Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Just got back from a lunch run of 4 miles including hill repeats with 2 PR's. Back to work!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    Just got back from a lunch run of 4 miles including hill repeats with 2 PR's. Back to work!

    Woohoo :D

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    edited March 2015
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    MM would like to read about why you think your old training plan wasn't working, was it execution or something else?

    I think there was a combination of issues; not quite enough of a base to really exploit the training, possibly going a bit fast as my easy pace seems to be about 5:45/km. Also I think fuelling was an issue, I'm generally struggling to eat back my calories so probably need to move to a different strategy. Other than commute cycling I haven't done much for over a week and my legs are still feeling heavy. 5Km cycling this morning thorugh London was still hard work.

    It's also possible that it's just the conflation of training volume, work related stress and time of year. I'm in the middle of a high value negotiaiton at the moment and that's consuming a lot of attention.

    So nothing specific.

    Mind you, these are reports from the Larmer Tree races in Dorset this weekend, same area as the Ox and the same crowd that organise both the Ox and Invader events.


  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member

    Thanks for sharing, it sounds like a right mix bag. Your easy pace sounds fast to me but then I am a slow runner who has practised slow! I hope that you find a balance between your aspirations, your work/ life balance and your training/ fueling/ exercise regimes.

    The White Star Running guys look like they can put on a well organised and fun event. So hopefully even if you are less successful than you want to be, you can have a good time doing it. As always enjoy yourself
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Went for a spin after work yesterday with a cycling buddy- almost 14 miles with a couple of killer hills. I was tired after, but it was a good tired! 6 mile run planned for today. It is raining heavily. :neutral_face:
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Went to doctor yesterday, damaged my knee ligaments and need to rest for 4-6 weeks BUT she said I could run in my 10k race on Sunday, it won't cause any lasting damage but it might delay my recovery. My knee is too sore to contemplate running at the moment, think I am going to have to give it a miss.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Hoping for a speedy recovery for you Romy!

    Taken a look over your HM Robbie and besides a few surge km's it looks like you ran a damn good race mate, with a nice negative split. Overall means you could probably crank the speed up a little and aim for a more even pace throughout. With your training program and the fact you're still cranking out the miles already I think you could do a sub 2hr HM for your next one if you targeted it.

    MM hope the new plan works for you, If you decide to start cranking out the longer runs again, I'd cut off at 210 minutes and aim to keep most of them under 200. I do think your long runs/easy pace may have been a bit fast too. Trail Marathons can really take the time, and that is part of why I haven't stepped up to a FM yet, the thought of going hard for 210min+ is terrifying for me to be honest.

    Good work on your runs and rides Ceci :)

    Ok so yep, back in Aus. New shoes and straight into darkrun on Tuesday night. A lot shorter than usual as my left leg was still niggly/tight, but it held up fine. Lots of stretching, foam rolling and torture with an oversize tennis seem to have loosened things up. Tomorrow is a big trail run and after parkrun on Saturday I've got a massage booked. Looking forward and terrified of the massage. I know the therapist, so when I tell her not to hold back, I am going to be pushed to the edge.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited March 2015
    Romy, echo Taeliesyn's thoughts, hope the recovery goes swiftly and that you can balance the mental versus the physical issue of running or not running this weekend. I would say don't run but I know if it was me I'd still be gagging to get out there. Hope the decision you make is the right one for you.

    Taeliesyn, I definitely ran to a plan, to stay in control for the first 7-10 miles and then see what happened. The wind and twisty, congested nature of the course in places made even pacing quite hard. One of the reasons I detest the dreadmill is that I naturally ease in and out of a pace if I do not focus. Mile 4 had a natural break, good toilet blocks on the circuit!

    Going forward I have ramped up the paces, was definitely not pushing Matt Fitzgerald's 80/20 guidance too hard. Was training well within if not below the bands he recommended, I should have reevaluated earlier in cycle 1. The reevaluation, from looking at the taper, has me training at the equivalent of a 122 HM rather than the 129 pace I was previously training at. At the end of the first cutback week in this 2nd cycle, I will reevaluate. I can already see my HR dropping while pace rises on the same circuit. Some will be less fatigue from the weekend, some will be from becoming more accustomed to going that little bit faster.

    Yesterday had a tempo session which felt good, especially the last 10min push. Today had a foundation session which showed a 4 beat HR reduction with a 12 sec/ mile pace improvement over Tuesday, same course same direction. It is too early to say if that is significant but will keep an eye on it. Todays Z2 piece was at the fast boundary at 74% max HR (MF suggests 85%) or 68% HRReserve (MF suggests 78%). There is definitely headroom but the Z4/ Z5 paces scare me. Will see how bad Z5 is tomorrow, or more correctly, the 2nd minute of the 2 minute Z1 recovery. Analysis for Friday night.

