Did you run today?



  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    @Ceci_O_K hope the arm continues to heal... what a drag! Enjoy the taper. Hard time for fewer calories though; I know holidays kick my butt. I've done nothing but eat for days and days! How does the weather look now?!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    poke987 wrote: »
    @Ceci_O_K hope the arm continues to heal... what a drag! Enjoy the taper. Hard time for fewer calories though; I know holidays kick my butt. I've done nothing but eat for days and days! How does the weather look now?!

    Arm is better, but I've decided to not even take my bicycle with me on my trip to Texas. That will give me a full week for it to heal. (I settled for the stationary bike at the gym yesterday- 13.26 miles in an hour.)

    The weather forecast is looking more like what I expected. High humidity with temps in the low 70's at race start.
  • gabella0603
    gabella0603 Posts: 36 Member
    edited April 2015
    @Just_Ceci (you changed your name!) to high humidity. Unless you like that, of course. :smile:

    Glad your arm is better.

    I ran on Sunday. The original plan was that I wake up early and run before mass and brunch, but last minute decided to go to the early mass, so no time. Then, brunch was amazing, yet sat with me all day. I ran four hours later and I felt like I was going through sludge. Ah well.

    No running today. Kids back in school and had so many things to do and then it was time to get them before I knew it. :( Plus, I have some pains at the bottom of my foot. I don't think it's plantar fasciitis, but I will have my shoes checked out tomorrow. They are older and I'm old... so maybe new ones are in order? I hope that's just it...
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    5.43 miserable miles in 58:41. I think I'm done with the hilly terrain around here. I swear this route was 75% uphill... man was it tough. Went out solo, right a dinner time as it was getting cooler (also a storm front coming in)

    @Just_Ceci I'm sorry for the humidity, but 70 sounds delicious! !

    @gabella0603 my shoes will be a year old in june. I'm with you... think they need to go. Really wanting to replace them before my half, but thinking I'd be better off waiting until after the baby. I don't want to buy for pregnant sized feet!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran this morning near the route of my half at what will be race time. It felt like I was running in soup. Hot. Thick. Sticky. Ugh. I only ran 4 miles, but it took almost an hour for my face to return to its natural color. I can only imagine how red it will be after 13.1 miles in this heat! I'm hoping the rain they are predicting will actually be here during the race!
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    @Just_Ceci good luck!! Have a great run!!!

    Had very sore/stiff legs yesterday and today, tight up the back for some reason. Grrr. Took yesterday off, then 3.63 miles in 34.05 this afternoon. Overestimated the route, meant to do 3... but ended up with a longer distance. Oh well. Legs felt ok, and are doing alright now... but still stiff. Lots of stretching, and may put off my long run until sunday.
  • gabella0603
    gabella0603 Posts: 36 Member
    @Just_Ceci good luck on your run!

    @poke987 don't stress yourself too much - you've been doing great and you are carrying a baby. That's a big undertaking alone!

    I ended up with new shoes as mine were worn out. Also, turns out that when I took a seminar a few years ago on running form and I changed from heel striking to forefoot striking, I should have changed the type of shoe I run in. It wasn't a problem until my longer distances, though, which I hadn't done in a long time (or much at all). My shoes wore out quickly b/c they aren't made for forefoot striking. Kind of a "duh" moment when they told me that. Glad I went in now before my half!

    Tried my Newtons out for 4miles yesterday and it went well, if feeling a little odd at first. I have 11 miles Sunday, but may need to do tomorrow -- Sunday is busy and might be hard to get it all in. Only three weeks to go!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I did it! Finished my half in 2:11:29 this morning. The weather turned out to be perfect! It was 59F when we started and 66F at the finish. It was great running with my brother in our hometown. I felt pretty good throughout and even managed to roller skate at my grandson's birthday party this afternoon!
    Finishers received this cute teddy bear (with finishing position) and medal:
  • gabella0603
    gabella0603 Posts: 36 Member
    Congratulations @Just_Ceci !! Happy for you that the weather was perfect and that you had a great first half marathon. Looks like you finished well, too. So, do you have another planned?

    I'm off in a few to go run 11 miles.
  • GreatCthulhu
    GreatCthulhu Posts: 93 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I did it! Finished my half in 2:11:29 this morning.

    Congratulations, that is awesome!

