


  • shirleycoale
    shirleycoale Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, I'm Shirley.
    I'm a lifelong reader who loves to reread my favorite books. Currently I'm reading a mystery: A Presumption of Death (Lord Peter Whimsy and Harriet Vane) I like British mysteriers, Medieval Mysteries and histories, Science Fiction (David Weber and Anne McCaffrey). I've mostly switched to Kindle as it's easier for Arthritic hands, But some of the old favorites just have to be read in paper.
  • jackie_moo
    jackie_moo Posts: 73 Member
    Hey! i'm jackie, and i'm a self-confessed book worm :) just finished "The time Keeper" by Mitch Albom, and just started "Perks of being a wallflower". When i workout (walks/runs) i like to listen to audiobooks - currently working my way through the Harry Potter series (currently on nº3) :)
  • mars735
    mars735 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Everyone! I've been a reader since forever. I've always loved fiction..historical, murder mysteries, Charles D i c k ens, fantasy, some sci fi. Lately I've been hooked on self help for weight maintenance. My two favorite recent reads are Overcoming Overeating by David Kessler, and The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt (fiction). Looking forward to some good recommendation & discussions here!
  • daniellevillano46
    daniellevillano46 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there! My name's Danielle and I'm new to MFP. I recently moved to New York City to start a job in publishing, and I've been an avid reader since I was really little. My life pretty much revolves around books, and I edit and write for a bookworm blog called BiblioSmiles. (
    BiblioSmiles is open to submissions from everyone, because it's my goal to connect readers from all over through reviews, personal essays, and fun posts about books and reading!
    I'm a huge fan of Goodreads and I religiously track the books I'm reading. So nice to meet you all! :-)
  • jkbarrack
    jkbarrack Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! My name is Joann and I Love reading. My mom gave me the love of reading and one of my favorite things is to curl up with my son and read. Love that too!!

    I am currently reading Under the Dome by Stephen King.
  • nowiners
    nowiners Posts: 9 Member
    My name is Mia. Reading is one of my most favorite life pleasures. I am finishing up the second book int the Divergent series, Insurgent.
    Next I am reading Donna Tartt's Goldfinch. I loved Donna Tartt's other books. Hopefully this one is also great.
  • Froggie27
    Hey! :) I'm Ellie, and I absolutely love reading. I think I actually have an addiction to books... :D
    My favourite author ever is Stephen King :)
  • HoneyFrogger
    HoneyFrogger Posts: 59 Member
    Books Books Books :) I love to Read :) I'm Wilma, kinda nerdy :P

    This is my Goodreads account feel free to Add away
  • Autumnfilly2005
    Autumnfilly2005 Posts: 232 Member
    I'm Autumn, I love to read and write. My main genre is anything with a supernatural element to it, whether it's sword and sorcery, or urban fantasy.
  • mspianobug
    mspianobug Posts: 3 Member
    Good Morning Everyone: I am Linda in Toronto, a "young at heart" retired piano/music teacher. I am excited to join this group and using the my fitness pal calculator and love it. Also, I read every day, usually three books at a time. (real book, ereader book, and ipod book).

    A librarian asked the question do people with ereaders using the library overdrive: yes, I do, all the time. And also I download audio books for my ipod.

    Right now I am just finishing; Every Man Dies Alone by Hans Fallada; The Prodigal Daughter by Jeffrey Archer (I read everything he has written) and The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. Next up is The Edge of Eternity by Ken Follett (third book in the trilogy). I always have books on the go and waiting in piles.

    I do love my ereader too. It is much easier to supply books to my elderly mother and husband via kobo than try to get them "real" books.

    Looking forward to meeting new friends and discussing books. Oh ya, and weight loss!!!!!!!
  • autumnalakika
    Hi, I'm Andrea, and I'm a librarian. I love my ebooks, my audiobooks, my paperbacks, my hardbacks... and I'll read just about anything. My goodreads is here, and I'm always happy to add people - you never know who's going to be reading something interesting.
  • iwishihad
    iwishihad Posts: 8 Member
    I'm Karen ... long-term book geek and fairly new book blogger. My blog is here & my GoodReads is here. I'll also accept any friend requests here, of course!
  • Tizwiz7
    Tizwiz7 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm Tizzy. I'm an avid reader of sci-fi, fantasy and dystopian books especially. Being a reader and blogger probably doesn't help my fitness goals as it means most of my free time is spent on the sofa with a book or a laptop! My blog is here and my Goodreads is here. Feel free to add me!
  • SyllyReth
    SyllyReth Posts: 59 Member
    Hey! I am Samantha, and I am a reader and writer. My primary genres (for both) are fantasy and science-fiction. My mom and dad started reading The Hobbit to me when I was two, and the first book I really remember is LotR, which they started when I was four and used to help teach me to read. They read to me so much that they soon ran out of books and dad just started telling me stories instead. I've loved literature since then and went to college for a degree in creative writing.
  • lilithsrose
    lilithsrose Posts: 752 Member
    Hello! My name is Ally. I read a lot of YA books and adult fantasy/scifi. My favorite genres are fantasy and science fiction (especially dystopians). I'm a big fan of books about vampires, fairies and anything supernatural. I also read a lot of manga and comics. My Goodreads is located HERE.
  • vidxdeword
    vidxdeword Posts: 4 Member
    Hi folks. I am vidxdeword and I mostly stick to Fantasy and SciFi. My top series/authors are Discworld by Terry Pratchett, The Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steaven Erikson, The Laundry Files by Charles Stross and the Dune Saga by Frank Herbert to name few.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,531 Member
    Guess I never posted in this thread before now. I'm Mike, and I like to read. (Hi, Mike.) I stick primarily with Fantasy these days, though I've read a fair amount of Sci-Fi and consider myself a devout Trekker.

    My favorite authors are Terry Brooks and RA Salvatore, both of whom served as inspiration for me to write my very own novel, Dragon Born, recently published and available on Amazon (look for the one by Michael Noss, as there are apparently multiple books of the same title).
  • lfjeff
    lfjeff Posts: 6 Member

    Hi all I'm Jeff, relatively new to MFP. Part of my problem is I read so much, I'm sedentary. I love reading so much that I've dedicated my life to sharing my love of books. Right now I'm reading an academic study on the cause of the Civil War (spoiler: it was slavery), but besides history I like noir, biographies, and I love to laugh. Thanks for reading and I wish everyone luck with their fitness goals.
  • RunionX4
    RunionX4 Posts: 190 Member
    Hello all. My name is Angie and I love my books. I am also a wife and mother and work with animals. I enjoy real books, ebooks when traveling, and audiobooks both while traveling and doing my workouts (or cleaning house) My favorite authors are Jane austen and kay hooper. I have also gotten into fantasy novels. In the process now of reading the Lord of the rings for the first time ever. Loved the Hunger games series as well as divergent series. Would love any recommendations on what to read next. ;)
  • duchess52
    duchess52 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. I also love reading. I have 3 daughters ages 22, 20 and 17. I love my Kindle but also love holding an actual book. I listen to audiobooks while working. I enjoy several genres but have to admit that I do enjoy a little romance even in a good mystery. Currently I am reading the ️️Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon and love them! I also love the TV series on Starz. It's historical fiction based in Scotland then later early American colonies. Definitely recommend the series. I am trying to lose about 85 pounds and developing an exercise routine.