Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Connie-I turned in my 2 bags of big clothes, and I dont regret any of them. I did keep some of my favorite things, but with time I will get rid of more. I have already got rid of alot of things. I did get my mammogram today, its funny with smaller boobs it hurts more during it. Before it really didnt bother me. Its such a relief my sister is at home, trying to give her some space, after I talked to her the other night. I plan on looking for a few home shorts, but not to many. I am getting I overloaded with tomatoes, I took a bunch to my older sisters today, and tonight we picked 18. I need some new ideas, unless we go on and make salsa soon. Have a good weekend everyone. Janice
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi guys. Sorry I have been really quiet lately. Today was hell........ Pure hell........ I purposely slept in. Yet I woke up with a pain hangover. Took Iris to her swimming lessons at 9:30. I swam while she was in her lesson. I came home to a malfunctioning mixer. Managed to use my old one to whip out a batch of chocolate chip cookies to take to the show tonight. Went to the high school at noon for rehearsal. We finally left the high school at 9 pm. The lead actress lost her voice so some of the kids asked if I could make her cake for the cast party. So guess what I get to do..... Then my pile of cookies is low so I am going to make some more of those in the morning before soccer game and final performance. I have so far walked 10200 steps and I haven't gotten the cupcakes made yet. But I was starving so I ate a snack first.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Good morning. We're headed to our son's place for moving day today. So glad it will be finished today! Lots of stairs for me today. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Saturday!

    Marie..hope everything is okay and your legs are getting better.

    Becky..glad you can check that off your list! How is it going with you?

    Janice..LOL...mammogram..soooo awkward! I dread it.

    Hope all of you guys will have a great weekend!

    Stay strong!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Hi,

    Computer problems Been losing my post all morning. So will make this short and see If I can get it off.

    My leg is about the same. Will definite get in touch with my heart doctor Monday. Its not going to heal by itself The other leg is leaking now. Weeping as they called it I think.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Play is finally over....... Thank God. Here is a pic of Shaundra as the enchantress. qapjuun2tla7.jpg

    The kids did a wonderful job all things considered. There were a few last minute illnesses. The bookseller ended up with strep throat and the girl that played Belle lost her voice and had to speak her songs but they did remarkable despite the troubles

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Sunday!

    It's quiet in here so that means that you all are having a busy weekend.
    Hope you all are doing well!
    Stay strong!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2015
    Wow, so much going on in this group. I will try and keep closer touch but sometimes get sidetracked.

    Esther - You are one busy momma! I hope you don't tire yourself out too much and get sick. You are always going. I thought
    I was bad with all our trips and running around. Your daughter is beautiful and the costume is lovely.

    Janice - Packing up too big clothes, I wish! I have just put away 3 pair of shorts I can't get into. So frustrating.
    I do well at home with eating and then we go away and it becomes difficult . Good for you, Kudos!

    Hi to Connie, Steph, Rachael, Marie, Becky-good luck with moving, Eninad- who is in Onderland!! Nancy-Stay cool!

    I am sitting on the boat right now, we are in our home club. It's windy and Dave has just scrubbed the top and cockpit
    of the boat. We will leave for breakfast and it will be dry by the time we come back. We are waiting for my daughter, her
    husband and Isaac to arrive for a visit on Grandpa and Grandma's boat.

    We arrived here yesterday and went to the Peach Festival in town and had our peach ice cream, its tradition. Checked out
    the tables of goods, we did buy some peach ice wine jelly and peach roasted red pepper jelly.

    Enjoy the rest of the day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello. Misfits.
    I agree with Shirley, Esther you do have a beautiful daughter and the costume is lovely.

    Shirley you too are one busy girl... Peach ice-cream sound. good..

    Hi Connie. Hot in your neck of the woods? It sure is here. In fact Alice cancel out coming out today for they were out in it yesterday and do not want to be back in the heat. They had to attend a birthday Party. for her husband Sister.

