Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Glad you had a good run Diana :)
    Ceci, don't stress about not running. I know quite a few people subscribe to the 1day of rest for every mile run, when it comes to recovery after races.
    Today marks 4 days without running for me, walking is getting easier but still not quite right, and now the twitching at not being able to run is starting to set in. *grumble mutter* still worth it. ;)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I left work early enough yesterday to run. 4 miles (I think). My phone and both apps I was using weren't working just right. I felt good though! Today will be my first time back on the bike since I fell. I think the wrist is well enough to ride. There is still minor pain, but nothing I can't bear.

    Have fun out there everybody!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    25 miles on the bike yesterday! (6.5 solo and 18.5 with my girls group). It was great to be back in the saddle!
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    55 minute run for me last night. Longest distance and longest time for me so far!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    55 minute run for me last night. Longest distance and longest time for me so far!

    Great job! You'll be able to do an hour next time!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Taeliesyn, my thoughts are with you and your injury, I don't think I appreciated how close you were to having your calf breakdown in the way it has. Just make sure you get it fixed before coming back. I miss the varied accounts of your running but not enough for you to keep injuring yourself.

    Ceci, nice run and bike ride. I am so happy for you to be back on the bike and getting back to your passion.

    Diana, well done you. As Ceci says not long before you get to the magic hour mark. That would signify the end of the bridge to 10k programme.

    A week of runs

    Monday Rest
    Tuesday Fast finish run, which went faster than target paces, felt good
    Wednesday Short run in the Vibrams over the deer park. It also felt good, need to keep pushing the distances and time on feet. The feedback on foot placement I think is really helping my other runs.
    Thursday Foundation run for 45 mins. I find these refreshing now. I also find it amazing that I run these now at paces that I struggled to do C25k at.
    Friday Hill sprint session which sucked all the way. 8 sprints and none of them hit the zone 5 splits. They all met or exceeded the zone 4 splits though. It hurt. I also felt real tightness (good tightness!) in the thighs afterwards, so it clearly did something.
    Today. Parkrun with a hangover, not a great idea, but still managed a 5k under 26mins, in fact my third fastest 5k time, only beaten by the previous parkrun 5k's.

    Got a 12 mile long run tomorrow, struggling to understand when I am going to fit it in. But it will get done somehow. For those of you able to run/ bike, I hope you have fun and enjoy yourselves. And for those of you on the sidelines nursing injuries, I wish you a speedy recovery.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited April 2015
    Just entered the Eyam HM, http://www.raceroutes.co.uk/route/361/431/eyam-half-marathon over 1200 feet of ascent. Using it as a long run and a trainer for the Humber Bridge HM and cardiac hill!! https://www.strava.com/routes/789734
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Been lurking and catching up on everyone's runs. Well done on your PB taeliesyn! Love your medal and bear Ceci. Diana and Robbie, well done on some great runs. I seem to be back off the injury bench but still playing things by ear. 5k on Wednesday and 7.3k today. It's nice to get back out there but still haven't done any road running, sticking to fields and trails.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    romyhorse wrote: »
    I seem to be back off the injury bench but still playing things by ear. 5k on Wednesday and 7.3k today. It's nice to get back out there but still haven't done any road running, sticking to fields and trails.

    Fantastic news, lurking's good, getting out running is even better. Don't overdo it, look after those knees. Have fun

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Didn't quite get to 12 miles this morning, either planned wrong or didn't run the plan. 11.6 done instead. Good session 600+feet of climb which is a lot for around here. With the Eyam HM around the corner need to do more hill work. I think the Garmin HR strap is either faulty or in need of a new battery. Will test the battery later today, but it is getting more and more intermittent. Have fun
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Did a 5k Glow Run on Friday night with my friend from work. She smashed her previous 5k PR. We had a blast with our LED lit capes!

    Saturday's girls ride was rained out. The rain ended an hour later, so I went to my national park and got in a 17 mile ride, followed by a very hard 1 mile run. I'm definitely not ready for a duathlon any time soon. Need to do more bricks!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    Taeliesyn, my thoughts are with you and your injury, I don't think I appreciated how close you were to having your calf breakdown in the way it has. Just make sure you get it fixed before coming back. I miss the varied accounts of your running but not enough for you to keep injuring yourself.

