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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Buzz- So glad you kept that poem from Sandy on those days when you want to tear your hair out. My Dad had dementia
    but was in a home and we idn't see him on a daily basis like you do with Mike. I hope you have some comfort with that poem
    and put in a place where you can refer to it and give you some calm. <3

    Anne- I don't have an Ipad but a Samsung Tablet and some days I want to throw it in the trash too. Computers are so
    frustrating sometimes.

    Phoebe- Glad you got Jim's results and now the machine. A friend of ours has one and he said he couldn't
    believe how much rest he got while using the machine.

    Yoga class today with a young instructor. It was supposed to be a beginner class but when she saw we
    were all experienced Yogies she worked us. After class visited my MIL and tonight choir practice.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,449 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) Beautiful day here today so after Robby's morning nap and lunch we went for over a mile walk.
    Unfortunately, he fell asleep for about 10 or 15 minutes on the way home. That messed up his afternoon nap and he wouldn't go down for a nap. I should have let him sleep in the stroller at least he would have sleep longer. Oh well, live and learn.

    Shirley, I remember when I did yoga years ago, I did love it although there were some things I couldn't do.

    Anne, putting my two cents in about your IPad. Double click on the button on the bottom to see how many windows you have open. Two many windows causes problems. You have to slide them up one by one to get rid of them. I hope I explained that right.

    Patsy, my IPad shows a number by my settings when an upgrade is needed, but mine is an older version. I also only use Wifi on my IPad as it was a gift and I didn't want to pay for data. You would be amazed how much money we have spent on our pets when I was with Babe. Two of our Old English had new hips, one developed cancer and had to have his leg amputated, the other had Degenerative Myelopathy and couldn't urinate so I had to catheterize him three times a day. Then we rescued a dog from California who was either hit by a car or thrown. He couldn't use his back leg so we tried everything from acupunture, water therapy and what ever else was suggested. He also ended up having his leg amputated. Daisy our current dog has a sensitive tummy and has to eat expensive vet dog food. Babe if nothing else is a big animal lover and would spare no expense on any of his pets. So I certainly understand and sympathize with you. Whatever it takes. <3

    Phoebe, it is annoying waiting for a text about a prescription from Walmart, been there done that.
    Sounds good that Jim is able to return to work but I do hope he uses the machine to sleep.

    Marcella, glad the sunshine came out for you, did you get any flooding?

    Jackie, yes I am grateful for a great landlady, I just hope I can stay as long as I want and it will still be affordable.
    Of course the stairs might eventually become a problem, but for now I love this place and being on the second floor. The Hurlers are very interesting and I could use some of that energy in sitting for Robby.

    Marie, those kitties are keeping you active which is a good thing, but sound like little trouble makers.

    Buzz, I am glad the poem helped in your understanding of what is going on with Mike. I sent you a message about printing in on photo paper so let me know if that helps. Robby is better, has a little lingering cough but always happy. Interesting about Patrick Kennedy, I will look for it online of on demand.

    Lin, I am so glad you finally got some one with intelligence to fix your internet. It seems like only the management has enough smarts to fix things lately. The serviceman that came to fix my dryer the first time had no clue, but when my landlady requested management he knew exactly what to do.

    Another long post, sorry, just wanted to stay in touch.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,544 Member
    Well I am already out of la-la land. Apparently I am now having problems with my router. Spent a long time fiddli g around trying to get my laptop connected. I thought all was well but all my devices have been dropped from my network over and over this afternoon. Rebooting the router one or two times seems to work but I think it is a sign that the router is likely too old and I just ordered a new Netgear router and should have it Thursday.

    So I may be here and then again I may not. Also the speed tests I have run have shown that sometimes I get the 50 Mbps and other times it is under 25. Well hopefully the new router will also help.

    I am waiting for a stable network before I even consider trying an upgrade.

    I think I need to eat an apple. I seem to have them on my mind these days for some reason.

    Hugs my friends.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Here's hoping Lin has more internet problems.she has had her Share. I have not had any big pronlems with my I Pad. Some times I do not know how to navigate it. Nut the computer is another story. But no problems today . I think keeping the kitties out is a big help on thatPhoebe when do I change over to grown up food for them?