    Have fun everyone, especially Taeliesyn with the massage, I feel that whole love/ hate thing with a sports massage ;)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Back in the gym yesterday as it was cold and raining here. 6 miles done, 84 laps in 59:44. If only all my runs could be absolutely flat!

    I found a lap function on my phone's timer (left my stopwatch at home), so I was able to see my splits. Held a pretty steady pace with the first mile being around 10:20 and the last one around 9:26. It always surprises me when I have enough left to kick into high gear for the last few laps. (Surprises the walking crowd on the track too!)
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci, didn't surprise given your earlier post. Remember that feeling for your HM, it helps to remember that you can kick even after all the effort you have put in. Nice to see you get outside yesterday.

    Haven't done the full analysis, but the sprint interval session went well, the usual dread followed by the pleasant surprise. The last interval was rough but I think I pretty much convinced myself it should be and so it was. I must try and be more positive on the last rep.

    I'll download the gpx data tonight and have a better look.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Yep definitely remember the feeling of the kick for your HM Ceci, there's nothing like finishing strong :)

    Robbie, I am really impressed I know many people who head into a HM or a FM etc with a plan, but it goes out the window when the race starts, especially their first time at the distance. I am convinced you'll be able to go sub 120 for your next HM mate.
    On a different topic, unless you drop the miles next week, you're gonna kick my *kitten* on the Strava MTS, good work there.

    Trail run tonight, still doing my revised LHR stuff. First several KM's sucked as I have something going on with my left Calf/Shin. Hurts like hell when I start out, but eventually warms up and all is good. If the pain didn't disappear once I'm warmed up I would be concerned that it could be a stress fracture of my shin, no swelling though so I'm hoping/praying it's purely muscular... Hopefully the massage tomorrow sorts it out.
    It was a good run once I got the calf sufficiently warmed up. Sorting out the route and instructions for what hopefully will be a group run next week by headlamp.

    I got new shoes on Tuesday as previously mentioned, during the fitting they film you on a treadmill barefoot, to see if you under/over pronate etc and do the stand on the heat sensitive pad so see arch hight etc too. Apparently I have very high arches, to the point my right foot actually leaves 2 prints on the heat/pressure pad. A heel and the ball with nothing joining them. Left is high, but not as high. Foot fall and pronation etc I seem to be spot on the money, very minor heel strike, but the main weight doesn't load my foot until I am midfoot and nearly over the top of it. And no pronation.. which I was very surprised at as I can see my foot landing and rolling as I run normally, apparently it is only the toes/ball that roll though. I know my stride isn't perfect as I could see feet crossing the centre line etc, but happy to know the very key part of my stride (footfall) is pretty good.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Yesterday's run was good- 4.26 miles in 41:43, flat route, cool and cloudy.

    Looked at the MTS, I've run 121k this month already. WOW.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Taeliesyn, the plan has another 45 miles to go this month so expecting a MTS of around 220kms. Lets hope your calf/ shin is nothing serious. Good news on the gait analysis, I thought a high arch normally caused supination, so you have dodged a bullet with having a normal pronation. I know I am a heel striker I can see it in the wear pattern on the shoe but also have a neutral pronation, so feel lucky

    Congrats on both you and Ceci clearing 120km this month, plenty of time to get to 200.

  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    You're all running circles around me. It's a taper week on my plan so just 8 miles tomorrow. Still working in walk intervals - tomorrow's plan is run 1.75 miles & walk .25, four times. My foot has been hanging in there, so I'm happy about that.

    I did join a (seasonal) running group & we had our first run this week. They meet in different locations Wednesday evenings & run a 5K together - well we start out together, and everyone runs the same route, but everyone goes at their own pace. There were only 12 of us there, and immediately I was 12th. I start slow and get faster as I go along. It was a little discouraging that I was running faster than I wanted to and I still wasn't keeping up. I finally quit trying to keep up, settled back to my own pace, and enjoyed the run. I finished the run in the middle of the pack (there were a lot of hills, and I'm good on hills).

