OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Janet - wow, just wow! It's a dang good thing I wasn't with you or you'd be bailing me out of jail and that clerk would be nursing a busted nose! Good god! How utterly ridiculous! I just hate that something like that happened to you, especially when you're not feeling well and it messed with your head like it did. You is kind. You is smart. You is important. And what's more; you is SKINNY! You're a much better person than I am. I'd have told her she could stuff her hat!

    Karla - great suggestion that Janet contact the corporate office directly rather than addressing it with someone at the store.

    Patti - I think I'm going to go by ALDI and look for the Pilates video. They no longer have a Pilates class at my Y. They probably do at some of the other metro OKC locations, but I don't want to have to drive across town. Enjoy your weekend and take a rest day!

    Cindy, Myra and Diane - thank you so much for your offers of insight and information. I look forward to it.

    Mary Lynn - congrats on the loss of both poundage and inches. I agree with the sentiment that inches mean more since they're what's visible to everyone else (except sales clerks at JJill)

    For everyone who's asked, the fur baby is doing much better. Having Dinky in the house so she has competition for her food bowl is doing Laci a world of good.

    Jessi is feeling much better today and in fact had intended to work for a half day, but she's home today at her boss's request. He didn't want her to push too hard and try to come back to work too quickly given how sick she's been. Smart man! He gets Dr Mom's seal of approval.

    Dave, Jessi and I are going to see the movie The Big Short tonight. Jessi and I are headed out to look for a skirt for me to wear to the Mardi Gras ball in Mobile next month. She's my fashion police.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Shoot! I forgot to thank Lisa for the instructions to add friends!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Well, I have 2717 steps in just walking in my house. It's says I have walked a mile! Go figure.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 577 Member
    edited January 2016
    "What should we call you? It sounds like you have fibromyalgia or some other form of auto-immune process. Have you ever tried following a diet plan for that disease. I know my hairdresser has fibro and Rheumatoid Arthritis and there are several foods she cannot eat, pork being the top of the list. She sticks to organic, non gmo and minimally processed foods as much as possible. Just some thoughts. Hope you come back and join in the conversation
    Jeanette is fine; or LivLovLrn...whichever is easier for you to remember/use. I had thought fibromyalgia was a possibility. Right now finances are tight, but I am hoping to get back to a doctor once things even out a bit.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 577 Member
    This board is a little overwhelming to me right now....thank you all for the warm welcome. I will try to jump in and keep up with you all. I really like the interaction
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    LivLovLrn wrote: »
    This board is a little overwhelming to me right now....thank you all for the warm welcome. I will try to jump in and keep up with you all. I really like the interaction

    I can appreciate that. no worries.... just post when/what you can. nobody here will judge you if you can't respond to each and every person. i can't either! :)
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Jeanette, please don't worry. Post when you feel up to it and read when you don't. One thing you'll learn here is that we all have ups and downs, chatty and quiet periods for a variety of reasons. We're just glad to have you. Take care.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. I was late arriving at the doctor's appointment, but all is good. I went by and pick a paycheck up and stayed for a little while to check on some issues. I then went by the credit union and BEST of all, I picked up Izzy, my four year old granddaughter. We have not seen her for two weeks!! Can you believe it? With her being sick and us being sick, it kept us all apart. We are taking her to tumbling at 5:15 and then going to have a brewski while we are waiting for her to finish.

    Patti- Nope, I obviously didn't see your note that you updated the roster, thank you. But I think we need to give Myra a chance at it also since she kindly asked. When you mention this noodles and chicken that you fix quite often, is that all it is, cooked chicken in noodles, or a soup or with veggies? What kind of noodles. They must be good because your Edd sure loves them. Pasta is dangerous for me, I can't control my portions very well. LOL.

    Oh Janet- Please try to go to the neighborhood social. Even if just for a few minutes, show your face. I bet they will be have bbq's and summer parties too. You may meet your next best friend there to go and do things with. Plus there is always the chance there is a lonely bachelor there too, or someone that knows one. I sure hope you try and go.

    Jeanette- Most of the drug companies have special discount cards for those that quality, an I know that Lyrica does, because I was on that before. I just can't stand the thought of you in pain all the time. We are a cohesive group here that really care.

    Suzi- What size do you wear? I have some absolutely gorgeous Mardi Gras gowns that I bet would fit you. From you being in Onederland, I know they would. I have a brown one that is out of this world as well as two green ones. Actually, the picture of me on here is one of the green ones. Would be fine with sharing them with you. They are really long on me so I know the length would be fine for you, being taller than I.

    Myra- Check out what Patti says above and she will let you keep her going on the roster.

    Patti- Do you mean post here in caps for our next goal, or on that board?

    Glenn should be home soon from work. He was so loving last night.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, too late to shower and get nice enough. I can't afford to join the club (gathering is at the clubhouse). It's OK -- am "meeting" neighbors through a FB page and just not up to going out tonight. And I do NOT want to miss two concerts, so it's all good.

