Daily check in for Keto friends...



  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Was on track yesterday and trending down for the past few days. Very relieved. In order to do this I find i need to keep to very low cals and keep to very strict macros. Often this leaves me also struggling with hunger. What others recommend as safe and healthy does not only keep me from losing, but also actually gaining. I've done this for 11/2 years with daily logging and weighing so I am certain of these figures as facts. Anyone else have these issues or suggestions on how to eventually change to maintenence - if that will ever be possible. Oh well. At least I've recovered from the pre thanksgiving binge and am happily back in ketoland. Have a great day everyone ! Be back later.
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    Thanks Sue! What is the happy scales app? Do you have a scale that syncs with an app on your phone or something?
    No my scale doesn't sync with my phone....but I have the app called Happy Scales....check it out, it's Free !!!

    Thanks for the tip on this. I'm going to check this out. Little gadgets keep me going...have you have seen that app Zombies Run? It's great fun.
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    I have been measuring myself monthly, and I am happy to report I lost 8.75 inches since last month !!! The most surprising measurement was my belly button, and bum measurement. I lost an 1.5 on my waist, and 2 on my bum( which includes my belly apron). I'm down 7 lbs on the scale for the month as well. HaPpy DaNcE!!!

    That's great! I really should start measuring ... Maybe I'll do that tonight and record it as my starting point.

    That is terrific Sue! Great work!
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    Just dropped 5lbs of water overnight - the miracle of Keto! It's 5 of 6lbs I gained over Thanksgiving so I'm pretty pleased. I'm in a DietBet and still need to lose 1.5lbs in the next 7 days. I'm planning to egg fast this week to get there.

    Anyone here ever egg fasted? If so, how was it?

    AND have a great day today - treat your body good with yummy fat and protein!
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    UMDavies wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    That's great! I really should start measuring ... Maybe I'll do that tonight and record it as my starting point.

    I measured myself in September as an afterthought and promptly forgot about it... then found the note with the measurements on the other day when cleaning. I've been really frustrated recently as the scale isn't budging and I'm losing and regaining about two pounds for almost a month :( But when I did my measurements I'd lost 2" from everywhere! Just goes to show that the scale isn't always the best measure of progress :)

    It's so great to see so many people on here! How is everyone's week going? I've been frustrating myself as I stick to my plan rigidly all day, then after about 8pm I've been snacking - and I'm not even hungry, just bored! The snacks have all been keto-friendly but I think that's actually worse as they're quite high-calorie. Last night it was pecans mixed with almond butter, double cream and Walden's chocolate syrup - and it wasn't even that nice! :( I've been hitting the gym pretty hard and was hoping to see some results this week before we properly go into Christmas madness, and I feel like I'm sabotaging myself. So I'm considering doing a fat fast to kick myself out of this plateau and hopefully 'reset' my hunger and eating habits. Does anyone have an experience with them?

    I'm Maeve by the way :)

    Hi Maeve! I just posted that I'm doing an egg fast right now - I've done it a few times and it seems to help. I've started doing them when I'm retaining water (a carb 'mishap', heh, or hormones) and I do tend to get a big 'whoosh' in the first day or two. I fat fasted for a day but found it pretty restrictive. That may be because I was early in my process then and didn't know enough about how to liven up my eating, even within strict boundaries. Let us know how it goes!

  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    @JodiSW How do you do your egg fast ?
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    I have not done an egg fast, but have done a couple of fat fasts and a few plain ole water fasts. I didn't find them particularly difficult. I do believe, however, that my little body is going to be at this weight forever. I am super-frustrated. I dropped about 3 lbs initially, with the water fast, but then- right back up to where I started.

    @JodiSW - I have a recipe book by Dana Carpendar full of Fat Fast recipes. It was really helpful.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Found out yesterday that the company I've been with almost 9.5 years is relocating our office. Not sure how it will all play out, but is a stressful yet good opportunity.

    I'm back on plan day 3 today after 10 days fully off plan, and coming back has felt like putting on my favorite jeans, I'm so happy... Hugs to all.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    edited December 2015

    Hi Maeve, I've never done it and I don't know much about it either but l'd be willing to do some research and start with you. I need a boost as well. Let me know if/when you plan to start.

