Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    Hi @Kitnthecat - hope you're ok.

    Re Fitbit, I have the charge but stopped wearing it because I got sweaty on my wrist and to wear it at night when it was hot was unthinkable. Just started wearing again today, but think I'll alternate wrists. Used to have the Ultra, but that gets you sweaty between your boobs. Think maybe a Flex on a fancy chain that they sell might be a good idea.
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    jumanajane wrote: »
    Welcome @pondsbb. This is a lovely group. In the absence of May who started the group and is away on her holidays I will ask you in her place....if you would like to share you name, birthday and location with us, not to mention your story so far we would be happy to know. We tend to use names rather than nicknames on here if you are happy with that!

    The MFP goals section for filling in macros is a ****. As its favours calories in and out over carbs if you let it do it by itself it gives crazy things. Even if you want to customise it, it doesnt give you anything more than the option of 5% etc etc not 3 or 7. I dont know if you have found it or not but a lot of us use the macros from this site http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/
    I just use the MFP ones as a gudeline. We can never been 100% accurate about things anyway!

    I think loads of us would advise you....stay away from the main forums!!! Lol. Just stick with the Low Carb one or Keto. There are a lot of people who dont approve ore understand this way of eating on the main forums and can be upsetting, demotivating or even downright aggressive when you mention it. On the is forum you get loads of info, support and knowledge and on this thread...so much more shared apart from the 'special' problems us post/close to menopausal ladies face.
    Any questions...just ask us!

    Thanks my real name is Sue and I'm from Virginia. I have lost most of my weight doing weight watchers but this last 10 pounds is mostly flab and stubborn. I thought a lot of weight lifters do a low carb thing to get a ripped look so why wouldn't it work to get this last 10 pounds of flab off? I've been at it three weeks and can feel a difference and am no where as hungry even though weight lost was mostly water I think. I am sleeping better too and just wonder if the lower carbs has something to do with that. Anyway thanks for the macros site. I came up with
    1446 kcal Daily Calorie Intake
    25 g Carbohydrates (7%, 100 kcal)
    70 g Protein (19%, 280 kcal)
    118 g Fat (74%, 1066 kcal)

    Now to get that entered into the app. I can understand how I wouldn't care to read the main forums. Too much conflicting information for my pea brain.
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    Oh forgot to mention I am 62 and very happily married..although it probably makes very little difference.

    I do hate I bought 5 pounds of very expensive almond flour and have thrown out about a pound trying to make weird cakes and such. I am going to stick with waffles which were good and those minute bread things in the microwave. ..lol
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Thanks for the info Sue. As to the almond flour....do you use Pinterest at all? Masses of really good low carb recipes using almond flour on there. Yesterday I made carrot cake muffins for hubby! Really moist and good and only 3 carbs a muffin including a cream cheese topping! Here is the link.


    If you or any of the ladies want to look at my boards that are pinned with lots of low carb recipes just go to


    You are welcome to browse. :)
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks jumanajane. I love carrot cake so I will try and I hope you don't mind if I follow your boards.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Well its been a few days since I was here and good to know Granny Mae is getting a well deserves vacation. Hope she has good stories when she gets back. I have had a few "slip up" days here and there. Sugar is the Devil for me. So much going on here, Janice the stress must be unbearable for you. I have had times like that too. @ Karla that increase would have had me in tears. But the body is an amazing engine and it will correct itself soon enough. @ Pondsbb welcome make yourself at home and share the good, the bad, and the ugly, we all do. No I did not get a maid I just got off my fat butt and cleaned the house. Gibbs the new German Sheppard is coming along with his obedience classes, but I still cant get him to stop jumping up on me. Gonna use a spray bottle in the face and see if that works. I am at my part time job today and found a few minutes to check in. Try and get back with ya tomorrow. See ya soon.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Hiya gals: I'm back and have read the 80+ posts since I left on vacation (no e-life during). Hugs to all who have had a rough go of it. I feel for you as we also ran into 'trouble' while away. We were at a remote provincial park (the only people in the campsite) accessed by 45 km of rough gravel forest service road. We ended up with our car not starting while at a caving trailhead. Turns out it was the fuel pump & filter (we thought so...) but it took 3.25 hours of $135/hr towing along with a 5 day hotel wait for parts from a larger city and then repairs. $2000 later *sigh*. And lack of good food choices means that I was mainly stuck with gluten free pizza (I use the term 'stuck' loosely, lol) with lots of bacon, eggs, hash browns and ketchup. I think I ate one small zucchini in 5 days - I have veggie withdrawal - and spent $90.00 to refill the veg drawers in the fridge when I got home. So of course I am up a few pounds (3 from the weight I was when I left) and could drop 7 or 8 for my happy weight as I am above 'scream weight' this morning.

    Welcome to the 'new kids on the block.' This is a great forum group!
    I do read everyone's but don't reply to all as it's just too many lol.
    Just a side note about the fitbits, etc... anyone who is concerned about constant electromagnetic radiation and its affects on our bodies needs to rethink their synced devices which can disrupt brain function if there is no shutoff time (such as during sleep when the brain 'downloads' to memory). Something to think about and maybe do some investigation on. France, Switzerland, & Israel limit exposure to radio frequency radiation in schools due to possible disruption in children's health.
  • fangirlish
    fangirlish Posts: 100 Member
    Happy Friday morning, ladies. Hope all of you are looking forward to a wonderful weekend.

    I'm happy to report this morning that I concluded a successful five day fat fast and am now transitioning back to my normal levels. Although the official MFP notation is that I lost 1.2 pounds, because I had not logged the weight I'd gained lately, the total was actually 6.2 pounds! I am hoping that by doing a transition period of eating, I will not gain much of that back. Fat fasts can be hard to do, but boy do they work! (At least for me.)
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Well fell face first onto a pint of ice cream last night. Which one of you wants to take the blame, cause its never my fault. @fangirlish what exactly is a fat fast? Does that mean not eating fats at all? Just curious. Well onto a full weekend of work, remember I do 16hr days. Hope the rest of you have a good one.
  • leopardprintaholic
    leopardprintaholic Posts: 76 Member
    May I just say that I'm new to this group (not to ULC) and I ADORE this sub-group!!! You Gals are such a blessing. Hugs to you all! ~ Deb <3
  • leopardprintaholic
    leopardprintaholic Posts: 76 Member
    @krazyforyou ... As I'm the new Missy here, I'll take the blame! Lol :D Hey, we gotta stick together, right? I've got your back, Sister. <3 xoxo
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    A tiny wave of the tip of a flag - hello gorgeous ladies!!! <3 And welcome to our new girls too. Thank you for first names so that we can be more friendly, and don't forget to let us know your birthday so we can all send you some extra love on Your Day as well.

    We got home from our holiday this arvo, but have had our son and grandson here and are far from settled yet. I guess we'll put everything away, get organised, do the clothes washing etc in the morning. It's 6.30pm right now, but dark and chilly (winter night) and neither of us feel like doing any of that right now ;)

    I've eaten All The Things while we were away. It was always going to be that way and I am not upset. Might have second thoughts on that when I step on the scales tomorrow morning, but I accept whatever it shows as my own informed choice. I may need to be reminded of that har har!!!

    David's still off work all of next week and I have my holiday blog to write, as well as fifty million (at least!) emails to read and reply to. Also the miniatures annual show is less than 3 weeks away and I haven't quite finished my entry. So I have a busy, but happy time ahead of me and won't have much time to write here until the dust settles. I *will* read, and say howdy, just may not have the time for personal, one by one replies for a while yet.

