June Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
    days binge free: 6
    eat a lot of cakes today but succeed to avoid the binge, but the day's not over yet...
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    kadizia wrote: »
    me : 2
    the binge 1
    days binge free 1
    but i did log (most) the binge day - came in at 2550 calories (goal 1570) I was on track til 8 PM then basically ate everything snackish I could find.

    Strange thing was it was tuesday when I recorded my lowest weight since the 80s and got a stack of compliments at work. No idea what happened - it just did.

    Well, we have fallen off together! Totally binged today and, like you, I had just reached my lowest weight since I don't even know when, and I seemingly had no reason to binge. Ugh :(

    Me: 3
    Binge: 1
    I've done that before! Something about weighing in and seeing a new low weight can be very triggering for me. . .but I also get triggered by gains. I'm sort of on the fence as to whether I should weigh myself at all! I worry though that if i stopped I'd balloon up super fast. . .
    me - 4
    The Binge - 0
    Days Binge free - 13
    I weigh daily because not weighing does not work well for me, to easy to get in self denial. This does not work for everyone and it is definitely not recommended in BED programs but for me it is a must and I feel everyone of us has to do and find what works for them. it takes no time for me to go out of control and gain 10 pounds so in order to prevent that I weigh most days and make myself never miss 2 days if I take a 1 day pass. Keep up the good work!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    edited June 2015
    June 2015:

    Mollie - 2
    The Binge - 3

    Days I did NOT log it all - 4


  • kayl_arq
    kayl_arq Posts: 1 Member
    Me: 1
    The Binge: 1
    Days Binge Free: 0

    Thanks so much for this awesome idea and group!
  • stepawayfromthebiscuits
    Me: 1
    The binge: 5
    Days binge free: 1

    I did it! First day of not binging - I'm hopeful tomorrow will feel easier
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Me: 5
    Binge: 1
    Days binge free: 2
  • mae918
    mae918 Posts: 742 Member
    Me: 6
    B: 0
    B-free: 18
  • kadizia
    kadizia Posts: 208 Member
    me - 6
    The Binge - 0
    Days Binge free - 15
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    Mae918, thanks for doing this!!!

  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    June 6

    Me: 3*
    Binge: 3
  • mae918
    mae918 Posts: 742 Member
    You're welcome! I just helped out to get June started for us, but Molly is the admin for the group :)
  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
    me - 6
    The Binge - 0
    Days Binge free - 7
    one week without a binge, happy to succeed it!
  • JonathanP1962
    JonathanP1962 Posts: 111 Member
    me :6
    the binge :1
    days binge free :5
  • rstavreva
    rstavreva Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone! Just found this BED group. So, here's my score for June:

    the binge: 4
    days binge free: 1
    Doesn't look very good. I am struggling right now. Hopefully with your help I can do better.
  • traci9028
    traci9028 Posts: 104 Member
    me - 0
    The binge - 7

    I haven't logged consistently or won this battle with the binge for probably a month. I'm hoping to do this challenge and get a better handle on my logging, my binging, and my accountability. May was a rough month (with family, my birthday, and my family ignoring my birthday, LOL) I'm hoping to do this and help someone else, maybe, and show that even at the bottom, you can go up!
  • mae918
    mae918 Posts: 742 Member
    me: 7
    B: 0
    B-Free: 19
  • mae918
    mae918 Posts: 742 Member
    Good for you for keeping a positive attitude. Welcome!! And happy belated birthday :)
    traci9028 wrote: »
    me - 0
    The binge - 7

    I haven't logged consistently or won this battle with the binge for probably a month. I'm hoping to do this challenge and get a better handle on my logging, my binging, and my accountability. May was a rough month (with family, my birthday, and my family ignoring my birthday, LOL) I'm hoping to do this and help someone else, maybe, and show that even at the bottom, you can go up!

  • kadizia
    kadizia Posts: 208 Member
    me - 7
    The Binge - 0
    Days Binge free - 16
This discussion has been closed.