Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi everyone, I am waaaay behind here. I lost that big one so I will try again. I don't have word on this computer but I think I will try note and see if I can save it there. I'll be back. Whew! made it with 7 minutes to spare for editing, lol. I missed alot of info everyone so here are my responses below.

    Arobed53, you are one very busy lady, I envy your tenacity! I ride a Trikke, it's not a bike, it's a three wheeled riding machine. I stand on it and move it with my arms and legs and feet. It's a lot of fun and think the FitBit might read my muscle movement on my legs as I propel forward. I am thinking about trying that. My wrists have the combo of Arthritis and past Carpel Tunnel but there is nothing they can do except to give me meds and I cannot take them. I am really glad I won't be treated for Temporal Arteritis for sure.

    Pam-Ray, I loved the museums there in Balboa Park, it was the place to be on weekends. I remember summer concerts at the outdoor Spreckels Organ Pavilion. Have you been to one of them?

    sannferris, I like to watch Recipe Rehab, it's interesting for me because I do the same thing to recipes I like but want them healthier. Chicken Fried Steak is also my favorite but only since a new restaurant opened in town that makes them so tender you can cut it with a fork.

    I'm glad PT is getting some progress for you and handling the hay has to be a nice feeling being able to do that again. I use my blue therapy putty each day to stretch my fingers and keep them more agile. I love your Blue Streak for fashion idea, lol.
    Thanks for the corrections on Greasysgal name, I also did not notice the S after greasy.

    mygnsac, I just did the restock of all veggies and will be surviving on Salad, Soup and Sandwiches but mine don't usually include the bread, lol. Your dad sounds like he is a busy man with his walks and his smeller must be broken if he can't smell the dog, lol. Do you freeze the foods you make ahead? It is only two of us here so if I froze everything I cooked my freezer would only have leftovers in it. Thanks for thet movie trailer, "Return to Me." I will surely find that movie for a girls movie night.

    sannferrissannferris, I wouldn't want a rooster either, good for you your husband didn't say yes.

    isyvanekisyvanek, glad you made it here and I have found it difficult to find and keep contractor's as well. I have found a great contractor and hope he will be available when we need him. I have sen his work and he is a really nice family man.

    tlspindortlspindor, thank you, I hope you had an awesome day as well. I'll join you in the home alone syndrome since my hubby is out of town as well.

    sannferrissannferris, it's ok, you just have to get back into the swing of things for meals.

    isyvanekisyvanek, Hope you had a great day Too!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2015
    Wow, sure can miss alot when your not posting here. How do you all keep up in here? lol.

    So, I used note on my computer and copied and pasted from here to respond and then just copied and pasted from note to here. Seems that will work to help me keep from losing those long responses.

    I dropped my husband off at the airport yesterday and for the first time I cried, I don't know why I did though. He was Navy for 29 years and it was normal for him to go for months at a time and I expected it. I think my problem is he doesn't go for months at a time anymore.

    He went to Galveston last week, now he's in San Diego and when he comes back on Thursday he'll return to Galveston the next day. Not much time with him for about 2.5 weeks, it's lonely but my little kitty is keeping me company.

    I am going to work on the house tomorrow, I need to do a good cleaning of the floors and get some laundry done. I may start on the other room on Tuesday.

    I hope you all have a very good week!

    Oh, and you know tomorrow means now since I don't sleep well at night. I just had a short nap and I am wide awake. I am going to try hard to work hard and fall asleep during the evening instead of staying up all night for the next few days.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    I just got up to pour myself a cup of milk and I had flashes of my evening routine for my husbands coffee in the morning when he wakes up. I fill a small glass with water because he wants a drink when he wakes up and I ready the coffee maker for him and put his cups there ready to go. He uses a cup at home and then he takes a travel cup with him to work. He is down to two cups per day instead of the five he used to drink and I am real happy about that. NM changed him.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I got my coffee and I nuked a couple egg muffins, life is good.

    Thanks for the tip, Isabella, I usually do use paper cups when making muffins. But, for some reason I didn't think to try them with the egg muffins. I think maybe I was like Marcie and wanted the sides nice and toasty brown.

    No big plans today, well no plans to go out anyway, but I would like to give John a haircut and a beard trim. I think my arm and hand are strong enough and mobile enough to do that again. I have always cut our own hair, but this past year, since I wasn't able to raise my arm, I went to Great Clips and got John to go there once. I don't think I can get him to go again.

