

  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Wowsers!!!! I have tried epidural steroid blasts, PT, massage, and TENS unit. But this injury is so very different then the other sports related ones and I am amazed at how problematic the piriformis is! Oy Vei! I also ordered ViniYoga therapy by Gary Kraftsow and should get it by Friday! Toot toot! I will be doing this Saturday and Sunday. Excited!

    Plus I am uber excited with the Chiro. He is supposed to be a Sports Chiro. He believes in "natural" healing and acupuncture. So Okay. I bite. I am going to blow it all out there and see what his recommendations are. I am basically trying to seek all avenues before I give in to Dr. M's suggestion about an MRI and possible surgery. I strongly believe it is muscular related because since the PT "dropped" or untangled the piriformis on the right side, I have felt significantly better there, yet at the same time it flared up another issue on the left side. I'm not a doc but I am pretty sure they are related!

    I have been good with the food for the most part this week, but working out has been blah. I don't know why I have just taken this "break" but I need to get back to it. I think I am going to do a nice easy spin today and then maybe get some strength and PT exercises in tonight. I am kind of excited because I only have to stop and see mother tonight and then I am home free baby! Shrimp sounds good tonight. :)
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Today was crazy and I need to leave now to go to the airport to pick up my brother..... I am committing to a good work out tomorrow after work!!!!
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    I have been so crazy this week! My youngest is in the high school orchestra and it is ISSMA week. Next week is the year end banquet.... I feel like I can't get the time to get to the gym! I'm seriously not one of those peeps that is going to get up an hour early and work out before work. I value what little sleep I get too much. lol

    I have been extra extra careful to mind my calories and wine intake ;-) I stepped on scale and it did not budge, but I am hopeful that when the stress ends, the yoga gets done Saturday, that Sunday I can see a 1 lb drop. Then I am absolutely back at it first thing Monday. I don't have to make up anytime because I will not have to leave work early like I have all week for Orchestra. I guess this is my test as to how far I have come with watching what I eat!
  • librarydogmom
    librarydogmom Posts: 102 Member
    I can't seem to get with it, can't try harder to eat healthier and smaller amounts. But at least I'm not gaining several pounds, and actually lost 2/10 this week. It's just that I know I could do better…but exercising less has lessened the pain in my hip, so that's good. That and Aleve or occasionally Vicodin, ha ha.
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    edited April 2015
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Im still here. Just not doing that well. Afraid to get on the scale. Working up to it.
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Get on the scale! I know it sucks... I am very upset with my back tracking over the last week.... but... be accountable my dear! I always think of my Richard in moments like this.... (all hail Richard).... I am to blame, I hold the fork. *sigh* So very true. I'm using this back issue as an excuse to eat crap sugar food. And the damage is staring at me right there on the scale.

    Git R Dun! and then get right back to what you need to do keep going down down down on the scale!

    Just my morning pep talk. You can do it! And I'm sure it's not as bad as you think! :)
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Jeesh! Yesterday was brutal for me! My back hurts soooo much... I don't know if it is the piriformis issue that flared up last week or the viniyoga I did on Saturday .... plus it's cold and rainy... I am a hot mess! And I have not been back to the gym. Not cool. Because I am eating like I am 21 again I need to push myself more than ever.

    I wonder if I do the stationary bike, it might help with loosening up the lower Lumbar/sacrum area? Not sure, but I go to the sports chiro tonight and I am so very excited... I just want to hug this man when he walks into the room, ya know? LOL I am going to try acupuncture and get his opinion on the vini yoga I bought. Of course face planting on the yoga block can't be good either. ;)

    No time to stop! I have a date with the 150s! I know I won't hit that by the 1st week of May, but I will hit the 150s mid may! Before we open the pool I want to be sitting at 157. that is 7 pounds by May 22. I can do this! I hope the doc can get me back on track!
  • librarydogmom
    librarydogmom Posts: 102 Member
    I actually cooked dinner 2x last week and we went out for dinner and breakfast several, of course, I weigh more than last week. Just one of those weeks, between doc appts and birthday get-togethernes and stuff. Too bad the pounds come on so easily ... But I did get to the gym, sometimes for more than an hour, nearly 2 hrs. I just have to remember my original goal was to get below 200, then to get in the 170s, then maybe into the to have gained maybe 3 lbs and yet be at 154, well, it's hard to believe. These busy days will settle down soon, and I know the pounds will drop,off, as well. Who knows, maybe I will eventually get to (gasp!) 145 and be what "they" say is a normal weight.
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Ok, majority computer problems coupled with motivation problems. Computer should now be a go. Now working on that motivation. Well, I am motivated to fit in my clothes that fit a month ago! Just gotta stick with it. More tomorrow when I have some time. It is May and time to get moving!!!
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Hello Ladies trying to get my grove back again. Finished all the acupuncture sessions. Today I pray that I can reset. Thanks for all your understanding.
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Good work out today and a trip to the market for lots of great veggies. Have a salad ready to go for tonight. I have my protein shakes made for tomorrow and I am looking forward to a good week!!
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi Team! Sorry I have not been on much and my weight is showing that. :s Will try to make the most of May and get rid of a few of these extra lbs that are dragging me down! Here's to having a great loosing week everyone! Great way to plan for the week Amy! Let's get it together Blue team! We can do this!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    I'm in Sarah! Let's make this week count!!!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    I've had a great week so far.... Now I need to stick with it over the weekend! Traveling for son's soccer tournament, so it will be a challenge, but I can do it!!
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Weekends are always hard for me too. Helps to have a plan! Hope you have a nice weekend!
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    I took a pic and put it side by side to one about exactly a year ago. I like that I can start to see the shape of my face again! Still have a long way to go but I am feeling better than I did last year.
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Great pic Sarah, and yes, I can see the difference. That is pretty cool. Oh, and you don't look over 40!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    Let's do a personal challenge this week. Choose what you know in your heart you most need to work on to get some weight off this week. What is it? Let us know and let's do it!!
  • phoebelayla
    phoebelayla Posts: 1,182 Member
    For me, the challenge is to stay in my calorie range by not overeating at night. If I commit to logging everything, then I can do it, cuz I really don't like to go over my calorie limit. Instead of stopping logging, I will stop any extra eating!