Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    edited May 2015
    smiley-happy110.gif You all seem so busy and accomplishing so much....I'm busy, too, but it's all line dancing, dog walking, exercise bike riding, and is good

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Happy Saturday morning Sneakers. I've got to get the protected potted plants out of the garage now the frost warning is gone. It WAS chilly overnight, the heating kept coming on.
    Hi LIN, lunch, as always, was lovely. After lunch I got to go to Winners and I picked up a lovely, real leather, tan shoulder bag for half the original price. My youngest DIL has gifted me 3 lovely handbags in the past, but that's what they are, hand bags. I like shoulder bags which leave your hands free. Shoulder bags don't get pinched off your shopping trolley when ones back is turned, and that's what happened to a cousin in the UK! Glad you are feeling a little more like our old LIN. All things pass.
    PATSY, I looked up two friends I keep in touch with still; and I've known since I was 5 years old; the last time I was in the UK. What an eye opener! I didn't think I'd changed much over the years, but I have after living all over the place! They, to me, where exactly the same and I found I had little in common with them! We still keep in touch, because it would be my loss to lose them! But to see them on a regular basis, I'm not sure what we would talk about anymore. Sad really.
    PHOEBE I'll be watching the two programs I mentioned tonight on my PBS. Could it be that PBS Buffalo just cater to both USA and Canadian tastes?
    JACKIE, no sign of you this morning. How far did you hike? And did you meet the Hound of the Baskervilles? Hope not! According to Fitbit I've now walked 500 miles. At this rate it would take me 3 years to walk across Canada?
    Bye everybody, must go and wash the tresses. ANNE (with the E)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2015
    Checking in later today having walked George before going to the allotment for a couple of hours with my neighbour to clear more weeds and also plant up peas and French beans that have been started in the greenhouse. It's all beginning to come together now and I plan to return next week as the weather forecast looks quite promising. Celery and leeks are waiting to be turned into soup but I'll do that either later today or in the morning. Found a phone message when I got home from a cousin on my mother's side to say he and family are visiting the area next week so I called him back to say we must make a plan to meet up. He was strolling in the middle of a high street so we'll do that tomorrow.

    Anne ~ Yesterday's walk was more of a marathon as we set out across the top of the moor towards a place called Gold diggings, a quarry that has produced young trout in the past year, we know not how as there's no inlet from a stream... the wonders of nature! It was very warm and although I took a flask and some muffins I'd made earlier we were exhausted by the time we returned to the car park, well I was anyway. One of my friends has a puppy that is full of energy and had us moving at quite a pace although we laughed most of the way too! No sign of hounds or deer stalkers, nor was there a hint of the presence of the Beast of Bodmin Moor, thank goodness!!

    Lin ~ When I do one of the fasting days I split the 500 calories into 3 small meals and that way get through the day without feeling too hungry. On Tuesday I'd had a banana for breakfast before going swimming and by the time I returned home it was almost lunchtime so then had 500g cottage cheese and 500g prawns with a couple of crispbread which then got me through to about 7pm when I steamed a plate of veggies. A couple of cups of tea helped me through the afternoon too and it all came to less than 500 calories. I tried to log the day but found like PATSY, the site wouldn't let me finish although I thought at the time it was because I was being told I needed to eat more!!! I'm wondering if the problems are intentional to get us all to move across to the premium site or perhaps I'm just cynical!!

    Short and sweet today as I now have to get my lawnmower out before this evening's promised rain. Have a great weekend everyone.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Don't think you are being cynical at all JACKIE. I'd say realistic. ANNE.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Read the posts, but too sleepy to add mine. Bbl, Phoebe
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Greetings again ! After a nice lunch with old school mates, we came home to do a few home tasks before dinner and exercises. I am so grateful to be a part of this group. It is interesting how I think of each of you as I go about my day. If I am tempted to eat bad things or too much I think of Lin, Jackie and the rest of you who are way more disciplined than I am. I often feel like a 6 year old...."I want candy for breakfast!"