    As of now the computer room, bath room, bed room is off limits to the babies kitties. And they know it too. Bubba still sneaks into the bathroom but does not stay there. I got to check and see how old they are, maybe time tp to go get them fix I think they are on there 5 th bag of kittie food..
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    HAve been passing out copies of the poem SANDY printed and everyone wants more! It has changed me, for sure!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sandy, I really screwed up my computer trying to get the entire poem onto my glossy 4x6 paper! It cut off the 2 longest lines, even though I cropped it in my Photo Gallery program. Now I have to figure out how to get back to a normal display on my desktop! Oh well. I want to send it to our social director to print in next month's bulletin; it has meant that much to me. I was told everything in that poem at least a dozen times, but nothing hit home the way that piece did, and I am so grateful to you for posting it! I actually did one print on 8x11 and may frame it, because it's so important concerning the dignityof the affected human being! Focusing on him instead of me made a huge difference! If you can figure out how to print a 4x6 without cutting off the sides, I'd appreciate knowing how to achieve that! Thanks again. Darn, it's after 2 AM!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning, Anne here. Just letting everyone know I won't be around for the next few days. MFP is coming through occasionally but I've completely lost the EMAIL and the MESSAGES. I get a pop up that says wrong user and password information and yet, in settings, all is as it should be. Like you PATSY and SHIRLEY I feel like joining JACKIES Cornish Hurlers, and hurling the thing into the trash. So I'm right there with LIN in the frustration games.
    Not to worry, I see the family over the weekend and if they can't fix it either it's hi ho, hi ho, off to the stores I go.
    Have a wonderful Canadian thanksgiving everyone! Removing myself before I again become a memory, a wisp of smoke.
    Anne XXX
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,544 Member
    Oh my gosh. I am sorry Anne. We'll see you when we see you..........should this be the tagline for us these days?

    Hugs.........laundry day for me.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Anne-Electonics can be so frustrating! Have a nice time away.

    I'm looking forward to a busy day at home catching up on laundry, paper work, my son's business stuff (I'm the business manager), a bit of cleaning and some volunteer paper work. This is the down side of 4 wonderful days spent out and about with the family. Have a blessed day everyone!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hello all,

    Buzz - when I read the poem that Sandy posted for you it brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad it meant so much to you and that it helped. Sandy - thank you for posting it.

    As I read everyone's posts I am So grateful that I found this amazing group of special ladies. You inspire me to do more, be more and live more. Thank you all.

    Canadian Thanksgiving is this weekend. You guys are just one more thing to be thankful for.

    I've been sleeping so poorly the last while. I think it is me worrying about my sister and that oozes into everything. I also have an annual MRI of my breasts next week - part of my yearly post cancer check ups. 4th year. But as I am a worry wort I'm almost scared to have it done. But on the other hand so glad I am having it. My breast has been a bit sore but probably me constantly checking it for lumps. LOL

    My sister has been almost confined to home except for many doctor appts and various tests as her immune system took a dive due to the new meds. She was off them for almost 2 weeks and starts taking them again tomorrow I think. She gets fluid taken off her lungs again on Thursday, sure hope there soon starts to be an improvement in that category. I know the cancer doctor said the first 3 months are the hardest so I hope her life gets easier in a couple of months.

    Well, I hear Ed getting ready upstairs. I've been up for several hours. I can't stay in bed when I am worried, it drives me crazy. LOL. But then some people may say I'm always crazy.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    phoebe.I am so happy Jim got release to go back to work.

    Sandy that poem was so heartwarming,

    Jeri you are right about the sneakers. One swell bunch of ladies. We are soon to starting on our eight years here on MFP. We have such a wonderful leader in Sandy, Bless her heatl and the newer members are as great as the older ones. What a nice crew we have,

    Anne sorry about your computer. Maybe you need the rest Be looking forward to your return. You will be miss.

    If the lord keep my computer running I will be here everyday like I have for the last 2,500 days.
    Love Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,449 Member
    edited October 2015
    Buzz......after you save the poem to your pictures in jpg form, don't edit it in anyway. Go to your picture folder and once you have the poem click on print. The printer should ask you what size photo you want, in your case you want a 4 x 6. On the bottom where it asks if you want it to fill the page unclick that and the whole poem should show. If you have 8 X 10 photo paper you can print two at a time. If you are using 4 x6 paper then make sure you put that size where it asks about paper size. If none of this works message me your address and I will send you as many copies as you want.