    No worries mate, I am (for the most part) taking it easy now. Except for Spartan this weekend, recount to follow later :)

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Great running and riding Ceci. The glow run sounds like fun!
    Whoo for your new Distance and Time PB Diana :)

    You're smashing your sessions Robbie, and your HM sounds like an interesting one, I can't see the Strava route, but looking at the raceroutes elevation profile made me twitch, that's definitely going to be a testing race. Make sure you do some downhill sessions as well as uphill in your training so you can make use of that last 2.1km downhil stretch!

    Ok, so I finally had something of a run on the weekend at the Perth Spartan Sprint, although in all honesty there wasn't much running. All in all a massive weekend helping set up, run(hike) the course, do some volly time on course and pull it all down.
    I stuck with a friend and some of her friends for the Sprint to ensure I didn't let the stupids strike me, as I somehow ended up in the elite wave. Most of the course I hiked/powerwalked with a little jog here and there. I had rock taped my calf the night before and that seemed to help quite a lot, so I had very little pain during the event and only standard DOMS after which is a good sign. I'm still going to take it easy this week, and try to get back into the running next week.
    Spartan wasn't a smart choice with my injury, but I seem to have gotten away with it thankfully. I think the easy pace, rock tape and enjoying the bloody cold water every time I came to it helped me not do any more damage. Massage already booked on Friday, to help loosen everything up again.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »

    You're smashing your sessions Robbie, and your HM sounds like an interesting one, I can't see the Strava route, but looking at the raceroutes elevation profile made me twitch, that's definitely going to be a testing race. Make sure you do some downhill sessions as well as uphill in your training so you can make use of that last 2.1km downhil stretch!

    Oops, made the Strava route for Humber public, it was private. Had not thought of specifically doing downhill sections, so thanks. I had focussed on how I was going to get up, not on how to get down!! Different usage for the muscles, good call. o:)

    Also glad that you appear not to be suffering too many ill effects from the Spartan. Hope the massage helps you out.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    edited April 2015
    Yeah, when I did my first HM, it finished with a reasonable downhill and small flat section and there were few Marathoners and Half Marathoners walking down as the change in muscle usage at that point resulted in cramps, or a tumble as their legs just didn't want to deal with the loading.

    Humber looks like fun, Eyam will be the tougher of the two IMO.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    2 mile "fast" run on the treadmill yesterday (raining here). "Fast" being faster than my normal turtle pace. :) Back to long and slow today to hopefully hit my 60 minute Bridge to 10k goal.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »

    Humber looks like fun, Eyam will be the tougher of the two IMO.

    Eyam is apparently lovely, both scenery and people. I agree that Eyam will be tougher, the second set of hills with the false flat is a killer. I also wanted to run it as a precursor to Humber, if I can do Eyam then I will get through Humber. It was all about the experience.

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    2 mile "fast" run on the treadmill yesterday (raining here). "Fast" being faster than my normal turtle pace. :) Back to long and slow today to hopefully hit my 60 minute Bridge to 10k goal.

    Turtle's good, it's faster than starfish ;) Have fun and remember that comparison is the thief of joy
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Two minimalist running sessions in different shoes. The two boys joined me this evening, with varying degrees of success. I am so proud about how far they went, they did not go as far, but spent the time in the circle mixing running and walking. They are keen to go again so we will go out again later in the week. Will also try and sign them up for junior parkrun on Sunday now that the rugby season is over.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran one of my favorite trails yesterday, near my art museum. Very pretty, with lots of flowers blooming. It was so nice to just run, without regards to training schedules! (4.1 mi in 42:06). Since I joined Strava, I've run the Dogwood Trail 4 times, finishing the 1.5 mile mostly dirt/ gravel loop in 18:16, 17:42, 17:07, and yesterday's new course record- 15:43.

    More miles really does equate to faster pace!