100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • kath817
    kath817 Posts: 3 Member
    Guess I found you again. Thanks to button. I work off the iPad most of the time & lose my way.
    Down another 3 lbs & feel great that's it's moving again. Had to delay my order for awhile & been doing most meals from what I learned from you all. Resumed order so hopefully will be here soon.
    Thank you all for the motivation.
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Friends,
    Terri and Kath. ......congratulations on your loss.
    Lessa.....I am also a retired nurse. So sorry about your infection. Get well quick!
    Shirl.........glad your procedure is over. That whole DQ blizzard thing just blew my mind. This time in my weight loss journey I am not trying to be perfect but manage my life. Blizzards are just crazy calories, I would have rather have had ribs (at least there is some protein).

    I usually don't whine, but oh my goodness here it comes. Yesterday I made an honest concentrated attempt to work within the new NS guidelines. I logged on NS and charted food on the web site, then I went to Numi and charted there and I also charted on the MFP site. I read posts here and on the pro boards. I clicked on the DD on the NS . Today I read a comment on the dd that said on June 22 they will move the dd and to go to the Numi site for the new tracking for clicks. Didn't find any information on the Numi site or official notification from the NS site. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Thanks for letting me vent.
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Sorry folks, the whine continues. On NS site and on back of package there are 120 calories in tuna salad.....Numi has the tuna salad at 200 calories. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Ok, so now I'm talking to myself. I did see that on the NS web site that it is closing on June 22. So it is official. Sad
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Closing the whole website??? Whaaaat?
  • jserv13
    jserv13 Posts: 42 Member
    Really..so I assume they will have somewhere for ordering food or they will be out of business! I do hope they settle down at one place, because it is wearing thin to keep jumping around on websites. Let's hope they have something new and exciting planned!
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    "All NS tools and trackers found on this page will be closing June 22. Check out NuMi.com to start our all new tracking tools today."
    Just to continue my rant on the Numi site; it has congratulations you have lost 20 pounds click here for your bear. In another area it has that I have lost 55 pounds and a third that says 6. Thinking I need ETOH or prayer for patience today. Maybe both
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Ok, so now I'm talking to myself. I did see that on the NS web site that it is closing on June 22. So it is official. Sad

    Hi Nene, You're so cute. I was getting caught up and reading each of your notes...and then got to the one where you're talking to yourself! I chuckled!!! Thank you (laughing is good abdominal exercise, and good for the soul too). I had to call NS 3 times to get them to "fix" my weight on Numi. Since that's the only thing we have to do there...it sure would be nice if they got that right. Thanks for the update about the continuing changes. ~Val
  • mslesam
    mslesam Posts: 66 Member
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Sorry folks, the whine continues. On NS site and on back of package there are 120 calories in tuna salad.....Numi has the tuna salad at 200 calories. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Numi adds in the roll you are supposed to eat with the tuna.
  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you Lesa and Val for calming me down off from the ledge. I promise I was not auditioning for a snickers commercial. Voices in my head...... Breathe.......I have eaten all my stuff today and now it is time to go to bed.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    mslesam wrote: »
    Hi y'all

    It's been a rough couple of days, I developed a ginormous abscess in my armpit and found out today that it is infected with a "superbug" called MRSA. Had a total meltdown in the doctor's office when she told me. I shouldn't be surprised by it because I am a nurse and am exposed to these bugs daily but I still found it very upsetting. They did drain the abscess yesterday but had to do it again today. It really hurts. The Dr initially wanted to admit me to the hospital, but ended up sending me to a surgeons office. The surgeon decided I didn't need surgery beyond what was done and that the infection can be managed at home! I was so relieved.

    On a happier noted, my boyfriend, knowing that I'm having a rough time sent me the most beautiful bouquet of roses today. No one has sent me flowers in years and years. I think I cried over the flowers for half an hour, happy tears though. When I called to thank him he thought I was calling to tell him I was dying or something because of the way I was crying lol. Finally got it out that I was just so touched. I think this one's a keeper.

    Haven't been 100% on plan but it's been more that I haven't been eating everything because I have a fever and have been forcing myself to eat what I am eating. Should have weighed myself yesterday but I forgot and today I just don't want to lol. I'll weigh tomorrow.

    Hope everyone else is well.


    Hi Lesa
    Congratulations on having a keeper boyfriend, that is so thoughtful.

    MRSA, That is scary!
    I always wondered why doctors and nurses are not ill most of the time. They are seeing sick people.

    Good Luck
    Lesa - sorry about the MRSA - get well soon! So Scary! so happy about the boytoy!

