Daily check in



  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @dkwi04 so exited for you. You go girl making hubby take another look :)

    R1/D19 Wow- I can't believe I'm only 2 days away from finishing my first round. This is the longest I have eeeeeevvvverrrr stuck with a change in my diet....and the best part...i don't even think of it as a diet.

    DVD UPDATE: yay..finally got my package!!!!I'm so exited I want to jump right into the excersise phase but I'm trying to make myself wait until I start R2 so I can see the difference between 21DF food plan only and 21DF food and excersise plan....yay...sooo exited!!!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member

    You all are doing so amazingly well and I can't tell you how much I appreciate your stories, whether they are victories or struggles.

    This will be a quickie!

    We are off to the Renaissance Festival today and I have less than 2 hours to get showered, dressed, feed the dogs, feed myself, make sure I bring everything (sunblock, wipes, etc) before we dash out the door. Hopefully I'll be able to resist too much temptation while I'm there.

    Morning Workout

    Got through Dirty 30 although I still can't do that side plank thing which is once again making me doubt my readiness for 21DFX. Ugh. I struggled with the triceps kickback because I was using my heavy weight and it occurred to me halfway through the second set that I had worked those muscles almost every day this week. (Slim in 6 every other day M-W-F and 21DF on Tuesday and now today. My poor arms!

    I tried to do Slim in 6 but there's a point where she does a side plank and it was just too much. Not after Dirty 30. I have a feeling that if I do brave 21DFX starting on Monday that it may wear me out so much I won't be able to keep up with Slim in 6.

    Someone reassure me that 21 Day Fix Extreme isn't as scary as it looks!

    Oh, I made it through the renegade rows without dropping to my knees and using my heavy weights. That's something, right?
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    It's not as scary as it looks!! It is intense but totally doable and totally modifiable. And I can't do side planks without modifying either!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    O M G!!!! so typical me..I could not wait.... I just finished Cardio Fix for the first time and I can't believe how Out of shape I am :( . Even with the modifier and stopping 10 sec early at times...it kicked my butt. My legs are like jello and feel like they are going out from under me and I feel like puking...yuk. ...I guess since I'm already at rock bottom it can only go up....someone tell me this will get easier over time!!!???
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @SatiaRenee have fun at the festival - sounds exiting ....
    And how on earth are you fitting all these exercise programs in and you are still able to move???
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    germany03 wrote: »
    O M G!!!! so typical me..I could not wait.... I just finished Cardio Fix for the first time and I can't believe how Out of shape I am :( . Even with the modifier and stopping 10 sec early at times...it kicked my butt. My legs are like jello and feel like they are going out from under me and I feel like puking...yuk. ...I guess since I'm already at rock bottom it can only go up....someone tell me this will get easier over time!!!???

    It will get better. You will get stronger in no time. :) You will see a difference next time you do it. Cardio fix is THE worst. My least favourite day anyway, I dreaded it lol. And it bugs me that cardio fix is way harder than total body cardio fix, haha. You'd think it would be the other way around.
    You got this :) stay strong!
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    OMG the side planks....I can't even do what Kat does. on her knee! I just lie on my side basically and do leg lifts. You know it's bad when you are modifying the modifier. Oh well, maybe it will get easier as I get lighter. But honestly I don't feel bad about it at all...all of this is SO much more than I have ever done in my life so I am happy!!

    I did the renegade rows (?) for the first time today without modifying, the things where you're lifting the heavy weights while planking. Proud of myself for that!!!!

    @germany03 I promise it's really true, it doesn't get easier but you get stronger!! I think Cardio Fix might be the hardest one of the week. I'm always dying by the end. Still am after many repetitions...but I'm not dying as much haha.

    @SatiaRenee hope you had fun today!!!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @jpkrueger I did but I don't think my husband enjoyed it as much as he has in the past. We'll talk later and I'll get a feel for what he thinks was going on.

    @germany03 Believe it or not, when Autumn says "It doesn't get easier but you get better" she's speaking truth. Cardio Fix will never be easier but you'll surprise yourself one day and get to the end of it thinking, "Wow! I did it." I mean, I'm in my fourth round and I only just did the Renegade Rows for the first time without being on my knees. I missed a few reps but I didn't drop to my knees.

    And how do I keep moving? Well, to be fair, I didn't start out 21 Day Fix doing anything else but using my stationary bike, which is more like physical therapy for me. And the first week, I didn't use any weights at all. Then I only used 3 and 5 lb weights and still struggled, alternating some of the exercises, missing reps on others. It was all gradual. When I started the second round of 21 Day Fix, I really wanted to add some flexibility training into my routine so I chose PiYo. It was a good choice because the two really worked well together. But I go to bed a little sore every day and wake up a little sore too. I just keep moving because I know that the only way to keep the slight stiffness from becoming a permanent problem is to not stop.