    John is sleeping late this morning. He had a busy day yesterday. We are such nite owls that mornings are pretty slow around here. The town was full yesterday. The hotels and motels are full of people coming to the coast for Memorial Day. Our streets are narrow and we have many one way streets. Tourists are constantly confused and who wouldn't be really. Our city planners were just plain goofy. Trying to get around town when the streets are so congested is annoying. I am staying home all weekend. I have much to do and in truth, I am a homebody. Too much really!

    Anne: what wonderful family you have! How delightful to have such devoted sons and family. I have a devoted son as well but he is an adventurer. Always off to some exotic location that is dangerous. Do I sound like one of those mothers we all hate to be around? It is true, I tend to fuss and worry.

    Jackie: your hikes sound wonderful. We plan a few lesser walks with our old furry girls. They love the adventure but are ready to head home for a treat, bowl of water and a nap after a walk.

    Lin: I can't help but feel you have a huge responsibility with your fathers estate issues. You have been so respectful. I know many people who just turn everything over to those who specialize in that and wait to receive the money. I also know how exhausting the travel can be on top of the decisions that have to be made. You really are holding up remarkably well.

    And so the day begins....take care, dear sneakers!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Ah Patsy - a new shoulder bag. Lovely. I prefer those as well so my hands are free and I hope my bag would be more difficult to grab by a nere-do-well.

    Jackie - thanks for the info on how you approach the 500 calorie days. I will admit I am just stuffing my face these days. I'm having nightmares about selling the acreage and worries during the day about the price I'm asking. Ack! I've been on the phone today back and forth with a potential buyer, my listing agent, back to the buyer, back to the listing agent. I've also tried to contact several others who wanted to see the acreage but no success. One person's mobile phone doesn't even go to voice just goes dead. Hummmm. Anyway, I am meeting with the potential buyer, the listing agent, and the buyer's realtor on Tuesday afternoon. The guy and his wife have been out there twice and were sitting in their vehicle in the driveway talking to me today. Sounds promising. I know people blow hot and cold though so we'll see.

    Phoebe - I hope you are getting some rest.

    I need to get get ready to go now. I don't think I'll stay at the graduation open house very long though. Hugs to everyone this Memorial Day weekend. Just an early wish.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am busy too. Learning how to used this IPad. Alice show me. A lot today, now it's my job to remember it all. ha ha..

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Wow, so quiet here! Not having a feel good day. Got my groceries, except for coleslaw. I've never made it to my liking, so one of us will get it. such a beautiful day! Thuis is how it would be if we were not traveling so much for work. We usually get home time when it rains. Lol, rain is fine but I like to sit outside while it's still cool enough. Patsy, im a homebody too.

    Lin, you rest too! Do you meditate? Im sorry all this is stressing you, but I have no suggestions on those issues. I hope they will be reasonable people.
    Sandy, glad you've had a great time meeting the neighborhood and in spite of the sold out red noses!
    I forgot to mention a bag of soil and mushroom compost when Jim made his trip to home depot. I did remember the new flag, ours was faded. It's a new, not good feeling for me to be limited on my ability to do things that I want. I do feel it when I lift heavy shopping, etc.
    Buzz and Barbie, thanks for checking in with us, it is appreciated.
    Jackie, glad you made it back from your challenging hike. Give your critters a hug from me. Honey has been barking and growling at Jim every day. She gets scolded by me but she just does it again. I jump every time she bursts out barking. It has just dawned on me that it is probably more than just her being protective. She may also be a bit jealous, bless her heart! She's not been special before! (teary eyed me)
    Anne, I would buy a season of dalziel and pascoe if I could stream it instead of ordering a dvd. I had no luck finding it on any channel locally, or even thru Roku. I thoroughly enjoy british mysteries. Im on the last episode of Bomb Girls tonight.
    Marie, I hope you spent a lot of money today, lol! A big screen tv/computer monitor with a wireless keyboard so you can be comfortable, but not so much that you fall asleep, like me!

