Recent NSV?



  • kimgravitt3
    kimgravitt3 Posts: 186 Member
    Yesterday, I pulled my leg up into my office chair at work and took my sock off without falling on my face! I actually had room to maneuver without needing to do some kind of acrobatics to get the sock off.
  • badhair56
    badhair56 Posts: 239 Member
    started a new job in July where they provide us with "uniforms". so I got pants that fit a little snug, 36" waist. this week had to buy new "uniform" pants but they're a 32" waist. the wife made me get them cause the 36's look like they have darts in them where they're bunched up at the waist. (had to buy these cause they only provide the free ones once a year)
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    Xp... I cried. I'm not a crier. I deployed 5 weeks ago for Red Cross and loosely wore a 20. Today I bought 14s. I knew the ones I was wearing were getting baggy, but I thought I'd try the next size down anyway. I went to WalMart and it had a funky layout, but I just wandered towards clothing. I was looking at the racks and a sales associate said, "Honey, you're in the wrong section. Tiny girl clothes are on the other side." I lost it. Not a seeping tear, but full on blubbering. Lordy. Tiny? Who? Me? And then she said, "Oh honey, you're smaller than I've ever been," and that just made it worse. I guess she thought I was crying because I'd gotten bigger and wasn't tiny anymore. She let me compose myself in the fitting room where I later tried on and perfectly fit into a size 14 for the first time since the late 90s.
  • anbrdr
    anbrdr Posts: 621 Member
    Good for you, dear! You're one of my inspirations.
  • Wonderwomanvik
    Wonderwomanvik Posts: 2,932 Member
    2poufs congrats!
  • Skylara
    Skylara Posts: 20 Member
    I did the tripod yoga pose (see my profile pic... and not the full headstand... yet) for the first time ever. I sure couldn't do that 93 pounds ago. My head is sore (!!!!), but I'm so stinkin' proud of accomplishing my first yoga inversion!
  • coffeeandacop
    coffeeandacop Posts: 14 Member
    Went to Sea World last Sunday with my grand daughter and was able to FIT in EVERY roller coaster! I had to ride Manta twice because I couldn't believe it!
  • martabeerich
    martabeerich Posts: 195 Member
    Since my 55th birthday is in 1.5 weeks, and I'm within 15 pounds of my lowest adult weight at current weight of 185 (highest was 400 lbs) today I started week 1 day 1 of the Couch to 5 K program. And I survived! THEN I walked 3 miles. Trying seriously to make wellness a daily lifestyle. The next big hurdle is to buy spandex workout clothes. Because, really. Spandex?!
  • sinderstorm
    sinderstorm Posts: 225 Member
    I just fit in the jump seat between the 2 captains chairs in the second row of my van. With a carseat in each of the captains chairs on either side of me. It was a bit snug, but not horrible. But I fit! I never dreamt any adult, much less me could fit in that space between those 2 carseats.

    My washer hose started leaking last week, and without thinking about it I slid between my stacked washer/dryer and the wall to get back there to turn off the water at the shutoff. I've NEVER even been able to think about doing that- I always called my super skinny DH to do it for me. I just did it, and did a total double take at myself as I was about halfway back there.
  • sinderstorm
    sinderstorm Posts: 225 Member
    This one does involve the scale but anyways... We leave for a family vacation tomorrow, and I picked the biggest suitcase up and held it as I stood on the scale to make sure I wasn't over weight on it. DH read me the number, and I realized that as my heaviest, I carried that suitcase, plus another 35lbs with me every day, all day long. I'm not yet to goal, but that realization made me see how far I've really come since April.
  • blairmundy
    blairmundy Posts: 219 Member
    It's been a while... a lot has happened!

    I went to disney world and absolutely killed it with energy and stamina. I rode Space Mountain 3 times - that was my bucket list item. But I rode EVERYTHING 3 times. Amazing. My kids had to keep up with me.

    Had a family/friend gathering for the first time in several moths and this was that day where everyone noticed major changes and were totally gushing.

    I can plank for 30 seconds and do squats with a weight bar.

    I can eat two whole eggs at one sitting (mostly a victory because it benefits much needed protein intake)

    I went horseback riding and also to the beach without feeling at all self conscious.
  • cmchandler74
    cmchandler74 Posts: 510 Member
    Ran my first 5K all the way through without any walking tonight. It was a run under one of those timed Christmas light displays, and I feel terrific having done it.
  • martabeerich
    martabeerich Posts: 195 Member
    @cmchandler74 - Awesome! I started Couch to 5K. I repeated week 1. It's kicking my butt. I'm duly impressed!
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    Ran my first 5K all the way through without any walking tonight. It was a run under one of those timed Christmas light displays, and I feel terrific having done it.

    100% jealous. I can't wait to run again! Go you!
  • creepykbear
    creepykbear Posts: 69 Member
    Today I did measurements - for the first time I could get the tape measure to close all the way around my hips. Down 10 inches there!
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Zipped up a pair of boots I haven't been able to wear in almost 7 years!!
  • ThinGwen
    ThinGwen Posts: 174 Member
    Just finished my first 5k
  • cmchandler74
    cmchandler74 Posts: 510 Member
    I am the world's SLOWEST runner. Seriously. I had a time of 39:18 with that 5K. But I've found that if I keep a slower pace, I can go further without stopping. Now I'm just going to work on reducing that time.
  • anbrdr
    anbrdr Posts: 621 Member
    I have a N.S.(not so)V.

    Saw my grandparents for the first time since the surgery. Stopped by their house on the way out of town.

    Backstory highlights: Grandfather was a mean drunk until a decade ago. Has always given me the worst *kitten* about my size. His nickname for me was "Big'Un". Horribly deprecating and a general *kitten*-head. Grandmother was More tactful, but has always had issue with me being "the fat one" in a family of mostly normal-sized people.

    They couldn't stop gushing about the weight loss and the changes I've made. That part, I'm mostly used to, and know I have to expect it a lot over the next few months. They knew about the procedure and the year plus of weight-loss that I had been working on pre-surgery. The look in my grandfathers face was something I had never seen before; I think it was pride. The whole time I was there, he was just smiling and awestruck. At first it felt good. But then I realized that I had never seen him look at me that way before. Not the first big fish caught in the pond, none of the high school athletic accomplishments, not graduating college, not getting married, or introducing him to his first grandchild. By the time I left, the whole situation felt cold and uncomfortable. It was like this was the first time he actually saw me as a real human.

    In better news, the 36 pants and XL shirts I bought a few weeks ago are getting looser. I was actually able to buy a Large zip-up fleece jacket, and it fits very well.
  • martabeerich
    martabeerich Posts: 195 Member
    @anbrdr - I hate it when the people who are supposed to love you, don't. Appearances matter most. This is my family and my husband's family for both of us. So we are our own family and give just the effort we are willing to our families. And even that limited attention still seems like way more than we get back. But you have kids who you "see" and love. There's that.