Daily check in



  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    @rubie782 I think I have to throw my scale away! It is so hard not to just check it in the mornings. I feel great though, so that is really all that matters. I love Dirty 30...I think it is my favorite workout.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @Rubie782 Your results are amazing! I can absolutely see a difference! It would be great if you could share them in the results thread because that's where most people go to see if this really works (and it does) and this Daily Check-In thread is where the great pics will end up being buried over time.

  • summerleigh76
    summerleigh76 Posts: 13 Member
    I despise pushups. Seriously. Anyway, I did TBC and Upper Fix today. Had to skip the "surrenders" because my right knee is being hateful; replaced them (very carefully) with squats. Going to put ice on the old knee now. Hope everyone is doing well!
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Way to go @jcraig10 ! I know that feeling, I was surprised how far I've come with some of the moves from the first time I ever did them until now. Upper fix was a blast. I enjoy that one too. Sometimes 60 seconds seems sooooooo long though, and other times it's like nothing, lol.
    You look great @Rubie782 :) great results too!
  • summerleigh76
    summerleigh76 Posts: 13 Member
    Well, the knee is officially putting me on the sidelines, at least for a couple of days. I'm so pissed.
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    Well, I have 3 days left (today, Sat & Sun). This weekend is the fiancés birthday and we are going to the beach, so can't say that I am going to finish out the 21 days very strong on the food side, but I will finish it. We are leaving tomorrow morning and I do plan on doing my Dirty 30 before we leave and will do Yoga when we get home Sunday.

    Last night I was really craving pizza, so I made a pizza on a corn tortilla. It was really good. Not exactly on Autumn's meal plan...but it was better than ordering a deep dish from the pizza shop like I normally would have.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @summerleigh76 I always say that taking care of yourself doesn't begin and end with diet and exercise. It includes resting when your body needs to rest. Take care of your knee, from one person with delicate knees to another.

    @jcraig10 I'm probably going to have pizza on Thursday next week. It will be my treat meal for the week.
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    I am almost done the 21 day fix, first round. Tomorrow will be day 21.
    I am not seeing results as quickly...or as much as I was hoping on the 21 day fix (but I do love the program and will continue to incorporate it into my routine) so perhaps my body is used to the workouts at this point--although I still sweat a TON and feel great after the 30 minutes.
    I am my biggest critic!
    I am going to make a strong attempt to stay on the eating plan. Within the 21 days, I have turned down pizza, ice cream, alcohol...I am pretty proud of myself!
    I may try another workout program every other day to confuse my body a little more...
    We'll see.
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    Round 1 is done. I ended up back at my starting weight after being down at the beach this weekend. If I would have stayed home and stuck to my eating plan I probably would have stayed at what I weighed on Friday, which was about 3 lbs down from my starting weight. Those 3 lbs are what I lost in the first week, and maintained through the rest of the fix.

    I didn't measure, but I definitely feel changes. My clothes are fitting looser and I feel less tired. I was pretty strict with the meal plan until about day 17...but didn't actually fall off the wagon until day 20 and 21 because of the beach. I kind of let myself go...drinks and food. Ah. I never missed a workout. I did not use shakeology. Starting round 2 today. I have my bachelorette party next weekend and will be in a bikini a majority of the time (EEK!) and my wedding countdown is down to 54 days!
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Finished my first round of the 21 day fix yesterday. Weighed in this morning with a loss of 5.2 pounds. Not bad not bad...I didn't do measurements because I just didn't feel like it but I think I feel a difference in the way my pants are fitting and even some of my tank tops.
    I thoroughly enjoyed the 21 day fix and will most likely do it again.
    I am mixing it up this week....I am doing Jillian Michaels Body revolution and then next week I am on vacation from work so I am going to take a different class every day at the gym...really confuse my body! haha After vacation I will probably start another round of 21DF :)
  • sari_endipity08
    sari_endipity08 Posts: 160 Member
    Starting the 21 day fix tomorrow. Looks like a great supportive group so I'm excited!
  • lisyg3737
    lisyg3737 Posts: 43 Member
    Round 1 of the 21DF I lost 5.6 pounds and 5.5 inches I will be starting another round. I did follow the diet about 75%. As far as the 3 day fix I will not be doing that this round.
  • misslazo718
    misslazo718 Posts: 124 Member