    I wonder where Carole will end up? I figured that even if I log somewhere else, I can still come here to chat. I'll have to email her to see if she was able to change her home page easily.

    I emailed Billie and told her I'm ready to get together for lunch whenever she is, but I haven't heard back yet. I hope she's doing better. If she can't get out, I can take lunch to her house.

    That's it for now, my mug needs refilling...
  • Judyelaine1952
    Judyelaine1952 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all, like Carole I have decided this place is not for me. I weigh everything I eat and this place is not user friendly for that. Also, I find The Recipe calculator Frustrating and inaccurate. Since most of my meals are home cooked and i put in what I have, based on my whim, I have to add them or edit them every time I make something. I will have to find a good recipe calculator and transfer the recipe into fit bit. I will stop in and check on you now and again and will see many of you on facebook. Hope this works for all of you. Judy.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    I'm sorry to hear you are having so many problems logging your food Judyelaine1952. I agree the recipe calculator is inaccurate, I also agree it is hard to input food. I don't have Facebook and don' care to so this is where I have the ability to input food and to chat with folks. Hopefully Lynn and Susanno come up with something where we can all connect.

    I'll miss your input here and good luck in the future.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. I'm around but busy. Have lots to tell you soon. Have a great Tuesday.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Checking in too, I'm getting my hair cut today with a new guy. I might just cut it all off, lol. My husband would be shocked. ;)

    Have a great day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I don't recommend cutting it all off...you'll be cold. I was amazed at how cold I was without my hair to keep all the body warmth in. No hair cut here yet, I didn't feel up to it so I didn't even ask John. I hope sometime this week, I can get that done, but I don't know when. Everything has to line up, how I feel and getting John to sit still in a chair.

    I didn't do much of anything yesterday, so no new news today.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all. Back to work today. Oh boy!

    Y'all have a great day!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm back, got my hair cut about 7" off now it's right at my shoulders.

    Hi sannferris, my husband will be surprised, lol. I live in hot and humid South Texas and I guarantee the cold only lasts a little while. In the meantime in the winter the heat seldom comes on and I always have a fan blowing while I'm overheating because of the humidity. My poor husband is all bundled up while I'm kicking the blankets off. I hope you get the stars to align for you and john and a haircut.

    Hi mygnsac, I hope your day goes well for you.

    I went to the grocery store after my haircut so I could pick up some fennel, leeks and some canned pumpkin. When I walked toward the canned goods I was overwhelmed with sickness when I walked through the bakery area and they had the boxed donuts out. That sweetness knocked me back and I wanted to puke. I call that an NSV as we would say on Nutrimirror.

    I'm going to go purchase my wood top for my vanity today so we can finish it when hubby gets done traveling. :D

    I hope everyone has a fantastic day today!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Oh, yea, I forgot you were in Hot Texas.
    Yes, I would call that a NSV. I still get weak in the knees for glazed donuts.

    Marcie, already back into the swing of things at the office.
    Enjoy your day.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2015
    I just curled my hair and can say that for the first time since I moved here in 2002 that I finally found someone who can cut my hair the way I want it. I grew it long not because I wanted to but because I refused to go get it cut. Now that I am happy with it I think I will keep up on it. I can still put it up in a clip to keep it off my neck during the heat of summer so I am happy with that. Oh and yeah it's 70 degrees in here and I am sweating from the humidity so fan is coming on, lol.
  • greasysgal
    greasysgal Posts: 15 Member
    Hi guys, busy morning for me. Booked my brothers travel for his flight to the midwest where he is donating a kidney to my other brother next week. Otherwise, I am having (for me) a big issue. I have , for the last 6 weeks or so, been religiously logging my food staying in close proximity to my allotted daily calories. My BIG issue with every single website for food-logging ( even NM) is that they ALL say for my age, size, weight, etc....I should eat 2800-3200 calories a day. If I ate anywhere near that I would be twice my size. If I eat 1800-2000 I maintain....If I eat 1200-1400 with the right ratio of protein/fat/carb (I'm a Gastric Bypass girl) I usually lose. I lost 3 lbs the first week & nothing since. My thyroid & BS are fine so right now I am at a loss as to what to do. I am considering seeing an endocrinologist to do a more in-depth thyroid test since low-function runs in my family. I have tried having one day with slightly more calories to keep my metabolism from getting complacent but no change in the scale. I have over 100lbs to lose so this isn't a matter of 5 or 10 lbs......the weight should be falling off of me right now. Besides ramping up my exercise do any of you have any suggestions ?
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    greasysgal, sorry you are having problems with weight loss. I clicked on groups to see if there was anything I was interested in and wouldn't you know there is something you might be interested in. Check it out.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2015
    greasysgal wrote: »
    Hi guys, busy morning for me. Booked my brothers travel for his flight to the midwest where he is donating a kidney to my other brother next week. Otherwise, I am having (for me) a big issue. I have , for the last 6 weeks or so, been religiously logging my food staying in close proximity to my allotted daily calories. My BIG issue with every single website for food-logging ( even NM) is that they ALL say for my age, size, weight, etc....I should eat 2800-3200 calories a day. If I ate anywhere near that I would be twice my size. If I eat 1800-2000 I maintain....If I eat 1200-1400 with the right ratio of protein/fat/carb (I'm a Gastric Bypass girl) I usually lose. I lost 3 lbs the first week & nothing since. My thyroid & BS are fine so right now I am at a loss as to what to do. I am considering seeing an endocrinologist to do a more in-depth thyroid test since low-function runs in my family. I have tried having one day with slightly more calories to keep my metabolism from getting complacent but no change in the scale. I have over 100lbs to lose so this isn't a matter of 5 or 10 lbs......the weight should be falling off of me right now. Besides ramping up my exercise do any of you have any suggestions ?

