Meticulous May?



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I'm terrible... I was going to go run Wed. because I was too sore from Mon. to lift. But that didn't happen. Then I was going to lift weights last night, and that didn't happen.

    I think I might need to abandon my weight lifting plans anyway because I'm trying to get ready to move next month (hopefully).

    I hate the gym. And I'm rural as well so it's a bit of a drive. Plus, costs too much.
    I have kettlebells DH bought me, but for the past 10 weeks I've been doing bodyweight training with my oldest boy (11)(YAYOG-You Are Your Own Gym-It's a book. You can find it in a library or order it. I checked it out of a library first and decided it was a keeper so I bought it.)

    I have muscles on my arms now that you can see. My muscles have muscles. I'll be starting 1-Arm inclined push-ups next week when I start the Master Class (advanced program). If you're interested, there are loads of links around. And awesome progression charts, too. Nerd Fitness and their bodyweight stuff is a good place to start. And if their exercises are too easy, you can always find a harder progression. You can do them entirely in and around your own home. I do the Pull work outside. The kids have monkey bars DH built. So I use those to do inverted rows and assisted pullups.

    Anyway, just thoughts you can take or leave. :smile:
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I'm terrible... I was going to go run Wed. because I was too sore from Mon. to lift. But that didn't happen. Then I was going to lift weights last night, and that didn't happen.

    I think I might need to abandon my weight lifting plans anyway because I'm trying to get ready to move next month (hopefully).

    I hate the gym. And I'm rural as well so it's a bit of a drive. Plus, costs too much.
    I have kettlebells DH bought me, but for the past 10 weeks I've been doing bodyweight training with my oldest boy (11)(YAYOG-You Are Your Own Gym-It's a book. You can find it in a library or order it. I checked it out of a library first and decided it was a keeper so I bought it.)

    I have muscles on my arms now that you can see. My muscles have muscles. I'll be starting 1-Arm inclined push-ups next week when I start the Master Class (advanced program). If you're interested, there are loads of links around. And awesome progression charts, too. Nerd Fitness and their bodyweight stuff is a good place to start. And if their exercises are too easy, you can always find a harder progression. You can do them entirely in and around your own home. I do the Pull work outside. The kids have monkey bars DH built. So I use those to do inverted rows and assisted pullups.

    Anyway, just thoughts you can take or leave. :smile:

    I was considering getting some dumbbells at some point and maybe a treadmill at some time after I get moved into my new place. But I'll be going back to class soon after that too... I graduate in Oct., so perhaps just in time for winter indoor exercise.
  • 60to35
    60to35 Posts: 297 Member
    I work out at home. The nearest gym is 45 miles away. I get away with a treadmill, bike, and dumbbells. I run outside when I feel brave and decide the bears won't eat me. I have lots of workout DVDs and do some on line stuff. There are lots of options.
    My husband got me a treadmill for Christmas one year. His friends couldn't believe a guy would give his wife a TM as a gift. Guess it's like giving a membership to weight watchers. ;) I loved it!
  • becwana
    becwana Posts: 157 Member
    Had a really fun day with a friend which led to me making some really bad food choices. Waaayyyy over in my calories and carbs.
    Usually I would have conveniently 'forgotten' to log it but as I commited to this challenge, it's all there!
    Tomorrow I will make better choices!
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    SW (Dec '15) 247
    SW (5/1/16) 198.2
    CW (5/6/16) 197.2
    GW (5/31/16) 193
    GW (Dec '16) 175

    Carbs: <20
    Food choices: good
    Exercise : none

    My 5 pound roller coaster is back in operation :/ and today was a 2# up :#
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    Sympathy reblazed.
    I love kettlebells. There are so many free youtube videos about how you can use them. I have 1 sets in low weight, the 2 single kettlebells of higher weights.

    I keep them at work, and so can do a few weights in between other things. When I was 5 kg lighter, and fitter last year, I could swing them like a champion.. now.. as I am just starting to drop weight and have become very unfit, a few swings and I am wasted... but ... I do enjoy them.
  • SarahKratos
    SarahKratos Posts: 58 Member
    65 squats
    200 Kettlebell Swings at 25 pounds
    2 1/2 mile walk

    Exercise every day but still can't budge the weight! Only .6 pounds! I think the medicine I'm taking for my Lymes disease and anaplasmosis is causing me to retain water. I noticed that my ankles are swollen. Hopefully this will change eventually.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Forgot to reply last night. Day 6 was good.