    I did my 10k this morning in 67 minutes and feeling psyched for my half in 3 weeks but wish I had trained more.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Congratulations @Just_Ceci !! Happy for you that the weather was perfect and that you had a great first half marathon. Looks like you finished well, too. So, do you have another planned?

    I'm off in a few to go run 11 miles.
    No plans for any more half marathons. I'm running a 5k on Friday and will probably do a duathlon next month. I plan to keep running at least 3 days a week and might run another half next year. We'll see.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    @Just_Ceci congrats, sounds like it was an awesome run! Nice job!!

    After feeling stiff and sore, and kind of down about the whole thing I ran 11 miles with my dad this am. Much less pressure than with running buddy. He is very slow, but great company. Actually I couldn't run as slow as him, and often had to double back... took 2:04:41 but the pace was good for my confidence. From wondering if I could do it, to having done it is nice! And, I know I can do it if I go slow, so that's a bonus. Was warmer than it has been, I ran in a tank even though we went out pretty early. 3 more long runs... because im a little ahead, ill do a 12 and a 13, and then maybe look for a 10k to do as well.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    poke987 wrote: »
    @Just_Ceci congrats, sounds like it was an awesome run! Nice job!!

    After feeling stiff and sore, and kind of down about the whole thing I ran 11 miles with my dad this am. Much less pressure than with running buddy. He is very slow, but great company. Actually I couldn't run as slow as him, and often had to double back... took 2:04:41 but the pace was good for my confidence. From wondering if I could do it, to having done it is nice! And, I know I can do it if I go slow, so that's a bonus. Was warmer than it has been, I ran in a tank even though we went out pretty early. 3 more long runs... because im a little ahead, ill do a 12 and a 13, and then maybe look for a 10k to do as well.


    Every so often, I run with a girl from work who is a lot slower than me. It helps me as much as it helps her.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    3.03 miles in 27:51. The weather wasn't as nice as it was yesterday, but I just couldn't squeeze it in to my day yesterday. Wanted to get some practice with the "heat" (it was 70) but that will have to wait. Today was 65, but not full sun like yesterday. Oh well. Plenty of time I suppose.
  • GreatCthulhu
    GreatCthulhu Posts: 93 Member
    I did 6.4 miles in 72 minutes. I am considering joining a local beginners running club as well
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran what I think was 4 miles yesterday. Both apps I tried to use didn't work just right. Felt good! Today will be my first day back on the bike since I fell. I think the wrist is well enough to ride. Still some pain, but nothing I can't handle.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    I did 6.4 miles in 72 minutes. I am considering joining a local beginners running club as well

    I think this sounds like fun! If there was one closer, I'd join for sure. Comrades and motivation, sounds like a plus to me!

    @Just_Ceci glad you've recovered well. How were the first few days after the half? I'm hoping with all the training we've done, there is no "recovery!" But, I've read people can feel beat up.

    I did 5.18 miles in 50:55 last night, it was getting dark as we finished but running buddy had something come up and I told her I would wait for her. I was worried as i had just eaten supper, and was afraid 2 pieces of chicken brocolli pizza and salad might not sit well as we went. Plus, we left all our kids playing on the playground... that made me a tad nervous (even though 2 are highschoolers!) It wasn't a bad run after all , likely about the best pace for me... might have been too slow for her, but if so I didn't "feel" like I was slowing her down.

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    poke987 wrote: »
    @Just_Ceci glad you've recovered well. How were the first few days after the half? I'm hoping with all the training we've done, there is no "recovery!" But, I've read people can feel beat up.

    I would say there really wasn't any "recovery". My legs were a little tight on Sunday (probably more from roller skating with my grandson than running!) I didn't run or ride until Wednesday, but that had nothing to do with fatigue or pain, just life getting in the way.

    25 miles on the bike yesterday- it was great!
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Ok, so I am just starting to get serious about training (my half is in September), so I was wondering what plans y'all are using? I have been starting and stopping and restarting the bridge to 10K for what feels like forever, I think I have a mental block at this point on going further. I creeped the Hal Higdon beginner plan and it looks doable, although I will admittedly need walking breaks still. Any other ideas?

    I ran yesterday on the treadmill and it was awful. I have been only getting one or two runs a week in and it shows. Also super stressed, not sleeping enough, and TOM hit--felt like I walked more than I ran. But I ground out 3 miles anyway. Plan to do a longer outside run either Saturday or Sunday, depending on schedule.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I used this 20 Week Training Plan. I substituted one day per week with speed work or hill repeats.