    Goodnight, Phoebe
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi PHOEBE, just me before I go to bed. I'm so sorry you couldn't watch tonight's episode of Dalziel and Pascoe as it was a really good one, BUT also a bit horrifying, so maybe just as well you couldn't! I probably will have a hard time sleeping. Brr, gave me the shivers. Goodnight, to you and the barking Honey. Does Jim give her treats? Might help. ANNE
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2015
    Aargh!! I tried to log my exercise today but it seems even that has also altered and now we have to search through a whole list of exercises that aren't particularly relevant whereas before it kept track on a more personal basis. This morning I walked George in the woods and then spent another couple of hours at the allotment and although back and legs are complaining it was worthwhile just to see another bed cleared and ready for our seedlings. I have a large bunch of celery, lots of leeks and one tiny potato that has done well considering we haven't planted any for at least 2 years!! LOL It should all make up a very tasty soup, some of which I will freeze.

    Patsy ~ Living in a touristy area I too tend to stay home more when they are all out and about getting confused how to drive along narrow lanes without flying round blind bends in the middle of the road and then looking terrified that they've met a car coming the other way!! When I first moved to Cornwall I lived just off the main route across the river Tamar that cuts the county off from the rest of England and during the holiday season it wasn't worth getting the car out to sit in solid traffic but it did mean I was fitter for the walking! George was very cranky all day yesterday after his long walk on the moors, rather like a bad tempered teenager so we had a couple of words and he went back to bed!! LOL You're bound to worry about your son if he travels to places you consider unsafe but I suppose there's a fine line between not trying to wrap in cotton wool but letting him know your concerns... it certainly doesn't make you a bad mum!!

    Lin ~ The responsibility of selling your dad's home is bound to weigh heavy but I always say any property is only worth what someone is prepared to pay for it and I'm sure when you get a couple of offers the price it's worth will become obvious. All that stress is going to affect you and maybe just for now it's healthier for you to be eating a bit more than you should than not eating enough and then making yourself ill. We all know how disciplined you usually are and once the sale has gone through you'll get back to that routine.

    Marie ~ Hooray, you've got your new laptop which I'm sure you'll soon get used to. Having said that, I've had mine for months now and still seem to be constantly correcting spelling that comes up with missed letters or no spaces... hey ho, perhaps it's an age thing!

    Phoebe ~ ANNE'S got a point about Jim giving Honey a few treats. When I first adopted George he barked at everyone and anyone so I decided when visitors came to my home I'd pass them a treat to give him and that worked pretty quickly although sometimes he'd bark just for a treat but at least there were no growls in the conversation!

    Anne ~ I see you've been up and walking already so well done! I remember Dalziel and Pascoe being shown over here quite a few years ago and it was deemed ahead of its time because of some storylines. Warren Clarke passed away quite recently having appeared in the Poldark series I mentioned a few weeks ago. A charming man that I met a million years ago when working at the local tv studios; so down to earth and amusing!

    My knees are now beginning to shout at me because after my digging at the allotment and then sitting, they are seizing up so I'd better get on with a few chores, the first being putting microwave brackets up in the kitchen to create more space on the worktops, that's the plan anyway!

    Have a good Sunday everyone. Is Sandy home? I expect I'll find out later.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) My last day in paradise, so sad. My daughter and her husband just went to Church, although my SIL did go with me to the Catholic Church yesterday. They were both raised Catholic but now belong to a non conformist Christian Church. I have to leave for the airport around two, so I might sit in the sun for an hour. Soaking it all up since I heard we are expecting rain where I live. My daughter and I went out to dinner last night at Capitol Grill and it was wonderful.

    It has been a wonderful vacation and I do love Florida but also love my family. Next trip in July to Portland, Oregon to visit my son and his wife. Life is good!

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, I was quite upset to read that Warren Clarke has died! Surely he wasn't that old? Weren't you lucky meeting him! The story last night was quite disturbing and I'm sure you will have seen it. Set in a soon to be closed hospital and Pascoe is in ICU after an accident and head injury. So sad to read of Mr Clarkes death! A very good actor, I'm not surprised he was a charming man in real life. I've yet to see the Poldark series, something to look forward too. Yes, I usually get my first half hour walking around six. I'm an early riser. I try to fit in another half hour later in the day but I rarely record it. I need a dog!!! Those narrow roads! Son Mark and family visited Cornwall and Devon a couple of years ago, his first visit since being a little boy, and those lanes frightened him to death when driving, plus high hedges and "wrong" side of the road. Was George's feet hurting him after the hike and an active puppy to keep up with? Poor George!
    SANDY welcome home to your second paradise now the Suns returned. 27c here in Ontario!
    To all our USA sneakers I hope you are all enjoying the Memorial Day holiday. Well except maybe PATSY and the "curse of the tourists". Idea for a new book Patsy?
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited May 2015
    Morning Sneakers,

