Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    Hi All
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    Hi All.
    Vacation was wonderful but I didn't run. I did walk a couple of days. Now I'm bummed. My Achilles started hurting again Thursday. I've been limping every since. Making an appt tomorrow to get it checked out. The first time I experienced this was about 3 wks ago. The pain was sporadic and ended in about 5 days. This time it's with every step.
    I'm still on the boards and reading all the posts. You guys rock!!
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    Sorry for the multiple posts. I had to delete my emoji. Weird.
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    Easy (?) 6k this evening. It felt harder than usual. Could be that I did my long run just yesterday. Could be the hill I charged up like a bear was on my heels. Could be I'm still tired from last week's return to school. Regardless, it was a challenge mentally tonight. I wanted to stop at every opportunity but pushed through to the end, loose shoelace and all. :D

    Rest day tomorrow. YAY!

    Loving the updates, great running all. @fit4life_73 welcome back from vacation! Hope the appointment goes well and you get good news!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran/ walked on Friday for a total of 5.64 miles, mostly with my coworker at her pace. Saturday was filled with cycling from downtown Bentonville to downtown Fayetteville (and back) for a total of just over 70 miles.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    test run on my leg. it actually felt better after i ran. it was just a couple of miles but I think if i can get out of bed in time, i will give the w13d3 a try tomorrow
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    My coworker is training to run a 10k in November, so I'm running with her at her pace. Our total yesterday was 4.56 miles in just over an hour.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    @Just_Ceci you are such a great friend, helping out someone else with their 10k training, despite not overly enjoying it yourself. What a star you are o:)
    @PaytraB good going on mixing up your training and finding something that seems to be working for you.
    @maggiekat7 as you do more running you will get day(s) where it all seems like a struggle, I think we have all been there. And as soon as it arrives it will disappear, just ensure that you are not overdoing it and try to mix up your training. Just doing a run differently may help you.
    @moyer566 hope the leg all stays together, just ensure that you cool down and stretch properly after your runs. Maintaining flexibility is one of the keys to ensure long term enjoyment.
    @fit4life_73 hope you get to the source of the problem and get on the mend quickly.

    So after commuting by bike at the end of last week, I took Saturday off. Sunday morning was spent rugby coaching 4 miles done. In the afternoon managed 16.5 miles in 3 hours. I put a time limit on the run just because it is 2 weeks out from the marathon. The knee held up and was not too stiff in the 24 hours after. Me doing the marathon is on but sub 4 hours is out of the question. It is looking more like 5hours. I am contemplating a 10 min run, 1 min walk strategy just so that I enjoy it rather than struggle round. I took yesterday off and managed a 4 mile run at 10 min miles tonight. So beginning to feel a lot more confident that the knee injury has healed up. Back to commuting by bike the next 3 days and may run on Thursday.

    Hope your training/ running / healing all goes well. Have fun
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @ftrobbie lots of stretching, I've added a few extra minutes to my normal stretching cool down and it seems to be helping

    glad your knee is holding up :)
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Good work everyone! Robbie's pretty well covered what I was going to say lol.
    Robbie, glad to hear your knee is holding up.

