
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    I finally succeeded at a specific move in exercise class (and then repeated the success!). Over the course of the last three weeks, two separate friends have commented on my weight loss and "curves". My scale has not yet moved, but my muscles are definitely toning!!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Husband's NSV: Last night he tried on a pair of blue jeans that were a struggle to button up a month ago, and damn if they didn't they fit him just right. :D
  • amb312
    amb312 Posts: 55 Member
    Last night after the parent meeting for my son's hockey team, many of us went to the pub across the street. I had planned for 2 beers and left enough room in my carbs. The table ordered a huge tray of nachos, breaded and deep fried cheese balls and soft pretzels with cheese. I didn't touch one bite of it!! I wasn't tempted to. It didn't look good or smell good. Before this journey, I would have been all over those. I was more than happy to say "No thanks!"
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    edited September 2015
    Ugh! Seriously...people moo'd at you? That's terrible...I hope they step in dog poop barefoot.
    Who takes a yoga class...something that's supposed to be reflective and peaceful...and then acts like a jerk?
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited September 2015
    2Poufs wrote: »
    I went to a yoga class [...] I put on a brave face when I heard the mooing and the fat comments. I spoke to people anyway. I managed to ignore the childish tittering when I stumbled.

    Awesome for you, but OMG there is a yoga studio that tolerates that kind of BS??
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    I told the manager. We'll see what happens. It's a college town in a college area, so I don't hold out hope for decent behavior. Usually, I'd light into them with sarcasm. This time, I tried to be polite. I was hoping for chitchat, as I'd gotten to practice that recently with a friend, but not so much. I didn't use words to make anyone cry and I didn't cry. It was a good day!
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    2Poufs wrote: »
    I went to a yoga class this morning. I went inside and didn't drive back home. I put on a brave face when I heard the mooing and the fat comments. I spoke to people anyway. I managed to ignore the childish tittering when I stumbled. I said goodbye without bursting into tears. I didn't come home and have an anxiety attack. I didn't have a few drinks. I didn't emotionally eat. I didn't retreat into a book. I scheduled myself into another class.

    To me: A pat on the back and a YAY ME!
    To them: F you. This is about me. For once, I'm making this about me. Not... Is hubby happy? Are the kids happy? Is this too expensive? Is anyone inconvenienced? Should I have been cleaning house? Did my fat make you uncomfortable? Nope, it's about me. Screw you.

    Some NSVs are about what didn't happen. I didn't freak out. I didn't give in. I didn't give up. Go me.

    Big High Fives! I can't imagine people who would act like that. You provided them with a shining example of adult behavior!
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    2Poufs wrote: »
    I went to a yoga class this morning. I went inside and didn't drive back home. I put on a brave face when I heard the mooing and the fat comments. I spoke to people anyway. I managed to ignore the childish tittering when I stumbled. I said goodbye without bursting into tears. I didn't come home and have an anxiety attack. I didn't have a few drinks. I didn't emotionally eat. I didn't retreat into a book. I scheduled myself into another class.

    To me: A pat on the back and a YAY ME!
    To them: F you. This is about me. For once, I'm making this about me. Not... Is hubby happy? Are the kids happy? Is this too expensive? Is anyone inconvenienced? Should I have been cleaning house? Did my fat make you uncomfortable? Nope, it's about me. Screw you.

    Some NSVs are about what didn't happen. I didn't freak out. I didn't give in. I didn't give up. Go me.


    Much love to you my friend

    So sad your experience was so bad
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    2Poufs wrote: »
    I went to a yoga class this morning. I went inside and didn't drive back home. I put on a brave face when I heard the mooing and the fat comments. I spoke to people anyway. I managed to ignore the childish tittering when I stumbled. I said goodbye without bursting into tears. I didn't come home and have an anxiety attack. I didn't have a few drinks. I didn't emotionally eat. I didn't retreat into a book. I scheduled myself into another class.

