Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    4 miles outside yesterday in 41:04.

    Tomorrow there is a local half. I'm not running but am providing support with my girls' bike group. A few friends and coworkers are running. Afterwards, I'll get in my last long run before my half.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Good luck for tomorrow Ceci, hope your run goes well and you are all set for your half.

    My son turns 13 on the 11th April. We were asking him today what he wanted to do for his birthday. He said nothing, so we went through a list of things he might like to do. He said no to them all! Then I remembered his birthday was a Saturday so I suggested going to parkrun and then for a bacon butty, that got a resounding yes!
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Successfully ran a full 5k today for the first time. 42 minutes.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Nice going on the activities.

    Had an evening run on Thursday and aggravated the calf running on trails around the deer park. Quite frustrating. Rested yesterday but decided to get back out in the gorilla feet today. I have decided that the best logic for building up the muscles to support the gorilla feet is to start B210k for the easy days. So started on week 4 and will advance to week 5 next week, ensuring that the times and paces fit with the 80/20 programme. This should build up muscle memory without overtaxing them. Should get to 200km for the month tomorrow with the long run. Cutback week next week, where I will reevaluate paces so that I don't get hugely out of bed like last cycle.

    Have fun
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Successfully ran a full 5k today for the first time. 42 minutes.

    Fantastic, well done. Bet you are pleased

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Still feeling really congested, but after nearly two wees of very limited phys I needed to get out. I'd had a package of Inov-8 kit arrived yesterday so I wanted to use the excuse to try them out and did a fairly gentle trail 10K this morning. Chest is rough but it was nice to get out.

    The shorts are far more comfortable than the previous ones I'd got from Sports Direct.

    I also broke out my summer shoes, with a 4mm drop rather than 8mm, another reason to only do 10K and to go fairly slow. Calves are ok, so it shouldn't take long to get used to them again.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Perhaps not so much of a fair weather runner. Started off in the sunshine this morning, 30 mins in drizzle, 50 mins in persistent rain until the end. Got home like a drowned rat. Good news is that the calf niggled but never flared up. The firstbeat training effect has dropped to 2.6 indicating a maintenance workout, not bad for a 8 mile long run at 10:16 min miles, average HR 138 on a mix of trails and road. Also clocked 200kms for the month. Week 2 of the 15 week HM cycle complete.

    Will use tomorrow as a vibram acclimatisation run, so another short low intensity effort

    Have fun
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    romyhorse wrote: »
    Good luck for tomorrow Ceci, hope your run goes well and you are all set for your half.

    My son turns 13 on the 11th April. We were asking him today what he wanted to do for his birthday. He said nothing, so we went through a list of things he might like to do. He said no to them all! Then I remembered his birthday was a Saturday so I suggested going to parkrun and then for a bacon butty, that got a resounding yes!
    I love this so much!
    Successfully ran a full 5k today for the first time. 42 minutes.
    Still feeling really congested, but after nearly two wees of very limited phys I needed to get out. I'd had a package of Inov-8 kit arrived yesterday so I wanted to use the excuse to try them out and did a fairly gentle trail 10K this morning. Chest is rough but it was nice to get out.

    The shorts are far more comfortable than the previous ones I'd got from Sports Direct.

    I also broke out my summer shoes, with a 4mm drop rather than 8mm, another reason to only do 10K and to go fairly slow. Calves are ok, so it shouldn't take long to get used to them again.
    Glad to hear you were able to get out!
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Perhaps not so much of a fair weather runner. Started off in the sunshine this morning, 30 mins in drizzle, 50 mins in persistent rain until the end. Got home like a drowned rat. Good news is that the calf niggled but never flared up. The firstbeat training effect has dropped to 2.6 indicating a maintenance workout, not bad for a 8 mile long run at 10:16 min miles, average HR 138 on a mix of trails and road. Also clocked 200kms for the month. Week 2 of the 15 week HM cycle complete.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Saturday was fabulous! It was sprinkling rain at the start of the 5k I was pacing with my bike group, but it cleared up pretty quickly. The kid who won the 5k finished in around 17 minutes. After that, we rode through the 1/2 marathon route and then found a corner to park on to cheer on the runners. It was so much fun! We got multiple offers from runners who wanted to buy or trade for our bikes!

    After finishing up there and a cup of hot tea (it was pretty cold on the bike!), I headed out for my last long run. Finished 12 miles in 2:04:33 (RunDouble including a couple of pauses to wait for traffic). I felt really good throughout and even managed the last 2 miles in under 10 minutes each (9:56 and 9:22).

