Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    @LLduds good luck with your 10k today, just ensure that you enjoy it
    @DianaLovesCoffee enjoy your first 60 min run, don't sweat the distance use it as a marker for later runs. Again just enjoy it
    @moyer566 enjoy the renfaire, sounds like fun
    @taeliesyn in case I miss posting again before your HM on Sunday, enjoy and good luck, expecting a great time (no pressure) :p
    @Just_Ceci well done on just getting out there, try to have fun before the snow sets in
    @MeanderingMammal hope the blister has settled down and that the adverse reaction to work shoes stops soon.

    Me, might get a run soon, commuting to work by bike is going well, cycling specific muscles are reacting well to teh training load (I'm getting faster at the moment)
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Got out and did 30 mins, knee pain free but stiff (again) however pace at the faster end of Matt's Z2 but again went out with no pacing cues, just running based on feel. Breathing laboured but heart rate in the right zone. So might see how the next 24 hours go. Start rugby training as lead coach tomorrow, so will probably get a longer run in on Monday. Hope you are all having great runs.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    No records for me tomorrow Robbie, I'm driving an unofficial 2hr pace bus, to help some friends and other runners out. Turns out there is also an official 2hr pacer, but I've got a feeling that pacer is gun time, not net.
    Glad the run went well, keep going with the easy runs for a while longer mate :)
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Just did 3 miles last night (I can't believe I am able to say "Just 3 miles") so tried to pick up my speed. I don't know what my pace was but I know it was faster than usual and it felt pretty good. Rest day today then tomorrow for my first 60 minute run with no walk. Hoping that will be 5 miles.

    I love when that happens (the just x distance thing) great running
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    8k tempo run this morning. First time running in a storm. I got soaked to the skin and blown around. Fun? :wink:

    @ftrobbie : happy to hear you're out running again.
    @LLduds : how'd the race go?

    12k run scheduled for tomorrow, but I don't know if I'm up for another run while there's a rainfall warning. Guess I'll wait and see . . .
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    maggiekat7 wrote: »
    8k tempo run this morning. First time running in a storm. I got soaked to the skin and blown around. Fun? :wink:

    12k run scheduled for tomorrow, but I don't know if I'm up for another run while there's a rainfall warning. Guess I'll wait and see . . .

    You know that you are a runner for sure when the programme says run, the weather says not but you do it anyway. Well done for getting out but please be safe, personal endangerment is not worth it, there is always tomorrow!!

  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone! Thanks for asking about my run, @maggiekat7. Yesterday evening I had my first official 10K...another "urban trail run" on an area golf course. This course was kinder than the first one - less ditches and really rough areas, more running on greens/fairways. I came out a bit fast but found my pace after the first mile. I managed to run the whole time and finished in 65 minutes and change (chip time still pending). I was pretty stoked as that's 6 minutes faster than any of my finishing times at home :) Anyway, it was a nice evening - not so god-awful hot and a beautiful full moon.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I sacked my long run yesterday as I was extremely tired, and had a bit of lower leg soreness after Friday nights session. I went out this morning instead, for a fairly gentle 14K I picked a circular route around the town, reasonably flat with only one significant increase in elevation.

    I ordered a new race vest, from Inov-8, the other day, so today was an opportunity to try it out for a decent length run. I filled one of the 500ml bottles but wore both, and didn't have any load in the back. IT was pretty comfortable so I'm reasonably happy with the outcome.

    @LLduds I'm glad the race went well. My preference is for trail races, although not normally as well groomed as a golf course, even in the rough.
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm still here. Work got in the way of running last week. Vacation this week so I should be able to ge a few runs in.
    Have a great week!
  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    Hey - my chip time came back at 01:04:25...so a whole minute better than I thought!
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Didn't run since Friday so today I did w12d1. Finishing with plenty of fuel left in the tank with 7.22 miles
    I think I'll run tomorrow. Got off schedule. Run tomorrow will put me back on track with my run days and rest days.
    Wow. A relatively seven miles. I never thought I'd be saying that 14 weeks ago
  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    @moyer566 - Strong work! You must be very fast...that's 7.22 miles in less than 60 minutes of running! What does your GPS tracker say your miles are taking? Maybe 8 minutes? That's really good...I'm lucky to maintain a 10-11 minute mile on my 10K runs.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    After leading a Rookie Road ride on Saturday morning, I laced up and went for a run around town. The first 4 miles were great, but I tanked after that. Looking back, I started out too fast and I wasn't properly hydrated and fueled. 5.03 miles in 52:46.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    @LLduds nice time glad you were pleased
    @Just_Ceci 10 minute miles are not to be sniffed at. As you say proper hydration and fueling would have helped you.

