Daily check in



  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Day 7 today, looking forward to Yoga. I've never done any kind of yoga but always wanted to.
    I was soooo sore the first 5 days, wasn't at all yesterday but woke up sore today!
    No pain, no gain right?:)
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Round two day 5 - the scale went back down today, but I am still up .2 for this round. Damn monthly! Be gone bloating!!

    I skipped Pilates last night, my first time skipping a workout. But I did the hour and a half yoga workout from P90X with my husband, what a great workout! I will probably double up today and do cardio fix and Pilates fix because I feel bad.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Just finished the Yoga vid. I must say I felt extremely lost and found it difficult to follow as a beginner. Any tips? Maybe I'll just watch it before doing it next time so I can see exactly how they are doing things.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @cupcake570 I'm glad your headache subsided.

    @venuila I love yoga. I like 21DF Yoga Fix, although I don't consider it anything close to traditional. But it's a lovely way to end a week of hard work. I've actually been considering shuffling the PiYo schedule so that my day of rest for it (which is Friday, today) would fall on the day it does for 21DF.

    @dkwi04 I've never tried P90X yoga because I figured it would require far more balance and strength than I have but who knows? At the rate I'm going, I may give it a shot before the end of the year.

    My workout today

    No PiYo today and, as I mentioned above, I'm thinking of rearranging the PiYo schedule so that the weekly PiYo rest day falls on the same day as the Yoga Fix. Then again, maybe it's okay to give myself a break on a hard cardio day.

    Anyway, today was Cardio Fix and my knee was a bit achy so I didn't go as low as Autumn wanted but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want me to injure myself either. I was able to step my way through mountain climbers although the second round was almost too much for me. I also modified the burpees the way PiYo does it, taking even more pressure off my knees.

    I've already done 30 minutes on the bike and my husband and I are going on our morning walk in a bit. Then we're taking the dogs to the dog park. It's so much fun when he doesn't have to go to work. (Very irregular schedule so sometimes he's rarely home and other times he's constantly under foot.)

    Have a great one everyone!
  • aryat1979
    aryat1979 Posts: 13 Member
    edited April 2015
    cupcake570 wrote: »
    @aryat1979 I felt the same way just hours after the day 1 workout and on day 2 I could barely move. But keep up with the workouts because they do help with the soreness. I was able to kayak for 2 hours that saturday and not feel any butt pain lol

    Great to know that I'm not alone!! Lol. Today is Day 5 and I have to say that I feel AMAZING!!! The scale did budge (-2.5lbs) even-though my eating is still not there yet with the program. I'll keep pushing!! ;-)
  • aryat1979
    aryat1979 Posts: 13 Member
    aryat1979 wrote: »
    Hello all! Yesterday was Day 1 for me, and it kicked my fat little bootie! I had issues sleeping because my muscles were so exhausted and I just know how sore I am going to be. Thankfully today is upper fix, because my legs can barely move. Food prep this morning made me wonder how on earth I am ever going to eat all of this food!!! Good luck everyone!!

    OMG!! Yesterday was Day 1 - Round 1 for me and today I'm SO SORE!! Thank God for Upper Fix today cause I barely can go up and down the stairs. Lol. Keep up the great work, Amber!!

    just wait for lower fix! :astonished:

    Lol. Loved the lower fix but everything was burning!!
  • aryat1979
    aryat1979 Posts: 13 Member
    SatiaRenee wrote: »
    @aryat1979 Yesterday in PiYo, the workout was Buns. Today in 21DF, it was Lower Body Fix. Tomorrow, PiYo is Define: Lower Body. I'm scared for my legs!!! But I find that if I just push play, the soreness often goes away because the movement pumps blood into the sore muscles and they end up feeling better. :)

    @Amberh82 Like you, I don't find Autumn annoying. (Don't tell my husband but I do find Tony Horton annoying. My husband's doing P90 now and I might consider joining him, using a PiYo/P90 hybrid but I don't think I could ever face Tony Horton every day.) :*

    @dkwi04 When I am still hungry and I have no containers left, I reach for broth or tea. If I want something savory, I have broth; sweet, a tisane. I figure, if almond milk doesn't count, then neither does a cup of broth or herbal tea. LOL! :p

    @wrightchoices What's the big event? Just curious. I have 2 "events" coming up--my anniversary and Mother's Day. I'm hoping to survive both without gaining as much as I did on my birthday. :/

    Wow!! That's crazy!! Lol. I really love the feeling even when I'm sore. It's like you say it goes away as you workout and warm the muscles. Keep rocking!!
  • aryat1979
    aryat1979 Posts: 13 Member
    dkwi04 wrote: »
    I must be odd, I'm fairly certain lower fix is my favorite :-).

    I'm odd too then!! Lol. I loved it!! ;-)
  • aryat1979
    aryat1979 Posts: 13 Member
    edited April 2015
    Today is day 4 and I am down a lb which is exciting... 20 more to go! Haha... Last night I was so sore that I could not possibly do lower fix for I opted for some yoga to get me stretched out and ready to move. What do you guys do when you are so sore you can't even sit on the toilet, let alone work out?