    With that, I have run almost 110 miles (177km) this month, and I still have 1 more run scheduled. That blows my mind!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I love that your son chose parkrun as a birthday activity Romy!

    Greag work on your 5k Dianna :)

    Glad you seem to be on the mend MM, I love my inov-8's, unfortunately they are too narrow for my feet, so I wont be getting another pair. :(

    Great running Ceci :)

    Glad your runs are going well Robbie, especially with the gorilla feet behaving.
    I must also tip my hat to you mate, you've beaten me in the Strava MTS this month. Good work.

    Ok so my runs now. Fridays group trail run went well, except for a few headlamp issues. Everyone seemed to enjoy themself and I had lots of positive comments. Mondays run was scrapped after a day helping a friend move horses and a stupid amount of driving. So at tonights group run I tried to make some miles up. I did a hm before thw group run and my leg felt reasonable. Then the group run went ok, the slower I ran the worse my leg felt, unfortunately I was also out of gas, so I couldn't run fast. Tbe fit file from my garmin is also corrupt, so I'm having trouble getting it on strava.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I had a pretty hard fall on my bike yesterday. (Couldn't get the foot out of the clip!) Nothing broken, but my left arm is pretty sore. Shouldn't interfere with the running, but I'll probably be off the bike for a while. The last few miles of my ride were painful!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci, nice going on the run, you are getting yourself in a good place to rock that HM run. I was sorry to hear about your fall, just glad that you are ok and think that it is not going to affect your run.

    Taeliesyn, nice going on the HM and the Friday night trail run. Thanks for the compliment but you were not far away despite you having an easy month and me running a HM. If you decide to train, I will resort to running in your wake. LOL

    This morning had an odd run, 3.5 mile run on a well worn route. Almost the same session last week gave similar average heart rates and paces but when looking at the firstbeat training effect I have allegedly gone from an improving workout to a mere maintaining workout. It felt as hard and as difficult as last time but apparently physiology it was a lot easier. Will see what happens, but am I working too easy? Not sure, I don't think I can work much harder but will evaluate after Thursdays easy run and tomorrows gorilla session.

    Whatever you are doing, running, resting or recuperating, have fun.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    No arm pain during my run yesterday. I was wearing a new pair of Aesics that my husband bought for me. They felt good, other than some calf pain during the first mile. I think I'll keep them in the running rotation, but won't use them for longer runs.

    Speed intervals (15 - 60 seconds) with 3 minutes easy in between. Finished the 4 mile run in just over 41 minutes.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    5 miles yesterday including a local dirt/ gravel path around the art museum. Ended up with a PR and CR for that trail (17:07- it's about a mile and a half). 52:39 for the 5 miles. It was hot!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    No arm pain during my run yesterday. I was wearing a new pair of Aesics that my husband bought for me. They felt good, other than some calf pain during the first mile. I think I'll keep them in the running rotation, but won't use them for longer runs.

    Good news on the injury, re the calf pain, is the drop on the shoe significantly different to what you are used to. If so, you should be fine with them once you have allowed your body to adjust.
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    Speed intervals (15 - 60 seconds) with 3 minutes easy in between. Finished the 4 mile run in just over 41 minutes.

    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    5 miles yesterday including a local dirt/ gravel path around the art museum. Ended up with a PR and CR for that trail (17:07- it's about a mile and a half). 52:39 for the 5 miles. It was hot!

    Great going on the PR and CR

    Wednesday, took the gorillas out for more acclimatisation running. Shorter than the session that went so wrong. It was good, and left me wanting to do more, which I suspect was a good thing. Monday will be the next acclimatisation run.

    Thursday had an easy session, although it felt a mixture of challenging and easy all at the same time. I noticed my breathing more but at the end felt as though I could have done it all again. I have used the flat sections on this to reset my pace times.

    This morning got more "embrace the suck" done with a sprint session. I can get them done with a positive attitude, this was the fastest yet, so some improvement is being made.

    The downside of all this is a piece of software, Firstbeat training effect, which over the last 10 days has decided that I am not working hard enough. Sessions that were "improving" sessions have become "maintaining" sessions and "maintaining" sessions have become "easy" sessions. All without any change in parameters from me. So either I am truly coasting, does not feel like it, or something has gone wrong somewhere. However I am trusting in the 80/20 plan.