    Enjoy your Izzy time -- she is such a mini-Karla. Can't believe it's been two weeks.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good afternoon and Happy Friday to you all!

    When I returned from my hike earlier, I discovered that hubby had baked a chocolate cake (yikes) My part is to prepare the chocolate icing and his to lick the beaters and bowl. Result: we each had a small piece for lunch. 235 calories worth! Personally I prefer a square of quality dark chocolate occasionally as a treat. I am married to a sweet tooth who always wants to bake and share. By logging everything and staying committed to exercise, I consider whether it is "worth it". Thankfully, he is totally okay with "no thanks". Respecting one another's efforts while honoring personal goals are really important to both of us. Fortunately we enjoy activity (both solo and joint) especially outside! Looking forward to our afternoon weight-lifting session after a siesta together. It is drizzly outside now and for the coming week and that makes us both pretty sleepy in the afternoon. During working years it was a struggle with a 3pm "low" ... often from poor lunch choices or stress perhaps.

    Okay, done ranting. Will check in again later. Have a wonderful Friday evening all!

  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Lisa - I had my son at WakeMed in Raleigh over 20 years ago! The only “tom bradshaw” i’ve heard of is the football player.

    Cindy - what did you think of curves? i’ve never joined one, but i’ve been a member of other gyms in the past.

    Suzi - I’m happy to hear that Dinky’s company is having a positive affect on Laci :) Enjoy tonight’s movie! I don’t go to many movies, but my sister does and she tells me about them.

    Bert - keep up those laps, you are doing great!

    Patti - you got to the roster/weekly goals before i could. You can hand over the job to me at any time, just let me know :) until then, I’m good with the ALL CAPS and giving you goals by sunday eve. by the way, what is TRX? I talked my sister into buying the same pilates dvd at aldi… we promised each other to start it on Sunday, hehe.

    Janet - I’m glad you called the corporate office. that sales associate needs a lesson in customer service! (or a kick in the butt) I hope you enjoy the concerts this weekend! Are you a musician? or do you really enjoy live concerts? i was a pianist in a former life ;)

    Tracy - looking forward to getting to know you

    Jeannette - looking forward to getting to know you as well. I have to admit… i was also thinking “autoimmune” as i read your first post. My mother has a mild form of Lupus, and my husband has psoriasis. He is on enbrel, and we get help from “enbrel support” to pay for it.

    MaryLynn - congrats on the pounds and the inch lost! all those hikes are paying off! My husband has a sweet tooth too, but he doesn’t bake, hehe.

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Myra, thank you so much for offering to help keep our board roster. I figured since it was so late in the week I would do it this time and let you jump in next week if that works for you.
    TRX is suspension training. It was developed by a Navy Seal, I think. Hard to describe but if you Google it there are some videos that show you the basics. It works every part of your body and uses your body as resistance. If it hadn't been for Tracy I would never have even considered trying it, now I hate missing a class. That is the beauty of having a WOB that is 20 years younger than me. She really pushes me and in a good way. I am so glad you and your sister are making a commitment to do the Pilates workout. The most important part is your breathing. Deep inhales on the non-effort parts and deep exhales on the effort parts. It takes practice, so go slowly and concentrate on getting your form correct. I have been blessed with the best Pilates instructor. I wish I lived near you so I could come over and coach you and your sister.

    Mary Lynn, my husband has a horrible sweet tooth, luckily he cannot bake and neither can I. Lately he has been buying sweets, hiding them in his car and then eating them after I go to bed. Not sure if he is hiding from me for my own good or so I don't say anything to him, lol.

    Karla, the chicken and noodles is basically a soup with carrots, celery, onions, garlic, chicken, chicken stock and Mrs Kluskies noodles or other thick noodles. I limit the amount of noodles. I am a pasta lover, but am finally able control my portions. One thing I have a handle on finally. Edd is not a pasta lover, but loves chicken and noodles...probably because I don't put a lot of noodles in it. Enjoy your Izzy time.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Jeanette, I did not mean to forget you. We are a force here with lots of opinions, advice and support. Do what works for you. We don't ever judge, our lives have been filled with judges haven't they? Post when the mood strikes or just read. It's all about the support. I do hope you soon get an answer to your chronic pain. I highly recommend you try a diet without pork, white sugar and as few processed foods as possible. It has made a major difference for my friend with RA and fibromyalgia. It is at least a place to start.

    Anyone who wants to change their mini goal for next week could you post it on this thread IN ALL CAPS by Sunday midnight so Myra can update the roster board. Thanks

  • BlessedBeyondMsr
    BlessedBeyondMsr Posts: 65 Member
    Evening ladies! Welcome Jeanette! I'm still here, just a very busy past couple of days with work, home and family. I am happy to report that I met my goals for this week: 4 cardio workouts, 3 strength training workouts and came in under my calories 5 days. :) The biggest challenge for me is coming in under my calorie goals on my non-workout days. I have to strictly watch every bite to do it. Non-cardio day today and went out to dinner tonight and made good choices, having a lunch portion size of salmon, rice and steamed broccoli and was able to still come in under my calorie goal for today, but no cookies tonight ;)

    I have to say this group has been very motivating for me so far! I needed to get in one more 15 minute strength training session tonight to meet my weekly goal and even though I didn't feel like it after dinner, I pushed thru and popped a DVD in and did it. I am such a goal setter and list checker offer! Just "had" to meet that weekly goal and checking in here to say " I did it" did, in fact, motivate me, so it's working for me.