    @dkwi04 I have a feeling that Plyo Fix Extreme is going to be a bit of a joke tomorrow since I have to step everything out. No hopping, skipping, jumping but I know how to modify and how to push myself to get a good workout without doing anything high impact. Or even any impact, really. Stupid knees.

    Morning Workout

    I really needed today's Yoga Fix. It's day 21 for me so I'll be doing another round of "after" pics tomorrow. I didn't share my PiYo after pics because this is not a PiYo group. (So far as I can tell, there isn't a PiYo group.) But walking around the Renaissance Festival, losing my balance a lot, really has me feeling pain all over. And I know I'm stiff because some of the moves that I found easier to do last week were difficult this week. I simply wasn't getting as far or deep into the poses as before.

    I had hoped to do 21 Day Slim Limber yesterday but ran out of time and, as a result, I did it today. Good choice. Just some more stretches which my body definitely needs.

    Today would be a great day to just do nothing. But that's not going to happen. Rob has to work tonight, I have laundry to do, and we need to clean out the refrigerator and get the food shopping done. So things to do and . . . things to do . . . and I just wanna lie down and nap. At times like these, I wish I were a puppy.
  • Lauracharder
    Lauracharder Posts: 141 Member
    Back from vacation so I will be starting Round 3 tomorrow! If anyone else is also starting then, add me so we can suffer together
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Did upper fix today and actually feel great. Woohoo..I like this alot better than cardio fix....BUT ...since I will start R 2 tomorrow...guess what's on my workout plan ?! *yikes* I'm so glad to be able to come here for good advise and those much needed pep talks(posts).
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @germany03 I am already dreading my 6 am Monday morning Total Body Cardio Fix - such a tough one to start the week!!! But not dreading really...I like the challenge. OK well I like it after I am DONE :)
  • kathymford
    kathymford Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone. This was week 2 for me and I slacked off a bit since it was birthday this week. I could definitely tell in my measurements and weight. It didn't go up, but not down either. And the end of week 3 ends in a Vegas bachelor/bachelorette and a friend's birthday celebration!! Woo!! 5 days for mini-vacation. I think I'll count Friday morning as my final weigh-in! LOL!

    Count me in as hating the cardio fixes, the total body is ok, it's the one with burpees that kills me. I HATE burpees. But, I am going to start mixing in some running. I just realized my first half-marathon is in 90 days!!
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    I am so disappointed in myself today. I totally feel off the wagon for the weekend - binge would be an understatement. One week in and I am now UP! I was down so good going into the weekend. I need to find a way to let go and move on, but man am I mad!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I did keep up with my workouts though, I even threw in a 21DF cardio yesterday in addition to yoga.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    I did it! I started 21 Day Fix Extreme today and stepped out all of the Plyo Fix Extreme workout. No, it wasn't easy.

    @dkwi04 You must really be mad at yourself if you chose to do Cardio Fix when you didn't have to. Frankly, being mad is probably better than feeling guilt or shame. Anger is more active. And you know what to do and how to do it so it's just a matter of getting a handle on things again. You can do it.

    Welcome back from your vacation, @Lauracharder! I started 21 Day Fix Extreme today. And I believe someone here has a daughter who loves burpees, @kathymford, but so far that's the only person I've ever heard of who likes them. I think that means you're in good company but, as Groucho Marx says, I wouldn't want to be in a club that would have me as a member. ;)

    Morning Workout

    21DFX: W1/D1: Plyo Fix Extreme
    I stepped it all out, lifting up onto my toes when possible. Definitely felt it in my calves (which are still sore from the Renaissance Festival). Used 5 & 7.5 lbs weights.

    Slim in 6: W2/D1: Start It Up
    I'm debating using a heavier resistance cord for this one but I also know that I don't want to over-do things since I'm also doing 21DFX now so I think I'll just continue letting this be my gentle/easy workout.

    Planning Ahead

    Some of you have probably noticed that I tend to plan ahead and here's what I have going on over the next few weeks.

    This week, my brother-in-law is in town but I think I'm going to encourage Rob to go hang out with him without me. Frankly, I think they need a little male bonding time and I don't need the temptation of eating out. Besides, I know my next Treat Meal is merely 2 weeks away. My husband has a birthday coming up.

    21 Day Fix Extreme
    I'm going to stick it out, even if I miss reps or have to put down the weights altogether, I am going to step it out every step of the way for the next three weeks! That will carry me through June 28.

    Slim in 6
    This week I'm still doing Start It Up. Next week I'll begin Rev It Up and on the 29th, I'll begin the third and final disc, Burn It Up.