    To me: A pat on the back and a YAY ME!
    To them: F you. This is about me. For once, I'm making this about me. Not... Is hubby happy? Are the kids happy? Is this too expensive? Is anyone inconvenienced? Should I have been cleaning house? Did my fat make you uncomfortable? Nope, it's about me. Screw you.

    Some NSVs are about what didn't happen. I didn't freak out. I didn't give in. I didn't give up. Go me.

    So, do you think the studio would take it more seriously if all of us here bombarded them with indignation that they allowed such behavior? NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE EVER ANYWHERE ANYTIME should EVER EVER EVER have to deal with this. I am quite enraged at this.

    Even at 5'4" and 319 pounds, I was never mooed at. I think I would be in jail for heat of the moment homicide!!

    I consider this a whole TON of wins. You didn't let the poop-head children get you down. You fought for YOU. You didn't emotionally respond later. And you were strong enough to complain. Plus YOGA. OMG, I wanna go beat me some college students right now.... ARGH
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    2Poufs wrote: »
    I told the manager. We'll see what happens. It's a college town in a college area, so I don't hold out hope for decent behavior. Usually, I'd light into them with sarcasm. This time, I tried to be polite. I was hoping for chitchat, as I'd gotten to practice that recently with a friend, but not so much. I didn't use words to make anyone cry and I didn't cry. It was a good day!

    My immediate thought was "Holy crap! What insanely immature people they must be!"
    College town... Makes sense to a degree in that you'd be more likely to encounter the severely immature and especially when they are likely attending with a friend or two because, you know, they are insecure and wouldn't be there at all if they had to go alone. So now they also want to "look cool" to their friends and put another person down so they feel elevated. It's pretty transparent really what people's motivation is when they act like this. Which to someone that recognizes it, just proves all that they are actually lacking.
    Anyway, you hold your head up high because clearly, you are strong in character and determination to do what's right for you and confidence is an amazingly powerful trait. People recognize it easily in others and are drawn to it. Some may be threatened by it. Probably when it challenges their own.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member

    Much love to you my friend

    So sad your experience was so bad

    You made it easier. Thank you.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    So, do you think the studio would take it more seriously if all of us here bombarded them with indignation that they allowed such behavior?

    I doubt it. Less than 5mi away from a college campus, they have so much business that they can't stand themselves. But that doesn't matter. I'm still going to the next class. It was a 4-class package for the September challenge that's already paid and non-refundable. Screw them, I'm not wasting that money. So I'm gonna go anyway. And if some little twit moos at me, I might just baaaaah back at her.

    @Sunny_Bunny_ Classes just started back last week, so they're all still full of p*ss and vinegar from being away from home. They'll tone down somewhere around November when they're failing their classes. I do have a very good memory though. Wouldn't it be funny if one of the children needed a tutor and I'm the one they choose? Oh, I wouldn't screw up their education, but it would be karmic humor.
  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    @2Poufs, you have my utmost respect for transcending that nasty behavior! Shame on the instructor for not calling her out.

    An acquaintance of mine started her own yoga studio a few years back that offers "yoga for curvy women" classes. She herself is incredibly fit, but naturally curvy and not likely to ever look like the reed-thin yoga waif pictured in magazines. It's an unfortunate stereotype, because people can both benefit from and excel at yoga without having that ectomorphic thing going on.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    Thanks everyone. It's nice to know I have support. I'm writing a letter to the owner. Some things just shouldn't happen. Even if they have lots of business, perception matters and I have no idea if the owner knows.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Sorry but people today seem to be bitter about life in general. Some just do not understand it was like we woke up one day and decided to abuse food to become obese.
  • Standsfast
    Standsfast Posts: 77 Member
    @2Poufs, The youngsters will be astounded when life smacks them. They may even expect life to be fair to them!
    Sending you support.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    It's a great idea to write the letter to the owner. They need to know this is going on. You are their customer. No one should ever be subjected to behavior like that, especially when you paid good money to be there!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    2Poufs wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    So, do you think the studio would take it more seriously if all of us here bombarded them with indignation that they allowed such behavior?

