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  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hi ladies. I feel like I've been mostly ignoring this site since I started my new job. Not sure why. Maybe it's because I would go on during the day at work, and now I'm simply to busy during the day to do that! I have worked a few late days, but not that many. I try to get out and run when I get home, but it doesn't always happen. I need to though. My race weekend is now in 6 weeks and 5 days! Yikes! I'm only up to 7k in my training to run a 10k. I had hoped to be closer to 9k by now. I'm going to try to get an 8k run in this week. I will have to see when I go out. Forget the rain (Which we've been getting a lot of lately), I need to run!

    Last week was Junior Camp (Ages 8-12) at the camp my church supports. We sent several of the kids from the kids program I work in during the school year. Saturday was pick up day. I was able to get a ride with someone and go up the camp. It was so nice to see them! (And so nice to see the camp overrun with kids!) They were happy to see me as well and I got some big hugs. (YIKES!!! I nearly forgot I had bacon on! Good thing I took the battery out of my smoke detector, or trust me it would be going off right now!)

    Jenny - I love to go to the farmer's market on Saturday mornings. I haven't been able to the last couple of weeks, but hopefully I can next Saturday.

    Shirley - Enjoy your visit with your grandson!

    Marla - I"m staying cool. Don't really have much of a choice. It really hasn't been that hot, as it's been overcast and miserable for nearly two weeks now.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    We had a good time at the boat this weekend. The Can Am Regatta was on so there were many race boats coming and
    going. Kind of busy, we like less traffic.

    It was a hot weekend and sleeping on the boat was uncomfortable. I am glad to be back in my AC at home right now.

    I am doing laundry right now and Dave went out and will be going to his mom's to deliver peaches we bought at one of
    the fruit stands.

    Going to see Isaac tomorrow so packing an overnight bag. Kathy and Fraser said they wanted to go to dinner so we will
    have him all ourselves. Yay!

    Have a good night!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    the boys and grandpa went to see Ant Man this weekend - they apparently loved it - sounded like a weird premise - but they were laughing and quoting lines the moment they got back. Had a visit with my mom while everyone was at the movie. Then on Sunday hubs and Caleb went to see Grandpa and went tubing for awhile. Me and zach stayed back and went to church and had a quiet day.

    I booked the boys a small last minute trip to Kansas City and the Great Wolf lodge for August 7 and 8 - I can't get away but can't stand the thought of another summer going by without some fun memory for them - Bernie has no trouble getting off - so I booked the room and will have to be content with them having fun and wrapping up this summer - going off to HIGH SCHOOL!! Its sad - but if I didn't have the flexibility to sneak in and out and drive them to all their daily activities would be worse than that. Nothings perfect.

    Shirley - another fun boating weekend and baby time. Yay!

    Ang - I'm sure you are very busy learning your new job - good luck on getting ready for your race! It is still blistering hot here.

    Jenny - we went through a phase of playing Euchre back when I was in college - the family is mainly back to pitch these days as we don't spend as much time playing cards - I wonder if we'll go back to card club type stuff when the kids are older? Sounds like a nice weekend road trip - Can't believe it's the last week of July already.

    I got the forms for Caleb for school enrollment in the mail - haven't gotten anything for Zach - hopefully any day now -

    stay chill!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    My bag is packed and I'll pack my drink cooler in the morning. I found a great floaty at Sport Authority so I hope to float my day away in the lake. Jeff and Iva are back from Croatia and Amsterdam. They came for dinner tonight and shared some pictures with us. They brought me Lavender Oil and a Lavender sachet from Croatia (lots of lavender farms there) and a cute porcelain crock with windmills on it from Amsterdam. It was good to see them and they had a wonderful trip. That was Jeff's first trip out of the country and now he has the bug to travel when he can. Iva's sister is getting married in Milwaukee in October but is going to have a reception for family in Croatia that couldn't attend in America, next summer. Jeff and Iva plan to go back to Croatia then. Beautiful country!

    Hot here but I'm able to enjoy the deck now that we have the pergola for shade. Even with the heat it feels tolerable when the sun is not shining directly on me. Nice to be outdoors for awhile rather than in the AC all the time. We have a fenced in back yard but we think the deer are jumping the fence and bedding down in the grass at night. Russ has seen deer poop and flattened grass in the back. I'm guessing it was a deer that ate my Korean Lilac bush down to one lone branch. Ugh, it drives me crazy after spending money on new shrubs and perennials only to have critters make meals out of them.

    Marla- I wish you could take a couple of days and join your family in Kansas City.
    Ang- I'm glad you like your job. Good luck with training for your 10K.
    Shirley- you are on the go now that Dave is retired. I'm glad you get so much time with Isaac. Fun!

    Well I'm off to bed soon since I have to get up early and finish packing. We are heading to the cabin at 10:30 but meeting earlier to combine cars. We will stop for lunch and then on to the lake. It's less than a two hour drive to the cabin so easy drive.