    Who is it that just eat 2 meals a day? I think it is Janice............... Just wondering about it. Think I will check it out on the internet. My husband just eat 2 meals a day and seems to be working fine for him He has been doing it for years.

    A nice big hug to you all


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Started my reseach on 2 meals a day.

    I fond this right off the reel.

    ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper,
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Marie-I do eat 2 main meals, I sleep till app 10, I take my medicine and one I am on helps me go to bathroom. I cant eat anything till I go and cant drink until atleast 30 minutes, after I take it, its Linzess, if I do eat I dont go to bathroom. I have diverticulitious and back in Dec 2012, I had a bad bleed out, to where I had to go to the hospital and was admitted, I thought I was going to bleed to death. Luckily it stopped after they gave me some meds. So by the time I go to the bathroom, its lunchtime. But I have never been a big breakfast person, I do like it on the weekend occassionally, but then its brunch. I do usually have a snack between lunch and supper, which we eat late, and if I have calories left after that and maybe a few beers, before supper, I eat a treat, like a cookie. It works for me, some people have 5 or 6 small meals.

    Shirley- Its hard to get rid of all of my bigger clothes, because, I have lost and gained back several times in life. But this time is the first time I have lost by counting calories, and knowing that thats really the key, deficit. Also usually before it was like 20 or 25lbs lost and go back to my normal eating which before was larger portions and gain it back. This time I feel like I never want to go back to being bigger, I've lost alot and dont want to sabatoge my success. Anyway sounds like you are having a great summer out on the boat and different functions. Things will start to be winding down after Labor Day, and I am sure you will start losing again. Wel, gotta go. Janice.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi gang. I posted a pic of Shaundra yesterday. She is 14 now. Here is a pic of Iris. She will be 6 the end of the month. She is the one in a skirt holding the ball By the way that is a turf field. We don't have grassy fields up here because of the amount of rain. axohsvd4hwwq.jpg

    I tried to rest today. I had to mow the lawn though. It is supposed to rain tomorrow and my hubby needs to dig a hole in my backyard. I would rather him dig the hole than mow the lawn. We lost our beloved Golden Retriever Ginger Saturday morning. She passed quietly in the night from a heart attack. We aren't sure if it was from something toxic or heredity. She is being housed in a friends freezer until tomorrow when my hubby comes home. It has been a very tough weekend. I am so used to her greeting us at the door that it is tough to come home knowing she isn't here.

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Oh no, so sorry Esther :'(
    Your daughters are beautiful.
    When does school start back for them? In GA some started Aug. 3rd and the rest this week. I think it might be early compared with other states.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Monday!

    Esther..sorry about your fur baby.

    Ruthie..here teachers report Wednesday and students next Wednesday. I am soooo glad that is not my life anymore! I miss the kids, but I do not miss the stress!

    Marie..good to see you. How are your legs?

    I am down 3.8 pounds today. I am a pound or so shy of being back to pre-break weight. I hope the trend continues.

    Hope all is well with everyone.
    Make it a great day and stay strong!

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Connie, great job on the 3.8 lb loss!! I know you are on a wonderful losing trend. Great work healing your metabolism!

    Esther, I am so sorry about the loss of your wonderful fur baby. :( At least is was a peaceful passing without pain. It is so difficult when we lose our beloved pets...
    Your daughters are blessed to have such a great mom who is involved in every bit of their lives. Great job on the costume, too!

    We finally got Josh and Jen moved in and the apartment completely scrubbed down on Saturday. Hallelujah that is done for us for a while! They still have lots to rearrange and unpack and the bathrooms left to redo, but they are in their new townhouse, finally! The cat and the fishes are trying to settle in to their new digs, too. :-)

    Dave and I spent all day yesterday cleaning the house, organizing cupboards, doing laundry, giving pets their monthly meds, clipping nails, cleaning ears, and brushing teeth, and we completely scrubbed and washed every inch of the wood pieces for the huge swingset/playhouse we bought used a few weeks ago. Now to let them dry Wed-Sat and then spend the weekend restaining it all and replacing parts of some of the pieces that rotted a bit in the ground, and then getting it set in the ground and reassembled! Whew!