    Thursdays session has been used to reassess the paces for the 2nd mesocycle in this 15 week macrocycle. Before Silverstone I was training for a 2hr15 HM time, 1st mesocycle that reduced to 2hr6 in line with performance at Silverstone, after the first mesocycle this now sits at 2hr0, based on hr and pace. Will see the impact of that over the next 3 weeks and will reassess again.

    1st ever parkrun for me tomorrow, got my barcode, SWMBO is looking after the kids after going out on her own for most of today. Woohoo!!

    Enjoy your Easter and have fun with whatever you decide to do.

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Thanks Robbie- you're probably right about the drop on the shoes.

    Yesterday, I didn't really think out my route very well. I started in downtown and ran down the big hill by the art museum. So, then I had to run back up the big hill to get back where I started. 4 miles in 43:45.

    Planned to ride my bike today, but my wrist is still sore enough when I put pressure on it that I don't think that is a good idea. Maybe I'll hit the gym.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Glad your fall hasn't affected your running Ceci, bugger your wrist is still sore though :(

    Robbie great work on your improvement, even if the software is annoying you :p It means you are improving. I would guess that your previous readings on the FB system were towards the bottom of their section, so your improvements have seen you drop a category.
    Hope you enjoy parkrun mate!

    Yesterday I tried to sneak in a mid day 10k. That failed miserably. I just could not find a rhythm and ended up in a walk run cycle. Even on downhills I just couldn't get my legs going.
    I had originally planned to head out last night, and then again this morning to make up miles but decided to skip that. I may head out this arvo if I'm feeling up to it after doing volly work at a race today.

    Hope everyone is having a great easter!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ceci, nice going.

    Taeliesyn, given your ability to pull the pin on your runs, I was surprised you got as far as you did. Some days are not meant to happen. I hope this is a one off and you get back to trail blazing very quickly. I see your long runs and find them inspiring. Hope the volunteering went well and it gets you moving in the right direction.

    Great parkrun this morning, first one ever and really enjoyed it. Smashed my short distance PBs. 5k time improved by 2 mins, not unexpected due to the fact that any short run pb is part of a longer training run. Just need to persuade SWMBO to let me go more often, by foregoing her session and looking after our monsters.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    How old are the monsters Robbie? Kids are welcome at parkrun, though wrangling them may be difficult. Great work on setting some new Pb's mate.

    My stubborness kicked in dude, and if I hadn't needed to be at my parents by a specific time I probably would have pushed on, hoping for the 8k run out I often have.
    Volly duty today was good, it was great to both help an event and cheer people ( and especially friends ) on when they needed it. I was at the last aid station, so everyone was happy to see us. (Serious ego boost there lol) then I managed to get back to the start/finish and cheer some friends home too. Trail races are so different to road races. Never would I think about stopping to chat with aid station people at a road race, yet it's common at trail races. Especially when they are over 21km.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »

    My stubborness kicked in dude, and if I hadn't needed to be at my parents by a specific time I probably would have pushed on, hoping for the 8k run out I often have.
    Volly duty today was good, it was great to both help an event and cheer people ( and especially friends ) on when they needed it. I was at the last aid station, so everyone was happy to see us. (Serious ego boost there lol) then I managed to get back to the start/finish and cheer some friends home too. Trail races are so different to road races. Never would I think about stopping to chat with aid station people at a road race, yet it's common at trail races. Especially when they are over 21km.

    Sounds like being out there and helping others was really enjoyable. I now get some of your comments about RD and tailrunning. Trail races do appear to be less about the time and more about individual perseverance, I expect because they are all so different. And from watching some youtube videos about the The Wall and Race to the Stones, it's the camaraderie and the fact that walking sections of the race is expected rather than viewed with disdain. So stopping and talking at aid stations seems odd in a "race" but not in a challenge and long distance trail races sound more like challenges. I look forward to reading about your upcoming successes. Are you back on the slower HR training?

    taeliesyn wrote: »
    How old are the monsters Robbie? Kids are welcome at parkrun, though wrangling them may be difficult.

    They are 8 and 10, although neither enjoy running. Both play rugby but would be some much better with some more endurance. Wrangling would be an issue, but I had a discussion with SWMBO whilst out with the boys today and I can have a parkrun every 3 weeks to fit in with the end of the cutback week at the end of each mesocycle. Works for me and I expect doing the same run week in, week out wouldn't be that motivating but using one as a performance gauge for setting pace parameters every 3 weeks will work.