    Well went out and did a 25mile ride on Saturday on a disused railway track (converted to cycleway) to a country park and back. Pleasant and peaceful. It allowed to understand what annoys me about the bike. Rattling on the front derailleur on the big ring and on the middle sprockets at the back. Saddle needs lifting a smidge. Adjustments now made, see what difference that makes. Rugby coaching went well until one of the other coaches popped one of the cartilages in my ribs. It's just sore but stopped me doing anything else yesterday. Did a 6.5 mile run tonight at a steady Z1 pace, no adverse reaction on the knee. Will push longer on Wednesday. Planning a 30 mile commute in and out tomorrow on the bike, with a full load on the way in, two panniers and a backpack, new job. Safe and boring says take the car, challenging says take the bike, might take a bit longer than normal.

    Have fun and be safe with whatever you do
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    LLduds wrote: »
    @moyer566 - Strong work! You must be very fast...that's 7.22 miles in less than 60 minutes of running! What does your GPS tracker say your miles are taking? Maybe 8 minutes? That's really good...I'm lucky to maintain a 10-11 minute mile on my 10K runs.
    that's about 9 i think
  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    moyer566 wrote: »
    LLduds wrote: »
    @moyer566 - Strong work! You must be very fast...that's 7.22 miles in less than 60 minutes of running! What does your GPS tracker say your miles are taking? Maybe 8 minutes? That's really good...I'm lucky to maintain a 10-11 minute mile on my 10K runs.
    that's about 9 i think

    @moyer566 - You should start using Runkeeper or something similar to track it; are you just going by steps/strides right now? Runkeeper and the like will give you the splits/times for each of your miles. It feels great when you can see your time improving/distance increasing! Plus it measures elevation :) I'm pretty sure Runkeeper is free (or close to it). Other folks use Strava...other apps I know nothing about...feel free to pipe in anyone else :)

    @MeanderingMammal - I signed up for a real trail run in December and am already a bit nervous about it. It's still probably more tame than what you're accustomed to - it's on hiking trails in a state park (but there are alligators there so...extra points for scary critters?). I signed up for the half but other people are doing 50K and 100K.

    @ftrobbie and @Just_Ceci - I know nothing about cycling so I'll just leave it at keep up the good work!! :)

  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    Sorry in advance for posting so much this week, but I just wanted to tell you guys that I got my first sub-30 min 5K this morning (29:18, to be exact). Today is actually my 3 month runniversary (started C25K in earnest on 6/1), so what a fitting gift!!! OK, I'll pipe down for awhile now :)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I just downloaded runtastic as i liked the different options they had for the half marathon training
    I'm using s health but i don't always turn on the run tracker in it but go by the said mileage then subtracting any extra mileage already tracked. i've gone back with my car to make sure the mileage is accurate. it isn't always but here for this track it is.

    anyone have experience with the zen labs half marathon app. is it worth it
  • LLduds
    LLduds Posts: 258 Member
    I did not like the Zen Labs Half Trainer at all; I really regret buying it. It has you do these odd walk/run intervals for the entire 13 weeks of the program. The final week is run 4 min, then walk 1 min repeated 26 times. Talk about interrupting your flow! I'm using Hal Higdon's Novice 2 Half Marathon Trainer and find it much more my speed. Basically every week you run 3-5 miles on 3 weekdays and then have your long run on the weekend. The other 3 days are cross-training or rest days. You can actually go on his website and look at his plan before you buy the app.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    hmm, looked at both websites.
    i wish i could find a good interval trainer like we have with the 5k and 10k apps