Daily check in



  • irishjeepgirl1969
    irishjeepgirl1969 Posts: 188 Member
    I agree, Ab, that these are victories. But it's pretca n easy in public. Feels like everybody is always watching the fat girl eat. The real battle begins when I get home with my plate of leftover cookies. I managed to not touch them last night, but only because they were burned :) (hubby made them. I told him I couldn't, that I couldn't control myself).

    Today....gonna try a new strategy! I got a variety of crunchy veg and fruit. I'm going to cut them up and package them in serving size containers so that when I have to eat, the good for me stuff is ready. No excuses. If there's grapes or broccoli ready to eat, maybe I can start breaking some of my crappy food habits.
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    Great job Irish! I made it through my nephews birthday party without eating any pizza, cake, or chips. Trying really hard to avoid any gluten since it seems to make my body go crazy. Mostly just ate veggies without dip and some cubed cheese. I wasn't really hungry most of the day yesterday. Currently 4 days without a binge.
  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    Thanks for letting me join the group :). Maryam Elizabeth
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    Thanks for letting me join the group :). Maryam Elizabeth

    You are welcome, also welcome. Take a look around at the posts and if you feel comfortable introduce yourself either on the welcome thread or create a new post. I Joe out find lots of information and support here.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Mike, I think your spell checker may be dyslexic. :D
  • irishjeepgirl1969
    irishjeepgirl1969 Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks for letting me join the group :). Maryam Elizabeth

    Welcome! Lots of support and silliness here.

    NSV to report!! My jeans that did not fit a month ago FIT! I've got 'em on, zipped, buttoned, and I can still breathe, too! Even sitting down, I can breathe.

    Take that, you stupid scale >:)

  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    That's amazing, congrats! So I know what NSV means, but what does it actually stand for?!
  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    NSV = Non Scale Victory :)
  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    edited March 2016
    Thank you mweckler and irishjeepgirl1969 :)
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    NSV = Non Scale Victory :)

    OH! Thanks for clearing that up, I've been trying to figure out the acronym forever!
  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    No worries, I had to ask too when I heard it
  • mweckler
    mweckler Posts: 623 Member
    I stand by what my phone posted and joe is new slang for hope. Lol
  • irishjeepgirl1969
    irishjeepgirl1969 Posts: 188 Member
    That being the case, I am very joeful about the upcoming week.

    BTW, calendar eating should be encouraged. That's fiber, my friends!!!
  • daniellethesheep
    daniellethesheep Posts: 117 Member
    Bad day for me today. Ended my week (Monday-Sunday) with 2 binge days, instead of 3-5 which is usually where I'm at. My non binge days I ate more than I usually do and today was REALLY bad so I probably gained. This sucks
  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    Bad day for me today. Ended my week (Monday-Sunday) with 2 binge days, instead of 3-5 which is usually where I'm at. My non binge days I ate more than I usually do and today was REALLY bad so I probably gained. This sucks

    Tomorrow is a new day and a new week. Try to dust off what happened last week and start with a fresh beginning :)
  • irishjeepgirl1969
    irishjeepgirl1969 Posts: 188 Member
    Bad day for me today. Ended my week (Monday-Sunday) with 2 binge days, instead of 3-5 which is usually where I'm at. My non binge days I ate more than I usually do and today was REALLY bad so I probably gained. This sucks

    Am I reading you correctly? You binged, but not as many days as usual? If I am reading you correctly, then you need to celebrate! You are making strides in the right direction!!! Positivity breeds more of the same. Love yourself enough to acknowledge a victory <3

  • daniellethesheep
    daniellethesheep Posts: 117 Member
    Idk I feel like it's certainly not worth celebrating because I ate so much more than usual. I would have been better off binging more days for less calories
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    The last two days have gone well for me. Not logging my food and adding a lot of fruit has made a big difference. I had developed a fear of fruits and veggies because of the carbs, so not logging on the day of makes me feel not so bad. Plus, then if I exceed calories I'm less likely to binge. I have not exceeded my calories, and have come in quite a bit lower than I should. Usually the start of my eating week goes well though (usually Saturdays and Sundays), so this could just be the usual pattern. But I feel like it's different. Reintroducing fruit and vegetables I think will help me a lot.

    Day 3 is where I usually binge, if I've had good days. I also usually binge on internship days, and today is one of them. So I'm going to try really hard to keep working hard and not log on MFP until the following day, and just keep tracking food weight and stuff my personal food journal. There's a good chance I overeat today, but if I overeat and am not aware of the calories maybe it won't turn into a binge. I am also allowing myself oatmeal today, which I never do. I brought some fun things to mix into it so it'll give me something to look forward to in a controlled environment at my internship. I've decided that's a good place to reintroduce fear foods, because I can't binge there since everything is open (even the fridge and small kitchen area). So maybe that will make me more comfortable with those foods so that eventually I can eat them at home in controlled portions. Also, I am only buying single portions (from the bulk aisle) so I don't have more to binge on when I am there.

    Anyway, sorry for rambling. I really hope I can get through Day 3. I feel like this bingeing cycle should be ending sometime soon anyway since it's been three months and intense binge cycles don't usually go longer than that for me, so I am really hoping this is it.
  • msty112
    msty112 Posts: 199 Member
    You can do this @ab6046!! Monday's are always bug stressor days for me also. I also have to go grocery shopping which gets alittle scary sometimes. I just have to control my emotions and think about how good it has felt not to binge for 5 days.
  • ab6046
    ab6046 Posts: 371 Member
    Thank you! Congratulations, five days binge free is incredible! You can definitely conquer the grocery store.