Every day chats!



  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Howdy ladies! I hope everyone has had a great weekend. Megan, sending love and light your way.

    Just doing a quick drive by. I got myself a Nutribullet, I'll be making my first smoothie ever for breakfast. At home that is. I got spinach, carrots, apples, strawberries, and bananas. I've washed and prepped everything.

    Nite ladies, here's to a great week.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hi My Lovely LOST Ladies

    aalice~ I do believe you are correct...I may have dozed off on the keyboard lol! Still

    MdwstQT~ Awesome planning...nice work prepping! I think you are getting ready to be a ROCK star this week!!! I have a ninja and LOVE it!!

    Crazy busy week...Kyli graduates Thursday...massive mixture of happy,sad,and lots of in between! She earned 2 chords to wear with her gown, she received a golden Alvie award last week in recognition of a project that she did in her vis comm class. She wrote and starred in a video that was a modern day Cinderella...she lost a cellphone instead of a slipper...anyway...the award is like an emmy or Oscar given by the teachers for exceptional work and she was soooooo happy! The award is actually a trophy of a golden cow (we are an agg. school lol)! The whole video was a silent film so they had to convey everything with no words.
    Sending lots of positive thoughts and good vibes to you all!!! Have a FAB_U_LOSS Monday!!!!

  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    Hello ladies,

    So glad to see everyone doing so well. Many events both happy & sad to catch up on with everyone.

    Megan: I am so very sorry for your loss. I am very close to my mom & I couldn't imagine losing her. I'm glad to see that you seem to have help around you. I pray that you can get through this difficult time with minimal pain.

    Cindy: OMG, I am praying that your tests turn out well. I love your wait & see attitude. My boyfriend calls me Nervous Nancy (even though my name is Nicole, I think that would sound just as well, but whatever). I'm constantly worrying about the worst case scenario.

    I am going to try to catch up with everyone else this week too, work is still killing me & I've been working in my yard much more, so I have less computer time at home.
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    I'm hooked already Cindy! It's like I've found the light, lol. It's a great way to get in fruits and veggies. I've even found out how I can make my own protein powder. I can use the milling blade for flaxseeds and mix that with chia seeds. I'm definitely going to give that a try. Tell Kyli congrats
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi Everyone!!! We are mid-way through the week. Maybe you are feeling a little sluggish, tired, overwhelmed, or distracted... Just give a thought to something you are looking forward to or stop and enjoy the scenery. Just give yourself a little food for the soul. I am sending happy thoughts and positive energy to everyone. ((Hugs))) Have a great day! B)
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hello My Lovely LOST Ladies~
    Today is Kyli's big day! Should be a crazy busy one so I wanted to pop on now to send you my well wishes!

    Noodle~ Don't let it fool you...I do my share of worrying! But this is is something I definitely can NOT do anything about until I know WHAT, if anything, is wrong and find an avenue of treatment! So for now it's in the hands of God! You are AMAZING with your dedication and commitment! Thanks for being such a GREAT INSPIRATION!!!

    MdwstQT~ I will send Kyli your congrats for sure! Thank you! You are a ROCK star lately and now you are going to add making your own protein powder...AWSEOME!!! Let us know how that goes!

    Liz~ Thanks for your good vibes! How is everything been going for you? You've been kinda quiet!

    Have a FAB_U_LOSS day all!!!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Hi Everyone ...just wanted to let you know that I am still alive ...just haven't been wanting to chat ...having a hard time dealing with my emotions ...taking one day at a time ....When I am ready I will restart from day 1 on my journey to lose weight .....I know I have gained a lot of my weight back and at this time I don't care .....I hope everyone is doing well
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    edited June 2015
    Megan take all the time you need. Know that we're here for you.

    Cindy I will definitely let you guys know how it works out. I'm thinking I'll give it a try after the holidays. I'll be traveling to visit family.

    Thanks for the positive vibes and well wishes Liz.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend :)
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    The back continues to heal. It isn't completely there yet, but it's much better. I was actually able to spend a little time outside doing some light gardening yesterday. I'm trying hard to not let myself over-do and mess it back up. It feels great to be able to start doing things again even if not at 100%. It's something.

