100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Yes, Roger that is very true. Got my 2nd bear yesterday...Mr. Commitment :). Now they are both staring at me and giving me that sign that I was able to do this. Working on bear number 3 (overall I have lost more than 30 lbs. but not on NS that's why I am not there yet). I hope everybody has a good weekend. It's been really rainy here. Gym seems to be a good plan as outside activities will be pretty much none existent with this kind of weather. Talk to you all later :)

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Sue
    You have rain and I have a Damp Mist with cloudy skies that just makes it a not so nice day outside. I think I would rather just have it rain. However since I used the last of my vegetables yesterday to day is a food run to the Acme day.

    Have a Good Weekend
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    100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)
    Notice that the ticker only records in 1 pound increments,
    and shows my loss since I joined NutriSystem and not My Fitness Pal
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    edited May 2015
    I know what you mean Roger. It's like weather can't make up its mind lol. We need the rain here in Texas as we are still within a deficit and times start soon enough where we don't get any rain for months. So, I need to enjoy it lol. Off to the gym I go!!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Sue
    From What they are showing on the news broadcasts around here, Texas is getting to much rain in some areas :)

    Have a Good Weekend
  • Anemic_Oak
    Anemic_Oak Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks for all the kindness. It always feels good to come here and see all the encouragement and positivity. mtuydpizul9f.jpg

    How did you do that???
  • kath817
    kath817 Posts: 3 Member
    Joined. Glad I found you. Getting upset that ns was closing boards. I was only able to make it this far with support that I read on boards. Started end of March. <3
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    kath817 wrote: »
    Joined. Glad I found you. Getting upset that ns was closing boards. I was only able to make it this far with support that I read on boards. Started end of March. <3

    Hi! Kath! You will like this group! Very supportive! Just nice people. :) I miss that older set up of articles built on the old site; the new one, NuMi, just does not seem geared to a personal journey, I guess NS is happy their site is now like everyone else's! I like tracking on this site. Doing both at the moment! Welcome!!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Amy, I keep an Excel chart of my daily weight. That is a simple histogram with a trend line (e.g., if I continued at that rate, then I could possibly be XXX pounds by XXX date). The trend has flattened a little as I've gone along, but still heading the right direction! I took a screen shot, pasted in Paint, cropped and made a BMP to upload.
  • Jenmc1958
    Jenmc1958 Posts: 2 Member
    New here. Glad I found this before NS blog went down. I just started on 5/5 and have lost 3.5 labs in three days. I know that will not last, and I will need tons of support. I have 110 lbs to lose. I am 57, and a teacher. I am in a lot of pain in my back and experience lots of ankle swelling. Hard being on hard floors all day, and so overweight! I quit smoking last fall (cold turkey) and have been gaining about 5 lbs per month since then. It has to stop! I am looking forward to finding and giving support here.!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Welcome Jenmc! So glad you found us. This group is super supportive and knowledgable. We have people at all stages (just starting to seasoned) and of varying ages. I started 3/8 and am 50yo.

    I've found NS very helpful to provide the structure to what n how much to eat. It teaches good habit; I'm trying to stay on plan to get these habits engrained. Don't skip your water and veggies! I've learned to love the produce section...so much to choose from. Welcome aboard!
  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    edited May 2015
    Lesa - isn't the right size lunch sack the greatest. Since I retired, I no longer need mine - kinda miss them some days!

    Happy Mother's day moms. My sons took us to breakfast this morning for mom's day and my bd. Gave me a 2 TB external hard drive as a gift. DH got me new gene software, Roots Magic 7, family atlas and gensmarts plus a book. I can color code the family tree - should be well used as I'm starting over due to known errors and wrong folks being included. Can build in here and move to ancestry and FTM later. Or maybe just stay here - we'll see. Watching U tube videos to get up to par.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Shirl
    A quick Question, I have found duplicate Genealogical records. Is there any place that You know of that might be interested in them?

    Thank You
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Happy Birthday Shirl! Good luck with your new project...that sounds cool.

    Hi everyone! I'm exhausted from exercise! Woo hoo!!! Body is sore. Dogs are exhausted too!!! Walked and jogged 9 miles this weekend (my normal is less than one mile). Cleaned, replanted, and mulched my flowerbed that now has VEGGIES! (Tomatoes and Bell peppers.) (Photos of my flowerbed and my mother's day sculpture are on my profile). And cleaned out a kitchen cabinet to remove expired meds and vitamins, and organize the rest! Ahhh.

    I've discovered that when I jog, my feet BURN. So, I Googled options, and ordered (Amazon) Adidas Climacool Aerate running shoes. They have ventilation holes under (so no puddle jumping!) and mesh around, so that should help. I also ordered (Amazon) some Omega 3 capsules, so...looking out for my health.

