The Furious Blue Crew



  • karinidowu
    karinidowu Posts: 327 Member

    You should be called:Karin or Kar Kar
    You are from (Timezone):Wa state PST
    Your weigh in day:Monday
    Favorite exercise:Zumba
    Favorite healthy food:avocado
    Struggling Areas (night snacking/lack of motivation/ junk food etc):snacking through-out day
    Do you want to be the team motivator? (Yes/No):No
    Goal for the week:Exercise 3 times, No sugar
    Goal for the challenge (35 days):7 lbs, 2 inches lost in hips
    First Day Side Challenge >> Post your starting measurements:bust 42, waist 40, hips 47
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    You should be called: Sam or night_watcher :smiley:
    You are from (Timezone): PST
    Your weigh in day: Tuesday
    Favorite exercise: Weight training craze has recently started.
    Favorite healthy food: Eggs & Milk
    Struggling Areas (night snacking/lack of motivation/ junk food etc):Once i get off track, its hard to get back on.
    Do you want to be the team motivator? (Yes/No): I already am :)
    Goal for the week: Follow my meal plans and kill it in gym.
    Goal for the challenge (35 days): Up my weights on arms.
    First Day Side Challenge >> Post your starting measurements: a total of 312

    @MargaretLunan last time your team won and if im not forgetting it was the blue team right?
    @sharkweek 8 pounds seems an achievable goal :) are you following any specific diet plan ?
    @hsuarez1991 which exercise program are you following?
    @SmurfBunny1027 Added you, plus i am drooling over your list of healthy food :)
    @scouter233 T25 is a killer workout, do take before and after pics :)
    @FaithIt365 hmm, why do you have low energy? What's your caloric goal?
    @makinchange i have just started weight training and boy i love it :)
    @kittary I wanna know more about this hot yoga :wink:

    I am so happy to be doing this the third time. I know by all means that weightloss takes time, This time i am striving to be healthy and slimmer at the same time. I'll see you guys around :)

    yes it was blue and the are 2 of us on this team me and makenchange
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    breakfast was 2 slices weight watcher bread ,leaf of lettuce, 6 slices cucumber and a light margarine
  • Suky736
    Suky736 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Everyone! Very excited to be a part of this team!

    You should be called: Suky (sue-kee)
    You are from (Timezone): NYC, EST
    Your weigh in day: Tuesday
    Favorite exercise: Walking
    Favorite healthy food: Spinach salad
    Struggling Areas (night snacking/lack of motivation/ junk food etc): Loss of focus! Weekend planning!
    Do you want to be the team motivator? (Yes/No): Not this time ....
    Goal for the week: Logging in cals and staying within limits
    Goal for the challenge (35 days): Staying on my calorie and exercise plan. Refocusing on taking care of myself.
    First Day Side Challenge >> Post your starting measurements: Will post this afternoon
  • Suky736
    Suky736 Posts: 18 Member
    Breakfast - 3/4 cup Special K Protein Cereal, 1 container Siggis Icelandic Skyr, 1 Think Thin Crunchy Peanut Butter Bar. :-)
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    i have messaged the team that has not used the home page to sign in
  • FaithIt365
    FaithIt365 Posts: 356 Member
    Breakfast: 1 egg over medium, 1/4 avacado (sliced), 1/2 gratefruit, 1 slice whole wheat toast
  • makinchange
    makinchange Posts: 59 Member
    My breakfast today was a protein bar
  • sharkweek
    sharkweek Posts: 165 Member
    edited January 2016
    Do you want to be the team motivator?: Yes, but I don't what that to be my 'function'. I can come up with workout playlists!

    This is an AWESOME idea!

    @sharkweek 8 pounds seems an achievable goal :) are you following any specific diet plan ?

    Just watching what I eat and sticking around 1800 calories. I'm aiming for a little under 2 pounds a week. If that doesn't turn out to be achievable, I'll revise the goals. I have a pretty complex weight loss spreadsheet that projects calories to lose/maintain and projects long-term loss based on a healthy rate of weekly weight loss, and sets quarterly goals based on it. (In case it's not obvious, I'm a huge Excel geek!) I've lost weight before my life got crazy stressful, so I've got a decent idea of what works for me... here's hoping it works as well the second time. :)

    scouter233 wrote: »
    If anyone would like to friend me on Fitbit, you're more than welcome to, my email address is Please message me on MFP to let me know to look out for your invitation.

    Good idea. I'm love to be FitBit friends with anyone else who's got one - I regularly do workweek challenges on there! If you'd like to be friends, message me your email or just post here and say you'd like to, and I'll send you my email. Not posting publicly, just to decrease spam.