    Don't have time to post, Robby is napping and I want to try to nap with him since I am going to bingo tonight.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thanks a million, SANDY, and I left a message. Only if it isn't a burden, though! My printer won't handle this one thing!
    JERI, you are in my thoughts constantly, too! What can I say? Think positive and just hang in there, dearest friend.
    Late for dinner, and so much work to catch up on, but attitude is better, thanks to SANDY's poem!
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Off to the foot doctor again. Boo! I think I was issued a defective set of feet right from the beginning. Big, clumsy and ugly toes! Triple bad! Nothing life threatening but a bit painful. Makes it difficult to be a tap dancing Shirley Temple with curly hair. All my love and good wishes to you sneakers who are dealing with health concerns...either your own or your loved ones.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,544 Member
    Hello friends, going for this although the router continues again this afternoon with the on/off thing. I won’t be home tomorrow when the router is scheduled to arrive but hope to tackle the project on Friday. Hoping it is very easy to get everything installed. Oh, and the tech told me I really should change my password on the router as they all come with the same default user id/password.

    Not the router’s fault was the fact that I could not load the MFP page for a long time today.

    Also not the router’s fault that my ISP’s mail server went down for a couple of hours.

    Bothers me that so many things go wrong these days. Ack.

    Marie, I would definitely think it’s time to get the kitties fixed. Glad they are exiled from disconnecting your computer network.

    Buzz, sorry you’ve had problems getting the printing to perform properly. It is so lovely and unfortunately so true.

    Anne, glad you’re back. I think we all have gremlins messing with our computers/iPads/service providers etc. Think it is Halloween related already?

    Marcella, every day is a busy day and your list of things to do made me feel so guilty as I have so many tasks that need to be tackled but each day seems to evaporate before I even get to them!

    Jeri, I am so sorry that your sister’s health is so tenuous. And you are a wonderful sister but I am distressed to hear how much the situation is impacting your life---not sleeping is so hard on our health. My fingers are crossed for a clear MRI next week.

    Sandy, good luck at bingo tonight! Win that Jackpot!!

    Patsy, I also have horrible feet. I think I’ve mentioned it before but long ago a foot doctor told me my feet would be a gold mine to any doctor who started doing all the necessary surgery to address all the problems I have. Well, I keep on keeping on and no surgery yet!

    Phoebe, how are you today?

    Shirley, have you already left for the cabin/summer home?

    Hugs to everyone. I’ve spent the day doing laundry, preparing food, cooking food, eating, cleaning up after eating and (finally) getting through my email and my actual snail mail.

    I am binge watching DVDs again, I went through Season 2 of Father Brown and a few odds and ends and have moved on to a very old TV show Bat Masterson. I’d love to find a complete collection of Burke’s Law but I only found two DVD sets on Amazon and I do not believe that’s the full series. Did a search and found nothing more complete. If anyone ever sees them, let me now ASAP. I loved that show so much.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to all my friends! Those I don't know are friends I haven't met yet. Time seems to fly by, can't believe it is three months since I last visited. I do think of you often and hope you are doing well!
    We had a busy summer. We spent a lot of time sailing this summer. The weather was great which is always a plus. The family were all out which makes it more fun. Owen was so thrilled with sailing and especially playing on the beach. He is growing up so fast. They are expecting another baby in March!
    Neil is well and happy with his life and work.

    Buzz - sorry to read that life is a struggle for you and Mike. I know Mike won't remember us but sending hugs to you both. We haven't been back to Florida but always hoped to have another visit.

    Marie -- it sounds like you are busy as always. You are so crafty! Glad you get to enjoy the little people in your life.

    Shirley -- did your little grandson get to sail or perhaps that will be an experience for next summer!

    Phyllis -- how is retirement for you? Likely a dumb question! What not to love about retirement?

    Phoebe -- I have been thinking about you two. Hope your husband's health has improved. Have you guys retired?

    Jeri -- how have you been? More grandchildren?

    Sandy -- how is your new home? I hope you are happy there. I expect Robbie brings you lots of smiles.

    Lin -- sounds like computer problems in your life. Ugh! Hope they will soon be resolved.

    Barbie -- hope you and Jake are well and busy as ever.