    I just started 21 DFE yesterday. Last night was Pliyo and it was tough, I barely got through it even with the modifier. I prepped my lunch and dinner for tonight so at the very least I am feeling good about that and I'm excited to see what tonight's workout will be like.
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Hi everyone..I've made it back from vacation and it was awesome!!! To my amazement I have not done too much 'damage' ( i guess because of all the walking we did :) ) so it won't be too bad to get back in the swing of things. I plan on doing one week of just the food plan and then starting a new round of 21DF on Monday...I'm trying to get my body back into this time zone and frankly jetlag got me this time around.
    It is awesome to see so many new members and 21DFers :)
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    So took two weeks off from the 21 Day Fix...continues to workout on a daily basis, I just felt like I needed to mix my work outs up and confuse my body. I think Monday I will start another round of the fix...this last week was vacation and as much as I have been working out, my nutrition has absolutely taken a back seat...oopsie!
    Groceries tomorrow to meal prep for the week and start day 1 on Monday!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @mscote12 I'll keep ya company on the new round :)
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    @germany03 Sounds good! I woke up early this AM and got my total body cardio fix done before work....dang those surrenders! :p I have stayed on track with my eating and plan to finish the day out doing so!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    I have to admit. .. no 21 DF workout yet but I have been walking 1.25 miles yesterday and today...I think I better catch up on the workouts. Doing great with the food..although I don't seem to get all my containers in this time around. ...probably due to some poor planning in my part for this week.

    @mscote12 proud of you for grabbing the bull by the horns and getting it done....in need to get my butt in gear
    We'll going to try to get myself motivated to do the Monday workout today :) ohhh yeaaaah babaaaae
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    ALRIGHT!!! Thanks to you @mscote12 posting about your great success on getting your workout in early I just had to motivate myself to get it done....Total Body Workout done...maybe I will skip my lunch walk and try to double up tomorrow to get back on track. Always amazes me how much more energized I am after a workout then before :)
  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm back. I had to take some time off because I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease so I had to take some time off then I went away on vacation. I started 21DF again Monday and joined the Labor Day Facebook group. Has anyone else joined that group? I'm starting to feel better too because I added in T25 Total Body Cardio today and feel good.
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    @haleymiller0707, I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis--I know a few people who have Lyme Disease :/ Hope your vacation was nice!!

    @germany03, I overslept on Tuesday (which would be upper fix) and it is just too hot and humid to do it in the evening, so I did upper fix today instead and tomorrow plan to do lower body in the AM & taking a body pump class at the gym in the afternoon. I might double up on Friday as well with Pilates & cardio fix just to catch up with the workout plan, which pilates kicks my butt so no promises haha :)
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @haleymiller0707 Yes I joined the Labor Day group too. Trying desperately to get a few more pounds off before I leave for 3.5 weeks on Aug 31!!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @haleymiller0707 I something about the group but since I don't do Facebook I was not able to join:( - glad to see you back !!!

    @mscote12 I am definitly feeling it today. Will get in gear and get Upper fix in today and hopefully will be able to double up on tomorrow to get back on track. If I can't double up um not sure which workout I will drop but hopefully none:) I hear ya about it being too hot and humid. I feel like I should be taking 5 showers a day.

    @jpkrueger that is a long trip - will you be able to take the 21DF with you?
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @haleymiller0707 Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. As I always tell people, taking care of yourself and being healthy doesn't begin and end with diet and exercise. It includes getting enough rest, letting your body heal when it needs a little TLC.

    @jpkrueger If you know anything about the hotels where you'll be staying, maybe you can plan out your exercise while away. I knew I would have just enough room (and carpeting) at my mother's, which is how I knew I could do Slim in 6 while away. I'll start Brazil Butt Lift 3 weeks before we leave and (hopefully) have some idea of how/what I'll want to modify. Of course, I'm so used to having to switch things up because of my physical conditions that I should be able to figure out what to do and how to do it. And my yoga socks will give me the traction I need even if there isn't any carpet at one of the hotels where we'll be staying. (Guess what? Rob is planning on exercising while we're away too! How crazy is that?)