    Wishing everyone a happy and blessed weekend.
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hello My Lovely LOST Ladies!!!
    Kyli's graduation was wonderful...I cried all the way through. Some happy tears....some sad! She has a lot of friends that have been friends with her since kindergarten...it was strange seeing them all grown and ready to go their separate ways! 78an6estjp8d.png5shr2ar8r10m.png
    More good news from her...she put in a job application late Wednesday night online and received a call 1st thing Thurs morning...they wanted her in that day...she explained she was graduating from HS that evening and they gave her an interview on Fri. She was hired on the spot and they are offering to pay for her schooling! WOO HOO!!!
    As for me I have had 3 hrs of sleep a day for 4 days straight, did a 12 hr shift last night and have another 12 hr tonight so don't know how often I will be able to get on here for the next couple days!

    Sending all my happy thoughts and good vibes to you all!!!! Have a FAB_U_LOSS weekend!!!

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Marcella, I am glad you are feeling better. <3

    Cindy - Congratulations to you and Kyli!!! :)

    I hope you other ladies are doing well. I am trying to finish up a few projects so I can get back to work. Gold headed off for her six week college program Monday and I drop Billie off for her week long business program on Friday. I am hoping to get a lot of work done next week while they are both gone and I have a quiet house.

    Happy thoughts to everyone!!! B)
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Well done Maman and Papa on contributed to such a beautiful success story. And CONGRATULATIONS Kyli on your graduation and your new job! You are amazing!

    You are a very blessed family and I am so happy to see the fortune that smiles down on you all.

    Cindy. Please, please, please get at least 6 or 7 hours of sleep. It is extremely difficult to lose weight if you are not sleeping, and of course it creates a lot of other stresses and issues.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Marcella, I'm sorry to hear about your back but glad it is on the mend now. Take it slow, I know the frustration of getting back into action and the pain it causes when we go to fast.

    Does it seem strange to not have them around Liz? Or are you grateful for the time to focus only on your projects?

    MD I saw that you are acing it. Well done!

    I've not returned to either Curves or any of my other exercises or gym (winter is also making it easier for me to keep away). For the first time since injuring my foot though, this week I have not had any pain anywhere at all and am moving normally.

    I've continued losing weight partly because I simply wasn't eating enough but I have got back on track with eating at least 1000 cals and at least three meals a day (not 100%) but much better.

    There are so many changes happening in my life that by the time we get to the end of the year, there will be a completely new Alice - Grandma for the first time, new home, new job, new body and new mindset :D (Actually it all started with the new mindset).

    I am grateful, I am thankful and I am blessed.

    Thank you wonderful and awesome ladies for being a part of my journey. Wishing all of you so very well. Megan extra hugs and love for you my Angel ;)
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Hi all! Great to read your updates.

    Cindy - congrats on Kyli's graduation and NEW JOB!!!! That's incredible.

    Megan - I am so glad you're checking in, sending much love as you continue to walk through this sadness.

    Jmarcella - it's great to hear your back is getting better. I'm also a back patient and I know how hard it is to not overdo it!

    This week has been uneven for me. I have not eaten sugar but I've been overeating in other areas. Persistence not perfection is my motto for sure!

    Today is Father's day in the US, and my parents are coming to visit for two weeks, starting on Tuesday. This is a big food trigger for me. My dad and I have been eating buddies as long as I can remember. He's a big guy and has been heavy since he was a small child. He loves to eat. From a very early age we would sneak food together and go out to eat together. Many of my favorite memories of my dad from my childhood involve food. We would eat when we were happy and eat when we were sad. It was a bond between us: both my mom and my sister are normal eaters and normal weight.

    Sadly, my dad's eating and weight have really hurt him: he has major heart problems, joint issues, type 2 diabetes, is insulin dependent, and he entered renal failure about five years ago. He is on dialysis 3x/week. He has limited mobility. It's a really big deal that his doctors have given him the ok to travel to come visit, and I'm really excited he can come here.

    Now, when I spend time with my father it is hard to stick to a good food plan. We both want to recreate our old pattern of "sneaking" food and treating ourselves (pizza, ice cream, etc.), but it's not good for either of us. I am pre-diabetic and I know if I don't take care of myself, I will soon share my father's medical problems. But because so much of our relationship in the past revolved around food, we don't always know what else to do together.

