Did you swim today?



  • sjbuescher
    sjbuescher Posts: 45 Member
    good swim today.

    5X100 warm up
    5X100 IM drills with fins
    15X100 free on 2:00
    400 kick with fins
    100 cool down
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Downloaded an app yesterday that uses stability ball to do core training. Very sore today! It's the Greg Brookes Stability Ball workout if anyone is interested. After my experience of vertical kick on Saturday I thought I'd better do something!

    Couldn't swim last night as we got an email saying the pool was closed due to a "Code Brown" - the joys of a school based pool!! :astonished:
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @emmab0902 "Code Brown" A great reason to stay away for a few days.

    1200m at noon today, 500m Front and Breast + 200m Back.
    Was civilized even though the schools are still on Teachers Convention Break. Hope to get out for a run tonight in the fresh snow = a blanket of white.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    No. No laps. I signed up to bring dinner to my cousin and his family. his wife has breast cancer. I feel so grateful for my healthy, strong body. So incredibly grateful :heart:
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    46:35 1650 Total slacker workout. I just kinda put my head down and went for long slow distance. It felt great.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    2700 in ~72:00
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    edited March 2016
    Today was just a tough hour long training session with the school kids.
    I need to check my garmin swim to figure out all the stuff we were doing. But it was basically tons of 50 m sprints in all the four strokes on very short intervals/ rest intervals!
    My butterfly strength is a pale shadow of what it was when my long swims would comprise of IM throughout! And my backstroke is pitiful and ending up on the opposite side (widthwise) of where I started is not unusual!
    Anyway, it was just a physically draining session, but this is the new challenge I wanted, so I'm sticking with it!!!
    When my knees are aching after a training session, I know it must have been particularly tough! And boy are they aching LOL
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    45 mins

    (Body on a bit of a go-slow at the moment. Hey ho. )

    I'm glad you are able to support your family Curly....that will mean a lot to them x
  • 60sPanda
    60sPanda Posts: 303 Member
    No swimming today, but yesterday was a good swim. 2km in 40 mins - back on form.
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    1 Mile @ 68 minutes
  • nuffer
    nuffer Posts: 402 Member
    2300y in 53 minutes, a few sprints thrown in. I was the only lap swimmer in the pool with a lane to myself. Trying to get lots of pool time this week before heading across the Atlantic for twelve days. Need to try and find a pool in Dublin!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    2700 / 72 minutes
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited March 2016
    A great swim today at practise/lessons ( only 4 people in this session ). Started with
    4x50m descending stroke count-maintain speed.
    4x60 strokes Maximum Distance - Minimum Time. ( Love this Drill )

    Then the fun really began >:) . Front Crawl Paced Ladder sets
    25m-10s rest, 50m-15sr, 75m-15sr, 100m-20sr, 125m-20sr, 100m-20sr --- 25m-10sr. ( 625m)

    100m easy - Breast Stroke

    Back Stroke Ladders; 25m-15sr, 50m-20sr, 75m-20sr, 75m-20sr --- 25m-15sr. ( 300m )

    100m BBQ Kick Drill. Then some flip turn practise - Front and Back Stroke. Not going fast enough on my backstroke and could never get the timing right to roll into Front crawl for 1 stroke and then flip.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    emmab0902 wrote: »
    No swimming today BUT just booked flights and accommodation for the Australasian Police and Emergency Services Games in Australia in October. And entered the World Masters Games to be held in New Zealand in April 2017!

    @emmab0902 WoHo - where in Australia?
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Got my 20 laps in (+ one for Gutzy)... Took me a while. I was trying to work on form, and not worry too much about time.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    emmab0902 wrote: »
    No swimming today BUT just booked flights and accommodation for the Australasian Police and Emergency Services Games in Australia in October. And entered the World Masters Games to be held in New Zealand in April 2017!

    @emmab0902 WoHo - where in Australia?

    Sunshine Coast - Kawana Aquatic Centre :smiley:
  • aliciamariaq
    aliciamariaq Posts: 272 Member
    3.1km in 90 min
    400 warm up
    8x50 backstroke kick
    4x100 IM on 2min
    4x (150slow+100medium+50fast) on 2min per 100m
    4x100 IM on 2 min
    300 cool down
    Best part -- the first set of 4x100 IMs I did them all exactly at the same time as I did at the swim meet a couple of weeks ago!! And I wasn't even going all out. Sadly, couldn't keep it up at the end of the evening when we did the second set of 4x100.
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    Nope. Was planning to go tonight with a friend - but my body not up to much at mo. Oh well... Hopefully if i soak it in sleep over the weekend I'll get over this lull soon. Disappointed.

  • nuffer
    nuffer Posts: 402 Member
    Power outage earlier in the day + winds too blustery to deploy the pool cover + buckets of cold rain = a surprisingly cold water temp when I jumped in last night. Excellent motivation to start off at a brisk pace. Only 2300 yds due to &$%!## calf cramps but until those set in, a very pleasant and (for me) brisk session.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Disaster swim!!
    3000m in 60 minute session

    8x50 as swim/kick/pull/swim x2

    Three times through the following:
    4×100 free
    100 easy
    3x50 kick as free/back/br
    3x50 pull

    The first time through the 100s were on 1.40, second time on 1.35 and third time on 1.30.

    200 warmdown

    Really demoralised how slow and unfit I've got but I guess that's what happens when you haven't trained properly since the beginning of December. :cry: