Bob Lamb - OMAD 9/6/2015



  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Golden Corral sounded great. Sounds like you have quite an exercise routine down.

    When I started omad, I justed walked. I was about 60 lbs overweight. After I lost a lot, I started weights and am now running a little. If much overweight, you have to be really careful exercising because it is easy to injure yourself. Swimming and stationary biking are about the safest things to do. Walking is great if weight is low enough. Don't run tell your close to goal weight!

    When you exercise you get a little bit of temporary inflammation that causes you to retain a little water and you can gain some muscle. It will apear to you on the scale as weight gain even though you are losing fat. Be careful with this so don't get discouraged. You will notice your clothes getting looser though. After a month or so these effects go away and you will see weight loss. Without omad and if you are exercising, you could totally eat more cals due to appetite increase and not lose. With omad you control that better but in the end you have to have deficits to lose, not every day but most days.

    I had about 5 days last week where I ate early which is very unusuall for me. I put on 4 lbs. Two days back on omad and it was all gone! One more day and I was down a lb! It was mostly just food weight and I was back really quick. Shows you can splurge once in awhile and not do too much damage, but most of the time we have to be working at it. My point is, don't freak out it you have a bad day or two and just get working at it again!

    I do enjoy my splurge days and golden corral was very good!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member

    Salmon, lettuce, and rice with Japanese rice sprinkles, yum. Wife and daughter's made some brownies so I'm going to have one of those also.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    edited February 2016

    Start Weight/Height/Age/Start Date:
    252 / 6'1" / 54 / 06 Sept 2015

    Weekly Weight Loss:
    4, 3, 3, 1, 3, (1), 5, 3, 2, 2, 1, (2), 4, 1, 2, (2), 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1

    Total Weight Loss:
    39-lbs / 25-wks

    Current Weight:

    Week's Comments:
    Last week low was 214 on wed I think. This last Mon I was up to 218! By Wed I was down to 213 for a 1-lb weekly loss. That was crazy. I think I had stored a lot of water for some reason.

    Friday (yesterday) I lifted weghts for 50 min and biked for 20. I did it in the morning because I had a scout outing that night. That night ended up playing about 45 min of full court basketball. Hammered today (Saturday) because of it. Just walked today.
    I ran 8 laps (8/8.9 of a mile) at a 9:06 min per mile pace at med effort on thurs and was at 9:17 min per mile for 7 laps on Mon so I'm improving!

    After I do my continuous run I do 4x1-lap hard/ 1 lap easy also which takes 11 to 12 min so getting in about 20 min of running so far in a workout.

    That's it!
  • vrojapu
    vrojapu Posts: 268 Member
    "That's it!"

    That's AWESOME!!!
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Excellent, Bob!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Thanks for kind comments. At 54, a little basketball hammers me. those scouts can go for ever, rest a few minutes and do it again! I hope to get better but I'm afraid those days are behind me.
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    wow, your really doing awesome!!! So proud of you Bob! =)
  • Abm4n
    Abm4n Posts: 529 Member
    well done, great progress!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member

    Lost one lb for the week. Was a weird week. I'm having problems with bonking during weights so I decided to experiment with eating either lunch or breakfast on weight days since I'm having that problem and am getting closer to goal weight. I want to go fasted as long as possible so that would mean lunch but I also don't want much in my stomach so that meant eat breakfast. I decided to eat breakfast and did that Thurs, Fri, and Sat. Thurs and Sat I had 4xscrambled eggs with cheese and a glass of milk. Fri I ate about 8 oz of salmon and glass of milk. Doing these breafasts made me get very hungry at about 2:00 pm (more so than fasting). Ate some peanuts on Friday at lunch time and it made me feel yucky a couple of hours later like I get when I get a carb crash. Ate a spoonful of coconut oil on the other two days in the afternoon and didn't get any crash. All those days had good weight workouts. Since I ate so much I thought I would weigh a lot by Sun morn which is usually my heaviest day (I have a cheat Saturday and usually eat a fair amount from Fri night to Sat night - had a bunch of deep dish pizza Fri night). Anyways Sun morn, instead of having gained two to three lbs like I usually do, I had lost a lb for the week! I don't think that has happened before. This next week, I'm going to experiment with eating a salad with protein/fat (little to no carbs) for lunch and skip the breakfasts. I'm planning on doing that Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri which are days I do weights. Wed and Sun I will do the OMAD routine (3-hr eating window in the eve, carbs ok). Saturday I can do whatever I want. Workouts progressing both cardio and lifting.

    I envisioned, when I had reached goal weight, doing a fast from bed tell noon on Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, going OMAD Sun and Wed, and having a free day on Sat. I wasn't planning on doing this tell I had gotten to goal weight but am going to experiment with it now to help with weight sessions. If it affects weight loss negatively, I will adjust.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    You really are a technician, Bob. You have engineered yourself down to darn-near a science. Each of your updates shed more light on just how well a metabolism can be molded into conformity.
  • Missbricker
    Missbricker Posts: 29 Member
    Congratulations on the weight loss and muscle gain. You sound like you got this!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    edited March 2016

    Starting Weight, Height, Age, Start Date:
    252 / 6'1" / 54 / 06 Sept 2015

    Weekly Weight Loss:
    4, 3, 3, 1, 3, (1), 5, 3, 2, 2, 1, (2), 4, 1, 2, (2), 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

    Total Weight Loss:
    41-lbs / 27-wks

    Current Weight:

    Week's Comments:
    Lost one lb for the week. Mon tried a lunch, didn't like it in the belly running. Tues tried a breakfast and snacked on peanuts and felt like a carb or allergy bonk or something. Both day's workouts were good though performance-wise. Wed and Thurs OMAD, Friday ate lunch with co-workers and today is my cheat day.

