in the morning. I am usually thinking about what to fix for dinner so I start with that and build around it. I also keep certain things on hand that I know are good foods for me, i.e.; greek yogurt, whole wheat bread, peanut butter, 2% american cheese slices, apples, grapefruit, bananas, cheerios, soups, green tea, splash juice and cheese sticks. That way I can always build a good breakfast and lunch to fit my calorie allowance. Good luck!

    Jean- glad to hear you are feeling better and getting back to your exercise. I am hoping I will be able to do the same next week- this "taking it easy" following surgery was fun for a day or two but I am now going stir crazy, LOL! I've even lost my appetite -REALLY unusual.

    Take care all from sunny south FL.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I joined MFP one year ago today at 230 lbs. Today: 154.5. I have logged in 365 days. I have kept the diary current except for maybe a day or two. I've worked out most days and love working out now! Most of all I have enjoyed the friendship of some really great people who have kept me going and honest.

    Thanks to everyone. I've still got a ways to go before I get to maintenance, but I'll get there!



  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    A beautiful, amazing transformation! Totally WOW!

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Good day, all. I hope the world is treating you right.

    Charlie, you are such an inspiration. I also started at 230 and you let me know it can be done. You look marvelous!!!! I also often put in my day's food when I enter my breakfast. I mean, if I have to plan what to eat, why not enter it and see what I can add to the day. It works for me. Especially if I'm going out to eat (which I try not to do often), I look up the menu on line and figure out what I will order and enter the food. That way if I need to skip a snack, I know it ahead of time. Restaurant food seems so high in calories that I usually think it's not worth it. If I'm going to have a salad, I'd rather have one that I make. :)

    I did not exercise the past 3 days. Really felt lousy yesterday and did nothing other than make a pot of chili and proceed to eat 3 bowls over the next few hours. I hadn't slept well the night before so napped a couple of times during the day. Well, I slept about 10 hours last night, which I never do, and woke up this morning feeling great. The scale was 1 1/2 pounds down and I did my full routine of exercise this morning. Thank goodness those days can still turn out okay.

    I wish you all a great and successful day. Keep up the good work.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member

    Your face and that smile says it all, Charlie. Congrats and keep on doing your thing, it works.

  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    Congratulations Charlie- you are an inspiration- thank you for posting your pictures!
    - and Janet I'm so glad you are feeling well! It is good you listened to your body-sometimes it does know best.

    Have a great weekend all!
    Sue in FL
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited January 2015
    Charlie, you are an inspiration and I agree that transformation is the word. Just look at your beautiful, smiling face! That says it all.

    Love the fireworks, retirehappy... Nice touch!

    Janet, so glad you are feeling better.

    I just love this group. Have a great weekend, everyone! - Kathy (usually in Worcester Ma but this weekend, in Buffalo!)
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    You ARE an inspiration, Charlie and proof that it can be done. So I will remind myself of that every day... about eleventy-four times a day!

    Here are some of the things I do when I feel like I NEED to eat.
    This happens frequently, and being type2 diabetic, I try to be well prepared with legal snacks.

    If I'm going to snack I SIT DOWN to eat it. I put it on a plate and make it an Occasion.
    2 graham crackers and a cup of coffee or tea. They're a bit sweet, have a satisfying mouth crunchiness. The coffee warms and fills me up. And when they're gone--they're gone.

    Crackers and cheese.. with coffee or tea. The carbs and protein fill that nagging nook that thinks it needs to be fed. Put a bit of salsa on top of the cheese--no calories and it gives your brain a flavor injection.

    Low-fat yogurt; half a container. I don't eat out of the carton. I put it in a dessert dish and
    sit down at the table. Maybe I add a cracker or 2. Or half a banana.

    Green Olives.
    Yes. Sometimes when I think I absolutely positively have to have chocolate, I eat a couple of Big Fat Green Olives. Wakes your mouth up and after this you wouldn't be able to taste much, anyway. o:)

    I didn't exercise the past 2 days, either.. same as Janit; hadn't slept well, felt less than stellar. but I'm ready to get back in it today.

    Thanks again, Charlie for sharing your story with us.
    It helps. Really it does.