    Love and support to you all,
    May <3
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hello ladies, hope everyone had a good weekend. Just a quick anecdote from my wedding weekend. After the reception my sister says I look like I've lost weight. Then she asks if it was deliberate & then proceeded to say my face looked like a skeleton. (WTF). I said yes I'd been trying to lose weight & left it there. Tonight she called to "visit". Finally several mins into conversation she asked what I'd been doing. Interesting. Gave her mini version as hubby was serving supper. Going to let her chew on it for awhile, then check to see if she wants to try LCHF with me.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Heya Kathie. I do hope everything went well overall, and I really hope you did get a hug or something for all your work. As long as it went well and you could enjoy yourself though! Time to get a new sister I reckon. I don't know why some people have to be so negative and unsupportive - how ridiculous!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hi May, hope holiday was great. No wedding was a *kitten* show from beginning to end. As soon I get it all sorted out in my mind & can find the words, I'll give the details of the day on my blog. Sure wished you were there for my nails. Poor girl struggled. They look not bad, just nowhere near what I'd asked for & she certainly was a novice. Didn't know how to pull colour down, what a squiggle was, or even half moon. But they are best gels I've had in awhile. Nice shape & thin.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Oh Kathie :'( I use writing as a healing and understanding tool - sounds like you do too. I think getting things sorted and written down is the best start towards healing. I do hope you can reach that place quickly. But after all is said and done, you were one person, working your heart out. Not only alone but hindered at every step. So you can walk with your head held high, knowing that you did everything humanly possible. If there were any disappointments then I'm pretty sure they all could have been avoided if others even put in a tiny bit of effort.

    I don't know anything at all about gel or acrylic nails, but I do love to decorate and paint. I'm sure that painting those would be exactly the same deal as natural nails and it would have been fun to do yours and chat and laugh!
  • emmaps55
    emmaps55 Posts: 54 Member
    Back from 2 weeks at a ranch in Northern New Mexico with no cell phone service and barely enough wifi to occasionally skype my boyfriend -- so I wasn't able to visit with y'all! But I am so pleased that I was able to stay on my moderate carb WOE with not one dessert the entire time! And now in New England, at my family's lake cottage, I am suddenly dropping some pounds after 7 whole weeks at the same weight. I wonder if those 7 weeks gave my body a chance to restabilize so it's now willing to let go of more?

    I did one horseback ride (the first in 45 years) and it's probably the last time I'll be on a horse. He ate whenever and whatever he wanted as we rode, and it was very clear who was in control (not me!) The wrangler said "I've had many people on him and they tell him who's boss the first time and he never eats." Ah well. After the first 45 minutes of terror I relaxed a little and enjoyed it a little bit by imagining myself a cowboy!
  • emmaps55
    emmaps55 Posts: 54 Member
    fangirlish wrote: »
    Question for everyone: do you use a Fitbit or other device to help track your activity?

    I've been using a Fitbit Zip (the simplest one you wear in your pocket or bra, not on your wrist) for 2 years now -- the last six months religiously. I find it really motivates me! Often I will go for an extra walk in the evening just to reach a certain number of steps. I have given Fitbits to 4 family members and 3 friends -- and we have fun competing when we take walks together. I do believe, after 6 months of tracking EVERYTHING on MFP and Fitbit, that it is underestimating my burn -- since I have lost a good 8 pounds more than it says I should have, based on what I'm eating. But I read somewhere that it is maybe less accurate for older, obese people.... I'd rather have it under-estimate than over, though.

    I love the bells and whistles of the Fitbit dashboard -- and it syncs automatically with my MFP account and my Trendweight account -- I am obsessive about tracking everything these days.
  • FaithMathias
    FaithMathias Posts: 56 Member
    Hello Everyone, I think I finally got this weight thing under control. I have lost a total of 3 lbs in one weight. Just working out in the pool and watching carbs not calories. The funny thing is I am not hungry much and have to make myself eat most time. I will not be on line much maybe once a week due to cutting back on a few expensive myself. So no home internet. I will be using a journal to track what I am doing, back to the old way of life.
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Thank you all for the words of support, good vibes, and prayers. I truly appreciate them all. I've started seeing a therapist to help me ??! I don't really know what he will help with but it sure can't hurt anything.

    I haven't stopped to read thru and catch up with everyone but I will soon. I hope everyone is healthy(ier) and happy.

    Friday was my Lilly's 3rd birthday and we went all out and made a weekend out of it. We went to the zoo on Saturday and to Sea World yesterday. They had a blast and there is nothing like the pure joy of a toddler to pull you out of any kind of funk you may be in. Little Rose will be 2 on Aug 13th so we can do it all again!!

    Take care Ladies. I am grateful for each and everyone of you and this lovely group of friends we are becoming.