    5mates - unfortunately, it was a thinner scale we replaced. That scale worked well for years and then didn't. This time we went for form, not function I guess - got a bamboo one - will be buying another I guess.

    Nene - you mentioned the cals in a blizzard. A peanut buster parfait is 1000 calories - that was a real shock to me, as was the amt of calories in a meal at steak and shake - also over 1000 calories. Really a shock, when you know you really only need 1200 to 1800 cals a day for most of us.

    All clear on the colonoscopy. Prep didn't go as well as it should, so I will need the next one in 5 yrs. Very surprised, they didn't weigh me nor check my blood sugar. The nurse and I discussed what happened if I went low - and I was only 99 when I woke up this morning so covered it with 15 grams of liquid clear glucose, just in case. She said if I got shaky or sweaty she' d check my sugar.

    Unfortunately, medical is usually a hurry up and wait situation. Today was no different. Appt was at 8:45 - never did the procedure until 10:30. DH was wondering what was taking so long as I left him in the waiting room at 8:30. The Clinic has not yet updated my insurance either - I was still labeled retiree under 65 - turned 65 last week and started MC. Hopefully won't be a medical billing nightmare. I've been holding off scheduling unnecessary appts until they send me new insurance cards, but they're really lagging, as usual. Of course I'm sure I'm not the only person who just turned 65! LOL!

    Roger - adding my kudos too. You not only have great computer skills, but explain things really well. You're a huge asset, please don't leave when you reach goal.

    Hi Shirl
    Congratulations on the All Clear.

    Thank You for the kind words.

    I find it strange that the Insurance cards are late. Both My Brother & I had our Medicare ID well before hitting 65. The Supplemental insurance ID came closer to 65 however.

    Have a Good Day
    Has/does anyone monitor their ketone levels to optimize dieting effectiveness?

    Hi Val I seem to remember doing that when I was trying the Atkins Diet. Beyond that I just weigh every day and go from there.

    jserv13 wrote: »
    Lesa..scary news. Please take care of yourself. Good you have support from your boyfriend.
    Roger..thanks for the scale info.
    Scrappin..at least the colonoscopy is over. I had the same results and need to go back in 5 yrs. the best thing about the procedure is the sleep!!
    Terri..congrats on a super weight loss.

    Anyone thought about Memorial weekend and food choices? We will be camping at the RV but entertaining my daughter and family.

    I seem to have several dinner entrees left this month. Should I delay my next auto shipment and try and order a la carte or try and sell online?


    Hi Jane
    What I do is add some A La Carte to the next order to bring my food inventories into balance. WIth the Free shipping on the Auto Delivery added foods and then the Costco sale NS Gift cards it is not to expensive that way.

    Good Luck
    kath817 wrote: »
    Guess I found you again. Thanks to button. I work off the iPad most of the time & lose my way.
    Down another 3 lbs & feel great that's it's moving again. Had to delay my order for awhile & been doing most meals from what I learned from you all. Resumed order so hopefully will be here soon.
    Thank you all for the motivation.

    Congratulations, You are doing it the hard way :)

    Good Luck
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Hi Friends,
    Terri and Kath. ......congratulations on your loss.
    Lessa.....I am also a retired nurse. So sorry about your infection. Get well quick!
    Shirl.........glad your procedure is over. That whole DQ blizzard thing just blew my mind. This time in my weight loss journey I am not trying to be perfect but manage my life. Blizzards are just crazy calories, I would have rather have had ribs (at least there is some protein).

    I usually don't whine, but oh my goodness here it comes. Yesterday I made an honest concentrated attempt to work within the new NS guidelines. I logged on NS and charted food on the web site, then I went to Numi and charted there and I also charted on the MFP site. I read posts here and on the pro boards. I clicked on the DD on the NS . Today I read a comment on the dd that said on June 22 they will move the dd and to go to the Numi site for the new tracking for clicks. Didn't find any information on the Numi site or official notification from the NS site. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Thanks for letting me vent.

    Hi Nene
    I got a email from Numi when I updated it that said congratulations on losing 60 pounds. It shows different weights lost on different pages as You said.


  • Nene1125
    Nene1125 Posts: 96 Member
    Good morning friends,

    Well I just think my yesterday "exceeded the limits of my medication." I must have been in the anger stage of the grief cycle over this whole NS shutting down thing. I apologize for my "grumpy cat" posts.

    Today I am "too blessed to stress."I am back on the road (4 hour drive) to take care of the 2 year grandson. Y'all have a great day!
  • suegen1
    suegen1 Posts: 432 Member
    Nene1125 wrote: »
    Good morning friends,

    Well I just think my yesterday "exceeded the limits of my medication." I must have been in the anger stage of the grief cycle over this whole NS shutting down thing. I apologize for my "grumpy cat" posts.