    Good gym session, and good food choices.

    Weekends are always difficult for me as I often end up eating at weird times.

    I'm going out for dinner tonight with hubs so will try to make the best choice but obviously I won't be able to log accurately. I don't mind though - it's our first date night in a very long time!
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited May 2016
    Mum is back for 2 weeks. I explained that my food choices in the week she was here, that I decided so that I would be more inclusive of what she was eating, had taken me 3 days to recover from. Mum said, well that's no good is it. We agreed that we "couldn't be having that". I then explained what food intollerances I was exploring and turns out something makes her sneeze, so she was genuinely interested. Wow. Glad that cat is out the bag. I showed her how I modified my soup n salad a bit compared to hers and we both enjoyed chicken n veg soup plus salad. Progress! She gave me irish fudge and we had one each then hid the pack. Feeling more confident with boundary settings :)
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    feeling awesome again - did meaty 5 days to begin May and now have changed to Intermittent Fasting - went a little over my carbs yesterday but haven't felt this good in a long time, the long time pain I get after eating seems to be disappearing and I am finding I am not hungry any more - its great to be back in the zone again
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,500 Member
    Going to do my check in now, since no scale tomorrow morning. I logged everything that went into my mouth this week, so check.

    Down from 268.4 to 266. When I do log I have always been big on including all.
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    SW (Dec '15) 247
    SW (5/1/16) 198.2
    CW (5/7/16) 194.6
    GW (5/31/16) 193
    GW (Dec '16) 175

    Carbs: <20
    Food choices: good
    Exercise : none

    My 5 pound roller coaster is back in operation :/ and yesterday was a 2# up today down 2.6 tomorrow who knows ... but the trend is slowly down :)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I gave myself 2 days off for my birthday celebrations (ate somewhat LCHF during it but also had ice cream, etc.) but back to logging tomorrow!
  • SarahKratos
    SarahKratos Posts: 58 Member
    Just checking in! I'm out of town for the weekend celebrating my Mom and Mom-in-law then tomorrow my kids celebrate with me! Great time to talk about the good old days...
  • 60to35
    60to35 Posts: 297 Member
    edited May 2016
    Finally- down a hard fought pound ! Never thought it was going to happen. And just in time for Mother's Day!!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I logged crock pot scrambled eggs with ham, pepper, cheese on Fri. and was 1,300 calories over for the day. In fact, I ate some of it on Fri., some on Sat., and some on Sun. Not technically meticulous logging, but I am ok with this. I was fine on calories for the week from Mon.-Sun. Not as meticulous as I normally am, but I'm thinking about doing it again anyway this week because I have more supplies for such a dish.
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    SW (Dec '15) 247
    SW (5/1/16) 198.2
    CW (5/7/16) 191.8
    GW (5/31/16) 193
    GW (Dec '16) 175

    Carbs: <20
    Food choices: good
    Exercise : none .. need to start going on a schedule!

    New low today ... yeah. and the beginning of a new roller coaster ride gotta say it's never boring :D
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    edited May 2016
    So I didn't manage to check in here over the weekend - was out for dinner with the hubs on Saturday night and did not make the best food choices - including cheesecake.

    In it's normal way this led to a binge day on Sunday which I also did not log and included pizza.

    I'm so disappointed in myself, but today is a new day. I have no food prepped (because the binge doesn't exactly lead to food prepping for the week), but will make the best choice I can at lunchtime - maybe some roast chicken and a salad, after the gym, and tonight I'm making's kung pow chicken which will leave me with lunches for the next two days as well as dinner for me and hubs tonight.

    I'm glad I started this challenge because that binge could easily have spread into this week without you guys.

    @reblazed Congrats on the new low, I started this challenge at 194.4 and would love to see the 180's when I weigh at the end of the month - you should be plenty in there by then, even with the rollercoaster :)

  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    fell off the wagon yesterday - didn't listen to my body properly and ended up bingeing last night - have put it behind me and back to meticulous logging - really trying to work out what foods agree and what doesn't agree with me so going to have to start working out what gives me the pains so that I can eliminate it from my diet