    Wow, 2800-3200, that's a lot of calories! When I had 100 to lose I was only given 1500-1600 (at 5'6").

    If you want, you can adjust your calorie goals by going to "My Home," "Goals," "Change Goals," then "Custom: Manually set my own custom fitness goals."

    What activity level are you set at? To check, go to "My Home," "Settings," "Update diet/fitness profile." Based on my job, I'm set at "Sedentary."

    To provide suggestions, it would be helpful if we could see your diary. Also, I think Tlspindor (Tammy) has thyroid issues, so she might be able to provide some advice on that issue.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good Advice mygnsac!

    I received my box from Nutrimirror today and I received a special picture of Jim Ray. It's the one he used for his Farewell with this saying.

    "Our big challenge is not weight loss. It is to forge a lasting peace with the choices that bring us to health"

    I am going to frame this with my bookmark of "Eight Guiding Truths" for an awesome reminder to look at each day while remembering to be good to myself.

    Of course, this means I have to remove my bookmark from the book to frame it, lol. I never did use it for a bookmark, we used the sales receipt for the book and my husband had a paper for himself.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    tlspindor, I ran across this website because this gal is the one that wrote my profile picture. I wanted to know what she was about and I found on her site a post about cucumber water. Do you like cucumbers? She doesn't just slice them and add to the water, she blends them into the water and says it tastes so much better. I didn't know if you would want to give it a try or not but here is the link to her recipe post.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I like cucumber water. I also tried watermelon, which did not turn out as well, but the cucumber and any citrus is a hit with me.

    anewstart22, I almost typed your real name, but decided I better ask first, I don't think you've ever mentioned it in a post, but I have it from your email. Anyway, glad you are happy with your hair. I know what you mean about never getting a "good" haircut, that's why I started cutting my own years ago. No one knows how to deal with curly, frizzy hair.

    greasysgal, I don't have any advice, but it does seem unreasonable to have that many calories. All of my knowledge is from NM, so we have learned that you do have to eat. Too little calories are even worse than too many, but I agree 2800-3200 is way too many for weight loss. I hope you find some answers as to why the site is allotting so much. There must be a glitch in the stats.

    I received another email reply from Granny. In it was this quote from her:
    I saw a thing on FB that said, "You're not old until you give up. Before that you are spectacular, but after you give up, you are old." That's me, I am now 'old'.

    I about cried, I wish she would bounce back. My reply:
    Oh, I'm sad that you are feeling "old". I pray that something will rejuvenate you and bring you back to your spectacular self. I know it's hard, so many things happened this past year and it all built up to a shut down. Just know that you are loved and being prayed for.

    I better go back and continue paying bills and getting taxes prepared.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I'm going to take some time to chat cause I'm gone all day tomorrow. I have a committee meeting - we'll clean the "closet" at church, plan our projects, and eat together. Then I'll deliver the different projects we collected during the year and go babysit for Emily. One of these days I'll have to figure out how to add a picture to his site.