    I won't promise to be back soon because I don't want to break a promise but I will pop in from time to time and catch up on your lives. Stay well and keep smiling. Gayla

  • Good morning, checking in. Lin, I googled Burke's law. Imdb says the last season was filmed but much changed, even the title. They didn't post the name.
    Gayla, so good to hear from you!
    Falling asleep.
    Be back
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited October 2015

    In the light of some of us having computer issues, beware , this article warns us about an email scam
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,544 Member
    Hello, another morning flying by and I am just doing one little thing after another--like changing batteries in a remote, updating a computer, etc. I am going to meet a friend a little later and we're going to pick up something she purchased on Craig's list and then sit to visit for a while.

    So I'd better run along.

    Gayla - so great to hear from you. Glad you are enjoying your time and congrats on the upcoming new baby in the family.

    Phoebe - I have two leads on Burke's Law, a guy who sells DVDs and lives in Iowa and I've purchased from him before. He doesn't have the set right now but will let me know if he runs across it. I did find several offers on a site called iOffer which I've never used. I put an offer in on a set but they do not use PayPal.....I am a bit worried about the payment issue but we'll see. Yes, that series evolved from the main character being a millionaire big deal in the police department to him being some super spy I believe. I saw a few episodes of that once upon a time--it had a different name.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2015
    Wonderful hearing from you Gayla.
    I was wondering if Dave got the boat out this summer. Sounds like you all had a ball on it. So nice to have all the family together. goona' be a grandma again , wonderful Owens needs a playmate I am just thrilled hearing from you..I know the rest of the gang will be too.
    glad to hear Neal is doing fine Does he still have his own place.?
    I do hope we hear from you again sooner than later You are still a charter member here Thru thick and thin we have remain a sneaker. I we are one of a few that that remain when we form Our Golden Sneakers. Back in 2008 here it is 2015/ That put quite a few years on most of us.
    I am trying to cut down on my computer time. What is the name of that food site you like so well.I have forgotten the name.
    love you Gayla and your lovely family

    Yes I do stay busy but mostly on the computer

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Busy day catching up on things I've not kept up-to-date and cannot believe how I have fallen behind in everyday components. So a Quick one, now. Mike had his first PT lesson today. Same exercises I got after hip surgery! I'll do them with him.
    GAYLA, so fantastic to hear all your good news, and yes, MIKE says he definitely remembers our lunch together!
    Lots of luck with the forthcoming new baby!
    Must dash, best to all,
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    PATSY- I had to smile when you mentioned Shirley Temple. She was my name sake, my mom named me after her.

    GAYLA - Congratulations Grandma again! So nice to see you check in with us and see your boating season was
    a success. We were really busy this summer too with sailing and weddings and Isaac. He has been down to the
    boat but not on the boat as yet. Maybe next summer. :)

    LIN - So happy you are getting to the bottom of your computer woes. Maybe a new router and you will be set!
    Just wanted to mention love the pictures you put on Facebook, so spiritual some of them.

    We are at Kathy's right now babysitting Isaac and they are at the Blue Jays game and they are losing.
    I don't know we have the cutest grandson and boy he is growing. He is napping right now.
    We leave in the morning to pick up Kristina and then head for the cottage.

    BUZZ - Glad to hear you have peace with that poem. Thank you Sandy again for posting it.

    JERI - My thoughts are with you on your doctor apt. may all go well. <3

    MARIE - I have to agreer with Lin I think the kitties are ready for spaying. They must be so cute by now!

    Well we are getting ready for dinner so I better close. Have a good evening.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,449 Member
    Happy Thursday!! Another great day for a walk and park. Tomorrow will be much cooler so might not be able to get our walk. I put up some paper pumpkins on my double patio doors and also some twinkling orange lights with felt pumpkins from my balcony railing. Robby loves pumpkins so it is festive for him.

    I again don't have time for a longer post but wanted Buzz to know I am putting the printed poem in the mail.
    Hope it was you wanted, if not no worries. '

    Gayla, just wanted to say how good it is to see you on here after a long absence. Glad you are on Facebook for the times in between.

    The big jackpot went last night, not to me but to someone deserving. A little lady in a wheel chair comes with her daughter, a friend and a caretaker. The daughter won and split it with the four of them, which was so nice of her.
    Not sure if it was her ticket that won or the lady in the wheelchair but either way I was happy for them. Will wait and see how I feel next week on my return to bingo, I still feel I need some time off and I am always so tired on Thursdays.