    Have a wonderful week!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    have a great trip Jenny - WAVES
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited July 2015
    Well we got back today from seeing Isaac. We came back early only because Dave is playing golf with his passed coworkers
    at 2PM so we left Kathy's around 9am. I started laundry on Sunday and just now finishing up and still have to put it away
    only to pack again for a sailing club cruise and leaving on Friday. Whew!

    We had a great time with Isaac and Grandma put his diaper tabs on backwards. I guess its been along time since changing
    diapers. Kathy and Fraser went to a seafood restaurant and loved being out together. I took some pictures just waiting for
    them to get into dropbox so I can show you guys. Grandpa and I took him for a walk in his buggy too!

    I have already done some groceries, went to the drugstore and got fish food for the week we are gone. I think we will be
    staying two extra days after the cruise at another port. We will be bringing our bikes and we can ride on the island.

    I will be eating dinner by myself tonight as Dave will be eating with the guys.

    Jenny - Enjoy your trip and floaty. I loved Amsterdam but have never been to Croatia I heard its beautiful.
    Marla - No break for Mom this summer. Enjoy what you have left this summer.
    Ang- Good luck with the race and the new job.
    Amy - I am keeping up with you on Facebook, Ha!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited July 2015
    Here is the latest picture of Isaac with Grandpa. Sorry so large I can't make it smaller on this site.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    some good lookin' boys Shirley!!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    This week has been crazy busy at work. I had 8 property closings already this week (5 of them were today) and I have three more tomorrow. Today was the first day that I got off on time and was able to get home and had time for a run. I took full advantage and I RAN A FULL 10K!!!!! I DID IT!!!! and I did it in a time of 1hr 16.18 minutes! I can't believe I went that fast!! There were a few very short walking breaks and I had street lights that made me stop. So can't want for race day now!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    way to go ang!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I got home late last night. We had a fun time at my friend's cabin and our weather couldn't have been more perfect. Low 80's, sunny, breezy and no humidity. My kind of weather. The cabin was cute but still a work in progress. Very comfortable and situated perfectly with the east/west location on the lot and lake to get the breeze all the time. We took a couple of pontoon rides (cocktail cruises), sat in the sun, floated in the water, shopped in a nearby town with quaint shoppes, played dominoes and ate too much. My floaty was a dud. I could blow it up but couldn't get it closed without it losing all the air. Tried pumping it up with a pump but it would lose air at the valve site before getting it closed. I didn't float but that's okay because the lake was a little too green and weedy for me. We never did knit.

    Congrats on running 10K Ang! WTG! You'll do great the day of the run.
    Shirley- Great picture of Dave and Isaac. Two great looking guys! Isaac looks so much older. Time goes too fast.
    Marla- what's new besides transporting kids from place to place?

    Russ and I are going to a hibachi restaurant tonight (Benihanna) for our anniversary night out. It was 22 years yesterday. I didn't get home until 10:30 from the cabin last night. We didn't have plans to celebrate until weekend anyway.

    I relaxed reading on the deck in the sun and under my pergola today. I did go to a chiro appt but then was lazy the rest of the day.

    We found out our church campus is going to discontinue Saturday evening services beginning September and do 5 services on Sundays. We enjoy attending Saturday evening so we are bummed. We had just started at this church campus in the spring. The last campus we attended canceled too many Saturdays because it shares the space in a high school (mobile campus). We left due to inconsistency of Saturday services. We may switch back to the campus we originally attended when we started going to this church a few years ago, although it was very large. The campus we've been attending is small and intimate and we liked the feel of it but Sundays are a day we tend to do family dinners or get together with the kids doing something else. Sunday morning services are packed and to go late afternoon or evening isn't our preference. Not sure what we are going to do.

    Well I hope you all had a good week. This is the most gorgeous summer I can remember in many years! Going way too fast.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    When you have a moment go on Facebook. Amy or a family member posted an article from an Alaskan newspaper regarding a 5 car accident with a tour bus that occurred yesterday (Friday). I read the article and I gasped and my heart broke when I read it. I double checked Amy's Timeline page to see if I understood correctly. Amy, John (husband) and her daughter were traveling in an SUV and were involved in the crash. Amy and her daughter are ok but John died shortly after the crash at the scene. I don't know the extent of Amy and her daughter's injuries except the paper said they had cuts and were ok. My heart breaks for you and your family, Amy. I know you had some marital struggles lately but I'm sure John knew how much you loved him. We all need to hug our loved ones and tell them how much we love them. We never know what tomorrow will look like for us.

    We are getting prepared for Russ' Dad's celebration of life picnic that will be next weekend on Sunday. I hope we have decent weather. Too bad it wasn't this weekend since the weather is perfect. So much death this year for everyone's families.

    Hello to all of you and hugs and prayers to you, Amy :'(

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Today, Sunday, just feels sad to me. Yesterday's news from Amy about her husband John passing away really made me think about the fragility of life. This morning I received a phone call from a good friend and coworker. Another coworker, Renee, who retired 5-6 years ago passed away from a heart attack this weekend. She was 61 years old and a very vibrant person. She had battled breast cancer for the past year and was in Wisconsin visiting her father who is in hospice and dying. Renee passed away laying next to her husband in bed at bedtime. Many losses this year of friends and family and many other losses experienced by my friends.