    Congrats!! I felt the same way after doing the total body cardio fix the 1st time this week (round 1 here!) I took 2 naproxen before going to bed that night and that helped a lot. I think I took one again after I did the lower fix workout as well. Hang in there!! You'll get better and better!!
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    Tried out the Plyo Fix this morning - WHOA what a workout!! My whole body is tingling now!!! It's funny because I thought oh, 30 seconds each exercise and 30 seconds of rest? Easy. HA!

    Was really off-track yesterday with my food, so hopefully the workout kicked my metabolism into high gear to burn off yesterday's disaster. Yeah I know it doesn't work quite like that but let me enjoy my fantasy :)
  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 267 Member
    Yesterday I skipped my workout due to a migraine that was making me nauseous. Today the scale was up about .5 but also TOM coming. I went with easy bland foods ysterday and didn't stick to the containers. Back at it today!
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    edited April 2015
    Day 12, cardio fix! ✔️✔️ I think cardio fix is one of the hardest with the 21DF tbh :neutral: also got in a 6 mile run! :blush:
  • extacymoon
    extacymoon Posts: 141 Member
    Hello. I am new here and just ordered my 21 Day Fix kit. I am really looking forward to staring it. Hope to find some good recipes and tips here.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    Welcome, @extacymoon , you've found a great group! Suggest you look all the way back through the threads (there aren't that many) because there's a lot of good info.

    @michellemybelll I can't believe you ran 6 miles after doing the cardio fix!!!!
  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    Day 19, cardio fix done. My legs are tired! Finishing up an order then will do upper fix after dinner. Scale was the same to the ounce again as usual. So I haven't lost anything beyond this number since the beginning of week 2. Curious to see what my measurements are on Sunday.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Hi I'm new to the group. On Day 3 here. Not following the containers, Shakeology or meal plan in general. Just looking for some variety in my workouts. I am excited to see the overall results and hope to see all of yours!
  • nables73
    nables73 Posts: 29 Member
    jpkrueger wrote: »
    Tried out the Plyo Fix this morning - WHOA what a workout!! My whole body is tingling now!!! It's funny because I thought oh, 30 seconds each exercise and 30 seconds of rest? Easy. HA!

    OMG I just did Plyo fix and I'm now too nauseated to eat! Ha ha I had NO idea what I was in for!!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Not a good day for me. It is raining (or was when I was exercising with more rain on the way) and I struggled. I managed to get through 21 Day Fix Dirty 30 without any surprises, losing my balance only a few times. However, with PiYo, I struggled every minute. The last time I did this particular workout was a week ago and I felt a lot more confident and even competent. Today, I felt utterly defeated and disappointed.

    That didn't keep me from putting P90 into the player and doing the abs workout. I just keep reminding myself that there's no such thing as a bad workout because any exercise is better than none.

    @michellemybelll Running on top of 21Day Fix? That's amazing!!!

    @aryat1979 I may need to take something today. Typically, when I lose my balance while exercising, something gets unintentionally strained. I'll have to see how I feel a little later.

    @jpkreuger and @nables73 I can only imagine! I didn't get the set with the Plyo Fix DVD because I can't do it anyway. No high impact for me ever. But I wish I could because Plyo looks tough but fun.

    @lk27 There are several people in our group who also get migraine headaches so you are truly not alone.

    @extacymoon Welcome! Can't wait to hear your thoughts and your results when you get going!

    @cupcake570 Just this morning I saw a pic on Instagram of someone doing their second round of 21DFX. She said she as disappointed in her weight loss the first time she did the workouts but decided to do a second round. And apparently the second time around, she is losing more weight more quickly than before. I really wouldn't focus so much on the numbers on the scale. Even people who lose a few pounds seem to lose a lot of inches.

    @diskiewhiskey Welcome! I know we have at least one other member who isn't using the containers or meal plan and I think you'd be surprised how many of us are not drinking Shakeology!
  • blantondwb
    blantondwb Posts: 49 Member
    Good morning
    I have been following the 21 Day Fix information online, pintrest and people I know. I did order the program and received the package about 4 weeks ago. I have not completely committed to the program 100% but I have made major changes and I am getting results! I am so physically unfit that it is hard for me to do a lot so I started out using the food selection, portion control and walking! I have gotten so much stronger over the past month. This morning I decided to try the first day workout Total Body Cardio WOW it whopped my butt! I was not even able to keep up with the modified moves but I kept moving as best I could and made it through the entire workout YAY FOR ME! I have now decided that Monday April 27 2015 will be my day 1 of 21 and I will follow the plan to a T.
    How do I find the stats for recording the workouts?
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @blantondwb I'm starting my Round 3 on Monday the 27th. And I can't keep up with all of the modifications either!

    I'm going to create a new thread that addresses the tracking of the workouts because this topic comes up time and time again but ends up buried in a long thread like this. Keep an eye out for it in about 10 minutes.