    My HM last year they give stats at each timing marker of how many people you passed & how many people passed you. First segment 971 people passed me, and I passed 397. Middle segment 267 passed me & I passed 436. Final segment 9 people passed me, and I passed 91. Start slow/finish strong.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Might have come across a bust this morning. :'(
    I have had some vibram five fingers for a while and decided to use them this morning on an easy run. o:)
    The guidance is to take them out for an initial run no more than 10% of normal weekly mileage. :)
    So amended the program this morning to allow that to happen. o:)
    The first 3 miles were great, very little heel striking but I knew that I was working slightly different muscles. :D
    So the outside of my right foot ached a bit, no surprise, then my left calf ached a bit. :(
    That turned into a knot in the calf, and started moving from mid calf towards the ankle. :(
    At 3.5 miles, about .3 from the end it just "exploded", within 20 yards I was walking (limping). :s
    So after an hour it is stiffening up, can limp around, hoping it is not too significant but annoying all the same. :|
    It reminds me of the niggle I picked up on the 10k run in November. :\
    Hopefuly it will recover as quickly. :)

    Hope your weekend starts and goes better :D
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Good running Laura, Taper must be respected :) Glad your foot is doing ok.
    Your group runs sounds similar to what mine used to be, I am glad we changed the routine to loop back around every km mark and round everyone up again. Slowest person does 5k, faster you go, the more you run.

    Bugger on the calf Robbie, hope it sorts itself quickly for you dude. What shoes have you been running in? I think the Vibram's may have been a too large a drop change for you mate.

    Parkrun was good this morning, though I didn't run enough to warmup past my calf/shin niggle. Just a reasonably cruisy run. The massage this morning was both glorious and torturous as I predicted. It seems my calf/shin issue stems from an extremely tight piriformis (hip muscle) so there were periods where I pretty well forgot to breathe due to pain, and then the usual body funkiness where I got tingly/numbness in my foot when my thigh was being worked on etc. Down to one point where my right leg was being worked on and my left foot had the strange semi numbness happening.
    It's definitely improved my issue already, looking forward to Monday's run to see how it's feeling.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Nice runs! Great to read that you're all ready for upcoming runs!

    I hurt my shoulder yesterday (fell on some wet grass and leaves) and can't raise my right arm in the (roughly) 25-75% range. I must have pulled a muscle; hope it clears up soon.
    I tried running this morning but the jostle hurt my shoulder too much; best to rest it for a day or two.

    All in all, I've been pleased with my runs. They are more relaxed again and my speed is slowly coming back. I'm not sure why but my runs have been hard and slow(er) since about mid-January. It's been frustrating. I now feel that I'm back to where I was in December and can work on improving again.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    12 mile run to finish w17 of 20 toward my half. I actually ran the entire distance (no walking breaks!) at my national park, so hilly. Finished in 2:07:31. I needed more water but had dropped my extra bottle too soon, so the first bottle was gone long before I got back to the second bottle. That shouldn't be an issue during the race as it is well supported with rest stops every 2 miles.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    PaytraB keep at it, it will come together, if you have been pushing too hard, your body will rebel. Just keep with the mantra time on feet, time on feet. The speed will come back.

    Ceci nice going, providing the weather doesn't spook you, you will be fine with your HM, you can definitely finish now you have done the 12 miler. Go girl, go.

    Taeliesyn, nice going with the runs, and nice to hear that the massage had all the right impacts, funkiness aside. Hope it works for you. Shoes wise, Reebok sublite duos, they are quite light and set up for mid foot footfall. I have started to heel strike again, hence going back to ensuring that I feel it with the Vibrams. In hindsight, I should have stopped when the pain started at 3 miles, but thought there wasn't much further to go. It was pushing the limits given how little I've used the Vibrams recently. Will have another go next weekend.

    The RICE with a bit of heat added in and some spiked ball massage reduced the tenderness enough to allow me to get out for rugby reffing this morning. No where near as mobile as normal, but ok. So ok in fact, that I did the scheduled 7 miler this afternoon. Back to RICE with a bit of massage and heat thrown in. Hope you are all ok, have fun with the running.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Hope the shoulder heals quickly PaytraB, glad your running is coming along well.
    You're going to nail your half Ceci!
    Glad you're stoll on the move Robbie, definitely should have stopped at 3mi but it looks like you might have got away with it dude. Sounds like it wasn't a too big change in heel drop, going by what I could find on your duo's.

    Well my run was cut short a little after 8k, my original niggle is still present, but I outran it by the 5k mark, which is an improvement of 3k. However I've uncovered another niggle that was stopping me from pushing off properly. I hadn't outrun it by 8k, so turned for home. It only took about 1k to get home. New niggle is at the front of my shin and as my foot loads up to push off, it really hurts and causes me to step short. I've tormented myself with my oversize tennis ball, and I'm hopeful for tomorrow's run.