
  • lulloa
    lulloa Posts: 148 Member
    I live in Belgium and it rains almost everyday but today we have had sun all day long plus it's 46F. It's been an amazing day. :) Keep up the great work Team 1.
  • berylw49
    berylw49 Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning, all. I'm catching up on my logging, and can someone remind me which roadblock is the Greek food? I have a vegan Greek yogurt every morning so I think that counts...!

    Sorry to those of you with bad weather in your areas. It's been gorgeous in NYC the last couple days--low 70s and sunny. I took advantage last night and walked all the way home from work (about 90 minutes). Of course I added those minutes to my exercise total as well!

    I'm so glad to be a part of this team and friends with so many of you as well. I've been on mfp for years but never used the app in a social way until now. What a difference!
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    In the middle of a wind storm here! We've lost power at our house but I already got my workout in so it's all good!
  • berylw49
    berylw49 Posts: 68 Member
    Stay safe, Rose! You're in BC, right? Are you near Vancouver? That's where my family lives.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    berylw49 wrote: »
    Good morning, all. I'm catching up on my logging, and can someone remind me which roadblock is the Greek food? I have a vegan Greek yogurt every morning so I think that counts...!

    It is roadblock 2. Just had to go back and look it up.

  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    berylw49 wrote: »
    Stay safe, Rose! You're in BC, right? Are you near Vancouver? That's where my family lives.

    Yes, about an hour east of Vancouver. I hear North Vancouver is the hardest hit, which is typical since it's right on the coast. I hope your family has power! Thankfully we still have power at work. And there are no trees around here that I have to worry about :neutral:
  • berylw49
    berylw49 Posts: 68 Member
    berylw49 wrote: »
    Good morning, all. I'm catching up on my logging, and can someone remind me which roadblock is the Greek food? I have a vegan Greek yogurt every morning so I think that counts...!

    It is roadblock 2. Just had to go back and look it up.

  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Well, I am bracing myself for the hard morning ahead. Like Rose, I have someone having a birthday in my office today and we always have some kind of cake, etc. However, I have made up my mind that I am going to be strong because my team is strong and I will resist that temptation. I have pledged to you all and expect you to hold me accountable later this morning or definitely by lunch time (should be happening around 9:30 CST). The hard part is that since we are such a small office, we all gather in the kitchen and have to socialize while this is going on. My plan of attack is to already have eaten breakfast and either be eating a piece of fruit or a Greek yogurt while I am in there. Wish me luck!!

    SUCCESS!!! Thank you guys for helping me out. :smiley: This whole team thing is definitely a help. You feel you don't want to let the others down. I hope this is what gets me through to May 10 (and hopefully beyond).
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    Well, I am bracing myself for the hard morning ahead. Like Rose, I have someone having a birthday in my office today and we always have some kind of cake, etc. However, I have made up my mind that I am going to be strong because my team is strong and I will resist that temptation. I have pledged to you all and expect you to hold me accountable later this morning or definitely by lunch time (should be happening around 9:30 CST). The hard part is that since we are such a small office, we all gather in the kitchen and have to socialize while this is going on. My plan of attack is to already have eaten breakfast and either be eating a piece of fruit or a Greek yogurt while I am in there. Wish me luck!!

    SUCCESS!!! Thank you guys for helping me out. :smiley: This whole team thing is definitely a help. You feel you don't want to let the others down. I hope this is what gets me through to May 10 (and hopefully beyond).

    Well done! You should be very proud of yourself :smiley:
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    So nice to see everybody so pumped up ! Good job everyone!
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    In the middle of a wind storm here! We've lost power at our house but I already got my workout in so it's all good!

    Hope your power is back on soon!
  • llmg970
    llmg970 Posts: 257 Member
    It was a long day. Very busy at work. Rainy at lunch time so no walk for me today. I plan to go to the gym tomorrow and walk at lunchtime
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    Not sure when the power came on at home, but it was on at work all day and my hubby said it was all good when he got home in the afternoon. I heard on the news that some lady in another city near Vancouver got killed when a tree fell right through her house. That's just so scary to think about! Hubby also said his car was hit by a flying branch on his way to work :/ I'm happy that's the worst that happened to us. The power was out at his work all day!
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Glad you're all right!
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    Good morning team, catching up on everyone's posts. I, also, love how motivating it is to hear about everyone's daily struggles and success. After being in the sugarhouse 11 hours straight I did not want to come home and do the arm challenge. But, I thought of you all and just got it over with. As for the squats, I did them on and off all day because I was working alone. My legs are sore, hurts so good though. Have a great day. Team 1 is awesome!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    God morning team. I echo pam's thoughts too. It is amazing how the team dynamic can help you to stay motivated. Me and hubby are heading out of town this morning. I will do my best to try to squeeze in what I can when I can. I know at a minimum I want to complete squat, arm, and accountability pieces while I'm gone. I am however taking workout clothes so if there's a gym at the hotel hopefully I can convince myself to go. I will try my best to stay within calorie ranges but I will definitely keep on tracking! Here's to everyone having a Fabulous Friday!!
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    llmg970 wrote: »
    Bad news hubby convinced me to skip the gym good news he wanted to take a walk. Went for 2.5 miles took 45 minutes. There are still pockets of cold air so every so often i got a chill but otherwise felt great being outsdoors so much today

    Hubby wanted to take a walk, I'd call that a NSV!! ;)
  • lulloa
    lulloa Posts: 148 Member
    Wanted to share my proud moment. I ran 4.6 miles today. I'm slowly able to run longer distance.
  • cjborkowski
    cjborkowski Posts: 181 Member
    lulloa wrote: »
    Wanted to share my proud moment. I ran 4.6 miles today. I'm slowly able to run longer distance.

    That's a great achievement! I've never been a runner but admire those that do run. I even subscribed to a running magazine for awhile & loved reading about it!!

    Sorry to hear of all the bad weather some of you have been dealing with, glad you're all safe!

    I've been walking everyday this week. Tuesday I stopped at daughters place & we walked a lovely trail that went around two ponds. I love walking near water, I feel so much more relaxed & enjoy my walk!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    lulloa wrote: »
    Wanted to share my proud moment. I ran 4.6 miles today. I'm slowly able to run longer distance.
    Awesome job!! Every achievement we can reach is definitely worth sharing and celebrating!! Feel proud today!!