    Lets see for me. Saturday was meant to be a massive day of about 55k+ but bad weather stopped that, well stopped the first leg of it. Still ended up with about 35k for the day, though the last few K were a bit miserable, I had drained my hydration pack and my phone was being stupid, so that killed my rhythm.
    Sunday was a short 2k, to keep my streak going and Monday was my longest local run since the ultra, with 17k. Everything felt nice, then did 3.3k barefoot with the pup.
    Last night was long intervals, 1x 2mi, then 5x1mi all at 7min/mi target pace. I was a little slow, more like 7:15 pace. Legs just didn't want to find the speed (or my head didn't want to!) Last interval was mostly done at target pace, but I had company for most of it, and we all know how much that can effect a run.
    After the intervals, the social group had a round of Killer Kays, to try and set new 1k pbs. I ended up cutting my heat 10m short as I cracked it with my watch reading short/long. Second attempt I didn't even make 200m. I got hit with a massive headspin, so pulled up for safety. Everything felt fine after a moment though, so no idea what happened there.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    @moyer566 Glad to see you've added lots of stretching, it does work even if it is not glamourous :)
    @taeliesyn do you think you have suffered a bit of the "central governor" effect. You have pushed your body into unknown territory and it has had a minor shutdown moment just so that you are not completely drained. Your body is good at holding onto the last reserves just for the flight or fight response, clearly your body was ignoring the freeze or flock response. Just a thought. I was looking at your Strava feed and you have breached 160km this month with half of it still to go. Nice going.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    @ftrobbie I hadn't thought about the central governor effect. Interesting theory, and one possible explanation.
    I didn't realise it until I loaded my runs last night, but I'm only a few km away from 200k for the month actually. I'll tick that off with this afternoons puppy run. If the body holds up and I keep having these big weeks, there is a chance I might actually claw my 3200k for the year target back. I though it was long gone when I had my downtime in April/May.
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Good to see all your updates.
    I'm continuing with my 10k improver, did one long run last weekend and my first ever tempo run yesterday. It felt different as I had to slow down in the beginning and increase my pace every quarter mile or so until I ran one mile at my target pace. The health app on my phone was really useful giving me cues to modulate my pace. I have a hill repeat planned for Thursday or Friday, depending on the weather.
    I have a couple of questions: the program has a run every other day, but I'm giving 2 days to rest my feet. With the additional day's rest, my hip pain is all gone, and PF is less severe. Will I still see any improvement in my running pace and distance?
    Also, any advice for the hill repeats, as it will be my first attempt at them?
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    another short run this morning.
    I got little sleep. we went to a brewer game and 4am just wasn't feasible after getting to bed at 11pm. Tomorrow looks good though. I need to stop being lazy and suck it up and go

    the central govenor theory is interesting. I have had moments where the description of the different stages fits perfectly. especially when i was less fit. Part of my brain was against the hike to Arches, but my stubborness kept me going, but there were moments when i felt like i was going to fall out
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    samra338 wrote: »
    Also, any advice for the hill repeats, as it will be my first attempt at them?
    I usually run a warmup mile, run hard up the hill, slow jog or walk down the hill, repeat the hill several times, then run a slower cool down mile. First time out, just see how you do and use it as a base for future hill repeats.

    Yesterday was a cycling day- 17 miles after work. Days will be too short to ride after work soon. :'( I hate it when work gets in the way of my extra curricular activities! :p
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    @samra338 yeah the extra days rest won't destroy your program. You just may not advance as fast as expected.

    As for the hill repeats, does the program give any more details? There are several styles that can be done. @Just_Ceci has described the most common.
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Thank you @Just_Ceci and @taelisyn
    taeliesyn wrote: »

    As for the hill repeats, does the program give any more details?

    I'm afraid not. It just says '30 mins hill repeats: run up the hill and jog down to recover. Repeat.'

    It makes sense to run a warm up mile before the hill repeat. I will try one of the lesser hills around and see how it goes.
    I have just been looking at my data and see that I have cut off more than 4 mins off my regular 5k course since I started the B210k program. And I have been doing only easy runs for the 3 months since I finished C25K, so feeling encouraged.

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Ok, for a 30min session. I'd start at something just a little harder than comfortable for effort and try and hold that pace (if you've got a way of measuring) for the rest of the session. Otherwise stay at that comfortably hard effort for all your ups.
    I wouldn't include the warmup/cooldown as part of the 30min either.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    what a rough run this morning. walking. puffing. short mileage. ugh. but i did it. week 14 is on deck
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    So sick this past 10 days that I haven't done much of anything. Finally on the upswing so planning a very slow 2-3 miles to get back in the groove.