Daily check in



  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @KellyBgetsfit Seriously, that regular Cardio Fix is the hardest workout of the bunch, if you ask me. That's one way of starting out the week on a challenge. It's only going to be easier from here. LOL!

    @EHuntRN My in-laws just left on Saturday so I was surprised to see any weight loss on Sunday but I tried to behave myself (more or less) and now I know I'll be able to enjoy Mother's Day in a few weeks without too much anxiety over indulging myself.

    @wrightchoices I'm so glad I took before pics because when I first looked at the after pics I wasn't impressed but when I looked at them side-by-side, I was very happy. Maybe not yet thrilled but if I can see as much difference my last pics and my next round of after then I know that I'll be thrilled eventually. (Maybe by round 4 . . . or 5 . . . or 6 . . .)

    @dkwi04 I have been sneaking my fruit into my salads. It's worked perfectly! The Asian Citrus Dressing with a few slices of mandarin orange is great. Also, salsa is a purple so you might be able to fill in the purple with salsa.

    As for the orange container, I probably only eat half of it a day. I just don't like a lot of dressing on my food. But you will never ever get me to give up my 2t of peanut butter at the end of the day! That's my special treat, one I feel I've earned. LOL!

    @cupcake570 I found TBCF easier today as well. I keep thinking I could use heavier weights but then I remind myself that my using heavier weights can come during my next round. I should not push myself because I have injured myself one too many times in the past by doing just that. Not worth it. Besides, I think I read somewhere that patience is a virtue.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Whew! I am dripping sweat. Again. Ugh!

    I am resisting the urge to grab heavier weights. Yes, I know Autumn says that you need to keep pushing yourself but, as I keep mentioning, my problem is pushing myself too much. So I am just holding onto my 3# and 5#. I'll move up the week after next. I can wait until then.

    I weigh myself daily. I'm tracking the typical fluctuations of loss and gain in my smashbook where I'm writing about my progress. Today I noticed something. Comparing Round 1 with Round 2 I have lost more weight this time around than last time. On Day 9 of Round 1, I had lost 2.6 but this time I've lost 3.2.

    Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! I am so so so so happy!

    Yesterday, my husband started P90. I think my progress is getting through to him and I know he wants to tone up. I don't know if you can really see this but I wanted to share this NSV. I am wearing leggings. Typically, these are tight, right? I mean, their like thick tights, not comfy yoga pants, right? Do you notice the wrinkle where they are a little loose? Just a little loose but wow! Unexpected, to say the least! Believe me, they weren't loose when I was wearing them when the weather was colder, before I did even my first round of 21 Day Fix.

    Yes, I'm having a great day already and it's barely 8am!!!

  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    @SatiaRenee Awesome job! Hope the rest of your day was just as good!

    I am looking forward to Upper Fix and Abs today :) I too am feeling quite good today too - I am down a little more and I put on a dress I haven't worn since last year - feeling really good in it
  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    It's dreary out so I'm having trouble getting motivated. I slept in later than I wanted to so I got started on my day later than planned. Scale was up .1 today. Not sure if it's just normal fluctuation or a the muscles retaining water to repair from the workout yesterday. But my food has been on plan and my husband said he noticed a difference in my face and legs since last week. I just hate when the scale sticks to the same number. It's been an ongoing issue. I still refuse to measure until Day 21 LOL!!
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    Hi! Just began my first round of 21 day fix on Sunday. Today was day 3, lower body fix, and holy bejesus am I feeling it! I'm liking it so far. I'm eating a bit less, but I feel super full. I think the volume is larger, but with less calories. Score! I also really dig shakeology. This is my first time trying it, and so far I find it super yummy and really filling. Today I had choco shakeo with a couple tbsp of PB2 and half a banana, blended with ice, and it was like a milkshake!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    It's raining today and my balance is bad bad bad. Yesterday I noticed my neck was feeling a bit stiff. This morning I woke up in pain. Not sure if I could do any exercise, I went ahead and rolled out my mat to do sun salutations. I had to stop. The pain was too much. I then pushed play. 21 Day Fix: Lower Body Fix. Much to my amazement, I almost made it through. (I had a hard time with the bonus round because it required more balance than I have today.) Then I tried PiYo Core. Not happening. Between my balance and my stiff neck, I was close to tears halfway through, so frustrated, and the pain in my neck was making me feel nauseous. I'm going to take something for the pain right now and try not to do anything that will exacerbate whatever is making it tight. I may use the bike later. We'll see.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    @cupcake570 - Stick to it, the scale doesn't have to move to see results. I find motivation hard in the morning dreary or sunny!