    Have a good evening, will be back sometime tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time
  • I'm having a day similar to Lin's. Refilled Jim's medicine. We put his meds in containers with lids. 40 days done! Cleaned off a small shelf so I can now put aforementioned meds on it, along with diabetes medicine bag. Vacuumed and shampooed the area rug. Fell asleep watching monuments men. Jim went to his brother's today. They are doing a brake job on his pick up truck. Haven't heard from him, so I have no supper to cook. If he wants something, I'll just wait until I hear from him.
    Sandy we had homemade beef stew two nights this week. Cool weather is the only time I make it. Now it's warm here, up to 80 today.
    Have a good night.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thanks SANDY. I've had so many requests for that poem. Saw a documentary about Iris Apfel, the fashion doyenne in her 90's and in it, her husband Carl celebrates his 100th birthday. He appears to have dementia, and her kindness, acceptance and poise in dealing with his celebration were so admirable it reminded me once more about the remaining humanness beneath the condition! I still am at a loss for patience several times a day, but so much improved, it's amazing to me! PHOEBE, so you prepare JIM's medication for weeks at a time, too. I pack 4 weeks at a time, so I am not faced with repeating it too often.
    Bit by bit, our culinary department is starting to replace regular flour with whole grain!. I pays to speak up!
    Late hours are beginning to catch up and my eyes will not remain open! Hugs to you all!
    <3 Buzz
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Here I am two days in a row! I didn't update you on my back issues, still there and range from annoying to very sore. I had physiotherapy today so it is very sore tonight. I had X-Rays done and apparently it shows that I have something called DISH which involves arthritis and other issues. It won't get better but hoping to tame the monster with physio and drugs. I had to google DISH as it was a new one for me.

    Marie -- Neil still lives in the Group Home and is mostly happy there. He still comes home most weekends. I am such a food site junkie so not sure which one you are thinking of. Perhaps it is Sparkpeople. I haven't been there for awhile but have found some good diet friendly recipes there. I also use Food.com. If you go there you will find my recipes under GaylaV. Lately I have become hooked on Pinterest which people here may find useful but a lot of stuff to distract you as you search for things.

    Buzz -- glad Mike remembers our visit. Dave and I enjoyed it so much.

    Shirley -- I am guessing the picture beside your name is your grandson. What a cutie he is!

    Sandy -- are you still looking after your little sweetie? Oh how they enrich our lives.

    Phoebe -- you are doing such a good job looking after Jim!

    Time for bed. I really need some discipline in my life! Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadian folks here.
    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy Birthday Jake. I know its not until tomorrow So I am a day early

    Have a great one Love Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Sneakers Have a lovely day.
  • Morning all! Jim spent the night with his brother to finish working on his truck today. I was falling asleep by 9 last night so I made it to bed by 10 and felt refreshed this morning. Also, yesterday was the first time I remembered to take the B12 injection in Months! So it may be helping me after all, when I use it. Only supposed to reach 78 today, so perfect to begin a long overdue kitchen cabinets clean out! If I kept only what I use, I would have a few empty cabinets.
    Buzz, I've never filled 40 days of pills before, usually 28. I switched to a different way to store them, and was able to stretch it out to 40 days. I bought gladware 1/2 cup containers( they didn't make them any smaller). With a huge fish oil or flax oil softgels, and a few other large supplements, those 7 day pill minders were packed and the lids popped open. This way, the container is also his pill cup, and the lids are tight fitting.
    Gayla, always glad to see a post from you, Marie might have meant Lighten Up on ez board. Remember the Wendy plan?
    Marie, yes, better get kitties fixed sooner rather than later. Females can have their first litter at an early age, less than 1 year old! The sooner the male is neutered, the less likely he will be to have bad behavior, like spraying, UGH! and aggression.
    Lin, hope that your router arrives and fixes your phantom internet! I found Ruth Rendell mysteries on Roku, forgot which one, amazon prime or acorntv. The first ones weren't Wexford, but now I'm getting into the Wexford episodes.
    Did anyone watch The Widower on PBS? Gave me chills. I'm enjoying Home Fires.
    Jeri, you are having some stressful times, sleep may be hard to maintain, but we love you and we are with you, hugs.
    Sandy, hope you get some rest, glad someone deserving won bingo if it couldn't be you <3
    Kitchen calling!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Phoebe, I just finished watching the Ken Burns World War II documentary about a week ago. It made watching Home Fires on PBS even more interesting.