    Sunday morning I work up and realized I had not put the pork tenderloin in the crockpot before going to bed. So I used a cooking bag and put the potatoes in it too. When we got home from church, there were no meat juices. We decided the potatoes had soaked up all the juice. Anyway it all tasted fine. I didn't have a lot of leftovers.

    We had a big surprise in the morning. Our son-in-law walked into where I teach with three of the kids and told Paige to give me what was in her hand. It was a sonogram picture. We will be grandparents again in July. They gave away a bunch of baby stuff when they moved but I'm sure people will help them out. Ralph said Lucy told him and he about dropped his teeth. Since Paige is almost 5, he figured no more.

    In the evening we went to Brecken's pancake and pajama. All the kids wore pajamas - not most of the adults. Lindsey made lots of pancakes - there were about 35 people there. We ate the pancakes, Brecken opened her gifts and then we had cupcakes. It was fun.

    Monday we went to one of Thomas' basketball games. They didn't win but they played well. It was supposed to start at 6 but everything was running alter so it didn't get done till 8 so we got something to eat on the way home.

    Then today we started Good News Club. We had about 25 and know of some who will be there next week. Some were sick today. Beautiful weather - 70 - so they could play outside afterwards.

    Jannie, two teenage boys - wow - you are very busy. My oldest grandson is 14 and always on the go. They signed him up for a driver's ed course - how can he be ready for that.

    Sheryl, since you do a breakfast/lunch, then do you do mainly two meals. That wouldn't be all bad. Breakfast is one of my favorite meals to eat out but one we do the least.

    Marcie, I didn't know you picked what came up on the page. I liked it but haven't gone to many other pages . Cool - you did good. How was it going back to work? Did you make it through all the emails? Are you starting some new projects.? I'm surprised your dad doesn't set up a regular appointment.
    I'm getting used to logging here. Time will help. You'd have to learn anywhere new. If I did log elsewhere, you buys would still have to put up with me.

    Realized how little my one brother mails anything to me. He settled up my brother's estate and sent out checks to the siblings. Rather than asking me, he googled my address. There happen to be two of us with the same name on the same road - just a mile or so apart. He sent it to the wrong Debora. But she called me after she opened it and realized it wasn't hers. :)

    I'm so sorry to hear Granny is so down. I'm with Marcie and hope her family realizes what is going on and does what they can. Makes me feel so sad.

    Isabella, glad the concert was so fun.

    Pam, thanks for the Mapmywalk info. I can't do aps. But I'll keep plugging away on the walk across America. You probably get 10,000 steps in a day. I haven't hit that level yet.

    Sheryl, just cause you can do the cooking doesn't mean you have to - we had frozen pizza tonight - with salads.

    Jannie, what an interesting job - not boring at all.

    Anewstart, I googled the Trikke so understand what you're talking about now. Sounds like you have learned to live with pain and work around it. Hope you get some things done while your husband is gone. It's nice for pulling things out and being able to start and stop when you want.
    Wow, 7 inches. That's a lot of hair gone. Glad you like the cut.
    Your smeller must work good. I never smell the donuts when I'm in the part of the store. I sure don't buy them like I used to.

    Sheryl, good luck with the haircut. I wait until Ralph is up to sitting in the chair while I do it but the situation is nothing like yours. His hair must be getting pretty long. In my case, hubby could go somewhere but won't. Oh well. Can't enjoy everything I do. Hope you and Billie can get together.
    Now you know why they put caps on new babies. They are losing all that heat up there. :)

    Elaine, I hope you pop in often so we know what's going on with you. I've got Feb. 3 written down and hope we get a report when you can on your surgery.

    Greasysgal, neat that your brother can help your brother. Our neighbor down the road gave one of her kidneys to her son like 10 years ago. We have a boy in our church waiting on a kidney transplant. He's been on dialysis for almost a year now. His your brother been doing that too? I wish I had some suggestions for you.

    Sheryl, at least Granny is emailing you. Last year was such a hard year for her. Praying some things start happening that give her more hope.

    Time to make my list for tomorrow and finish recording my food for today. Won't do much on the list but it still helps my mind to do it. Hubby gets a frozen meal and a can of chili for his two meals. My noon meal is a potluck but I told each person on the committee to bring from a certain group. I know it will be good. I did the fruit and put fresh pineapple and strawberries together - plain and simple. Have a great tomorrow. See you when I see you.