

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    30 min exercise- Done

    Happy Day, Snoozie! super good on the goals!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    working on just one goal a day for me T lol.... and congrats on having made yours today already!!! great job!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Had to work a few hours this morning ,I was going to walk past the gym and not ride the bike ......Thankfully, I didn't listen to me...... I got in :smile: 45 minutes - Done!!

    Thanks for the info on editing the feeds, Suzanne.
    I also changed my streak count to reflect that I have been using MFP since 2011,
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Sheepishly checking in here - about all I'm managing to do at the moment is keep from gaining any more! Not much motivation at the moment.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Been there many times ....and there a lot to be said for maintaining, Vailara.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Good morning ladies! Gail and Snoozie- looks like you are off to a great start this new year! Good to see you Patrice and Carol and I hear ya Vailera- I am checking in sheepishly myself.

    My overall goal for the new year is to be more aware of and pay more attention to my body and commit to making healthy choices. I seem to be lacking the true motivation and follow through presently, so back to baby steps for me. Love the one day one goal idea Snooozie :)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good to see you Susan! excellent goals IMO ... because they are I think the very foundation of what helps us make some changes, and therefore the most difficult! (For me, anyway as the awareness of my body and what i'm putting it in to fuel it often gets forgotten when i let simple bad habits or moments of "wants" take over). So making paying attention and awareness a priority seems to be the perfect place to start IMO.

    the scales were down 1/2 lb today (my once a week weigh in0 but I've been flat on my back for the past 2 days with back/leg probs, which is probably one of the reasons I managed to lose a bit but not the pound a week I'm aiming for. But being incapacitated to such a degree did help remind me that without our health; everything else is pretty much immaterial. I'm grateful i'm able to get around a bit today and in much less pain, but know Ill be battling the "woe is me' comfort cravings so your post along with the "ouchies" will help remind me what's important!

    as for the motivation and follow through Vail and Susan.. motivation is like a wave it ebbs and flows; perhaps you're simply in a "flow" period right now, but remember the ebb always happens in nature, AND so it will for each of us - it's just a matter of when, not if. :)

    I am finding the simplicity of one goal a day is working well for me; I chose my homemade veggie soup one day over a less good choice simply because it happened to be the day I had set a goal to get in 4-5 veggies LOL.. I admit it was not the preferred choice at the time, but looking back was very glad I stuck with my one goal for that day, and its funny because every time I put something in my mouth, I think of whatever goal I've set, so I guess that's helping me be more aware of what i'm doing overall too..

    Look forward to hearing from others as we move forward into a new year, with every day being a new opportunity to get what we want for ourselves. :)

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited January 2016
    I happened to see a pretty good video today; will stick with the readers digest version but basically, was somewhat similar to the In Defense of Food documentary ... only short and sweet LOL. As well, it also addressed CICO as not the actual key to weight loss (like some other theories) because its the KIND of calories we ingest that our bodies process and use for fuel... but not like the usual way we usually heat that theory... where the "type of calorie" is important because protein/fat/carbs all burn at different rates....etc..

    this talked about how using calorie counts wont work because the calories we are choosing to eat all come from processed foods filled with chemicals.. which our bodies simply arent' designed to consume.

    this was basically saying simply that we've all become brainwashed by advertising and marketing (through no fault of our own - they excel at it!) to thinking that it's just calories that make the difference - but it pointed out the fact that all these frozen dinners, 100 calorie pack "snacks", low fat this, articifical sweeteners, etc... that all of these are made up of a myriad of chemicals, NONE of which our bodies can actually digest (and were never designed to digest)... as opposed to calories from real food which our bodies were absolutely designed to digest and do a good job of breaking down and using everything...

    They used one example of many CICO dieters given a choice between a real banana and a pkg of 100 cal cookies...or any 100 cal snack.. based on our mindset of CICO.. when asked which would be a better choice, most people watching their weight said they would NOT choose the banana because although fruit, it was much higher in calories and higher in natural sugars, therefore they would choose the snack pkg .. but when reading the ingreds of those, there were a lot of 12 letter words (dextramethorfane or whatever lol) NONE of which can be processed by our bodies... so they are left hanging around us in FAT cells..cause they don't know what else to do with them...

    anyway.... i'm not explaining it well i'm sure.. BUT in a nutshell it suggested simply eating real food instead of processed would negate the need to calorie count at all...

    another example was a salad dressing advertised as an excellent choice for watching your weight; but the ingredients were all 12 letter words again... and again simply emphasized your body was designed to use actual food as fuel, and to efficeiently use or discard what it needs or doesn't need from it.. but it was not designed to take in all the chemicals and preservatives and stuff we put in it cause we're told it's good for us or will help us lose weight or gain nutrition or whtever

    it also touched on the insulin levels being affected by all the proessed stuff too of course.. and that as we know, insulin spikes result in fat cells being created because our bodies cant process all the "sugars" either.. and how by eating real food much of the insulin spikes can also be avoided... it was an interesting video I must say.... and one funny part was talking about how it's possible for something like a loaf of bread or a bag of croutons... to have 10-12 ingedients, most of which are 12 letter words too LOL... when really..... the croutons should simply have one ingred: stale bread. and the bread.... well.... ya know..

    anyway definitely has made me think about reading INGREDIENT labels a lot more than nutrition labels right now... and trying to think of eating "real food" instead whenever I find myself reaching for something I think is ok because its "DIET" stuff... blech.....

