Daily Check In Thread



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    W8d3 done. 3.25 mi
    Then I did w1d3 because that's what I do on Saturday mornings apparently.
  • Syleyna
    Syleyna Posts: 86 Member
    Just finished W6D3. First time running (because it only just fits me again) in my sports bra. Made the world of difference. I'm actually properly excited about the last 2 weeks!
  • aleph_0
    aleph_0 Posts: 30 Member
    I did w1d1 today! I didn't think I could manage - I've been trying to run for a couple of times, just for as long as I could go and then switched to walking in a sort of haphazard way, and didn't feel I was making any progress, hence the switch to a structured programme. The first minute of running was hard, but it was actually surprisingly survivable, and by the end of the workout I felt I could've done even more, so that bodes well for w1d2.

    I shall reward myself with new running shoes later today :)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    aleph_0 wrote: »
    I did w1d1 today! I didn't think I could manage - I've been trying to run for a couple of times, just for as long as I could go and then switched to walking in a sort of haphazard way, and didn't feel I was making any progress, hence the switch to a structured programme. The first minute of running was hard, but it was actually surprisingly survivable, and by the end of the workout I felt I could've done even more, so that bodes well for w1d2.

    I shall reward myself with new running shoes later today :)

    Great work
    Shoes make a difference
  • Slainte831
    Slainte831 Posts: 125 Member
    Just did w4d1. I am following the 5K plan within the Runmeter app, so today I ran 2:00, w 3:00, r 5:00, w 2:30 x 2 sets.

    I was really apprehensive about running 5:00 -- but I slowed down, thought about breathing, and did it!!!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    After a week of being super busy, I ran W9. 11:40/mile vs last time's 12:11/mile. Feeling proud :)
  • rebeccatherine
    rebeccatherine Posts: 112 Member
    W8D2 done, best average pace yet. Felt great going into it, and felt great coming out of it. This is how I wish it would be every time!
  • dedicatedlurker
    dedicatedlurker Posts: 26 Member
    Finished W5-1 today! I'm doing better with my pace this time around, so I think I'll be okay for the next one. I'm even looking forward to it O_O
  • aleph_0
    aleph_0 Posts: 30 Member
    I know I should've taken a rest day but my schedule dictated to do W1D2 today. New running shoes do make a difference! They had a machine that recorded the way my feet moved, apparently I have a problem with overpronation, and my feet definitely felt better with the new shoes this morning. I did have some kind of cramp in my leg though, so it could've gone better, but I made it through!
  • rajnigandha21
    rajnigandha21 Posts: 121 Member
    W7D2 done. Ran after one month but my form was same. Feeling good! :)
  • frankie5152
    frankie5152 Posts: 484 Member
    W5D1 complete feeling nervous about day 3. It is a big leap
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited August 2015
    it's official. I did my "5k"
    and it was not fantastic. the humidity made me take breaks, which made me lose my pace, but I did increase my distance. after I figured I wasn't running the whole thing, I pushed for the speed today. added a 1/4 mile to my thirty min "run"

    downloaded the 10k app
  • birtley15
    birtley15 Posts: 44 Member
    Thursday I completed Wk8D3 and Saturday I ran my very first 5K! I finished in 42.04 but I didn't care how fast I just wanted to cross that finish line!!! It was tough, there were lots of hills on the start but the 2nd half was all down hill. I was so proud of myself!!!! It was a real accomplishment since I typically set goals and never finish. Not only did I meet this goal but an hour after finishing I signed up for my second 5K for Labor Day Weekend. I have lost almost 20 pounds training for this 5K and hope the weight keeps coming off as I keep running. So grateful for C25K!
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    didn't update on Saturday morning, but I did (mostly) W8D2. I ran for about 20 mins then had to start taking breaks. 2 mins walking before jogging again. So, I jogged all 28 minutes, but it was chopped up again. =( tonight is supposed to be W8D3. Really hoping to push through like I did in week 7 and do this last day with no stopping.
  • faithan84
    faithan84 Posts: 717 Member
    I overdid it on Saturday and hiked 16.5 miles. My ankle was just not going to cooperate for W6D1 yesterday, so I rested instead. I'm going to try W6D2 today and see what happens!
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    Good job, everyone!

    I completed W8D3 on Saturday morning and it felt so good. Very proud of myself, especially since I've attempted the program multiple times before only to quit after a couple weeks. I'm going to keep running the 5k distance this week (with some outdoor runs) and then I have my first 5k a week from Wednesday!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Well done everyone, there are some great stories here. I am so impressed with you guys.
  • Magic_Chicken
    Magic_Chicken Posts: 141 Member
    I did W3D1 this evening, ran super slow but i felt great at the end :smiley:
  • klmnumbers
    klmnumbers Posts: 213 Member
    Congrats to all finishers. I just got back from doing w8d3. I am slow as hell, but I did it. Almost made it to 3.1 miles and just kept walking during cooldown to hit it. So, I'm slow. and sweaty. But I did it. =)
  • faithan84
    faithan84 Posts: 717 Member
    faithan84 wrote: »
    I overdid it on Saturday and hiked 16.5 miles. My ankle was just not going to cooperate for W6D1 yesterday, so I rested instead. I'm going to try W6D2 today and see what happens!
    I made it through without any pain! :smiley: I even picked up the pace for the last run interval to see if I could sustain that speed for the two minutes. I was very close!