    3 Day Quick Fix
    Seems like the last 2 rounds of 21 Day Fix, all of the weight I lost was the direct result of my doing the 3 Day Quick Fix so I plan on doing that June 25-27.

    3 Day Refresh
    Starting on June 28, I'll do the 3 Day Refresh because . . .

    Going on vacation July 1
    This explains all the planning. LOL!

    1) I wanted to lose as much weight as possible before the trip. (Message To My Thighs: STOP gaining inches. You aren't helping!!!)
    2) I need to lose as much weight as possible because my mother and I are horrible influences on one another. (Seriously, my last visit she made a lemon cake, using 2 cake mixes, we at that for breakfast each and every day!)
    3) I wanted to be doing a workout program that doesn't require a lot of equipment and/or physical space which is why Slim in 6 was/is the perfect choice.
    4) I really want my family to be pleasantly surprised by my amazing results. They are entirely too loving to say anything negative but I can read between the lines of their compliments. "I love your haircut." "That necklace is so pretty." "Is that the same lipstick you wore on your last visit?" Yeah. This time I want them to say, "What have you been doing and what can we do to help you do more?"
    5) I'm seeing my dear friend (I hope) who happens to be a professional body builder. Like my family, she will think I look lovely regardless but it would be awfully nice if she could at least notice some definition in my arms.

    In the meantime, I'm still doing the 8 hour abs diet intermittent fasting thing where I try to eat all of the containers in an 8 hour time-frame. I start eating at 10am and stop shortly before 6pm. Frankly, it's a lot easier than it sounds. Anyway, I technically started it last week but since I also did the 3 Day Quick Fix and had a Treat Meal that turned into a Treat Day, I am not officially counting myself as "on" the "diet" starting last week. That was more a test run. LOL! So yesterday I officially started it.

    Mental Note: I should not be allowed to write posts when the post-workout high is flowing. Sorry.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    I wish I could be as organized with my workouts as you are @SatiaRenee. Half the time I can't decide what I want to do next and even when I'm doing it I'm thinking about other ones I want to try. I think I just get excited about all the ones I haven't done yet that my mind goes crazy.

    I'm still sticking with insanity...not really sure why...not sure I "enjoy" it, I definitely can't do a full workout without stopping but I do like the calorie burn. I don't think I'm going to do the full 60 days though. Maybe 30. I really want to try 21dfx!!!! Like right meow!!! Lol! I had such great results my first round of 21df I really want to see that again and have a feeling the extreme might push me more towards achieving that. I was thinking of ordering it on amazon because it comes with the containers and I don't have them so then I can really do the meal plan with it too!

    Yesterday was a rest day in insanity but I decided to do a level one workout of JMs 30 DS. I haven't done it in, well, before I got pregnant with my daughter and thought it would be semi easy after all I've done the last few months but boy was I wrong, lol! Can't complain though:)

    Hubby starts night today so easier to get another night workout in when he's gone. Hoping to jump on the bike for a bit.
    Happy Monday everyone!
  • TheFo1dOut
    TheFo1dOut Posts: 49 Member
    Today is Day 1! I woke up at 5:30 to get my workout in! I'm stoked that it's done, BUT, I had to modify a lot of the moves today because this weekend I went hiking and it was 2 miles of fairly steep incline...needless to say my calves are SCREAMING at me still. I really hope that this is the plan that is going to break new ground for me. I've done everything under the sun, I pray this is the answer!
    Have a great day!
  • TnVeggie
    TnVeggie Posts: 24 Member
    Day one for me (time number 3), checking in here for accountability, as I make it through day 3-4 and then just do the eating plans. I just realized my vacation (and first wedding anniversary) is 95 days away, plus I'm starting a Diabetes group tomorrow, so I'd like to be a somewhat good example for my patients!
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @venuila 21 Day Fix Extreme does come with containers when you order off the Beachbody website too, just wanted you to know. And, I can't remember if you are drinking/were interested in Shakeology, but there is currently a sale on Beachbody on challenge packs (a challenge pack is the workout program + Shakeology). Basically it's like buying a month's supply of Shakeology and getting the workout for $10. Check with your coach, he or she will be able to tell you about the different options. A lot of my customers decided to buy Extreme this month because of the sale, it's a really good deal.
  • kathymford
    kathymford Posts: 20 Member
    @jpkrueger I don't have a coach, but I want to add you. Do I just do it when signing up for the free account?
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    Thank you so much Kathy that's great to hear!!! Always looking for motivated people to join me!!!

    You can go to my website (it's Beachbody but it's my coach site) and place your order from there....it will automatically assign me as your coach.


    Feel free to message me with any questions!!!