    My breakfast today was a tofu scramble with kale, tomatoes, mushrooms, and curry seasoning!
  • SmurfBunny1027
    SmurfBunny1027 Posts: 150 Member
    I had a Chobani Greek Yogurt with Passion Fruit for breakfast, and I don't normally eat breakfast at all, so this was sort of new for me. lol
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    i walk 6 to 7 miles a day do not know if i can add a kilometer more but will try
  • kittary
    kittary Posts: 80 Member
    Breakfast Oatmeal, 1/2 grapefruit, green tea
  • night_watcher
    night_watcher Posts: 825 Member
    Hey team, it seems like all of you guys are sleeping when i am up :P this time difference is a strange strange thing, so for monday i had omlete wrapped brown bread for breakfast with milk. I forgot to take pic, oh well. Today is my gym day, i'll be walking to my gym instead of taking metro to fill up that 1 km walk.

    @MargaretLunan You can do it :) if not a kilometer try for half a km, even if that's difficult how about .25 of a km.

    @kittary You added grapefruit to oatmeal or you ate these separately?

    @makenchange what's a protein bar?

    Team, youve done awesome first day, so 1 day down, 34 days to go! Let's rock n roll
  • makinchange
    makinchange Posts: 59 Member

    @makenchange what's a protein bar?
    It's basically like a candy bar with added protein. Not my first choice for a meal, but fast and easy to eat on the run!

  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    i walk 6 to 7 miles a day do not know if i can add a kilometer more but will try

    as it turns out will not be walking today my daughter is home from school ill
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    kat7454 has quit the team she messaged me
  • night_watcher
    night_watcher Posts: 825 Member
    i walk 6 to 7 miles a day do not know if i can add a kilometer more but will try

    as it turns out will not be walking today my daughter is home from school ill

    i hope she gets well soon
  • night_watcher
    night_watcher Posts: 825 Member
    sharkweek wrote: »
    Do you want to be the team motivator?: Yes, but I don't what that to be my 'function'. I can come up with workout playlists!

    This is an AWESOME idea!

    @sharkweek 8 pounds seems an achievable goal :) are you following any specific diet plan ?

    Just watching what I eat and sticking around 1800 calories. I'm aiming for a little under 2 pounds a week. If that doesn't turn out to be achievable, I'll revise the goals. I have a pretty complex weight loss spreadsheet that projects calories to lose/maintain and projects long-term loss based on a healthy rate of weekly weight loss, and sets quarterly goals based on it. (In case it's not obvious, I'm a huge Excel geek!) I've lost weight before my life got crazy stressful, so I've got a decent idea of what works for me... here's hoping it works as well the second time. :)

    scouter233 wrote: »
    If anyone would like to friend me on Fitbit, you're more than welcome to, my email address is Please message me on MFP to let me know to look out for your invitation.

    Good idea. I'm love to be FitBit friends with anyone else who's got one - I regularly do workweek challenges on there! If you'd like to be friends, message me your email or just post here and say you'd like to, and I'll send you my email. Not posting publicly, just to decrease spam.

    My breakfast today was a tofu scramble with kale, tomatoes, mushrooms, and curry seasoning!

    @sharkweek does your excel looks kinda like this? :tongue:

  • maryssecondtry
    maryssecondtry Posts: 8 Member
    edited January 2016
    You should be called: Mary
    You are from (Timezone): EST - Florida
    Your weigh in day: Friday
    Favorite exercise: Walking, yoga
    Favorite healthy food: Does guacamole count?
    Struggling Areas (night snacking/lack of motivation/ junk food etc): Popcorn and beer!
    Do you want to be the team motivator? (Yes/No): Maybe in the future- I am a little late to this as it is
    Goal for the week: Stay under calories!
    Goal for the challenge (35 days): Lose ten pounds :)
    First Day Side Challenge >> Post your starting measurements: Maybe later!

    Nice to meet everyone! Please feel free to friend me. @SmurfBunny1027 - that sounds like a good breakfast! I usually eat breakfast but the last couple of weeks I've been skipping it as I'm trying IF. I'm a little hungry until lunch but otherwise I'm less sluggish and it helps keep my calorie count down.
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    i walk 6 to 7 miles a day do not know if i can add a kilometer more but will try

    as it turns out will not be walking today my daughter is home from school ill

    i hope she gets well soon

    it is not serious she is almost 13 and almost every month she complains of an upset stomach for a couple days and a slight fever. i have spoke to the doctor and we both think it is to do with her period that she has not started yet
This discussion has been closed.