  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Found out yesterday that the company I've been with almost 9.5 years is relocating our office. Not sure how it will all play out, but is a stressful yet good opportunity.

    I'm back on plan day 3 today after 10 days fully off plan, and coming back has felt like putting on my favorite jeans, I'm so happy... Hugs to all.

    Yay for being back on plan Carly!

    I start out on plan every day and I end up like what that old weight watchers commercial calls the "Grapefruit for breakfast, ice cream for dinner diet" ... I mean, I don't eat grapefruit or ice cream but it's that idea. I start out with a great breakfast and a great plan and then some how I find myself in line at Tim Hortons with my co-worker for a late afternoon donut run.

    I say I don't want one and I'm not going to buy one. I have even gone as far as to leave my wallet in my office but a donut or non-Keto drink found its way into my hands twice already this week.

    I'm hoping knowing that I have to confess it here will make me think again before I do it.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Found out yesterday that the company I've been with almost 9.5 years is relocating our office. Not sure how it will all play out, but is a stressful yet good opportunity.

    I'm back on plan day 3 today after 10 days fully off plan, and coming back has felt like putting on my favorite jeans, I'm so happy... Hugs to all.

    Yay for being back on plan Carly!

    I start out on plan every day and I end up like what that old weight watchers commercial calls the "Grapefruit for breakfast, ice cream for dinner diet" ... I mean, I don't eat grapefruit or ice cream but it's that idea. I start out with a great breakfast and a great plan and then some how I find myself in line at Tim Hortons with my co-worker for a late afternoon donut run.

    I say I don't want one and I'm not going to buy one. I have even gone as far as to leave my wallet in my office but a donut or non-Keto drink found its way into my hands twice already this week.

    I'm hoping knowing that I have to confess it here will make me think again before I do it.

    Sounds, honestly, like your fat or calories are low. I literally drank almost 1 liter of Pepsi by myself Sunday, and Monday, nothing. No craving, nothing... But if you're restricting fat and/or calories, that could be the issue. Mindset matters a lot too. If I tell myself I can never have something again, I obsess like a crazy stalker person. But if I remind myself it's just a later or eventually or special occasion thing, my brain settles...
  • JodiSW
    JodiSW Posts: 193 Member
    edited December 2015
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    @JodiSW How do you do your egg fast ?

    Basically, you eat eggs and fat. :) You can have some cheese, but I usually save that until the end...day 3 or 4. Four is how many days I did last time. Here's more info on it - http://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/2014/07/egg-fast.html.

    I like eggs and it does seem to get me back on track quick after missteps. Sitting here now, eating 3 boiled free range eggs with 3 tbs of homemade avocado chive mayo, seasoned with a little pepper, tumeric, potassium and pink Himalayan salt.

    I've collected a number of egg fast "friendly" recipes if you want to check them out. https://www.pinterest.com/lazycraftswoman/eggs/
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Staying on plan today. Foodwise, jobwise, and keeping-steadywise. Feeling a little blah but I'm thinking that's okay for today.
    Might try to paint a little watercolor before bed since I usually enjoy that. Have a nice night, all.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Thanks Carly, you might be right about not enough fat... I'm planning to try a bulletproof chai tea tomorrow. I don't drink coffee and haven't had very much luck experimenting in the past but I'm going to try again until I get it right.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Staying on plan today. Foodwise, jobwise, and keeping-steadywise. Feeling a little blah but I'm thinking that's okay for today.
    Might try to paint a little watercolor before bed since I usually enjoy that. Have a nice night, all.

    That's cool that you paint. I need a hobby... Boredom is often how I get myself into trouble with food.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    JodiSW wrote: »
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    @JodiSW How do you do your egg fast ?

    Basically, you eat eggs and fat. :) You can have some cheese, but I usually save that until the end...day 3 or 4. Four is how many days I did last time. Here's more info on it - http://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/2014/07/egg-fast.html.

    I like eggs and it does seem to get me back on track quick after missteps. Sitting here now, eating 3 boiled free range eggs with 3 tbs of homemade avocado chive mayo, seasoned with a little pepper, tumeric, potassium and pink Himalayan salt.

    I've collected a number of egg fast "friendly" recipes if you want to check them out. https://www.pinterest.com/lazycraftswoman/eggs/

    Yum! Can you post the recipe for avocado mayo?
  • UMDavies
    UMDavies Posts: 87 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    Thanks Carly, you might be right about not enough fat... I'm planning to try a bulletproof chai tea tomorrow. I don't drink coffee and haven't had very much luck experimenting in the past but I'm going to try again until I get it right.

    I start my day with a bulletproof coffee and it's worked wonders for my cravings later in the day - when I worked in an office job last year it was always hell trying to resist the cakes and biscuits people brought in to share! Now I'm back studying again my diet tends to be perfectly keto up until about 7pm and then it can go drastically downhill - but that's changing this month! I stuck rigidly to it yesterday and I'm hoping that if I can keep it up my brain will get out of the habit of snacking in the evenings, so I won't feel like I need to :)

    Christie, I'm definitely thinking of egg fasting but it won't be for a couple of weeks I think as I have a lot of Christmas parties coming up! I might start on the 14th and go until the 18th, which is when my birthday weekend is so I'll stop then. I'm still determined to eat as keto as possible but we're going out for pizza on the Friday so I'm not sure how possible that will be... the place we're going to is pretty small and only really does pizza (no salad). They do have a gluten free option which I might try to minimise the damage. But otherwise I'll just get back on plan the next day. Then I'll be back home for Christmas but back at university on the 27th (urgh exams :( ) so I might do another egg fast or a fat fast then to kick myself into gear!

  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    JodiSW wrote: »
    Just dropped 5lbs of water overnight - the miracle of Keto! It's 5 of 6lbs I gained over Thanksgiving so I'm pretty pleased. I'm in a DietBet and still need to lose 1.5lbs in the next 7 days. I'm planning to egg fast this week to get there.

    Anyone here ever egg fasted? If so, how was it?

    AND have a great day today - treat your body good with yummy fat and protein!

    @JodiSW Ooo, dietbet sounds interesting - can you tell us a bit about it. I need something to keep me motivated. I've lost around 47lbs and it's starting to feel too successful in a way, down a few sizes and everyone complimenting me, new clothes - I could easily stand to lose another 20 lbs though as I am still considerably overweight (but no longer obese yay!!!). I need something to kick me up the bum and get me going again.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    UMDavies wrote: »
    I start my day with a bulletproof coffee and it's worked wonders for my cravings later in the day - when I worked in an office job last year it was always hell trying to resist the cakes and biscuits people brought in to share! Now I'm back studying again my diet tends to be perfectly keto up until about 7pm and then it can go drastically downhill - but that's changing this month! I stuck rigidly to it yesterday and I'm hoping that if I can keep it up my brain will get out of the habit of snacking in the evenings, so I won't feel like I need to :)

    Christie, I'm definitely thinking of egg fasting but it won't be for a couple of weeks I think as I have a lot of Christmas parties coming up! I might start on the 14th and go until the 18th, which is when my birthday weekend is so I'll stop then. I'm still determined to eat as keto as possible but we're going out for pizza on the Friday so I'm not sure how possible that will be... the place we're going to is pretty small and only really does pizza (no salad). They do have a gluten free option which I might try to minimise the damage. But otherwise I'll just get back on plan the next day. Then I'll be back home for Christmas but back at university on the 27th (urgh exams :( ) so I might do another egg fast or a fat fast then to kick myself into gear!

    I am quickly discovering that I can't have a quick slice of pizza and then get back to it... This is a very mental game for me. Once I'm on plan, I need to stay there until I meet my goals...

    I'm going to send you a friend request...let me know when you start your next egg fast, I'll do it with you. In the meantime, I'm going to work on getting back to it consistently so I will be ready for the egg fast
  • staci3377
    staci3377 Posts: 10 Member
    I've been Keto since October 8, and yesterday I hit my first goal of 25 lbs! I'm pretty much in this for the long haul. :)