    On Thurs I tried eating a little coconut oil (about 1TBS over 1/2 hour) at around 2:00 pm cause I was getting really hungry and thought my workout might be compromised. Hunger went away! Felt like I could concentrate well at work. Later at about 4:30, felt great while running and my performance improved a lot! I went from about about an 8:30 min per mile pace 1st mile whereas on Monday my 1st mile was about an 8:50 min per mile pace. I was running with daughter and that could have been a factor but it didn't feel any more difficult than the 8:50 pace on Monday.

    I really feel better not eating the breakfast cause it makes me hungry and I get crash feelings (could have been the peanuts possibly?). I don't want to eat at lunch either cause I want a near empty stomach to run on so I think I'm going to experiment with the coconut oil some more. Coconut oil is all fat and your body can make quick keytones out of it which the brain likes as well as supplying more energy that I'm probably not getting fast enough from metabolizing my own fat cause I'm not in full keytosis and cause I think the body is starting to get stingy with stored glycogen once fasted for awhile (that's my philosophy anyways). It is not supposed to be bad for us. If I like it, I will get some blood panels to make sure I'm not screwing up cholesterol and triglycerides. I want to try that for reasons mentioned and to also stay in the small amount of keytosis I'm in for longer period (until I eat at night where I probably go all the way out of keytosis due to me eating lots of carbs). That's it!
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Your progress just keeps coming. Not at all surprised!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    edited March 2016
    Week 28 Report:

    Date: 3/19/16

    Start Weight/Height/Age/Start Date:
    252 / 6'1" / 54 / 06 Sept 2015

    Weekly Weight Loss:
    4, 3, 3, 1, 3, (1), 5, 3, 2, 2, 1, (2), 4, 1, 2, (2), 0, 3, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0

    Total Weight Loss:
    41-lbs / 28-wks

    Current Weight:

    Weeks Comments:
    Was at 211 on Wed morning (same as my low for last week). Had to stay late at work. Got Popeyes for dinner. Thurs morn weighed 214! Must be salty stuff (had a couple of glasses of hi-C fruit punch also). Today (Sat) was only down to 212 so didn't lose any for the week. O well, see what happens next week (I report the lowest weight for the week). I think that Popeyes stuff must stay in the guts for a long time. I used to have that weekly for lunch and that was my 1st since I started this diet. Didn't eat any breakfasts or lunches for the week except today which is my off day.

    Today went and walked/ran along the shoreline trail by Layton Utah in the Wasatch mts. Walked when was real steep up and down and jogged the rest for total of 57 min. I probably jogged more than 30 minutes of it (between 9 to 10 min miles I'm guessing) and the steep uphill parts felt harder walking than the level did jogging. That is by far the most I've run in a very long time. Was knackered by it and took a 2-hr nap this afternoon! Exciting to be able to run a little!

    Noticed that my resting heart rate when fasted is between 40-45 beats/min and when I'm not fasted it is about 50-55 beats per minute (for the same time of the day and before exercising). I think fasting gives the heart a rest from digestion and is good for the heart.
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    I feel ya...Popeyes WILL put on the bloat. I speak from experience!
  • vrojapu
    vrojapu Posts: 268 Member
    The only reason I can stay vegetarian is because I do not have a Popeye's on my daily commute - their chicken is irresistible!! Kudos on keeping your focus, Bob - to lose 41 lbs in a steady fashion is terrific. I'm sure it feels even more wonderful to be able to run again. On another note, the Wasatch area you mentioned is so beautiful. I have a soft spot for Mt Timpanogos ever since I first saw it!
  • Lipka1le
    Lipka1le Posts: 163 Member
    Great job on the jogging!
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    vrojapu wrote: »
    The only reason I can stay vegetarian is because I do not have a Popeye's on my daily commute - their chicken is irresistible!! Kudos on keeping your focus, Bob - to lose 41 lbs in a steady fashion is terrific. I'm sure it feels even more wonderful to be able to run again. On another note, the Wasatch area you mentioned is so beautiful. I have a soft spot for Mt Timpanogos ever since I first saw it!

    My big self was sooooo polluted with Popeye's that I would nearly have to call into work because I was so beaten down by the sodium and grease. I suspect someone saw a vein jump out of my skin and beg me to stop!

    I still do Popeye's once in a while, but because of their nutrition-lacking makeup, I just don't get cravings for them very often. It's just as well.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    edited March 2016
    I was a once or twice a week addict myself. Was a couple hundred yards from work. I was a regular so they would load me up also. Egads, no wonder I was fat! That and grandmas cookies and twix to keep me from going into an after lunch coma!

    I will probably still go, but its going to be the rare occasion!