    Amy- Your stories, videos and photos on Facebook must give you great memories. Thanks for sharing. I hope Eiko recovers soon and you and your family can share laughter with the memories and give comfort to one another. The shoe video was very creative and funny. John must have been a fun person to be around. Please don't leave the group. Check in when you can for news, humor, sharing, or when you need a listening ear.

    Russ went to Wisconsin early this morning to meet his brother and dispose of his father's furniture, clothing, etc. I'm lazy doing laundry and vegging in front of the TV. I did go to the store to look for new couch pillows and patio lights. Found both. I managed to vacuum up the dog hair so I can sit and feel like I'm not covered in it. I hope Russ stays in a hotel tonight instead of trying to drive home when he's tired. He can be very stubborn and never wants to stay the extra day when he's away from me at home. He's suppose to let me know of his plans.

    Take care and hug your loved ones.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    We are still boating and just arrived at our second port and will be here for 2 days and heading home on
    Wednesday. I just read on Facebook that John Zollner passed away, Amy's husband, and was shocked to read this.
    I just got on my tablet to see if you ladies gave any details and found out it was a car accident. My heart goes out
    to Amy and her family during this time of sorrow. I will check back with everyone when I return home.

    Give your loved ones a hug today!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Amy- You are an amazing, strong woman! I can see that the photos you are posting on FB are giving you solace and memories of your life with John. I hope Eiko is doing better. Take Care!

    Shirley- I hope your trip has been great. My cabin week at my friend's cabin was so relaxing and fun. Summer is flying way too fast.

    Marla- how are you?

    Beautiful weather here. Windows open, sunny, blue sky, and 70's. Where I'm from in Michigan just experienced a horrible storm (100 mph winds) that pulled up huge trees by the roots, smashed cars, and one town is blocked in by trees. They are calling it straight line winds but the clouds I saw in photos looked like they had rotation. My family is fine. My sister had a tree fall on her garage and the lightening was very scary.

    More later,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    hey all -

    good job on your race Ang
    Jenny - lucky you with the nicer temps - it's HOT here - sounds like you are relaxing here and there which sounds ah-mazing - hope the picnic goes well - hopefully you can find a service easily that fits your needs - I like Saturday nights too
    Shirley - sounds like your trip is going well - I agree definitely hug your loved ones - we are not promised tomorrow and it is too easy to take that for granted

    Amy - I love reading your posts and your family and friends posts sharing and lifting you up. I hope you feel comforted and buoyed by their love and faith. Even though I am often only lurking in the background know the I am thinking of and praying for you and sending you love and hugs.

    busy with boys! Caleb is off at his last camp (woot) Zach is 'testing' this week for weights and starts regular football practice, we have sports meeting tomorrow, computer meeting/training for the laptops the high schoolers get, and registration - gack - calgon
  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    Just a brief check in before I get kicked out!! No real time to post, but I sure enjoy reading up on everyone. Terribly saddened by Amy's loss.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Hi L!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Hi L!
    Amy- I agree with Marla. Love your Facebook posts sharing memories about John and your life together. Your photos show how happy and in love you are with one another. I hope you are feeling a big hug around you from all your friends and family.

    Marla- I remember those days you are in now. Hard to catch your breath. A color coded calendar for each boy was how I made it through. Crazy! At our high school they did "2 a days" for football practice. The boys arrived at 8am, practiced for the morning in the heat, ate their sack lunch, and practiced in the afternoon until about 4pm. This went on for 2-3 weeks.

    Hi Shirley and Ang!

    At work, gotta go.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Got home yesterday our travel back was winds around 22 knots which is high for sailing and uncomfortable for the
    crew, (me). Glad to have docked and back on dry land.

    We had a great time at the club cruise which was hot at times and then some rain which took all humidity away.
    We did have the A/C on the boat on but only once. Once the storm came all the humidity was gone and it was
    cool and comfortable. On Sunday they had a "build your own boat" out of an alcoholic beverage, at least one, and
    it had to sail across the basin around some markers. Dave's boat missed the marker instead of going on the
    inside he was on the outside for 1st place so no prize. It was fun and a lot of laughs.

    After that we went to Queen City for two days and rode our bikes on the island. We also had some rain during that
    stay but then it cleared up and beautiful again.

    I am eating way too many snacks while away and have to get a handle on this. I am still sporting some sodium right
    now and did not weigh in on my Thanksgiving Day challenge because of the sodium. We have a week at the cottage
    coming up again and I hope to take in at least one Yoga class while I am there. Then we have our last club cruise
    on Labor Day and I am not buying any snacks on that trip. I hope to get back to my normal diet soon and start
    to lose instead of maintain.

    Amy - I hope you are getting through each day with family and friends supporting.
    Hi to L and Ang.
