Did you run today?



  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    19k today
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    12 mile hilly route at the national park in 2:07:31, ran the whole way, no walking breaks. Felt great!
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Bravo to you both!!
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Cross training day..Though...its so nice out maybe I'll go for a walk 8)
  • gabella0603
    gabella0603 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi. I'm new here. Running a half on 5/2 and not going to be nearly prepared enough, but I am planning on run/walking it throughout. Ran 2.67 miles yesterday (was supposed to be a 5k, but there was a mix-up on the course and some of us were sent the wrong way - not a big deal, it was a small 5k for a school fundraiser and the first year). Ran a 9:59 avg. pace, which was better than I hoped to do.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    Welcome gabella0603!

    Was supposed to run long, but very cold and windy! Steady 30ish with gusts at 45 mph!!! So, did 3 miles in 28:20 on the treadmill and I owe myself 8 miles later in the week! Maybe tomorrow or Tuesday, depends when this wind dies down!
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Welcome Gabella. Gratz on deciding on the 1/2. My 1st 1/2 is on May10. Been training for like 5 months now LOL. My goal originally was to finish, then that lead to a goal to 3hours, then a goal to beat my brothers time of 2.5 hours. Either way I'm finishing the race and framing my chip and bib 8)
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    8.19 miles in 1:19:41 I had a bad day and was worried I was too miserable to push myself plus it was cold and windy. I wanted so badly to scrap the idea. My mom convinced me the run would likely make me feel better, and my running buddy insisted we go having pushed it back from yesterday. We decided to try to stick to a 10 min mile, and ended up a bit faster with average pace 9:44. I feel good about the idea of a half, however 5 more weeks of growing belly might change that. Today, though I felt like there was no problem! !
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    3.79 miles in 36:33
  • gabella0603
    gabella0603 Posts: 36 Member
    My 1st 1/2 is on May10. Been training for like 5 months now LOL. My goal originally was to finish, then that lead to a goal to 3hours, then a goal to beat my brothers time of 2.5 hours. Either way I'm finishing the race and framing my chip and bib 8)

    What a great attitude! I bet you'll beat that goal!

    I was supposed to run today, but got call from school my son was sick, and with after school meeting commitments, I'm way too tired to start now. So, tomorrow it is. 10 miles on the docket for the weekend. No excuses will be allowed then.

    BTW, I need to admit I've done a 1/2 before. But it was four years ago and a few pounds ago (but they are almost all off again). I've hardly run since then, so it's kinda like my first all over again. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll match my time (2:36), but the 1/2 I have signed up for in November will be the one I train for time. The one in May is for fun w/ my cousins.

    Poke987 - I am so impressed you are running while pregnant! With my first, I could only run until 5 months and after then it was too painful. You are amazing!
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    Well I just ran 5k at 1130 at night and got a PR of 27:01 LOL
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Yesterday's run was supposed to be 1 mile warm-up, 2x 1 mile fast with 2 minute break between, 1 mile cool down. The wind was terrible and I felt slow the whole time, even though my "fast" miles were a respectable 8:31 and 8:51. Temp was close to what it will be for my half in two weeks and I was sweating buckets!
  • gabella0603
    gabella0603 Posts: 36 Member
    I ran today on the treadmill for 40 minutes. Still can't understand why I run faster outside (still slow, though). That said, my breathing felt easier today. Will run again Friday and then 9.5 miles Sunday (not 10). Hoping for nice-enough weather to go outside for Sunday's run. It's supposed to rain -- which is better than snow & ice...
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    Yesterday's run was supposed to be 1 mile warm-up, 2x 1 mile fast with 2 minute break between, 1 mile cool down. The wind was terrible and I felt slow the whole time, even though my "fast" miles were a respectable 8:31 and 8:51. Temp was close to what it will be for my half in two weeks and I was sweating buckets!

    Your fast miles are great! The day of the race will be so exhilarating, you'll probably feel like you are flying the entire way.
  • FireStorm1972
    FireStorm1972 Posts: 1,142 Member
    5k today not 10k 8(
  • GreatCthulhu
    GreatCthulhu Posts: 93 Member
    Well I just ran 5k at 1130 at night and got a PR of 27:01 LOL
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    4.09 miles in 38:59 My first spring rain run. I was going to skip it, but running buddy showed up at my house... the rain let up as we went out, so I'm glad she pushed me! My plan calls for rest day tomorrow then 5k Saturday. Couldn't find a local race, so we decided to add in a long run. Weather looks better sunday so the plan is 9 miles that day.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Wednesday I ran 6 miles on the track in the gym (stupid thunderstorms) in just under an hour. Yesterday 4 miles outside in 41:04. There's a local half marathon this weekend, which I'm not running, but I'm providing bicycle support for the race with my girls' bike group. When that's done, I'll get in my last long run before my half. Two weeks. It's starting to get real!
  • gabella0603
    gabella0603 Posts: 36 Member
    Sick kid @ home, so treadmill today. Ran for 40 minutes. 4 min run/1 walk. Very slowly, but surely my lung capacity is improving.
  • GreatCthulhu
    GreatCthulhu Posts: 93 Member
    Managed to get out 3 times this week. Not been at my strongest, but glad I made the effort
  • gabella0603
    gabella0603 Posts: 36 Member
    Got out early enough today to get my 9.5 miles in before the hail hit. Still slow like a turtle, but only two 1-minute walking breaks.