    So for Father's Day, I am spending some of my morning planning things that my parents and I can do together that don't have to involve food - playing board games, going for drives to the ocean, taking rides on historic train routes, visiting family members in the area. I am also mentally rehearsing strategies to not get drawn into my dad's food behaviors. If he wants to go for pizza, I can go with him and have a slice and a salad. If he wants to go for ice cream, we can go and I can just remind him that my doctors have advised me to not eat sugar, but that I'll enjoy taking him. Etc., etc.

    Thanks everyone - it is great to have a circle of support to share these moments. Wishing you all a Fab-u-Loss week -


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    barlovo wrote: »

    So for Father's Day, I am spending some of my morning planning things that my parents and I can do together that don't have to involve food - playing board games, going for drives to the ocean, taking rides on historic train routes, visiting family members in the area. I am also mentally rehearsing strategies to not get drawn into my dad's food behaviors. If he wants to go for pizza, I can go with him and have a slice and a salad. If he wants to go for ice cream, we can go and I can just remind him that my doctors have advised me to not eat sugar, but that I'll enjoy taking him. Etc., etc.

    Sounds like a great plan and a good time to create some new memories and patterns that can be enjoyed together. Blessings for a wonderful 2 weeks with your family.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Alice, It is very strange not to have kids around. I had my oldest son when I was 18 (he is 31 now). Up until two years ago when my youngest two went to camp for a week at the same time I had never been a full day without kids around. I am practicing for when they leave the nest in three years. ;)

    Barb, I hope you have an awesome time with your dad and mom. :)

    Everyone have an awesome week!!!
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member

    So for Father's Day, I am spending some of my morning planning things that my parents and I can do together that don't have to involve food - playing board games, going for drives to the ocean, taking rides on historic train routes, visiting family members in the area. I am also mentally rehearsing strategies to not get drawn into my dad's food behaviors. If he wants to go for pizza, I can go with him and have a slice and a salad. If he wants to go for ice cream, we can go and I can just remind him that my doctors have advised me to not eat sugar, but that I'll enjoy taking him. Etc., etc.

    This is too beautiful and precious Barb :D

    Hi Marcella. How is your back?

    I've no idea what it is like to not have kids around Liz. My second eldest is 28 and my youngest who is 20 are both still living with me. I've always had at least one of them with me but I am also preparing for when none of them will be with me in a couple of years. When I move, only the 20 year old comes with me and I have a feeling he will stay with his mates more because the new house is too far away from everyone he knows.

    Have a great week everyone :D
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member

    So for Father's Day, I am spending some of my morning planning things that my parents and I can do together that don't have to involve food - playing board games, going for drives to the ocean, taking rides on historic train routes, visiting family members in the area. I am also mentally rehearsing strategies to not get drawn into my dad's food behaviors. If he wants to go for pizza, I can go with him and have a slice and a salad. If he wants to go for ice cream, we can go and I can just remind him that my doctors have advised me to not eat sugar, but that I'll enjoy taking him. Etc., etc.

    This is too beautiful and precious Barb :D

    Hi Marcella. How is your back?

    I've no idea what it is like to not have kids around Liz. My second eldest is 28 and my youngest who is 20 are both still living with me. I've always had at least one of them with me but I am also preparing for when none of them will be with me in a couple of years. When I move, only the 20 year old comes with me and I have a feeling he will stay with his mates more because the new house is too far away from everyone he knows.

    Have a great week everyone :D
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    This morning I was washing my breakfast dishes talking to Mark on the phone. I told him I was ready to spend the day working when outside my window the neighbors ash tree crashed into our blue spruce and both of them landed in our yard. Thankfully neither house was hit, nor were the wires. These 80 foot tall trees took out our fence and our blue martin bird house. I am just sick, the poor birds keep flying around the shattered bird house and nests on the ground calling and crying. The poor things. So after spending the day finding out that insurance only covers structures and the neighbor is jerk ( it is the property owners where the tree lands that has to clean up the mess) I have resigned myself to the fact that I will spend the rest of the week cutting up trees so that when Mark finally gets home he will be able to deal with the big stuff. So much for a productive week. At least I should burn some calories, so there is no great loss without some small gain. :/
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Congrats Cindy, you've raised a beautiful young woman.

    Great plan Barb! It's good that you are come up with plans that don't involve food. Hopefully you'll inspire your dad and he can join you on this journey.

    Sorry about the trees Liz. Too bad your neighbor is a jerk. You'd think they'd at least offer to help.

    I hope all is well with everyone. I'm still binge free and losing a few pounds in the process.