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    And to follow up on Snoozie's post:

    Diet soda (although we've all given it up I'm sure) is filled with empty chemicals... it's better to have the one real soda.. because without the "white sugar" your body will crave, hence why we go for the candy bar, etc. really quickly...

    And another thing that I've learned along the journey is that when they take out sugar, they tend to add fat... "for taste"

    And that when they take out fat... they add sugar...

    Ugh.. never ending cycle...

    Love you ladies... we're all in this together... <3

    Carol B)

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    I've read the same article before Snooozie- thanks for the reminder. They talked a lot about the evils of processed foods as well as fried foods at Canyon Ranch as well when I was there a few years ago. I find what these wise people and articles are saying to be 100% true for me at least. For instance, I tried Jenny Craig twice in my life, stuck to the program like glue, and didn't lose a single pound. Well guess what, Jenny Craig food is 100% processed food. It's kind of scary just how much processed food is out there , and how much easier and more convienient it can be to eat it, but I have always found that I have the most success when I eat whole unprocessed foods along with monitoring my calories and getting in exercise. Thanks again for the reminder :)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    i agree Susan.... find I'm asking myself sometimes now .... can my body recognize what i'm about to put into it.... and on occasion it's helped as I picture my stomach saying what the HELL is this and WHAT am I supposed to do with it?????????? :)

    saw this today and thought hmmm... good reminder for me to put on the fridge LOL!!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    The gym's been out of order... adding more machines in a bigger space....but they put my bike ( and I stress ...Mine!!) lol off in the corner , all machines facing outside, which is nice you can see outside.. but ...NO TV!! How can I ride with no TV!! oh, well ,guess I can bring out the earphones and mix it up with some music.

    Still trying to follow low carb for the T2D.....no weight loss yet.

    Drinking unsweetened Green tea - Done!

    Hope you have an awesome day.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Love the diet tip Snooozie :smiley:
    Great job hanging in there with the low carbs and your green tea today Time2 :smiley:
    I had a good day today- yay.! My New Years goal is to pay more attention to my body, so while paying attention to my current habits, I'm realizing that I've gotten back to eating out too much and struggling the most in the evenings, so today I made sure to go the grocery store and cooked a healthy dinner tonight which was my goal for today.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yay! Me! I know I said this before, but I have not seen anything under 230 in over 5 years!! Can't wait to see it drop some more! 226 this morning, I know it will fluctuate up to 230 again, but I am see-sawing my way down.....

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi, Seehe, I was so excited, I forgot to say hello. Great job with planning to eat in.
    Hi, Snoozie,
    Hi, Carol
    Hi, Patrice
    Hello to all the 3 or 4 of you out there....lol
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Gail/Susan - well, my morning as I'm on midnites and have just woken up - hopped on the scale (Thurs my weigh day now - no loss this week) then sat down with my coffee, logged into MFP and what did I see?? Gail's post with 3 pounds LOST!!!

    :) woooooo hoooooo What a fabulous thing to see to just make my day Gail! Huge congrats my friend.. huge congrats!!!

    You have been making all these changes to old habits, and implementing the LC choices for your blood sugars.. and I know you've been a little frustrated at not seeing any results... but there they are - your 3lb reward Gail!! :) Living proof that small changes and CONSISTENCY will produce results.. we know weight loss isn't linear, it won't happen when we WANT it to, but consistently sticking with those changes you make WILL get you what you want.. I'm so happy for you, so proud of you!! Doing the happy feet dance in my jammies!! Well done Gail.. well done!! (and no wonder you were too excited to say hello.... you said you haven't seen your weight that low in 5 years??? awesome accomplishment Gail.. AWESOME!!! you not only CAN do this.. you ARE doing it!! hugs and well done!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Susan - so glad to hear you had a good day!! honestly, I love when I can say that so congrats!!

    I can totally relate to the evening thing... an the eating out too much.. I know I haven't been consistent with my own changes this week so i'm not surprised no loss in the weight department.. I find i'm still making "excuses" (i.e. i'm on midnights.. i'll wait til dayshift) and realizie i'm slipping back into that bad mindset of a "diet" (stop/start/stop/start) rather than just focusing on what I put in my mouth every time I open it!!

    and as for the eating too much; I totally understand... I am eating way past hunger; so am going to return to what worked for me before; eating 1/2 a sandwich at a time... then the other half an hour later if i'm hungry, and stopping when i'm not hungry any more instead of cleaning my plate.. or eating because i'm just bored.

    I pulled out some pictures of me from my phone of when I hit my goal weight to help me remember how I FELT then... not so much how I looked, but how good I felt - and put one on my fridge... am hoping seeing it will help me remember every day that THAT is my main goal.. to be at a weight I am comfortable with because that's where I feel best :)
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Hello ladies. My goal for today is 10,000 steps. My doctor invited me to a fitbit challenge for the weekend along with a few other of her patients. Hope I make it!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Patrice - how did the challenge go this weekend????? Just saw your post about 3 lbs down. wooo hooo !!!!!!!!!!! excellent work my friend.. excellent!! :)
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Not so good on the challenge. Had the best of intentions but... My husband whisked me away in the car for the day on Saturday and it was pouring rain all day Sunday. Poor performance last weekend :( Hopefully this weekend will be better...