    I am still in my pj's and Dave was up at 4:30 am this morning loading up the car and picking up our friend tom
    to head up to the cottage and open it up before the rest of the guys arrive and start stripping the roof. The weather
    for Monday up there is predicted rain. So I hope they can get a good start.

    Isaac's party yesterday was fun with family and friends. He was such a good boy and hardly fussed. He got a lot of great
    gifts. We had munchies most of the day appetizers, munchies, and desserts. I took pictures with my camera so
    when they are down loaded I will give you a peak. I did get a nice compliment from my nephew's wife who said I
    look like I lost weight. Yippee! my hard work is showing. Not as skinny as Sandy in that picture, you look great and
    your daughter is so tall. When we got home last night we were hungry so we had some pizza slices. I did not
    weigh this morning. Too much sodium, tomorrow is another day.

    I am planning a bike ride today so I will get going so I can accomplish that and not just talk about it. LOL

    Jackie- I have been having problems with this site too, I think you may be right about doing things on
    purpose so we sign up for the premium. Two days in a row I couldn't log on my food because of
    site problems.

    Anne - I did bring the plants indoors and we did have frost. My daughter lost her tomato plants because she
    didn't cover them. I sure wish it would warm up a little. It is supposed to get to 80F by Wednesday.

    Have a great day and the rest of your holiday weekend.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Another beautiful day! clouds are in and out, keeping it cooler, still,in the low 80f range.
    Sandy, EXcellent photo of you two! You're a class act!
    Shirley, the party sounds like it was fun, enjoy your bike ride. I cant imagine a frost this time of year.
    Anne, early bird, ever since I spent a night away a few weeks ago, Honey spends part of our meals with Jim, and the other part with me. He gives her treats. She is fine with him until she walks back to me, usually in the bedroom. Then she growls or barks when he makes a sound!
    Jackie, I've just watched an old episode of Midsomer Murders, where the new Barnaby talks to his dog. Is it a British thing? Lol, hardly, I talk with Honey and the cats.
    Thank you for your Memorial Day well wishes,
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Jacean245 wrote: »
    CONNIE, another amazing Sneaker. Wow. Now there's an idea!

    Haven't gotten much further - been raining a lot!! Tuesday should bring a landscaper with heavy equipment - we're going to scalp a very rocky, bumpy section of our yard - just to the right (east) of this section - smooth it all out, seed and cover with straw. I'm sure to find the flat rocks I need to finish this project.

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Happy Sunday, Sneakers. The weather here is crazy. I just got rained on so sprinted indoors only to have the sun come back out. I'm staying put, however, as the sky looks grey and ominous and we're under a tornado watch until 8:00 tonight.

    With all of the outdoor work I've been doing, I haven't really been sticking to my 1200 calorie allotment. It is hard to attach a number to hours of trimming multi-flora roses, and wild blackberries with a hedge trimmer - I just know it's a big number. I've been avoiding the scale but finally bit the bullet and found I'd lost 4.5 pounds from April to May. Not as much as I hoped, but I'll take it. I'm now about 14 pounds from my goal so it doesn't look so far away.

    I've got ham and scalloped potatoes in the oven. Not exactly low sodium but I do love ham. I skipped lunch so it should be okay. Be good, be happy, be healthy.

    Pomona, MO
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) We had a group of friends over today. Jake vacuumed and tidied the house, we added two leaves to the table so we could all sit together. Jake served some favorite snacks---sharp cheddar cheese, low sodium rice crackers, hummus, unsalted cashews. Someone brought deviled eggs and someone else brought peanut butter cookies. Coffee or ice water were the beverages. I ate nothing as did my friend who goes to OA. The others enjoyed the snacks. Afterwards, Jake did most of the cleanup while I walked the dogs. We rarely have company so this was a big adventure.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member