    Saturday's start my cardio days all over again, so going to get that in after work tomorrow. Finally lost 1lb, which is big as I am getting very close to my goal weight. As I said, I have been on MFP on and off for 5 years. I have came within 1/2 lb twice, so this time I want to see what MFP "says" when you finally meet your goal :)

    Lisa: Sorry so late responding, but I do 3 days of strength training for 15 minutes each day. Upper body one day, lower body one day and abs on the 3rd. I try to hit every muscle in those 15 minutes, so it's a fast paced workout, but I'm amazed at how much you can accomplish in just 15 minutes if your not chatting it up at the gym. I used to spend an hour strength training, 5 days a week, working certain muscle groups on certain days and abs every time, but now that I'm a little older, I'm changing my strategy and trying to keep it simpler so that I will be consistent and successful. I vary my workouts and do them at the gym, home, or where I work. I mostly use free weights and body weight for resistance.

    Reading through, I just think everyone is doing great and the motivation level here is energizing and so positive. Keep up the great work ladies! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all - late check in here again. Today was another 13 hours day at work. Not going to vent this time, but it has exhausted me this week. Eating was fine until 4 pm when I realized I wasn't leaving any time soon, when I hit the vending machine for cookies:(. Then too tired to fix anything when I got home at 9, so had cheese and crackers and pretzels. I need to go track it all. At least I did get to the gym today.

    No personals tonight - will try to catch up tomorrow.
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Patti- thanks for the TRX explanation! I will take the pilates VERY slowly and carefully, or i'll get fussed at by my physical therapist (been there, done that). i wish you lived closer too! I've learned a lot about tuning into my body since starting classes at a yoga therapy studio about 6 mo. ago, so that will help. I know my weak abs lead to an over-arched lower back. sigh. I'll post the roster/plans/plan updates next Monday morning (no school, woohoo)

    Vikki- I'm glad being in this group is helping you :) i've had a bad couple of days myself, but i'm going to chalk it up to PMS, and forge ahead. I have kept to my OMG of logging it all, as painful as that may be, haha.

    Diane- I don't know how you do it. just reading about your long work days makes me tired! Keep your eye on that retirement prize! In the meantime, I hope your weekends are restful, yet provide enough time to prep ahead for the following week.

    goodnight all, i'm hitting the hay
    (ps: my husband is the "event planner" of this family.... if i'm AWOL until Sunday night.... I'm OK, just doing the family thing)
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I have a question, I have been getting messages from some of you in response to my posts. I don't see them here, just in my email. How do you do that? I love getting the words of encouragement but can't figure out how to respond in kind.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Diane and Myra - a quick reply here since it's so late to tell you both thank you for your messages. I'll reply to each of you with my details tomorrow. Thank you!!!!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, girls. Welcome to our members who have recently joined. I sometimes can't remember everyone's names, so I'll need to keep a tab open for the board that lists everyone's names until I can learn them.

    I didn't sleep very well last night. Was pretty restless. I'll work on that for this evening. I'm planning to go on my first post surgery outing with Mike when he gets home: a trip to the grocery store! I'm looking forward to getting some fruit in the house. He just sent me a message saying that it's slick outside, so I'm hoping it will be better this afternoon. NO falling for me! Have a great day!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert- glad you are doing so well. Don't lift anything heavy at the grocery store!!

    Patti- when you are in the email, scroll down some and there are three green tables, Reply, Delete and Block. Choose Reply and answer back. That's how I have always done it. I have been getting them from people outside of our group. One lady I think was hitting on me. LOL!!!


    Group challenge coming up on Monday. We have somewhat focused on our Fiber, we have definitely started moving and increasing our metabolism, and we are so kind to each other on this board, and hopefully to ourselves. I will have a new acronym, since they are so catchy and everyone seems to enjoy them, for us Monday. We still devote ourselves to our personal mini goals, but I like to keep an optional group challenge going too.


    Izzy kept me up until almost 1a. I must confess I was watching Cinderella on Starz. The version that came out last year. I took Izzy to see it at the theatre, but she was just too small and it is really not a small child version. Lord, the costumes were out of this world. Two actors from the Downton Abbey are in it. Daisy from the kitchen and Lady Rose played Cinderella, Ella, so beautifully. I'm hoping Glenn returns from work in time for Monica and I to meet at the nail salon. She gave me a gift card and the condition was we went together. We have been friends since our kids were 9yo and now they are 36!

    Back later on, working on getting my steps. My BFF, Sharon, in Panama City, is kicking my butt on steps this week. LOL.