    Purchased shorts in the regular women's section 16/18! And, when I was shopping with Em for a new bathing suit for her, I noticed that we shop in the same section! So, I held up a size 0/2 and a 16/18 of the same suit and said, "We could be twins!" Poor 12 year old...she looked horrified. LOL. (I wouldn't do that to her...but it was interesting that this is the first time that that is even possible.

    If I didn't have an insane crazy job, I could actually take really GOOD care of myself. Need to keep working to carve out time for me during the week (this was my first weekend off from work in a while...and will be the last till vacation 1June!) Take care everyone! Val
  • jserv13
    jserv13 Posts: 42 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers on this forum. I was so proud of myself today as my husband took me out to Mother's Day brunch buffet. They had scrambled eggs, fresh asparagus, which I loaded on my plate and sautéed zucchini, peppers and onion and. Bacon( limited to two strips) , fresh melons and the deserts were very mini cheesecakes, so I had two of them as a treat. Normally, I would have totally filled my plate without thinking. It's amazing when you look around at others plates piled high . My daughters live away from us, so it was great to visit with one yesterday and talk to the other today. I received flowers from both of them and some photos of my first grandson. A special day indeed.

    I am hoping the scales have moved this week. My clothes do feel loser, so I must measure.

    Val you are doing an amazing weightloss. I realized you started the same time as me and I have lost half that.
    Happy Birthday Shirley.
    Roger thank you for all the forums you have set up.
    Scrappin...I like the Ancestry.com website. I found my fathers family back to 1510 in Scotland, even though my family and I grew up in England.
    Bye to the NS site..I will keep checking on NuMi so I can gather the bears. Still using the N s site to record foos, so hope that stays.
    Have agood week everyone.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    You did great w your choices at the buffet!!! I'm impressed, not sure I could do that yet. I havent eaten out since starting. I really want to engrain these new habits. I used to be buffet-queen! (My frugal side likes getting my monies worth.) so I need to let go of that concept before I test those waters.

    My doctor told me that our bodies seem to get used to specific weights, especially if we've spent time at that weight previously. The first 15 pounds were "new fat" that I had gained since November. That fat n I hadnt known each other long. But this fat that I'm working on has been w me for more than a decade. My loss rate is slowing, but I'm fine w that. I think I over did the exercise today!
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms out there :).
  • mslesam
    mslesam Posts: 66 Member
    Hi y'all

    Had a great time in Branson and I did really well eating at Joe's Crab Shack but went bonkers last night and ate stuff I shouldn't have, oh well. We didn't get to do much because it was super stormy but we had a great time just spending time together and getting away from home. I had found a room deal on expedia and was surprised at how gorgeous the resort is. Our room ended up being a mini suite in a cabin that included 2 other rooms, we had a lovely porch with a little table that looked out over the woods. I took my NS foods with me and my boyfriend is super supportive about me being on this plan but for some reason I adopted an I'm on vacation attitude and only ate NS food for breakfast this morning. I will try to do better next time I go away.

    I weighed today and was sad to see that I had my first gain, a little under a pound but I'm thinking all the salt I ate yesterday could be affecting that so I refuse to be down about it.
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Good afternoon, everyone! Had a totally off last two days. A customer brought me and my daughter a THIRTY INCH PIZZA in for us on Saturday (egads!) and was just not on plan Sunday for Mother's Day. That's ok. I'm back on it today. Hopefully I didn't blow it too much! Will find out Tuesday.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Lesa
    Quite likely the Salt is contributing to that. I tend to go up and down day to day but as long as I trend down I am happy.

    Have a Good Week All
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    100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)
    Notice that the ticker only records in 1 pound increments,
    and shows my loss since I joined NutriSystem and not My Fitness Pal
  • pudgemuffin2
    pudgemuffin2 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi NS buddies!
    I'm about to leave for a cardiologist appointment for dh, so this will be a quickie!~ We had storms this morning, and now the sun is out brightly! In fact dh was out on a 4 mile walk, and I heard something on the windows and sure enuf, big drops of rain! I quickly called to see where he was, and went to retrieve him! ha Got his walk cut short, but looks like blue skies now, so maybe when we return he can finish the walking.

    I have lots of stops to make today too, various stores, as it's our youngest dd's birthday next Monday. Did some online shopping, but also have items I need to buy locally. Had a great cookout at her house yesterday for Mother's day too! After dsil got done grilling the rain started last evenign too! We got our annuals planted yesterday, so happy for some rain!!! :)

    Thought for today.
    Fear less, hope more,
    eat less, chew more
    whine less, breathe more,
    talk less, say more,
    hate less, love more,
    and good things will
    be yours. :)
    Swedish Proverb