    I doubt it. Less than 5mi away from a college campus, they have so much business that they can't stand themselves. But that doesn't matter. I'm still going to the next class. It was a 4-class package for the September challenge that's already paid and non-refundable. Screw them, I'm not wasting that money. So I'm gonna go anyway. And if some little twit moos at me, I might just baaaaah back at her.

    @Sunny_Bunny_ Classes just started back last week, so they're all still full of p*ss and vinegar from being away from home. They'll tone down somewhere around November when they're failing their classes. I do have a very good memory though. Wouldn't it be funny if one of the children needed a tutor and I'm the one they choose? Oh, I wouldn't screw up their education, but it would be karmic humor.

    Lol. That would be priceless!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    @2Poufs :( What a sad experience. I am equally amazed and humbled that you handled it so well. Wow. That's some pretty impressive karma right there...
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    @2Poufs I know you were very, very strong to handle that kind of ridicule, but I am still so sorry you had to deal with it at all. I would still talk to management about what happened so they are aware. And yes, KEEP GOING!! It IS all for you, and all about you. No one else's opinions matter. Glad you are enjoying yoga. I love it too. Those college kids won't be laughing when they graduate, still live with their parents and can't find a job... js :)
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    My daughter gave me these jeans because they are too big for her. I figured it would be at least November before I could wear them... Well if I could get off this month long stall.
    I've fasted 2 days this week and I haven't weighed but I just felt good, like maybe they would fit. Technically, I got them on a month ago, but had a spare tire, so I wouldn't have actually worn them.
    Anyway, now I only get spare tire while sitting. Lol
  • Standsfast
    Standsfast Posts: 77 Member
    Sunny_Bunny, how great is that!
  • SlimBride2Be
    SlimBride2Be Posts: 315 Member
    MAJOR NSV here. I bought my wedding dress! It is absolutely beautiful. And thanks to LCHF I had the full choice of every dress in the shop and everything looked fantastic.

    Now I just have to keep on track for another 10 months ;-)
  • carom
    carom Posts: 188 Member
    2Poufs wrote: »
    I went to a yoga class this morning. I went inside and didn't drive back home. I put on a brave face when I heard the mooing and the fat comments. I spoke to people anyway. I managed to ignore the childish tittering when I stumbled. I said goodbye without bursting into tears. I didn't come home and have an anxiety attack. I didn't have a few drinks. I didn't emotionally eat. I didn't retreat into a book. I scheduled myself into another class.

    To me: A pat on the back and a YAY ME!
    To them: F you. This is about me. For once, I'm making this about me. Not... Is hubby happy? Are the kids happy? Is this too expensive? Is anyone inconvenienced? Should I have been cleaning house? Did my fat make you uncomfortable? Nope, it's about me. Screw you.

    Some NSVs are about what didn't happen. I didn't freak out. I didn't give in. I didn't give up. Go me.

    2Poufs, you are awesome! Good on you for being brave enough to do it for yourself
  • carom
    carom Posts: 188 Member
    Sunny_bunny, you look great, what a fabulous feeling that must be!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    MAJOR NSV here. I bought my wedding dress! It is absolutely beautiful. And thanks to LCHF I had the full choice of every dress in the shop and everything looked fantastic.

    Now I just have to keep on track for another 10 months ;-)

    Awesome! You got this.
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    My daughter gave me these jeans because they are too big for her. I figured it would be at least November before I could wear them... Well if I could get off this month long stall.
    I've fasted 2 days this week and I haven't weighed but I just felt good, like maybe they would fit. Technically, I got them on a month ago, but had a spare tire, so I wouldn't have actually worn them.
    Anyway, now I only get spare tire while sitting. Lol

    Super progress!!!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    MAJOR NSV here. I bought my wedding dress! It is absolutely beautiful. And thanks to LCHF I had the full choice of every dress in the shop and everything looked fantastic.

    Now I just have to keep on track for another 10 months ;-)

    That's so exciting! You know we will all be wanting to see the dress! ;)
  • SlimBride2Be
    SlimBride2Be Posts: 315 Member
    I REALLY want to post a little pic but I think I can't till the big day ;-)