    Today I am "too blessed to stress."I am back on the road (4 hour drive) to take care of the 2 year grandson. Y'all have a great day!

    I find it sad too that they are closing down the whole site sigh...I guess we have to figure out how that all turns out. I hope you have fun with your grandson :).

    In regards to the NuMi site I am not sure how to take this. When I update my weight it tells me every time something different. Two weigh ins ago it told me congratulations to your 20 lb. weight loss even though it was way over that, this past weigh in it said congratulations to your 10 lbs weight loss O.O? Lol...to top it off both times I was suppose to claim my bear which in both cases I have already lol. I will probably contact them and ask what all that means as they do have my correct weight...I guess it will be trail and error for a while?

    Lesa, I hope you feel better soon. I can just imagine who scary that was. Take care of yourself :).
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Nene... lol @ grumpy cat posts. You're fine. We totally understand!

    Sue.... I don't like Numi at all! I think I'll just call in for my bears.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    So far the Numi site seems to be a waste of bandwidth. It never gets my weight loss correct either.

    I will keep logging on the NS website until the end. And based on what the NS moderator had said about a 50 clicks $10 for people getting near I am going to keep on clicking. I figure I will have 47 on the 21st of June. If I do not get it I will be on the phone ASAP!

    Then I will update the Numi every ten pounds of loss.

    Have a Good Day
  • jserv13
    jserv13 Posts: 42 Member
    Success today..1 lb down, so a total of 17lbs gone. Looking for the 20 lb loss... Got my 50 clicks in the Daily dose and got my $10 yeah!
    Roger good idea on adding the al la carte to round up the BBB.
    Nene..we need to vent sometimes...better out than in
  • scrappin999
    scrappin999 Posts: 84 Member
    Haven't looked at Numi - don't wanna! Not doing NS so maybe I'll never have to!

    NS administration has always driven me nuts - sudden price changes, misquoted promises, knee jerk reactions, changing formats - yuk!

    Roger - not surprised at all on insurance cd delay. Government had our MC cards to us in January - we turned 65 this month. I worked at the Clinic - my supplemental is their insurance. Prior to paying bills, they need a COB form on file - they never sent them to us until St Pattie's day! Really - those need to be in place on 1/1. So all of DH's bills were denied and had to be processed at least twice. A real pain - but I have no control over it - so try not to let it bother me anymore. I'm prolly safe to go ahead and make appts on the old insurance, just want to avoid a hassle if I can. Next set of appts is June 1st - will be pleasantly surprised if I have the new cards by then - truly doubt it. Won't put off my health care - will put up with the hassle if need be - but not logical.

    Today's unexpected chore was taking down a 20 ft maple tree which we finally realized was on our side of the fence. The electric company has been here for 2 days - they're swapping out poles and transformers - this tree was right next to the pole - they're gonna be surprised when they come back. So far we've only been out of power for an hour - very interesting to watch - new pole is taller - maybe 40-50 ft - interesting to watch them manuever it over my car when they were moving it to the neighbor's back yard. DH has beat himself up - did a dental appt, picked up the meds, recut the front grass to pick up clippings our son failed to bag, planted 2 basil plants, cleaned up the grill (the marinade ran all over and out the front), stabilized the park bench that was sinking in as well as leveling the grill (it fell over during winter) and then decided to take down the tree. I helped strip some of the wood - I did 8 to his 40. At least I was able to help some. It's 61 here and sunny. Nice to work outside, but realized how bone chilling cold we both were once we came inside. Still have some brush to clean up - but it's gonna wait til tomorrow.

    Yesterday I completed my BR bookshelf swap and clean up - pulled out 1.5 boxes of books to donate. Feels good to accomplish something, so new goal is a project a week - a manageable project!

    Happy long weekend all. Enjoy whatever you all have planned!
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    jserv13 wrote: »
    Success today..1 lb down, so a total of 17lbs gone. Looking for the 20 lb loss... Got my 50 clicks in the Daily dose and got my $10 yeah!
    Roger good idea on adding the al la carte to round up the BBB.
    Nene..we need to vent sometimes...better out than in

    Way to go!!! That's awesome! 20 lb bear here she comes!!!!
  • Terri70
    Terri70 Posts: 186 Member
    Scrappin.... Tell your hubby I'm tired from just reading all y'all did! Wow! Now that's a workout! Well done!
  • dellijelli
    dellijelli Posts: 3 Member
    I'm with you Terri70. I got tired just reading scrappin's post too. Keep up the great work everyone! We can do this!