    @germany03 Welcome back! I hope when I get back from my trip, I can celebrate not doing too much damage. Not sure I'll be able to pull it off because I already know one of the hotels insists on putting chocolates in our room every night and a plate of chocolates in there every other night. How cruel is that?

    @misslazo718 My son, who lives in Chicago, is doing PiYo with me, sorta. I found out today that he has been slacking off this week. Totally NOT fair because I've been doing Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution on top of PiYo. What can I say? My son is a slacker. LOL! (I'm super proud of him for joining me and he'll be here in a couple of weeks so maybe we'll even do it together.)


    Remember how my darling husband was doing P90 at his own pace. He would take days off because of work--long hours of physical effort--but pick up right where he left off on the calendar. This week he advanced to Level C and he's already planning his next workout. Plus, as I mentioned above, he plans on exercising when we're out of town.

    But who cares about the vacation???

    My darling daughter turns 33 today and we're going to have pizza and Black Forest Cake and no sugar added ice cream and wine. Happy birthday! Woohoo! (And, as you all know, I loooooove pizza! Not as much as I love my daughter . . . but pretty darn close! LOL!)
  • haleymiller0707
    haleymiller0707 Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks everyone for your comments. I just finished Pilates Fix and boy do I hate that one. I don't know what it is but it kicks my butt everytime. I'd rather do Dirty 30 twice than Pilates.

    @germany03 Did you ever decide on you FitBit? The decision is driving me nuts. I think I just need to go in and pick one out already. lol

    @jpkrueger I'll have to find you on there (FB #labordayfix group) Your trip sounds lovely. I'm sure you will drop the last few pounds before you go.

    @SatiaRenee That is awesome your son is doing it with you. Great having a buddy.
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @haleymiller0707 yes I have ...we bought the fitbit charge hr on yesterday ..but...I will not "get" it until next week...I am seriously so exited about that darn thing...lol..like a kid in the candy store..can't wait to put it on and work it :)

    @SatiaRenee the hotel gods have sworn themselves against you..chocolate every night...not a temptation I could resist..lol...enjoy it girl...and think of me ..haha..

    So I have honestly not been doing good with keeping up with the excersise dvds this week. .. but I have walked my mile again at lunch time so I feel a little better about it. I have been able to stick to me Co taints or less so I feel ok with that. I can tell by the way I feel that I am making progress just not as great as if I would hit the dvds daily too :/

  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    My hotel rooms will be ridiculously tiny...usually barely even room to open my suitcase!! But, I love to walk when I am in cities and even run (tho I normally hate running). So although I won't be able to do the 21DF workouts, I will stay active. The first 5 days of the trip will be in the Netherlands, helping my daughter get settled in her new apartment at her new university. I will be doing lots of walking back and forth to town and carrying heavy bags so that's good! The rest of the trip is work, in London, but I love to take long walks after work. For me the challenge is always the eating - once I start to go off the rails, I realllllly go off the rails. Gotta keep it in check this time especially since it's such a long trip!!! Last time I ate a chocolate croissant every day before bed...stupid things like that that I would never do at home...do I think that European calories won't affect me or something??? Anyway I will aim for a healthy balance!!!
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Today I woke up and got my Dirty 30 done! I doubled up Thursday with lower fix & pilates so I was able to get back on track with the DVDs. I am very much looking forward to Yoga tomorrow...I think it is my favorite dvd haha
    I have been making an effort to follow the meal plan, could probably reign it in a little tighter though...but I am feeling good :)
  • Rubie782
    Rubie782 Posts: 23 Member
    After being on vacation I am in desperate need of another round of 21 DF. I had decent results my first round so I'm looking forward to doing it again. Anyone else starting tomorrow, Monday August 24?
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    So I haven't been on top of things as I planned to be. I feel like perhaps I am going to start a new round on Monday (08/31)....I tried to start last week but this week I am not following the meal plan 100% like I really wanted to do and I am not waking up to get in my workouts like I really wanted to do. Super frustrating. This week is TOM so it is easy to blame it on that...but I will hold myself accountable...this weekend is an end of summer night out, we are camping at the ocean with a group of our friends--there will be food, drinks and all that fun stuff I love lol So..I am going to finish out the week with an attempt to eat well and I am going to do all my workouts but I am really going to start fresh on Monday--with weigh in, measurements and all that stuff I hate lol