    With the exception of Emily Claire's first birthday party next Sat from 12-2, we have the weekend for our projects and household chores. Yeah!

    Loving the workouts, but disappointed in the fact there has been no loss on the scale or decrease in my hip/belly inches. The pants I bought in April after the 10 lb loss from the smoothie fast (and then regained when I went back to real food within three weeks) still do not fit my fat belly.

    I have been at this new plan for 4 weeks and am disappointed that I may have to buy a black and a brown pair of slacks to begin the school year when the students return in two weeks. I had hoped to have lost at least 5 lbs in the six weeks before they returned. I've been wearing slightly forgiving skirts and two larger pair of summery slacks all summer. These won't work for my fall work outfits in the skills lab. I feel a little better after cutting my calories back on my own last week, but still HUGE. I simply cannot continue to eat 1650-1750 calories a day like they want me too with my clothes barely fitting. Feeling very frustrated at my fat self...

    I hope you all have a good week,

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all,

    just checking in really quickly. lots to do today, my daughter is coming home!! yay:)

    ester, so sorry about your dog. I hope he passed quickly and peacefully

    connie, that is so great!! you must feel amazing!!

    becky, hang in, I told you it took me like three months. it is just being consistent. if you are really uncomfortable, maybe you have a food intolerance to something and it is bloating you? I would just try and eat as clean as possible.

    faye, school doesn't start in Chicago until august 26 and on the eat coast, after labor day. it is going to be a crazy couple of weeks for me!!

    no real progress this week. kind of holding within a lb. one thing I have learned so far is that there is no steady rhythm to weight loss. sometimes nothing or even a slight gain and out of no where, 2lb loss? the body is interesting:)

    have a great day everyone, will be spotty over the next couple of weeks but will try and post as much as possible!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning misfits,
    -Esther, So sorry to hear of your loss. It is so difficult to lose our fur babies.
    -Connie, I think you have cracked the code on getting your body to move in the right direction.
    Have a great day.
    -Marie, Hope you are doing better.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Esther-So sorry about the loss of your dog, I definitely understand how hard it can be. I hope your kids are doing okay.

    Connie-Thats great to see you had such a nice loss of 3.8 lbs. I know you have to be happy to see the evil scale moving downward. The break seems to have helped.

    Becky-Sorry the weight isnt coming off, that can really be frustrating. I know you have to hate buying bigger pants, but this is temporary, you will lose. Maybe you can find some that run alittle big without going up a full size, or ones that the material gives. Dont get to discouraged, things will eventually happen.

    Ruthie-Schools start here on Wednesday, the summer has flown, but the heat continues through atleast the middle of September, thats when we will take the pool down, plenty of days left to get in it. School starts early due to all the snow days this miss.

    Stephanie-Good to hear your daughter is coming home today, I bet over the past couple months she has grown. Its nice to hear school starts so late there, thats how it use to be around here.

    Nancy-Good to see you, I hope you are doing good.

    Marie-I hope the doctor helps you with your legs, and you feel better.

    Gotta run. Janice

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    @JLoRuthie school starts here August 26. Honesty it is not soon enough for me. I am exhausted and can't wait for the rest. My hubby will be gone those 2 weeks so I will have the house to myself. It will be so nice to kick back and get a few things accomplished that I haven't been able to do lately. Like crochet some matching shoes with one sole thicker than the other to match my offset legs. I can't wait to wear matching "cute" shoes. I haven't worn cute shoes for almost 30 years. I outgrew women's shoes before I hit high school. I had to have white shoes to graduate from high school. I wore them 4 times and got rid of them because they were too small when I bought them but it was the largest size I could get. And despite almost 25 years and boku technological advances they still don't make them any larger than a size 13. So I have been wearing men's shoes since I was 13. Unfortunately I wear a women's 15 shoe. I could get away with a 14 in a sandal but the still don't make them that big. So I am hoping to be able to make some and then I will have cute shoes until I can't crochet anymore.