    @michellemybelll - I wish I enjoyed the shakeology, the flavor is just off putting to me :( I just use a whey powder. I too was surprised at how full I felt in the beginning, I am starting to have a bit of hunger here and there - but I think that might be some cravings creeping back in.

    @SatiaRenee - You need to take it easy, don't push too hard. There is always tomorrow, your health is important.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Day #17 for me - I couldn't get up again to work out :( Which stinks because I am doing the doubles this week. I will have to do back to back tonight. I wish I had more power to get up. Still feeling good, although the scale went up a little today. But it is still trending down.

    I am already starting to prepare for my second round. I have my week one menu almost planned out :)
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @SatiaRenee hope you feel better!

    I'm in week 2, round 1 of the Fix. Very surprised that the exercises are getting easier. Easy? No way. But more doable and I'm less sore than I was last week. Still not seeing the scale go down, which is REALLY frustrating and baffling, but I have to be patient and I'm sure it will come. Right? Right. Patience is not my strong suit....
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @dkwi04 I took something for the pain (an anti-inflammatory) and then rested. When I could move with a little more freedom (still stiff neck), my husband and I went for a walk. I know that sounds like a lot but it's just a casual walk for us and we're trying to create train our Holly who was a puppy mill dog and is terrified of the crate. (She now goes in with ease because we put her in for these short 1 mile walks.)

    On Friday, PiYo has a rest day so I think I'm going to give Core a try again tomorrow and then tomorrow's exercise to Friday. I can't imagine that my neck will still be a problem tomorrow morning. My husband's already offered to give me a neck massage. And I am taking it easy. I swear I am. I'm actually typing this on my laptop in bed.
  • wrightchoices
    wrightchoices Posts: 34 Member
    This is round 1 day 3 for me and I’m a little confused. My scale is going up…After calculating my daily calories, the program states I should eat 1500-1799 per day and that is a lot of food. In the past, I consume a 1200-1500 calorie diet. Do you following the calories recommended by the program? Help me!
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Just eat the containers and have faith! Exercise can make you retain water to rebuild your muscles. I didn't lose anything the first few days. Trust the program, it works!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    I would give it a month. When I first started using the containers, I wasn't sure it would be enough food because I not only do 21DF but also have to do 30 minutes on the bike for therapeutic reasons. I committed to the three weeks. If I didn't lose any weight, I would have assumed I needed more calories (and my team beachbody coach agreed) and would have gone up a bracket. In your case, if after 3 weeks you haven't lost weight and/or inches, then try dropping to the next lower bracket. @dkwi04 is absolutely right about how the body will retain water as part of the healing process. My body fluctuates all of the time. By the end of three weeks, I would be surprised if you don't see improvement.
  • wrightchoices
    wrightchoices Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you...I will give the program three weeks and I will keep you posted. The support and your advice is priceless.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @wrightchoices Just bear in mind, I said weight and/or inches. Muscles mass is more dense and takes up less space (volume) than fat mass. You'll often hear people say that muscle weighs more than fat. No it doesn't. A pound is a pound is a pound. A pound of feathers (fat) weighs exactly the same as a pound of gold (muscle). But you can fill a room with a pound of feathers and you can hold a pound of gold in your hand. Same concept. So if you get on the scale on day 22 and the numbers are not what you had hoped, grab your tape measure right away and see if you've lost inches. I simply cannot imagine anyone not seeing improvement and I'd be surprised if you didn't see both inches and lbs gone but I know for sure you'll see something!
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Also take pictures!

    I have been taking them along the way - because I don't necessarily FEEL the changes, but putting my pictures side by side is definitely motivating
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Oh yes, pictures. My pictures definitely showed me a lot more change than I was seeing in the mirror!
  • xoveronica
    xoveronica Posts: 56 Member
    Definitely take pictures! It's nice seeing the progression if the scale does not move. I also saw the scale not move / go up the first few days @wrightchoices. I waited until the 7th day to weigh myself. Just keep up the hard work
  • wrightchoices
    wrightchoices Posts: 34 Member
    I'm going to take pictures this evening...you can do anything for 3 weeks!!
    I will wait to weigh myself on Saturday.
  • bfay1101
    bfay1101 Posts: 35 Member
    I can notice changes in some areas but not in others. I'm older and I've had 3 kids. There's not much that can be done about loose skin other than surgery. I just have to learn to live with it.. Harder than it sounds. Maybe I'll take some pictures and see if I can see more of a difference that way.